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(12-20-2020, 02:27 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 01:38 AM)mr.fundamental Wrote: So Russia did it but not a word from TRUMP... TREASON!!!

I don't think the Orange Menace has criticized Russia or Putin a single time in his four year reign of terror in the Oval Office.

Hard to say anything with your mouth full, if you get my drift.

And by the way, our two right wing radicals, if we can’t criticize Trump for this cyberattack disaster, then you all certainly need to quit praising him for vaccines being ready. Can’t have your cake and eat it too.
The way Hooter and TRT look at there Dear Leader he can do know wrong that is a definition of a cult
(12-19-2020, 11:00 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-19-2020, 06:37 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-19-2020, 03:21 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-19-2020, 02:34 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Oh no. 
We were all wrong. Trump has set us all straight this morning. This isn’t important and China was guilty of this unimportant hack.

Hoot and TRT now you know the truth. Defend Dear Leader.

There was a time on here when I contended often to the affect that America needs both political parties to maintain balance. Then my worst suspicions were eclipsed and the Dem's evil plan to neuter the Republican Party was realized.

America is comprised of 350 million free and equal people. According to the Constitution all of those people deserve equal representation, something MR Trump took seriously and provided. Certainly the 64 million people who elected MR Trump deserved a government led by their choice. That didn't happen and rather than experiencing the well deserved shame of it, the left have reveled in the resistance the entirety of the past 4 years. But beginning with the Obama regime, the Dems were the ones who splintered and fractured the domestic tranquillity of the American people in their attempts to manipulate the vote on racial grounds which did not even exist. You've lied and misrepresented the true circumstances to that end and frankly though your tired act has been mind numbingly consistent, it is no more true now than it was at the outset.

This whole historically unfortunate affair with 'the resistance' has not taken on one shred of legitimacy over the course of time.

What the hell does any of that have to do with Trump giving the Russians a pass on a cyberattack that happened on his watch?  

One last whine about how none of this is Trump’s fault? 
Who am kidding this will not be the will get worse when they cuff him and stuff him. 

I guarantee if Biden screws up this many times you’ll be calling him out.  No way in hell will Trumpers say “well, we did spend 2 months challenging his election and obstructing his transition, so the guy deserves a break.”

I didn't hear him give anybody any pass on anything. Lou Dobbs had already stated that Russia and China were the likely participants and I mentioned that in the thread starter. I did hear something about retribution. The President isn't responsible for keeping cyber-infiltration in check, that is the responsibility of the US intelligence community and they were sound asleep. But in view of your less than laudable batting average on here I will stop short of bowing to this most recent proclamation of victory on your part, and just wait for the real version to unfold but thanks anyway.

On the back end of the rather unremarkable video you posted I did however hear Joe prioritizing climate control and proclaiming his own victory over COVID even though there are 5 vaccines coming to bear on which he had zero impact. What a powerful rebuke to Xi and Putin! But climate control would be his administration's number one priority and as in the past, that fact has them terrified. And right now I can just see all the solar powered tractors out there tilling America's fertile fields, and I can see the fleets of battery powered semis silently trucking food aplenty to stores where it will be free for the taking. Oh but there was something I read about a Pale Horse. Modern civilization cannot exist apart from dependence on fossil fuels.

Trump is giving Russia a pass. He has a soft spot for Putin, because he knows he may need to live in Moscow one day. If he can get you folks to look elsewhere he can keep the heat low enough to keep his buddies close. 

I would love to see those renewable resources for all citizens. Put the full weight of the US govt, and it will happen.  

I had no idea the prophecy of Revelations tied humanity to big oil and coal. Who came up with that doozy? 

TRT, you realize you did what I said you would do in my post.  Biden hasn’t even set foot in the Oval Office yet and you’re already thrashing him.  
Faux News fed you garbage again. 

Here is Biden’s response:
Maybe Hillary Clinton sold the Russians more that a sizable chunk of our uranium reserves. Maybe she did some shady deals with the Chinese Communist Party too. Lock her up, President Trump!

(12-20-2020, 01:22 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Maybe Hillary Clinton sold the Russians more that a sizable chunk of our uranium reserves. Maybe she did some shady deals with the Chinese Communist Party too. Lock her up, President Trump!

