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Stop the Steal
are you implying that your Dear Leader deploy the troops to take over the country so he can stay in power ?
Chris Christie finally loses it over Trump's election fraud claims.

(12-14-2020, 07:53 PM)vector#1 Wrote: are you implying that your Dear Leader deploy the troops to take over the country so he can stay in power ?

Trump is no politician, he ran for the office because he loves this country and like so many others including myself, has seen the moral misfortune which has and is choking the life out of our Republic. He knows a lot more about the election fraud which took place than do the people of this land, but he would never deploy troops to stay in power. And may I say for you to make that cheesy allege is low even by your standards.

But as usual you totally ignore the point of my post, which called attention to the fact that so many millions of Americans love President Trump, instead trying to twist my words in order to say something patently untrue. Better than you have tried it and failed, I can assure.
(12-14-2020, 10:49 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Chris Christie finally loses it over Trump's election fraud claims.

Chris Christie is an unelectable RINO blowhard and a member of the GOP establishment. Like John Kasich, Christie has more support among Democrats than among Republicans. Like John McCain before him, the mainstream media can always count on Christie to stab mainstream Republicans in the back in exchange for time in front of a camera.
(12-14-2020, 11:05 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 07:53 PM)vector#1 Wrote: are you implying that your Dear Leader deploy the troops to take over the country so he can stay in power ?

Trump is no politician, he ran for the office because he loves this country and like so many others including myself, has seen the moral misfortune which has and is choking the life out of our Republic. He knows a lot more about the election fraud which took place than do the people of this land, but he would never deploy troops to stay in power. And may I say for you to make that cheesy allege is low even by your standards.

But as usual you totally ignore the point of my post, which called attention to the fact that so many millions of Americans love President Trump, instead trying to twist my words in order to say something patently untrue. Better than you have tried it and failed, I can assure.

Maybe stuff like this is why he ignores your "points."  Donald Trump loves Donald Trump and absolutely NOTHING ELSE!   That's what a narcissist is. Those who have known him for four decades knows this. Those who follow him, on the other hand, do so with blind loyalty, even as he shreds democratic norms that have been in place for near 250 years.
But you are leaving one important thing out TRT there are over 7 million more people who also loves this country and FIRED your Dear Leader
Just what would the Dear Leader and his Hoopleheads do if the Dear Leader would of won the popular vote by over 3 million votes and lost the electoral vote now that would be something to see that happened in 2016 and within 24 hours Hillary conceded

If the Dear Leader thinks he could stay in power YES he would deploy the troops no doubt about it
Your Dear Leader loves nothing but the Dear Leader

"Chris Christie is an unelectable RINO blowhard and a member of the GOP establishment. Like John Kasich, Christie has more support among Democrats than among Republicans. Like John McCain before him, the mainstream media can always count on Christie to stab mainstream Republicans in the back in exchange for time in front of a camera."

Didn't Chris helped the Dear Leader with his debates ?
Then he caught the Trump Flu and it just about done him in
That's the same thing happened with Barr Dear Leader thought the world of him until he told him there was NO VOTER FRAUD then he turned on him like a light switch
The irony about Trump is that he demands blind loyalty, which he gets, but he is loyal towards no one. His followers mean nothing more to him than a means to further his own self-serving agenda.
(12-15-2020, 12:08 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 11:05 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 07:53 PM)vector#1 Wrote: are you implying that your Dear Leader deploy the troops to take over the country so he can stay in power ?

Trump is no politician, he ran for the office because he loves this country and like so many others including myself, has seen the moral misfortune which has and is choking the life out of our Republic. He knows a lot more about the election fraud which took place than do the people of this land, but he would never deploy troops to stay in power. And may I say for you to make that cheesy allege is low even by your standards.

But as usual you totally ignore the point of my post, which called attention to the fact that so many millions of Americans love President Trump, instead trying to twist my words in order to say something patently untrue. Better than you have tried it and failed, I can assure.

Maybe stuff like this is why he ignores your "points."  Donald Trump loves Donald Trump and absolutely NOTHING ELSE!   That's what a narcissist is. Those who have known him for four decades knows this. Those who follow him, on the other hand, do so with blind loyalty, even as he shreds democratic norms that have been in place for near 250 years.

