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The Case Against Joe Biden
I am opening this thread for discussion of the case against a Joe Biden presidency. A recent article published by the New York Post alleges that Joe Biden's son, Hunter, sold access to former Vice President, Joe Biden, and pocketed millions of dollars. The New York Post has also alleged that Hunter Biden split the proceeds from the deals that he made with entities in China and Ukraine with his father.

Recall that Donald Trump was impeached for suggesting to Ukaine's president that his government should reopen the investigation into Hunter Biden's activities with a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. Democrats charged that Trump had asked Ukraine for a favor that would have benefitted him politically. In contrast, the allegation against Joe Biden is that he made millions of dollars in exchange for meetings with foreign officials and businessmen. A Ukrainian prosecutor was investigating Burisma until Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine unless the prosecutor was fired. (This is not an allegation, Biden appears in a video boasting about having the Ukrainian prosecutor fired.)

The real story here is that Joe Biden indirectly accepted millions of dollars through payments made to his son Hunter Biden for selling access to the office of the Vice President of the United States. Click on the article titles for additional details.

Quote:Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad

Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.

An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.

The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.


Quote:‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings

Newly obtained emails from a Hunter Biden business partner lay out in detail how the Vice President’s son and his colleagues used their access to the Obama-Biden administration to arrange private meetings for potential foreign clients and investors at the highest levels in the White House. These never-before-revealed emails outline how a delegation of Chinese investors and Communist Party officials managed to secure a private, off-the-books meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden.

In a 2011 email, Hunter Biden’s business associates also discussed developing relations with what one called “China Inc.” as part of a “new push on soft diplomacy for the Chinese.” These emails are completely unconnected to the Hunter Biden emails being released by the New York Post. These and more explosive never-before-revealed emails were provided to Schweizer by Bevan Cooney, a one-time Hunter Biden and Devon Archer business associate. Cooney is currently in prison serving a sentence for his involvement in a 2016 bond fraud investment scheme.
Who's in favor of allowing athletes born as boys shattering girls' records in sports?

Joe Biden is.

Quote:Biden Again Pledges To Sign Bill That Would Force Public Schools To Allow Male Athletes Into Girls’ Sports

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden pledged again on Friday to sign the Equality Act, which would force public schools to allow biological males who identify as transgender girls into female athletics.

In a statement released by his campaign, Biden pledged to sign the bill while condemning what he called an “epidemic” of violence “against transgender and gender non-conforming people.”

The bill would alter the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” protected characteristics under federal anti-discrimination law. Among other things, that would force public schools to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls.
Crickets Hoot, just like we have seen from the media. The country has spent nearly $1B in the hunt for proof against Trump and Russian collusion during the impeachment and pre-election spying of his campaign. Yet you can get zero discussion from the leftist media.
Hi, my name is Joe Biden and... I forget this message
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(10-20-2020, 06:16 PM)Stardust Wrote: Crickets Hoot, just like we have seen from the media.  The country has spent nearly $1B in the hunt for proof against Trump and Russian collusion during the impeachment and pre-election spying of his campaign.  Yet you can get zero discussion from the leftist media.
It's worse than the media simply ignoring the transparent corruption at the top of the Obama/Biden/Clinton administration. The media and big tech companies are very actively and aggressively engaged in covering up serious crimes.

Democrats and Hillary's communist handlers never expected her to lose the 2016 election. They have spent 4 years enacting a best defense is a good offense strategy to cover up a staggering number of felonies committed by the most powerful people in our government. Everything from eliminating photo ID requirements for voting to the Black Lives Matter/Antifa violence to the current censorship of a story of government corruption that makes Watergate look like a Sunday picnic outside of a small country church has been part of that strategy.