He had 4 years.
Another Trump lie to his radicalized supporters.
(12-20-2020, 01:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Trump is giving Russia a pass. He has a soft spot for Putin, because he knows he may need to live in Moscow one day. If he can get you folks to look elsewhere he can keep the heat low enough to keep his buddies close. 

I would love to see those renewable resources for all citizens. Put the full weight of the US govt, and it will happen.  

I had no idea the prophecy of Revelations tied humanity to big oil and coal. Who came up with that doozy? 

TRT, you realize you did what I said you would do in my post.  Biden hasn’t even set foot in the Oval Office yet and you’re already thrashing him.  
Faux News fed you garbage again. 

Here is Biden’s response:

I am always aware what I post thank you. Was it not you who referenced the video with Joe going on about climate change again and still? I also remember Obama and Biden's response the ISIS when they were preparing for the Paris Peace Conference- “Next week, I will be joining President Hollande and world leaders in Paris for the global climate conference,” Obama said during his prepared remarks, which focused mostly on the efforts to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be, when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children,” he added.

Now you can straighten me out here but explain to me which rebuke the terrorists of ISIS paid any attention to. Obama's or Trump's?

There is no 's' at the end of the Title of the book in question, The Revelation of John. You are slippery and I have given you credit for that often times past, that doesn't make you objective, much less accurate. What ties humanity to big oil and coal is the provision of God. Like everything else we have in this life those commodities are dug up out of the ground because after all, He did put them there for us to use. Ground that He created for men to trod upon and from which they derive their means of existence. I mean I get it, revision temporarily cures all pangs of conscience, Satan certainly relies on that tactic. But the pursuit of Globalism is not the answer to the ills that confront humanity. A proper introduction to the saving power of Christ on the other hand would cure many ills. AFTR, free and fair elections in this country are certainly no impingement to solving the ills of man either.

The resistance began the night Dems realized Hillary lost and there is absolutely nothing new or original in thought with regard to the nature of the stuff you post. Which is made up baloney. IF Biden won fairly then the heart of this nation served by government of and for the people, would be set aright. There is no logical reason to deny the people clarity if things were really on the up and up. As to what Biden says it's absurd to think that the resistance/in-the-tank news agencies of the left, could be in a place after over 4 years of 24/7 attack to now dictate capitulation to conservatives, which even minus the number of changed votes still totals over 74 million.

What's really changed here? You're still the same old game of trying to define reality for myself and people like Mark Levin and so many notable others. It won't happen. My own power to affect change is un-measurable when compared to the authority of government even at the local level, much less the state and federal. I know my limits and I also understand that not everybody will be swayed by my logic. I still offer my opinion FWIW. On the other hand I know what God has said, which is that His Word will not return unto Him void. Isaiah 55:11 
(12-20-2020, 03:12 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 01:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Trump is giving Russia a pass. He has a soft spot for Putin, because he knows he may need to live in Moscow one day. If he can get you folks to look elsewhere he can keep the heat low enough to keep his buddies close. 

I would love to see those renewable resources for all citizens. Put the full weight of the US govt, and it will happen.  

I had no idea the prophecy of Revelations tied humanity to big oil and coal. Who came up with that doozy? 

TRT, you realize you did what I said you would do in my post.  Biden hasn’t even set foot in the Oval Office yet and you’re already thrashing him.  
Faux News fed you garbage again. 

Here is Biden’s response:

There is no 's' at the end of the Title of the book in question, The Revelation of John. You are slippery and I have given you credit for that often times past, that doesn't make you objective, much less accurate. What ties humanity to big oil and coal is the provision of God. Like everything else we have in this life those commodities are dug up out of the ground because after all, He did put them there for us to use. Ground that He created for men to trod upon and from which they derive their means of existence. I mean I get it, revision temporarily cures all pangs of conscience, Satan certainly relies on that tactic. But the pursuit of Globalism is not the answer to the ills that confront humanity. A proper introduction to the saving power of Christ on the other hand would cure many ills. AFTR, free and fair elections in this country are certainly no impingement to solving the ills of man either.