You have a lot of trouble with the correct use of that quote button. I Stand by my post and frankly, if you want to believe lies then go for it. Whatever you are you're no psychiatrist, and even if you were you certainly couldn't credibly make categorical statements about what goes on in MR Trump's mind. You  have no idea about whether the President loves this country or not.

And for somebody like you who has swallowed hook line and sinker everything from Russia Collusion to dismissing the effectiveness of HydroxyChloroQuine on the word of the sworn resistance, to accuse anybody else of blindness is past hilarious.

I would ask you to list the norms he's shredded but I've already heard the talking points you'd parrot. And BTW, you're a retread.
Well it's official now
The Dear Leader and his Hoopleheads will fall in line now
(12-15-2020, 01:58 AM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-15-2020, 12:08 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 11:05 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 07:53 PM)vector#1 Wrote: are you implying that your Dear Leader deploy the troops to take over the country so he can stay in power ?

Trump is no politician, he ran for the office because he loves this country and like so many others including myself, has seen the moral misfortune which has and is choking the life out of our Republic. He knows a lot more about the election fraud which took place than do the people of this land, but he would never deploy troops to stay in power. And may I say for you to make that cheesy allege is low even by your standards.

But as usual you totally ignore the point of my post, which called attention to the fact that so many millions of Americans love President Trump, instead trying to twist my words in order to say something patently untrue. Better than you have tried it and failed, I can assure.

Maybe stuff like this is why he ignores your "points."  Donald Trump loves Donald Trump and absolutely NOTHING ELSE!   That's what a narcissist is. Those who have known him for four decades knows this. Those who follow him, on the other hand, do so with blind loyalty, even as he shreds democratic norms that have been in place for near 250 years.

You have a lot of trouble with the correct use of that quote button. I Stand by my post and frankly, if you want to believe lies then go for it. Whatever you are you're no psychiatrist, and even if you were you certainly couldn't credibly make categorical statements about what goes on in MR Trump's mind. You  have no idea about whether the President loves this country or not.

And for somebody like you who has swallowed hook line and sinker everything from Russia Collusion to dismissing the effectiveness of HydroxyChloroQuine on the word of the sworn resistance, to accuse anybody else of blindness is past hilarious.

I would ask you to list the norms he's shredded but I've already heard the talking points you'd parrot. And BTW, you're a retread.

Sorry, I'm not an internet forum warrior like you. I'm still learning the right clicks. I have a day job of teaching kids like yours, trying to undo all of the brainwashing and Bible-thumping that you have abused them with all their lives. And that, my dear sir, I am VERY good at.

(12-15-2020, 09:39 AM)vector#1 Wrote: Well it's official now
The Dear Leader and his Hoopleheads will fall in line now

Uh oh, Donald's gonna be really upset with his comrad! But what can he say, Putin owns him.
(12-15-2020, 10:44 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Sorry, I'm not an internet forum warrior like you. I'm still learning the right clicks. I have a day job of teaching kids like yours, trying to undo all of the brainwashing and Bible-thumping that you have abused them with all their lives. And that, my dear sir, I am VERY good at.

Yeah the truth according to Old School. Your little manifesto is no surprise to me or anybody else on here. But at least you were honest enough to admit you do much better in your efforts to manipulate kids with your causticisms than with adults. My kids know better than to listen to people who diminish the fact that God created this universe and that all people are beholden and answerable to Him. Thus as to the Bible thumping

Philippians 2
8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death: death on a cross.
9 For this reason also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name,
10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

One of two things will happen in Old School Hound's life. You will bow before Him, whether in this life where we have free will to do so on our own volition, or, if you choose to hold out until after you pass into eternity. But every last person ever born will bow, and they will sincerely say God is Lord of all.
Now that comrade Putin has recognize that Joe Biden will be the president when will Moscow Mitch come around
As comrade Stalin once said, it's not who votes that matter, it's who counts the votes. Every state where Dominion Voting Systems vote tabulators were used will soon undergo forensic audits. Nevada election officials in Clarke County (Las Vegas) determined how 70 percent of ballots were cast.

