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National Emergency
He's talking to you CF!!!

The Democrat party is one giant cheating, lying, Anti-American, fraudulent Ponzi scheme.

Only utter fools believe their BS.

What a POS!

Pelosi Spreads Dangerous Misinformation Amid Coronavirus Pandemic: "The President is Asking People to Inject Lysol Into Their Lungs" (VIDEO) https://thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/pel...ingbuttons via
Pelosi Spreads Dangerous Misinformation Amid Coronavirus Pandemic: "The President is Asking People...
The liberal Trump-hating media, including the Drudge Report, is pushing the nonsense that President Trump proposed injecting Americans with disinfectant. And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday...
Stephen L. Miller
Despite Trump's looney stream of consciousness suggestions, the only person on record as having tried Clorox bleach as a treatment for CoronaVirus is
's wife.
1/ 2 examples of how you are straight up being lied to about the death toll.. or at least no reporter is even slightly curious about the issues staring them in the face.

First, we brought you some details on PA the other day and how a BIG burst of added deaths were misreported
Justin Hart
2/ Well it turns out the PA DoH person was caught in a bit of a lie... adding 200 people to the death totals until they were caught by local municipalities.

You should expect A LOT of this:
Pa. removes more than 200 deaths from official coronavirus count as questions mount about reporting...
The past five days have been a roller coaster of confusion involving the state health department, marred by retracted statements, reporting lags, and angry coroners.
Justin Hart
Replying to
3/ Example #2: San Mateo, CA. You remember the 2 new deaths out of Santa Clara from autopsies performed on deaths which showed the earliest known victim here in the US? Those were added just yesterday as 2 NEW deaths... because (broken record) ALL THE DATES YOU HAVE ARE WRONG
Justin Hart
4/ But San Mateo is another story. Having gone a week or more without reporting a single death San Mateo chimes in with 11 new deaths. Only, 11 people DID NOT DIE YESTERDAY IN SAN MATEO... instead, per usual, they came from a nursing home.
Coronavirus Update: 10 Deaths Reported At Gordon Manor Nursing Home In Redwood City
An outbreak of coronavirus at a nursing home in Redwood City has now led to the deaths of 10 residents, according to the facility's director.
Justin Hart
5/ so the death dates for these 11 folks are not public and not known but this is what you see when you run the county numbers:
Justin Hart
6/ As we've pointed out ad nauseam... there are a treasure trove of unreported bad data reporting, misreporting and straight up scandals that reporters could uncover if they wanted to... but I get the sense that they're much more comfortable with an increase in deaths daily

Justin Hart
People under 65 without underlying conditions accounted for only 0.7% of coronavirus deaths in Italy and 1.8% in New York City.
Confusednicker:For CF1!

Cuomo may not know this since he’s totally been in quarantine the last two weeks.. but his wife just told people to take a long bath in Clorox on her blog
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Cuomo Prime Time
· 15h
President Trump claims sarcasm after suggesting the use of disinfectants as a coronavirus treatment. CNN's @ChrisCuomo breaks down why the President's remarks matter. https://cnn.it/2Y6b7x0

Phil Kerpen
So many sad things happening in our world right now, but the people dying at home of heart attack or stroke because they mistakenly think hospitals are too busy for them might be the saddest.
jetpilot Wrote:
Phil Kerpen
So many sad things happening in our world right now, but the people dying at home of heart attack or stroke because they mistakenly think hospitals are too busy for them might be the saddest.

The CV spawned hysteria where it comes to "guidance" is a bit more draconian actually. People aren't just staying home, outside of some pretty hard hoops for them to jump through, their doctors aren't seeing patients right now. There is the danger that a patient could infect the doc and their staff with CV.

Hospitals are essentially on lockdown. The ER's are still taking walk-ins and ambulances are still bringing in emergencies, but as far as the casual eye can see access to the hospital is extremely limited. For the most part there is an X-ray room or two for diagnostic purposes, and 'labs' can come and go. However, ER patients are restricted to the ER area only. And that area's access points are either locked or guarded. But for the purposes of a possible CV infection, using the ER is at your own risk, although hospitals are going to great lengths to keep things sterile. That's not to say that one couldn't be admitted if their situation is deemed serious enough. But they'd be isolated until they were cleared.