The resistance began the night Dems realized Hillary lost and there is absolutely nothing new or original in thought with regard to the nature of the stuff you post. Which is made up baloney. IF Biden won fairly then the heart of this nation served by government of and for the people, would be set aright. There is no logical reason to deny the people clarity if things were really on the up and up. As to what Biden says it's absurd to think that the resistance/in-the-tank news agencies of the left, could be in a place after over 4 years of 24/7 attack to now dictate capitulation to conservatives, which even minus the number of changed votes still totals over 74 million.

What's really changed here? You're still the same old game of trying to define reality for myself and people like Mark Levin and so many notable others. It won't happen. My own power to affect change is un-measurable when compared to the authority of government even at the local level, much less the state and federal. I know my limits and I also understand that not everybody will be swayed by my logic. I still offer my opinion FWIW. On the other hand I know what God has said, which is that His Word will not return unto Him void. Isaiah 55:11 

I believe the Kool Aid is playing tricks on your memory
Hillary conceded 24 hours after the polls closed
She had more to complain about the election than your Dear Leader remeber she got over 3 million votes than the Dear Leader and she still conceded
Now your Dear Leader lost this one by over 7 million votes and the electoral vote about the same
You need to stay off the Kool Aid
(12-20-2020, 03:12 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 01:13 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Trump is giving Russia a pass. He has a soft spot for Putin, because he knows he may need to live in Moscow one day. If he can get you folks to look elsewhere he can keep the heat low enough to keep his buddies close. 

I would love to see those renewable resources for all citizens. Put the full weight of the US govt, and it will happen.  

I had no idea the prophecy of Revelations tied humanity to big oil and coal. Who came up with that doozy? 

TRT, you realize you did what I said you would do in my post.  Biden hasn’t even set foot in the Oval Office yet and you’re already thrashing him.  
Faux News fed you garbage again. 

Here is Biden’s response:

I am always aware what I post thank you. Was it not you who referenced the video with Joe going on about climate change again and still? I also remember Obama and Biden's response the ISIS when they were preparing for the Paris Peace Conference- “Next week, I will be joining President Hollande and world leaders in Paris for the global climate conference,” Obama said during his prepared remarks, which focused mostly on the efforts to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“What a powerful rebuke to the terrorists it will be, when the world stands as one and shows that we will not be deterred from building a better future for our children,” he added.

Now you can straighten me out here but explain to me which rebuke the terrorists of ISIS paid any attention to. Obama's or Trump's?

There is no 's' at the end of the Title of the book in question, The Revelation of John. You are slippery and I have given you credit for that often times past, that doesn't make you objective, much less accurate. What ties humanity to big oil and coal is the provision of God. Like everything else we have in this life those commodities are dug up out of the ground because after all, He did put them there for us to use. Ground that He created for men to trod upon and from which they derive their means of existence. I mean I get it, revision temporarily cures all pangs of conscience, Satan certainly relies on that tactic. But the pursuit of Globalism is not the answer to the ills that confront humanity. A proper introduction to the saving power of Christ on the other hand would cure many ills. AFTR, free and fair elections in this country are certainly no impingement to solving the ills of man either.

The resistance began the night Dems realized Hillary lost and there is absolutely nothing new or original in thought with regard to the nature of the stuff you post. Which is made up baloney. IF Biden won fairly then the heart of this nation served by government of and for the people, would be set aright. There is no logical reason to deny the people clarity if things were really on the up and up. As to what Biden says it's absurd to think that the resistance/in-the-tank news agencies of the left, could be in a place after over 4 years of 24/7 attack to now dictate capitulation to conservatives, which even minus the number of changed votes still totals over 74 million.

What's really changed here? You're still the same old game of trying to define reality for myself and people like Mark Levin and so many notable others. It won't happen. My own power to affect change is un-measurable when compared to the authority of government even at the local level, much less the state and federal. I know my limits and I also understand that not everybody will be swayed by my logic. I still offer my opinion FWIW. On the other hand I know what God has said, which is that His Word will not return unto Him void. Isaiah 55:11 

I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.
The Chinese Communist Party owns members of Congress and Democrats and some Republicans desperately to put China Joe Biden into the White House. There is no cybersecurity when you have traitors with top secret clearances able to access "secure" networks.