Also, for those who get your news from CNN and MSNBC, you may not be aware of the fact that 7 contested states have sent a slate of GOP electors to Washington, DC. There is still plenty of time to overturn the rigged 2020 presidential election in enough states to inaugurate the real winner on January 20.

Look for some historic developments around December 18th.

[-] The following 1 user Likes Hoot Gibson's post:
  • TheRealThing
(12-15-2020, 10:44 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-15-2020, 01:58 AM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-15-2020, 12:08 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 11:05 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 07:53 PM)vector#1 Wrote: are you implying that your Dear Leader deploy the troops to take over the country so he can stay in power ?

Trump is no politician, he ran for the office because he loves this country and like so many others including myself, has seen the moral misfortune which has and is choking the life out of our Republic. He knows a lot more about the election fraud which took place than do the people of this land, but he would never deploy troops to stay in power. And may I say for you to make that cheesy allege is low even by your standards.

But as usual you totally ignore the point of my post, which called attention to the fact that so many millions of Americans love President Trump, instead trying to twist my words in order to say something patently untrue. Better than you have tried it and failed, I can assure.

Maybe stuff like this is why he ignores your "points."  Donald Trump loves Donald Trump and absolutely NOTHING ELSE!   That's what a narcissist is. Those who have known him for four decades knows this. Those who follow him, on the other hand, do so with blind loyalty, even as he shreds democratic norms that have been in place for near 250 years.

You have a lot of trouble with the correct use of that quote button. I Stand by my post and frankly, if you want to believe lies then go for it. Whatever you are you're no psychiatrist, and even if you were you certainly couldn't credibly make categorical statements about what goes on in MR Trump's mind. You  have no idea about whether the President loves this country or not.

And for somebody like you who has swallowed hook line and sinker everything from Russia Collusion to dismissing the effectiveness of HydroxyChloroQuine on the word of the sworn resistance, to accuse anybody else of blindness is past hilarious.

I would ask you to list the norms he's shredded but I've already heard the talking points you'd parrot. And BTW, you're a retread.

Sorry, I'm not an internet forum warrior like you. I'm still learning the right clicks. I have a day job of teaching kids like yours, trying to undo all of the brainwashing and Bible-thumping that you have abused them with all their lives. And that, my dear sir, I am VERY good at.

(12-15-2020, 09:39 AM)vector#1 Wrote: Well it's official now
The Dear Leader and his Hoopleheads will fall in line now

Uh oh, Donald's gonna be really upset with his comrad! But what can he say, Putin owns him.

"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."

Quote:The report claims the "tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from Dec. 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors."

The Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008%.
(12-15-2020, 11:54 AM)WideRight05 Wrote:
(12-15-2020, 10:44 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-15-2020, 01:58 AM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-15-2020, 12:08 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-14-2020, 11:05 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: Trump is no politician, he ran for the office because he loves this country and like so many others including myself, has seen the moral misfortune which has and is choking the life out of our Republic. He knows a lot more about the election fraud which took place than do the people of this land, but he would never deploy troops to stay in power. And may I say for you to make that cheesy allege is low even by your standards.

But as usual you totally ignore the point of my post, which called attention to the fact that so many millions of Americans love President Trump, instead trying to twist my words in order to say something patently untrue. Better than you have tried it and failed, I can assure.

Maybe stuff like this is why he ignores your "points."  Donald Trump loves Donald Trump and absolutely NOTHING ELSE!   That's what a narcissist is. Those who have known him for four decades knows this. Those who follow him, on the other hand, do so with blind loyalty, even as he shreds democratic norms that have been in place for near 250 years.

You have a lot of trouble with the correct use of that quote button. I Stand by my post and frankly, if you want to believe lies then go for it. Whatever you are you're no psychiatrist, and even if you were you certainly couldn't credibly make categorical statements about what goes on in MR Trump's mind. You  have no idea about whether the President loves this country or not.