We are hurtling toward a second civil war between the communist groups that we thought were defeated in the 19902 on one side and patriotic, freedom loving Americans on the other. Somewhere, Nikita Kruschev is enjoying a good, long, and sustained laugh at our expense.
Giuliani has forwarded files from Hunter Biden's hard drive that allegedly implicate Hunter Biden's involvement with underaged girls and Joe Biden's knowledge of Hunter's activities to the Delaware state police. The police have already contacted the FBI and forwarded the information. The Director of National Intelligence, FBI, and DOJ have all confirmed that the laptop seized by the FBI that contains Hunter Biden's email messages, photos, and other files is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Maybe now, the mainstream media will begin reporting on the contents of Hunter Biden's hard drive and stop repeating the lies that the files were faked by the Russians.
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(10-21-2020, 01:28 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Giuliani has forwarded files from Hunter Biden's hard drive that allegedly implicate Hunter Biden's involvement with underaged girls and Joe Biden's knowledge of Hunter's activities to the Delaware state police. The police have already contacted the FBI and forwarded the information. The Director of National Intelligence, FBI, and DOJ have all confirmed that the laptop seized by the FBI that contains Hunter Biden's email messages, photos, and other files is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Maybe now, the mainstream media will begin reporting on the contents of Hunter Biden's hard drive and stop repeating the lies that the files were faked by the Russians.

IDK Hoot, I certainly hope you are right. But I would think those involved in an active coup d'é·tat, such as are the mainstream media, that their consciences are scarred so deeply nothing could motivate them to begin telling the truth.

For the sake of political goals, they have and are still resisting proven therapeutics such as HydroxyChloroQuine. Such action if you ask me is surely responsible for countless lives lost to CV-19. Lives that may well had said therapeutics been made available, been saved. And they have participated in the faked investigations of the President, while actively suppressing information and giving cover to any and all Dems for whom such damning and viable evidence has surfaced. That is if anything FOX has reported on all this is true. My contention is that FOX is to be believed.

The people meantime, many of them at least, have chosen willful ignorance of the truth. And that in defiance of real evidence.
Trump has started projecting videos of Biden and Harris onto huge screens during his rallies. If the mainstream media continue to cover the rallies, Trump is going to make it hard for them to ignore what should be big news stories. I've almost stopped watching Fox News, although I have begun watching FBN and Maria Bartiromo more. I've also started watching Newsmax and OANN quite a bit. 

Fox News just has too many liberal hacks trying to obfuscate the truth about the Biden Crime family. Not every fact needs to be examined from multiple political viewpoints and the facts show that Joe Biden is a major league criminal. Defense attorneys are sometimes obligated to represent guilty clients but reporters should never find themselves in the position of defending the indefensible. Bribes are wrong. Pedophilia is wrong and not reporting the acts of a pedophile is wrong, even if the perpetrator is family.
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(10-21-2020, 04:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Trump has started projecting videos of Biden and Harris onto huge screens during his rallies. If the mainstream media continue to cover the rallies, Trump is going to make it hard for them to ignore what should be big news stories. I've almost stopped watching Fox News, although I have begun watching FBN and Maria Bartiromo more. I've also started watching Newsmax and OANN quite a bit. 

Fox News just has too many liberal hacks trying to obfuscate the truth about the Biden Crime family. Not every fact needs to be examined from multiple political viewpoints and the facts show that Joe Biden is a major league criminal. Defense attorneys are sometimes obligated to represent guilty clients but reporters should never find themselves in the position of defending the indefensible. Bribes are wrong. Pedophilia is wrong and not reporting the acts of a pedophile is wrong, even if the perpetrator is family.

Oh there's no question FOX is loaded with libs. FOX and Friends which is up against Maria Bartiromo is usually good. Varney & Co has good moments. After that there's nothing much on until Dobbs, MacDonald, and if you could get Hannity to shut up for 10 seconds, his show has good guests. And Laura Ingraham is not bad. But after that it's off a cliff.
(10-21-2020, 09:17 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(10-21-2020, 04:55 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Trump has started projecting videos of Biden and Harris onto huge screens during his rallies. If the mainstream media continue to cover the rallies, Trump is going to make it hard for them to ignore what should be big news stories. I've almost stopped watching Fox News, although I have begun watching FBN and Maria Bartiromo more. I've also started watching Newsmax and OANN quite a bit. 

Fox News just has too many liberal hacks trying to obfuscate the truth about the Biden Crime family. Not every fact needs to be examined from multiple political viewpoints and the facts show that Joe Biden is a major league criminal. Defense attorneys are sometimes obligated to represent guilty clients but reporters should never find themselves in the position of defending the indefensible. Bribes are wrong. Pedophilia is wrong and not reporting the acts of a pedophile is wrong, even if the perpetrator is family.