[Video: ]
(12-20-2020, 07:20 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: The Chinese Communist Party owns members of Congress and Democrats and some Republicans desperately to put China Joe Biden into the White House. There is no cybersecurity when you have traitors with top secret clearances able to access "secure" networks.

[Video: ]

Election officials have certified Joe Biden as the winner of the U.S. Presidential election
(12-20-2020, 04:29 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.

You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 04:29 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.

You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

Some of Trumps's own people have admitted that declaring martial law was discussed at a White House meeting, with Flynn being the ringleader.  His ties to Russia are well known so it kind of makes you wonder what Flynn's real motives are.
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 04:29 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.

You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

(12-21-2020, 10:14 AM)The Outsider Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 04:29 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.

You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

Some of Trumps's own people have admitted that declaring martial law was discussed at a White House meeting, with Flynn being the ringleader.  His ties to Russia are well known so it kind of makes you wonder what Flynn's real motives are.

They weren’t trading Christmas Cards.  Flynn was on the day before floating this craziness.  Trump liked what he heard, so he brought this criminal in to listen to his ideas. Desperation is making Trump’s authoritarian show. 

I really hate getting off topic, but I’m certain we are looking at a gradual process that phases out the use of fossil fuels and uses mostly renewable resources. However, politicians will need to work together, abstain from rolling back changes, and not use fear of change and absolute lies to garner votes.  

Now back on topic.  Russia has attacked 18,000+ public and private institutions in this cyberattack.  Who knows what they will do with the information they have mined, but if the past is any indication, there will be a slow drip to undermine our democracy.  

Putin will constantly use it as disinformation to undermine the American faith in its institutions.   This worked so well in the past that nearly half of America elected a man who is willing to openly destroy it for his own pride.
(12-21-2020, 11:17 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 04:29 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.

You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

(12-21-2020, 10:14 AM)The Outsider Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 04:29 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.

You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

Some of Trumps's own people have admitted that declaring martial law was discussed at a White House meeting, with Flynn being the ringleader.  His ties to Russia are well known so it kind of makes you wonder what Flynn's real motives are.

They weren’t trading Christmas Cards.  Flynn was on the day before floating this craziness.  Trump liked what he heard, so he brought this criminal in to listen to his ideas. Desperation is making Trump’s authoritarian show. 

I really hate getting off topic, but I’m certain we are looking at a gradual process that phases out the use of fossil fuels and uses mostly renewable resources. However, politicians will need to work together, abstain from rolling back changes, and not use fear of change and absolute lies to garner votes.  

Now back on topic.  Russia has attacked 18,000+ public and private institutions in this cyberattack.  Who knows what they will do with the information they have mined, but if the past is any indication, there will be a slow drip to undermine our democracy.  

Putin will constantly use it as disinformation to undermine the American faith in its institutions.   This worked so well in the past that nearly half of America elected a man who is willing to openly destroy it for his own pride.

The days when we had the time to wait for slow drips are gone. The way things move right now I doubt this conversation will have had the time to fade from memory before we begin to see some pretty profound ramifications. Everything has been compromised from wartime defensive/offensive strategies based on endless whatifs, to electrical grid woes, to wall street losses.
The days when we had the time to wait for slow drips are gone. The way things move right now I doubt this conversation will have had the time to fade from memory before we begin to see some pretty profound ramifications. Everything has been compromised from wartime defensive/offensive strategies based on endless whatifs, to electrical grid woes, to wall street losses.

All under your Dear Leader's watch unbelievable
(12-21-2020, 07:45 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 11:17 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 04:29 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.

You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

(12-21-2020, 10:14 AM)The Outsider Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 04:29 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.

You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

Some of Trumps's own people have admitted that declaring martial law was discussed at a White House meeting, with Flynn being the ringleader.  His ties to Russia are well known so it kind of makes you wonder what Flynn's real motives are.

They weren’t trading Christmas Cards.  Flynn was on the day before floating this craziness.  Trump liked what he heard, so he brought this criminal in to listen to his ideas. Desperation is making Trump’s authoritarian show. 

I really hate getting off topic, but I’m certain we are looking at a gradual process that phases out the use of fossil fuels and uses mostly renewable resources. However, politicians will need to work together, abstain from rolling back changes, and not use fear of change and absolute lies to garner votes.  