And for somebody like you who has swallowed hook line and sinker everything from Russia Collusion to dismissing the effectiveness of HydroxyChloroQuine on the word of the sworn resistance, to accuse anybody else of blindness is past hilarious.

I would ask you to list the norms he's shredded but I've already heard the talking points you'd parrot. And BTW, you're a retread.

Sorry, I'm not an internet forum warrior like you. I'm still learning the right clicks. I have a day job of teaching kids like yours, trying to undo all of the brainwashing and Bible-thumping that you have abused them with all their lives. And that, my dear sir, I am VERY good at.

(12-15-2020, 09:39 AM)vector#1 Wrote: Well it's official now
The Dear Leader and his Hoopleheads will fall in line now

Uh oh, Donald's gonna be really upset with his comrad! But what can he say, Putin owns him.

"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."
...and then there are those select few who do not know enough to do or to teach.
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  • WideRight05
Well Moscow Mitch has got in line
Now if we could just get the Dear Leader and his Hoopleheads to join
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  • Cardfan1
(12-15-2020, 11:44 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: As comrade Stalin once said, it's not who votes that matter, it's who counts the votes. Every state where Dominion Voting Systems vote tabulators were used will soon undergo forensic audits. Nevada election officials in Clarke County (Las Vegas) determined how 70 percent of ballots were cast.

Also, for those who get your news from CNN and MSNBC, you may not be aware of the fact that 7 contested states have sent a slate of GOP electors to Washington, DC. There is still plenty of time to overturn the rigged 2020 presidential election in enough states to inaugurate the real winner on January 20.

Look for some historic developments around December 18th.

If the left weren't terrified that forensic audits would reveal voting fraud they wouldn't oppose it so vehemently. But you're right, the audits will  happen and the truth will be exposed.

And frankly if the Dems didn't know their dirty laundry would be aired far and wide they'd insist on the audits. Because if the results did prove there was no appreciable fraud, that fact alone would cement them into power like nothing else could ever do. Talk about egg on the face, Republicans would be forced to capitulate. And even more profound, DJT would be made to look every bit the conspiracy theorist that they've been trying so desperately to paint. But instead the left have no choice but to fight this thing hammer and tong with their last breath.

TRT Hooter get in line it's over
Now if you had won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the electoral vote then maybe you would have something to cry about
But you didn't you LOST by over 7 million votes and CRUSHED in a LANDSLIDE in the electoral vote
Clean Sweep
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(12-15-2020, 01:18 PM)vector#1 Wrote: https://apnews.com/article/election-2020...e737ae66ee

TRT Hooter get in line it's over
Now if you had won the popular vote by 3 million and lost the electoral vote then maybe you would have something to cry about
But you didn't you LOST by over 7 million votes and CRUSHED in a LANDSLIDE in the electoral vote
Clean Sweep
Made up votes don't count. Trump won in a landslide and Democrats have tried to steal the election from him. That is why Biden campaigned from the comfort of his own basement and it is why he told voters in Michigan that he did not need their help to get elected. It his also why he bragged about putting together the most extensive voter fraud organization in history. The problem for Biden is that he got caught.
The Orange man's belly is jiggly
His fan's brains a tad squiggly
They think he's right
They believe him despite
The fact that he lost. He lost bigly
^^ You know there's been another lie floating around out there in which the so-called scientific community has challenged the Biblical creation account in favor of something called evolution. Over the years the scaffolding surrounding the false claims of the theory of evolution has gotten ever more complex as the evolutionary bracketing becomes ever more laborious. In the end it is nothing more profound than scientist's endeavor to prove God doesn't exist. And of course to that end they have a lot of company. God does exist and He is intimately involved in creation. In fact, if God stopped doing what He does to sustain this universe for 2 seconds I believe matter would simply fly apart. So in that sense I suppose one could say I buy into the notion of the big bang, which ironically enough never happened yet but really is coming. I give you the ultimate scenario for nuclear fission.
Colossians chapter 1
17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

The point is as time goes by so the complexity of the lie of evolution has grown and continues as we speak. The same has been true of this election fraud thing. The proponents of the Dem side in both cases have an emotional ax to grind. People who chose to try and duck their ultimate date with the Almighty choose to believe (they say although, inside I know they know better) that man has evolved out of the muck over the aeons. Presto! As John Lennon so hoped no God to answer to, "above us only sky." On the other people who say they despise President Trump for reasons I have already outlined; will say, or do, or believe anything they have to in order to get rid of him. If you just want to make up a big number you might as well say Biden won by 70 million vector.