Oh there's no question FOX is loaded with libs. FOX and Friends which is up against Maria Bartiromo is usually good. Varney & Co has good moments. After that there's nothing much on until Dobbs, MacDonald, and if you could get Hannity to shut up for 10 seconds, his show has good guests. And Laura Ingraham is not bad. But after that it's off a cliff.
Joe Biden's corruption is low hanging fruit for anybody in the mainstream media to pluck if they want. I will be shocked if some young, ambitious journalist does not blow the whistle on one of the major networks or newspapers in the next two weeks. The Biden Crime Family offers a career-making series of articles for any taker but it needs to be somebody on the inside of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, etc. The facts in the case are easily understood and the evidence of Biden's involvement is overwhelming. Add to that the potential that Obama and other high profile politicians knew what was going on, and this just seems like too good of a story for a journalist/reporter to pass up.
I am old enough to remember a time when people with a conscience would withdraw from campaigns over little things like plagiarism and lying about their academic credentials. Joe probably does not remember those days and somewhere along the way, he jettisoned his conscience. Now, facing overwhelming evidence that he willingly participated in and benefitted from schemes to peddle his influence as Vice President, he insists on remaining in the race for U.S. President.

Try to remember, Joe. You were never a decent man, but you were better than the sleazy politician that you have become.

Out of curiosity what happens when we have found that the President has a secret bank account... wait for it... in China.

My bet is nothing.

I would have won. The WSJ has now reported about the Biden story. Disproving it, yet because of an OPINION piece, people are hanging on to it.

Yet, we have a FACTUAL account that the president had a secret bank account.

Yet who cares?

The eight electoral votes from the great state of Kentucky is going to TRUMP. It does not matter. We in the 5th congressional district will continue to vote the same way. Everything stays the same, the brain drain happens, people do not have infrastructure needs, people turn to pills, because it is so easy to get. Grand parents will continue to raise children.

That is what has happened but no one looks at that. They look at Roe V Wade. Screw the fact, we live in a cancer belt. Screw the fact, that if you make over 30K a year you are considered rich. Screw the fact that the board of education is usually the biggest employer. Oh, forgot to mention we live in a food desert, which might explain the type two diabetes.

The problem is we never hold the incumbents accountable. WE say look at the other guy and not my record for my area.

In the 5th we will continue to elect Hal Rogers, Rand Paul, and McConnell because we are worried what the other guy will do. NEWS FLASH: WE RANK NEAR THE BOTTOM in healthcare, life expectancy, education. See we can quantify that information. We can take a look at other states and see what they are doing. Here is a hint copying of the dumb kids is not a smart strategy. I am willing to try something different. The results are not where I want them to be. Now the old 5th which I live in and still apart of has only voted one way since the civil war. R.

That will not matter though will it. Just like Trump or Biden, McConnell or McGrath, Rogers or someone, we will continue to do the exact same thing and expect different results.

I think we all might be insane. Oh and we will talk over one another, because we have to score for our team. Which is also stupid. Have a blessed day!

(10-23-2020, 12:15 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: I am old enough to remember a time when people with a conscience would withdraw from campaigns over little things like plagiarism and lying about their academic credentials. Joe probably does not remember those days and somewhere along the way, he jettisoned his conscience. Now, facing overwhelming evidence that he willingly participated in and benefitted from schemes to peddle his influence as Vice President, he insists on remaining in the race for U.S. President.

Try to remember, Joe. You were never a decent man, but you were better than the sleazy politician that you have become.

I am old enough to remember we impeached a guy for lying about having an affair because we cared about the moral compass of the country. Yet here we are!
(10-23-2020, 12:32 PM)mr.fundamental Wrote: Out of curiosity what happens when we have found that the President has a secret bank account... wait for it... in China.

My bet is nothing.

I would have won. The WSJ has now reported about the Biden story. Disproving it, yet because of an OPINION piece, people are hanging on to it.

Yet, we have a FACTUAL account that the president had a secret bank account.

Yet who cares?

The eight electoral votes from the great state of Kentucky is going to TRUMP. It does not matter.  We in the 5th congressional district will continue to vote the same way. Everything stays the same, the brain drain happens, people do not have infrastructure needs, people turn to pills, because it is so easy to get. Grand parents will continue to raise children.