Now back on topic.  Russia has attacked 18,000+ public and private institutions in this cyberattack.  Who knows what they will do with the information they have mined, but if the past is any indication, there will be a slow drip to undermine our democracy.  

Putin will constantly use it as disinformation to undermine the American faith in its institutions.   This worked so well in the past that nearly half of America elected a man who is willing to openly destroy it for his own pride.

The days when we had the time to wait for slow drips are gone. The way things move right now I doubt this conversation will have had the time to fade from memory before we begin to see some pretty profound ramifications. Everything has been compromised from wartime defensive/offensive strategies based on endless whatifs, to electrical grid woes, to wall street losses.
Democrats are tripping all over themselves selling access to our government to the Chinese Communists. It is demoralizing to sit through Operation Security (Opsec) and Cyber Security training knowing how many of our elected and appointed officials raise all sorts of red flags that would disqualify them from working as a federal contractor in any capacity. Joe Biden checks all of the boxes for an insider threat. Ditto for Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

If all of the traitors in DC were tried, convicted, and put to work on chain gangs, we could eliminate the need for illegal aliens to perform unskilled labor overnight.
(12-21-2020, 08:09 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 07:45 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 11:17 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 04:29 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: I posted the Lou Dobbs cover Fox’s rear backtrack. What played after is not on me.  

Got to love that revisionist history. 

Didn’t God make the sun? Any chemicals, substances, and methods we may use to harness energy?

You’re wrong, and as usual it’s Obama, HRC, and the lack of Bible following that is the problem. When in reality, you hitched your wagon to a man that is starting to look like a traitor to this country rather than just a reality star buffoon who was way over his head.

You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

(12-21-2020, 10:14 AM)The Outsider Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

Some of Trumps's own people have admitted that declaring martial law was discussed at a White House meeting, with Flynn being the ringleader.  His ties to Russia are well known so it kind of makes you wonder what Flynn's real motives are.

They weren’t trading Christmas Cards.  Flynn was on the day before floating this craziness.  Trump liked what he heard, so he brought this criminal in to listen to his ideas. Desperation is making Trump’s authoritarian show. 

I really hate getting off topic, but I’m certain we are looking at a gradual process that phases out the use of fossil fuels and uses mostly renewable resources. However, politicians will need to work together, abstain from rolling back changes, and not use fear of change and absolute lies to garner votes.  

Now back on topic.  Russia has attacked 18,000+ public and private institutions in this cyberattack.  Who knows what they will do with the information they have mined, but if the past is any indication, there will be a slow drip to undermine our democracy.  

Putin will constantly use it as disinformation to undermine the American faith in its institutions.   This worked so well in the past that nearly half of America elected a man who is willing to openly destroy it for his own pride.

The days when we had the time to wait for slow drips are gone. The way things move right now I doubt this conversation will have had the time to fade from memory before we begin to see some pretty profound ramifications. Everything has been compromised from wartime defensive/offensive strategies based on endless whatifs, to electrical grid woes, to wall street losses.
Democrats are tripping all over themselves selling access to our government to the Chinese Communists. It is demoralizing to sit through Operation Security (Opsec) and Cyber Security training knowing how many of our elected and appointed officials raise all sorts of red flags that would disqualify them from working as a federal contractor in any capacity. Joe Biden checks all of the boxes for an insider threat. Ditto for Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

If all of the traitors in DC were tried, convicted, and put to work on chain gangs, we could eliminate the need for illegal aliens to perform unskilled labor overnight.

You know I’d believe a yarn like this if you didn’t support Trump who’s administration has been blatantly  irresponsible with secure information and clearance.
(12-21-2020, 08:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:09 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 07:45 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 11:17 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-20-2020, 11:23 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: You also posted as if it were fact, another false charge to add to the hundreds of false charges you have made on here. You said Trump had a meeting in which a plan to declare marshal law was discussed. But that of course as it turns out was yet another lie started by the left. Then when the Administration calls your side out for starting the lie you just shift gears and try to say they're lying about not having had any such meeting or making any such plan. Pretty convenient when you can play both sides continually, in such cases you are both arsonist and fireman.