No matter how complex the lies become they are still lies and the people who support this president will never be dissuaded.
Still, your kids and grandkids come to me every semester and tell me they had no idea how they had been misled from those early vacation Bible school days up until the time they entered college. The exhilaration they feel when they experience the freedom of rational thought for the first time is why I do what I do. They may not tell you TRT, but you've lost them for good. They see Ron Reagan's commercial and they , too, no longer fear burning in hell. They absorb my words and my Science and the years of religious, cultish conditioning melts away. You're very welcome... :)

Keep posting those verses. One thing that Donald Trump did that I give him credit for is this: he exposed evangelicals for the hypocrites that they have always been and always will be. Falwell, Jr, Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, Jim Bakker & all the "Prosperity Gospel" lunatics have been proven scoundrels and hypocrites.

(12-15-2020, 01:42 PM)vector#1 Wrote: The Orange man's belly is jiggly
His fan's brains a tad squiggly
They think he's right
They believe him despite
The fact that he lost. He lost bigly

Love it!!!  I may have to try my hand at poetry to celebrate the crushing of the Trumpites' hope.

Btw, TRT, when I see religious fanatics post things like" evolution is a lie," I am just reminded how very harmful  man's religion is to the minds of children. Had someone not put that garbage in your mind early in your formative years, you probably would have appreciated the scientific method, gravity, Newton's Laws, etc... You likely would have never arrived at the conclusion that there is a space nanny awaiting your arrival somewhere out in deep space. You might actually believe the earth is round. And, probably, you would have never voted for a narcissistic sociopath like Donald Trump. See what your religion got you- rejecting scientific Truth in favor of fairy tales and being a follower of a sociopathic cult leader.  I won't let that happen to your children and grandchildren. I care more about them than you do.  Have a blessed evening...
(12-15-2020, 05:07 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Still, your kids and grandkids come to me every semester and tell me they had no idea how they had been misled from those early vacation Bible school days up until the time they entered college. The exhilaration they feel when they experience the freedom of rational thought for the first time is why I do what I do.  They may not tell you TRT, but you've lost them for good.  They see Ron Reagan's commercial and they , too,  no longer fear burning in hell. They absorb my words and my Science and the years of religious, cultish conditioning melts away.  You're very welcome...    Smile

Keep posting those verses. One thing that Donald Trump did that I give him credit for is this: he exposed evangelicals for the hypocrites that they have always been and always will be. Falwell, Jr,  Franklin Graham,  Robert Jeffress, Jim Bakker & all the "Prosperity Gospel" lunatics have been proven scoundrels and hypocrites.

(12-15-2020, 01:42 PM)vector#1 Wrote: The Orange man's belly is jiggly
His fan's brains a tad squiggly
They think he's right
They believe him despite
The fact that he lost. He lost bigly

Love it!!!  I may have to try my hand at poetry to celebrate the crushing of the Trumpites' hope.

You're as delusional as you are in error. I went to college too and when I got there I experienced the same kind of exhilaration and general awe of being at an institution of higher learning. Like so many others, I returned to earth at some point. As every informed parent knows, (if wisdom serves) no matter how sage their children's upbringing, they must digest what the world offers for themselves and make the comparative choice about what they actually believe once they're outside the home. I know I did, and it's the same for everyone in this life.

There's nothing new under the sun as King Solomon put it and your act is certainly nothing new. I haven't lost them because as the Lord put it;   "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Prov 22:6.