That is what has happened but no one looks at that. They look at Roe V Wade. Screw the fact, we live in a cancer belt. Screw the fact, that if you make over 30K a year you are considered rich. Screw the fact that the board of education is usually the biggest employer. Oh, forgot to mention we live in a food desert, which might explain the type two diabetes.

The problem is we never hold the incumbents accountable. WE say look at the other guy and not my record for my area.

In the 5th we will continue to elect Hal Rogers, Rand Paul, and McConnell because we are worried what the other guy will do. NEWS FLASH: WE RANK NEAR THE BOTTOM in healthcare, life expectancy, education. See we can quantify that information. We can take a look at other states and see what they are doing. Here is a hint copying of the dumb kids is not a smart strategy.  I am willing to try something different. The results are not where I want them to be. Now the old 5th which I live in and still apart of has only voted one way since the civil war. R.

That will not matter though will it. Just like Trump or Biden, McConnell or McGrath, Rogers or someone, we will continue to do the exact same thing and expect different results.

I think we all might be insane.  Oh and we will talk over one another, because we have to score for our team. Which is also stupid. Have a blessed day!
Giving you the benefit of doubt, I will assume that you are just poorly and willfully misinformed. I am guessing that your students are similarly misinformed.

There are enough details in three different email accounts to confirm beyond reasonable doubt that the hard drive seized by the FBI contains Hunter Biden's email messages. The FBI is interviewing eyewitness Hunter's business partner, Tony 
Bobulinski, today. His phone records will most likely provide a fifth independent confirmation of the validity of the information on Hunter Biden's laptop.

Alarms are going off in the heads of rational people alerting them to the fact that Joe Biden's criminal activities are not a matter of opinion. Something is broken inside of Democrats' heads who believe that this is another Russian hoax.

Maybe Democrats' efforts to get votes in early and keep Biden locked behind closed doors will pay off in his winning the election, but you can bet that if that happens, there will be one or more special counsels authorized before Trump leaves office. It is a shame that Democrats selected a crooked, unqualified running mate for Biden. Even if he wins the election, he will not serve as president for long.

If communists take over our government, they will have Joe Biden and his supporters to thank.

(10-23-2020, 12:32 PM)mr.fundamental Wrote: Out of curiosity what happens when we have found that the President has a secret bank account... wait for it... in China.

My bet is nothing.

I would have won. The WSJ has now reported about the Biden story. Disproving it, yet because of an OPINION piece, people are hanging on to it.

Yet, we have a FACTUAL account that the president had a secret bank account.

Yet who cares?

The eight electoral votes from the great state of Kentucky is going to TRUMP. It does not matter.  We in the 5th congressional district will continue to vote the same way. Everything stays the same, the brain drain happens, people do not have infrastructure needs, people turn to pills, because it is so easy to get. Grand parents will continue to raise children.

That is what has happened but no one looks at that. They look at Roe V Wade. Screw the fact, we live in a cancer belt. Screw the fact, that if you make over 30K a year you are considered rich. Screw the fact that the board of education is usually the biggest employer. Oh, forgot to mention we live in a food desert, which might explain the type two diabetes.

The problem is we never hold the incumbents accountable. WE say look at the other guy and not my record for my area.

In the 5th we will continue to elect Hal Rogers, Rand Paul, and McConnell because we are worried what the other guy will do. NEWS FLASH: WE RANK NEAR THE BOTTOM in healthcare, life expectancy, education. See we can quantify that information. We can take a look at other states and see what they are doing. Here is a hint copying of the dumb kids is not a smart strategy.  I am willing to try something different. The results are not where I want them to be. Now the old 5th which I live in and still apart of has only voted one way since the civil war. R.

That will not matter though will it. Just like Trump or Biden, McConnell or McGrath, Rogers or someone, we will continue to do the exact same thing and expect different results.

I think we all might be insane.  Oh and we will talk over one another, because we have to score for our team. Which is also stupid. Have a blessed day!

(10-23-2020, 12:15 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: I am old enough to remember a time when people with a conscience would withdraw from campaigns over little things like plagiarism and lying about their academic credentials. Joe probably does not remember those days and somewhere along the way, he jettisoned his conscience. Now, facing overwhelming evidence that he willingly participated in and benefitted from schemes to peddle his influence as Vice President, he insists on remaining in the race for U.S. President.