But where appointments are concerned no matter how bad off one may think they are, patients must go through a strict CV screening first. And the way I take it that patient had better do a pretty good job of 'selling,' if he gets seen even then. The whole process is more likely to take around two weeks to actually be seen. Don't be surprised if the process stretches on quite a bit longer though, that's to get scheduled much less treated. And don't think some of the docs don't make people wait in waiting rooms, I can assure that they do.

So while the nation obsesses about CV, many more are going downhill in an express car for everything else. I wouldn't be at all surprised if more suffer serious deterioration or die of other causes in just having to wait out the threat, than in the worst case CV scenario.
American Journalists Publish Chinese Propaganda
It’s becoming impossible to ignore that the people screaming for extended, near-permanent lockdowns in the media all have uninterrupted paychecks and the “shared sacrifice” to them means their favorite restaurant is only doing delivery/pickup orders.
Mike Coudrey
just suspended the account of the publicly traded biotech company AYTU BioScience that created a novel COVID-19 treatment approach utilizing UV light in the lungs that
was talking about.

This is ridiculous!
Phil Kerpen
The Imperial College model that shut down the whole world was juuust a bit off - it assumed two thirds of infections are symptomatic.
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· 7h
In four U.S. state prisons, nearly 3,300 inmates test positive for coronavirus -- 96% without symptoms https://reuters.com/article/us-health-co...ce=twitter
Chip Roy

US House candidate, TX-21
· Apr 24
How many will die from breast cancer, lung cancer & prostate cancer because we aren’t doing elective “checkups” today? A study from Harvard demonstrated that 260,000 people died of cancer as a direct result of the 08-10 recession: https://hsph.harvard.edu/news/press-rele...aths-atun/ #CongressDoesNotKnow

Jesse Kelly
I’m telling you right now, there is a storm coming if this nation does not open. And soon. You can try to shame them all you want. You can even try to pass more rules.

People will not be forced into hunger. It defies human nature.

These crowds are gonna get bigger.
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The Hill
· 7h
WATCH: Thousands gather without social distancing to protest Wisconsin's stay-at-home order http://hill.cm/9tzhpLM

Kurt Schlichter
This is so stupid.

I just got a phone safety slert - that the Malibu hiking trails are closed.

Yeah, because if there’s any place that’s hugely risky for transmission it’s outside alone walking in the sun.

This is so stupid.

End it.

Granny Bear Wrote:A news conference is scheduled today for 3 o'clock. It is rumored that Trump will declare a National Emergency and will implement a quarantine of uncertain parameters.

You guys better get your bread and milk bought up, and fill up your car with gas. This could get panicky.

Well Granny Bear, here we are 6 weeks later and it's beginning to look like the real national emergency might just be how we get rid of, the national emergency.

After 4 years of efforts to depose our form of free government, the news media have demonstrated that here again, their main interest is to take down Trump. And to that end use this emergency to hang the responsibility for the CV epidemic on President Trump. Thus they cannot be trusted to be objective or truthful in their coverage. So as was the case in 2016, the issue remains. Who are the American people going to believe? MR Trump has a batting average which is over the moon, while the press have yet to score a knockdown. So what has changed from 2016? Nothing, they're using current events in an effort to slime the President. Absolutely everything is political fodder.

That said, one has to ask if he wants to suddenly throw in the towel and allow the rabid press to tell people what to think, or if reality is still the best option? I know which way I'm going, but in any event surely the people understand that here in America we don't cede the power of the Presidency to some doc in times of epidemic or pandemic. And BTW, China's looking more and more suspicious in all of this.
Scott Morefield
Great question, but our overlords don't want you asking it because we're "saving lives," or something. On virtually every conceivable level, this has truly been one of the most massive and disastrous governmental overreaches in modern history.
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Dan Bongino
· 3h
Where do American families go to get their lives back after being ruined and wiped out by these disastrous lockdowns?
I wish the rabid media would go after Joe a fraction of the way they tried to assassinate Kavanaugh.



Stay safe!!
Granny Bear Wrote:I wish the rabid media would go after Joe a fraction of the way they tried to assassinate Kavanaugh.