In the end there will be loss for most though, bank on it. Your bravado, if you can maintain it that long, when you see Him will be what melts away.
(12-15-2020, 05:07 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Still, your kids and grandkids come to me every semester and tell me they had no idea how they had been misled from those early vacation Bible school days up until the time they entered college. The exhilaration they feel when they experience the freedom of rational thought for the first time is why I do what I do.  They may not tell you TRT, but you've lost them for good.  They see Ron Reagan's commercial and they , too,  no longer fear burning in hell. They absorb my words and my Science and the years of religious, cultish conditioning melts away.  You're very welcome...    Smile

Keep posting those verses. One thing that Donald Trump did that I give him credit for is this: he exposed evangelicals for the hypocrites that they have always been and always will be. Falwell, Jr,  Franklin Graham,  Robert Jeffress, Jim Bakker & all the "Prosperity Gospel" lunatics have been proven scoundrels and hypocrites.

(12-15-2020, 01:42 PM)vector#1 Wrote: The Orange man's belly is jiggly
His fan's brains a tad squiggly
They think he's right
They believe him despite
The fact that he lost. He lost bigly

Love it!!!  I may have to try my hand at poetry to celebrate the crushing of the Trumpites' hope.

Btw, TRT, when I see religious fanatics post things like" evolution is a lie," I am just reminded how very harmful  man's religion is to the minds of children. Had someone not put that garbage in your mind early in your formative years, you probably would have appreciated the scientific method, gravity, Newton's Laws, etc... You likely would have never arrived at the conclusion that there is a space nanny awaiting your arrival somewhere out in deep space. You might actually believe the earth is round. And, probably, you would have never voted for a narcissistic sociopath like Donald Trump. See what your religion got you- rejecting scientific Truth in favor of fairy tales and being a follower of a sociopathic cult leader.  I won't let that happen to your children and grandchildren. I care more about them than you do.  Have a blessed evening...

Yeah, Mr. "I believe that Yahoo! and MSN are legitimate sources and am quoting somebody who can barely put a sentence together. Now I'm all scientific."  Big Grin   Big Grin   Big Grin   Big Grin

You're the one that believes in gender benders and gender blenders and you're trying to lecture us on rejecting scientific truth. Keep it up genius!
(12-15-2020, 05:07 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Still, your kids and grandkids come to me every semester and tell me they had no idea how they had been misled from those early vacation Bible school days up until the time they entered college. The exhilaration they feel when they experience the freedom of rational thought for the first time is why I do what I do.  They may not tell you TRT, but you've lost them for good.  They see Ron Reagan's commercial and they , too,  no longer fear burning in hell. They absorb my words and my Science and the years of religious, cultish conditioning melts away.  You're very welcome...    Smile

Keep posting those verses. One thing that Donald Trump did that I give him credit for is this: he exposed evangelicals for the hypocrites that they have always been and always will be. Falwell, Jr,  Franklin Graham,  Robert Jeffress, Jim Bakker & all the "Prosperity Gospel" lunatics have been proven scoundrels and hypocrites.

(12-15-2020, 01:42 PM)vector#1 Wrote: The Orange man's belly is jiggly
His fan's brains a tad squiggly
They think he's right
They believe him despite
The fact that he lost. He lost bigly

Love it!!!  I may have to try my hand at poetry to celebrate the crushing of the Trumpites' hope.

Btw, TRT, when I see religious fanatics post things like" evolution is a lie," I am just reminded how very harmful  man's religion is to the minds of children. Had someone not put that garbage in your mind early in your formative years, you probably would have appreciated the scientific method, gravity, Newton's Laws, etc... You likely would have never arrived at the conclusion that there is a space nanny awaiting your arrival somewhere out in deep space. You might actually believe the earth is round. And, probably, you would have never voted for a narcissistic sociopath like Donald Trump. See what your religion got you- rejecting scientific Truth in favor of fairy tales and being a follower of a sociopathic cult leader.  I won't let that happen to your children and grandchildren. I care more about them than you do.  Have a blessed evening...