Try to remember, Joe. You were never a decent man, but you were better than the sleazy politician that you have become.

I am old enough to remember we impeached a guy for lying about having an affair because we cared about the moral compass of the country. Yet here we are!
We impeached Bill Clinton because he lied under oath to a federal judge. It never gets old for liberals lying about the grounds for Bill Clinton's impeachment, does it?
Anything to say about Trump's bank account? Oh Hoot? Anything about how GREAT the 5th congressional district is? NOPE!!! HURRY MAN!

ENJOY!!! EDITORAL BOARD vs actual reporting... FROM THE SAME PAPER!!!!!!!
(10-23-2020, 10:02 PM)mr.fundamental Wrote: Anything to say about Trump's bank account? Oh Hoot? Anything about how GREAT the 5th congressional district is? NOPE!!! HURRY MAN!

ENJOY!!! EDITORAL BOARD vs actual reporting... FROM THE SAME PAPER!!!!!!!
Like I said, I will not waste my time trying to change the mind of somebody who is willfully ignorant. The email messages are available for anybody who wants to read them for himself. I am shocked that the corporate records do not list Joe Biden, the sitting Vice President at the time, by name. What kind of criminal enterprise makes that kind of mistake? And why might a business partner of Hunter Biden deny that Joe Biden was involved in running the corporations set up by companies with the Chinese Communist Party?

On the flip side, why would Tony Bobulinski, another business associate of Hunter Biden, confess to his involvement in the Biden family businesses? Is it possible that he did so as part of a deal to keep himself from being prosecuted or in exchange for lesser charges?

Trump acknowledged that one of his corporations opened a bank account in China and closed the account before he became president. I have not seen any details put forward by Democrats trying to provide a smoke screen for the Biden Crime family. No dates, no amounts, nothing of substance. Until I see evidence of a "secret" Trump bank account in China, I will take Trump's word over the campaign staff of a criminal.

It seems foolish to climb out on a limb for Joe Biden when only a few of the thousands of documents and photos have been released from three separate email accounts. More will be released every day until election day. Hunter Biden and Joe Biden knew what they did but they have to be guessing how much Rudy Giuliani, the Trump campaign, and the FBI know.

As you said, your vote in Kentucky will not matter because Trump will easily carry the state. I doubt that when and if everything that has been alleged against Joe Biden and more are proven that you will admit to your poor judgment. 
This is a good example of why the debate commission eliminated foreign policy from the agenda of the final presidential debate. Donald Trump has been hands-down the best foreign policy president since Ronald Reagan. This may not be the last Arab country to sign a treaty with Israel before the election. Negotiations are in progress with Saudi Arabia and Israel for a similar treaty, which would be a monumental achievement. Trump's record of achievements in foreign policy provides a laser bright contrast to Joe Biden's record of 47 years of appeasing our enemies and betraying American citizens with pay to play, schemes involving Biden's crooked family members.

Here is another example illustrating the depth of Joe Biden's dishonesty. Why is the media and big tech companies supporting this criminal?

^^ What an epic liar Joe Biden is. Frankly, Bernie Sanders singed the hair off of him in this clip. Anybody who could vote for this guy while falsely accusing Trump of anything remotely akin to Joe's bent for lying in the epic sense, is willfully ignorant. Even his own base calls him out. Oh mrtvtime, you got anything to say about this?

So the editorial board says one thing you run with it because it supports your idea. The SAME paper reports later that this is inaccurate, yet you choose to believe the first part.

Ok. Enjoy the editorial boards I mean so much FACT is there right?
(10-24-2020, 08:34 PM)mr.fundamental Wrote: LIKE I SAID I WILL NOT WASTE MY TIME LOL!

So the editorial board says one thing you run with it because it supports your idea. The SAME paper reports later that this is inaccurate, yet you choose to believe the first part.

Ok. Enjoy the editorial boards I mean so much FACT is there right?
You are not making any sense. You posted the opinion of the WSJ as fact, not me. The email messages and video of Joe Biden boasting of getting the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma speak for themselves. Why should I accept somebody else's opinion as my own when I can read Hunter Biden's email messages and other evidence for myself? Joe Biden said that he had no knowledge of Hunter Biden's business dealings. He lied.