So you do recognize God as creator then? God obviously made the sun. The problem as I keep pointing out, is that the technology does not yet exist at sufficient levels to provide the necessary power to feed and clothe and provide health care and manufacturing, and build and maintain private and public property and lands, and run the US military and domestic law enforcement and on and on. You know this but yet you invariably make the dishonest argument.

(12-21-2020, 10:14 AM)The Outsider Wrote: Some of Trumps's own people have admitted that declaring martial law was discussed at a White House meeting, with Flynn being the ringleader.  His ties to Russia are well known so it kind of makes you wonder what Flynn's real motives are.

They weren’t trading Christmas Cards.  Flynn was on the day before floating this craziness.  Trump liked what he heard, so he brought this criminal in to listen to his ideas. Desperation is making Trump’s authoritarian show. 

I really hate getting off topic, but I’m certain we are looking at a gradual process that phases out the use of fossil fuels and uses mostly renewable resources. However, politicians will need to work together, abstain from rolling back changes, and not use fear of change and absolute lies to garner votes.  

Now back on topic.  Russia has attacked 18,000+ public and private institutions in this cyberattack.  Who knows what they will do with the information they have mined, but if the past is any indication, there will be a slow drip to undermine our democracy.  

Putin will constantly use it as disinformation to undermine the American faith in its institutions.   This worked so well in the past that nearly half of America elected a man who is willing to openly destroy it for his own pride.

The days when we had the time to wait for slow drips are gone. The way things move right now I doubt this conversation will have had the time to fade from memory before we begin to see some pretty profound ramifications. Everything has been compromised from wartime defensive/offensive strategies based on endless whatifs, to electrical grid woes, to wall street losses.
Democrats are tripping all over themselves selling access to our government to the Chinese Communists. It is demoralizing to sit through Operation Security (Opsec) and Cyber Security training knowing how many of our elected and appointed officials raise all sorts of red flags that would disqualify them from working as a federal contractor in any capacity. Joe Biden checks all of the boxes for an insider threat. Ditto for Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

If all of the traitors in DC were tried, convicted, and put to work on chain gangs, we could eliminate the need for illegal aliens to perform unskilled labor overnight.

You know I’d believe a yarn like this if you didn’t support Trump who’s administration has been blatantly  irresponsible with secure information and clearance.
You don't know the first thing about cyber security, so stop pretending that you do.
(12-21-2020, 08:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:09 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 07:45 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 11:17 AM)Cardfan1 Wrote: They weren’t trading Christmas Cards.  Flynn was on the day before floating this craziness.  Trump liked what he heard, so he brought this criminal in to listen to his ideas. Desperation is making Trump’s authoritarian show. 

I really hate getting off topic, but I’m certain we are looking at a gradual process that phases out the use of fossil fuels and uses mostly renewable resources. However, politicians will need to work together, abstain from rolling back changes, and not use fear of change and absolute lies to garner votes.  

Now back on topic.  Russia has attacked 18,000+ public and private institutions in this cyberattack.  Who knows what they will do with the information they have mined, but if the past is any indication, there will be a slow drip to undermine our democracy.  

Putin will constantly use it as disinformation to undermine the American faith in its institutions.   This worked so well in the past that nearly half of America elected a man who is willing to openly destroy it for his own pride.

The days when we had the time to wait for slow drips are gone. The way things move right now I doubt this conversation will have had the time to fade from memory before we begin to see some pretty profound ramifications. Everything has been compromised from wartime defensive/offensive strategies based on endless whatifs, to electrical grid woes, to wall street losses.
Democrats are tripping all over themselves selling access to our government to the Chinese Communists. It is demoralizing to sit through Operation Security (Opsec) and Cyber Security training knowing how many of our elected and appointed officials raise all sorts of red flags that would disqualify them from working as a federal contractor in any capacity. Joe Biden checks all of the boxes for an insider threat. Ditto for Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

If all of the traitors in DC were tried, convicted, and put to work on chain gangs, we could eliminate the need for illegal aliens to perform unskilled labor overnight.

You know I’d believe a yarn like this if you didn’t support Trump who’s administration has been blatantly  irresponsible with secure information and clearance.
You don't know the first thing about cyber security, so stop pretending that you do.
Don’t have to.  