Don't try and run that generalization past me there Old School. Evolution has nothing to do with gravity, which as in the case of Newton's laws can be mathematically proven. Evolution is a belief, and it's adherents do so by faith. Albeit an ill placed faith.
(12-15-2020, 05:07 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Still, your kids and grandkids come to me every semester and tell me they had no idea how they had been misled from those early vacation Bible school days up until the time they entered college. The exhilaration they feel when they experience the freedom of rational thought for the first time is why I do what I do.  They may not tell you TRT, but you've lost them for good.  They see Ron Reagan's commercial and they , too,  no longer fear burning in hell. They absorb my words and my Science and the years of religious, cultish conditioning melts away.  You're very welcome...    Smile

Keep posting those verses. One thing that Donald Trump did that I give him credit for is this: he exposed evangelicals for the hypocrites that they have always been and always will be. Falwell, Jr,  Franklin Graham,  Robert Jeffress, Jim Bakker & all the "Prosperity Gospel" lunatics have been proven scoundrels and hypocrites.

(12-15-2020, 01:42 PM)vector#1 Wrote: The Orange man's belly is jiggly
His fan's brains a tad squiggly
They think he's right
They believe him despite
The fact that he lost. He lost bigly

Love it!!!  I may have to try my hand at poetry to celebrate the crushing of the Trumpites' hope.

Btw, TRT, when I see religious fanatics post things like" evolution is a lie," I am just reminded how very harmful  man's religion is to the minds of children. Had someone not put that garbage in your mind early in your formative years, you probably would have appreciated the scientific method, gravity, Newton's Laws, etc... You likely would have never arrived at the conclusion that there is a space nanny awaiting your arrival somewhere out in deep space. You might actually believe the earth is round. And, probably, you would have never voted for a narcissistic sociopath like Donald Trump. See what your religion got you- rejecting scientific Truth in favor of fairy tales and being a follower of a sociopathic cult leader.  I won't let that happen to your children and grandchildren. I care more about them than you do.  Have a blessed evening...
Every time that I read a garbage post like the one above, I am reminded of how much our public education system has declined since my grandfather attended school. You speak like somebody who has only a very superficial knowledge of science. I hope that you are not teaching science. If you understood the subject better, then you would know that some of the great scientists in history were (and are) deeply religious as well. Read a long biography of Sir Isaac Newton, for example.

If you took a poll among the world's current great scientists, there is little doubt that Newton would finish at or near the very top of the list. Yet, Newton spent as much time pondering and writing about religion as he did physics. For most of my life, I assumed that Einstein was probably the smartest scientist who ever lived but Newton's accomplishments dwarfed those of Einstein, IMO. The man who created the field of calculus at the age of 24 and later developed the law of universal gravitation, the three laws of motion, the field of optics, and made many other monumental contributions to science. At no point in his life did Newton decide that he was too smart to cling to his religious beliefs.

If you had ever spent time reading books on theoretical physics, then you would realize how much faith it takes to believe in concepts like the Big Bang theory, string theory, multiverse theory, etc. People who fancy themselves as experts on science who disparage anybody else's religious beliefs are actually very poorly educated and are also likely social misfits, in my humble opinion.
This is what kind of evidence the Dear Leader and his Hooplheads are presenting to the courts

(12-15-2020, 01:05 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: The irony about Trump is that he demands blind loyalty, which he gets,  but he is loyal towards no one.  His followers mean nothing more to him than a means to further his own self-serving agenda.

You hit the nail on the head with this statement.  He acts as though he is still on a reality show with the way he fires anyone who disagrees with him. 

I honestly believe that he would run as a Democrat in 2024 if he thought he had a better chance to win.
"You hit the nail on the head with this statement.  He acts as though he is still on a reality show with the way he fires anyone who disagrees with him.

I honestly believe that he would run as a Democrat in 2024 if he thought he had a better chance to win."

The democrats wouldn't fall for the CON. Dear Leader has been a democrat his whole life so he knew if he had any chance of becoming president he would have to go after the gullibles.
So about 6 years before he ran for president he starts to delegitimize Obama's birth place and the evangelicals and the less educated would fall for it. And they did hook line and sinker it shows in the polls his biggest supporters are the religious and less educated. That's why he always played to there needs because if he loses his base it's game over'
In 2016 all the star's lined up for the Dear Leader ran against a bad candidate got help from the Russians Wikileaks and Comey and low voter turnout for Hillary
This time the Democrats voted they couldn't stand another 4 years of the Dear Leader
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