You are nothing but a propagandist for the Democrats and CCP.
In a rare honest statement by Joe Biden, the former Vice President touts Democrats' extensive voter fraud organization.

Hoot Here is Fox News Report on Hunter Biden:

Now I am glad you brought up lying. I wonder what are your thoughts about President Trump and his secret bank account in China?

You are a mouthpiece for the

I proudly support the democratic platform of labor, environmental, healthcare, and energy sectors. I agree with the platform that allows all citizens to be equal under the law (even if I disagree with them biblically).
Nobody in the GOP is trying to make anyone less equal under the law.

However, the liberals do try to normalize what you "disagree with Biblically." I'm not surprised, but you just admitted that you put your own agenda over God's.
(10-26-2020, 12:02 AM)mr.fundamental Wrote: Hoot Here is Fox News Report on Hunter Biden:

Now I am glad you brought up lying. I wonder what are your thoughts about President Trump and his secret bank account in China?

You are a mouthpiece for the 

I proudly support the democratic platform of labor, environmental, healthcare, and energy sectors. I agree with the platform that allows all citizens to be equal under the law (even if I disagree with them biblically).
I don't need anybody else's opinion to conclude that Hunter Biden and the Big Guy are crooks. Crackheads that get kicked out of the Army after failing a drug test do not become multimillionaires through honest work. I can understand why you would dismiss eyewitness accounts of Joe Biden's involvement in the family influence peddling business, but before you claim that the eyewitnesses are not reliable, remember that Joe's son, Hunter, is a confirmed crack addict. 

You keep mentioning an alleged "secret bank account" in China, but you have still provided absolutely no evidence to back up your claim. Your knowledge of political news seems to be limited to editorials.

Even if Joe Biden is not the "Peter Henderson" and "Big Guy" referenced in multiple emails in multiple email accounts, the incriminating videos and email messages on Hunter Biden's laptop means that Joe Biden, a former U.S. Vice President was a huge security risk. There is no way to know what evidence the Chinese may have against Hunter and Joe Biden that is not already in the public domain. If Joe Biden was an "average Joe" he would not be able to get any kind of security clearance.
Fellas if I invited some more liberals in here to this site you got my back right? LOL they gonna learn today.

But really you can't argue with those who do not understand.
Right when Amy Coney Barrett gets confirmed to the court several democrats tweet that we need to expand the court. From AOC + 3 to Elizabeth Warren who hinted at expanding the court, this shows just how far their party has gone.

You didn't see conservatives pushing to expand a left-leaning SCOTUS for many years when they didn't get their way. It's safe to say that if Joe Biden gets elected and especially if Kamala Harris winds up in the presidency, you will see some kind of radical move for the SCOTUS to be expanded to 13 judges.
(10-26-2020, 12:02 AM)mr.fundamental Wrote: Hoot Here is Fox News Report on Hunter Biden:

Now I am glad you brought up lying. I wonder what are your thoughts about President Trump and his secret bank account in China?

You are a mouthpiece for the 

I proudly support the democratic platform of labor, environmental, healthcare, and energy sectors. I agree with the platform that allows all citizens to be equal under the law (even if I disagree with them biblically).
What secret bank account in China? Be specific please because I am pretty sure that you are just parroting whatever propaganda Democrat operatives were feeding you without question.

Here is something that you don't hear every day. The son of a former U.S. Vice President admitting to doing business with the "Spy Chief of China" and admitting that his father knew. Anybody who votes for Joe Biden at this point must really hate his country. At the very least, Joe Biden is a serious security risk who may have already been coerced into doing China's bidding because of his POS son's crimes.

Eyewitness account supports email messages that point to Joe Biden's involvement in Hunter and James Biden's schemes to sell access to the former U.S. Vice President.

Hey, Biden voters. This is great stuff. The only reason that Tony Bobulinski came forward with facts and testimony about the Biden Crime Family is that they and Adam Schiff claimed that the allegations were the product of a Russian disinformation campaign. Bobulinski demanded a retraction because he considered the claim to be a smear against his own family. When the Biden family and Schiff refused to rescind the Russian disinformation claim, Bobulinski came forward with email messages and phone records to refute the bogus Russian disinformation claims.

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