I don’t believe you.

You can’t spread lies and disinformation, and then expect anybody to believe you.
(12-21-2020, 09:05 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:09 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 07:45 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: The days when we had the time to wait for slow drips are gone. The way things move right now I doubt this conversation will have had the time to fade from memory before we begin to see some pretty profound ramifications. Everything has been compromised from wartime defensive/offensive strategies based on endless whatifs, to electrical grid woes, to wall street losses.
Democrats are tripping all over themselves selling access to our government to the Chinese Communists. It is demoralizing to sit through Operation Security (Opsec) and Cyber Security training knowing how many of our elected and appointed officials raise all sorts of red flags that would disqualify them from working as a federal contractor in any capacity. Joe Biden checks all of the boxes for an insider threat. Ditto for Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

If all of the traitors in DC were tried, convicted, and put to work on chain gangs, we could eliminate the need for illegal aliens to perform unskilled labor overnight.

You know I’d believe a yarn like this if you didn’t support Trump who’s administration has been blatantly  irresponsible with secure information and clearance.
You don't know the first thing about cyber security, so stop pretending that you do.
Don’t have to.  

I don’t believe you.

You can’t spread lies and disinformation, and then expect anybody to believe you.
I don't care whether liars believe me or not. I spend one to two days a year training on cyber security. That doesn't make me an expert but it does mean that I take the same training that many federal employees are required to take. You don't. Do you?
(12-21-2020, 10:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 09:05 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:09 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Democrats are tripping all over themselves selling access to our government to the Chinese Communists. It is demoralizing to sit through Operation Security (Opsec) and Cyber Security training knowing how many of our elected and appointed officials raise all sorts of red flags that would disqualify them from working as a federal contractor in any capacity. Joe Biden checks all of the boxes for an insider threat. Ditto for Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

If all of the traitors in DC were tried, convicted, and put to work on chain gangs, we could eliminate the need for illegal aliens to perform unskilled labor overnight.

You know I’d believe a yarn like this if you didn’t support Trump who’s administration has been blatantly  irresponsible with secure information and clearance.
You don't know the first thing about cyber security, so stop pretending that you do.
Don’t have to.  

I don’t believe you.

You can’t spread lies and disinformation, and then expect anybody to believe you.
I don't care whether liars believe me or not. I spend one to two days a year training on cyber security. That doesn't make me an expert but it does mean that I take the same training that many federal employees are required to take. You don't. Do you?
Big Grin 
I spend zero days a year training on cyber security, but I know reading your posts I ain’t buying anything you’re peddling. 

You already peed away your credibility.  Don’t feel bad. At least this an anonymous message board,   Imagine those poor folks who have toasted their political career pushing Trump’s lies and unAmerican policies.
(12-21-2020, 10:30 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 10:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 09:05 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: You know I’d believe a yarn like this if you didn’t support Trump who’s administration has been blatantly  irresponsible with secure information and clearance.
You don't know the first thing about cyber security, so stop pretending that you do.
Don’t have to.  

I don’t believe you.

You can’t spread lies and disinformation, and then expect anybody to believe you.
I don't care whether liars believe me or not. I spend one to two days a year training on cyber security. That doesn't make me an expert but it does mean that I take the same training that many federal employees are required to take. You don't. Do you?
Big Grin 
I spend zero days a year training on cyber security, but I know reading your posts I ain’t buying anything you’re peddling. 

You already peed away your credibility.  Don’t feel bad. At least this an anonymous message board,   Imagine those poor folks who have toasted their political career pushing Trump’s lies and unAmerican policies.
You're too modest. You are one of the four biggest liars that regularly participate in this forum. Trump has done nothing but exercise his rights to demand a fair election. Nothing he has done has violated any law. So, that's another lie to your credit, but this is not the first time that you told it. Go ahead and celebrate the prospect of being ruled by a Chinese proxy. We patriots are not going anywhere.
Thank you. If you believe I’m lying then I’m on the path of truth, justice, and the American way.

Well, technically he has been impeached (there is that), but let’s focus on his last 30 days and if he attempts to do any of this garbage your heroes are proposing and he may just break those laws.

I will celebrate being ruled by Americans who respect the Constitution.

Some of you “patriots”will be headed to jail if you do what you’re threatening. :D
(12-21-2020, 10:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 09:05 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:09 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Democrats are tripping all over themselves selling access to our government to the Chinese Communists. It is demoralizing to sit through Operation Security (Opsec) and Cyber Security training knowing how many of our elected and appointed officials raise all sorts of red flags that would disqualify them from working as a federal contractor in any capacity. Joe Biden checks all of the boxes for an insider threat. Ditto for Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell.

If all of the traitors in DC were tried, convicted, and put to work on chain gangs, we could eliminate the need for illegal aliens to perform unskilled labor overnight.

You know I’d believe a yarn like this if you didn’t support Trump who’s administration has been blatantly  irresponsible with secure information and clearance.
You don't know the first thing about cyber security, so stop pretending that you do.
Don’t have to.  

I don’t believe you.

You can’t spread lies and disinformation, and then expect anybody to believe you.
I don't care whether liars believe me or not. I spend one to two days a year training on cyber security. That doesn't make me an expert but it does mean that I take the same training that many federal employees are required to take. You don't. Do you?

I do. I’m a federal worker as well. I take the same cyber security training every year. And you’re wrong.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Van Hagar's post:
  • Cardfan1
(12-22-2020, 02:20 PM)Van Hagar Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 10:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 09:05 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:44 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: You know I’d believe a yarn like this if you didn’t support Trump who’s administration has been blatantly  irresponsible with secure information and clearance.
You don't know the first thing about cyber security, so stop pretending that you do.
Don’t have to.  

I don’t believe you.

You can’t spread lies and disinformation, and then expect anybody to believe you.
I don't care whether liars believe me or not. I spend one to two days a year training on cyber security. That doesn't make me an expert but it does mean that I take the same training that many federal employees are required to take. You don't. Do you?

  I do. I’m a federal worker as well. I take the same cyber security training every year. And you’re wrong.
I don't believe you. If you received the training and were not lying, then you would understand that physical security is a key security component. If you provide CACs and passwords to insider threats, nothing else you do really matters. The foxes are in the hen house.
(12-22-2020, 03:16 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-22-2020, 02:20 PM)Van Hagar Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 10:13 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 09:05 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(12-21-2020, 08:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: You don't know the first thing about cyber security, so stop pretending that you do.
Don’t have to.  

I don’t believe you.

You can’t spread lies and disinformation, and then expect anybody to believe you.
I don't care whether liars believe me or not. I spend one to two days a year training on cyber security. That doesn't make me an expert but it does mean that I take the same training that many federal employees are required to take. You don't. Do you?

  I do. I’m a federal worker as well. I take the same cyber security training every year. And you’re wrong.
I don't believe you. If you received the training and were not lying, then you would understand that physical security is a key security component. If you provide CACs and passwords to insider threats, nothing else you do really matters. The foxes are in the hen house.

He's trans-cyber.
I’ve got 26 years in, and I can assure you I have cyber security training every year. And I understand it Hoot. And you are not wrong about what you can’t do, you are wrong about what you believe. Wide Right doesn’t understand it, I believe he is about 25 and still living in his parents basement, probably doesn’t have a job yet.
(12-22-2020, 07:03 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: I’ve got 26 years in, and I can assure you I have cyber security training every year. And I understand it Hoot. And you are not wrong about what you can’t do, you are wrong about what you believe. Wide Right doesn’t understand it, I believe he is about 25 and still living in his parents basement, probably doesn’t have a job yet.

HA! Thanks for the good laugh, I would confidently bet that I have accomplished more in my young career than you ever gave. You probably do have 26 years in taking advantage of the welfare system. With the lack of intelligence you have shown I have a tough time believing you would make the cut in any kind of a real career.
Ouch! Somebody’s feeling got hurt! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to downplay the great significance of your tenure as president of your high school’s young Republican club.
(12-23-2020, 11:02 AM)Van Hagar Wrote: Ouch! Somebody’s feeling got hurt! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to downplay the great significance of your tenure as president of your high school’s young Republican club.

Somebody’s feelings got hurt, must have been yours. Truth hurt doesn’t it? How’s that trans-cyber security career going?  Big Grin

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