Stay safe!!

Don't have one problem with it.

I do believe the SC Justice's grilling is more important than a Biden or Trump or any presidential candidate's grilling.

That lifetime appointment is serious business.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well Granny Bear, here we are 6 weeks later and it's beginning to look like the real national emergency might just be how we get rid of, the national emergency.

After 4 years of efforts to depose our form of free government, the news media have demonstrated that here again, their main interest is to take down Trump. And to that end use this emergency to hang the responsibility for the CV epidemic on President Trump. Thus they cannot be trusted to be objective or truthful in their coverage. So as was the case in 2016, the issue remains. Who are the American people going to believe? MR Trump has a batting average which is over the moon, while the press have yet to score a knockdown. So what has changed from 2016? Nothing, they're using current events in an effort to slime the President. Absolutely everything is political fodder.

That said, one has to ask if he wants to suddenly throw in the towel and allow the rabid press to tell people what to think, or if reality is still the best option? I know which way I'm going, but in any event surely the people understand that here in America we don't cede the power of the Presidency to some doc in times of epidemic or pandemic. And BTW, China's looking more and more suspicious in all of this.


When you take out the strikeouts the President is batting .1000!! 0/0

It's probably the best option if he threw in the towel. So far Trump's advice to the nation has been useless at best, but mostly dangerous, misguided, and misleading.
I am happy I don't live in Georgia with a Gov that has his head planted up Trump's rear. He is endangering the welfare of people in HIS state to impress a man who has ZERO loyalty. The Trump administration goaded Kemp to reopen and then turned their back on him. Par for the Trump course.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Don't have one problem with it.

I do believe the SC Justice's grilling is more important than a Biden or Trump or any presidential candidate's grilling.

That lifetime appointment is serious business.

It definately IS serious business. How do you feel about someone who has that lifetime appointment being too ill to fulfill it?
Cardfan1 Wrote::lmao:Confusednicker::biglmao:Confusednicker:

When you take out the strikeouts the President is batting .1000!! 0/0

It's probably the best option if he threw in the towel. So far Trump's advice to the nation has been useless at best, but mostly dangerous, misguided, and misleading.
I am happy I don't live in Georgia with a Gov that has his head planted up Trump's rear. He is endangering the welfare of people in HIS state to impress a man who has ZERO loyalty. The Trump administration goaded Kemp to reopen and then turned their back on him. Par for the Trump course.

So in your mind, when one takes strikeouts out of the equation, that drives the batting average down? That explains a lot.

I know one in your position just can't get his fill of the lying, because you can't type the first honest word when you post on this forum. But let's see if you can dredge up an equal share of the old fake confidence when the numbers come in on November 3rd. And for the record, it is a national shame that Ruth Bader Gingsburg will go on life support if she has to, to hold on to her Supreme Court seat until supposedly a Democrat can get in there and choose another rabid lib. Trump will win, and he will get to appoint another SC Justice. And all toll he could get 4 glorious picks before it's over.
Granny Bear Wrote:I wish the rabid media would go after Joe a fraction of the way they tried to assassinate Kavanaugh.



Stay safe!!

At some point the liberal stonewalling will collapse. More and more people are coming out, and more and more evidence is coming out concerning ol Joe. Not to mention the very replete record of statements he and the rest of the left made during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Even in the case of world class professionals, lies catch up to a person sooner or later.

Past that, there will be quite a lot of information hitting the airways between now and the election. Don't forget John Durham is AG Barr's special investigator, and he has broad powers to prosecute. One of the things he's investigating is Uncle Joe and his dealings with Ukraine. We are far from things being only incoming for only the President. ABTW, the lies are always verifiable. For now I am content to wait.

This coronavirus thing will backfire on the Dems too. They love it right now because MR Trump can't argue with a virus, can't prove it's a liar, and can't debate with doctors. MR Fauci for example, entertained every slobbering idiocy coming from the left media without a hint of defending the President. To say I don't totally trust his motivations is to make an epic understatement. The media have tried to pin every possible pitfall associated with the CV epidemic on President Trump, and most people are clearly already rebelling against the lockdown and the fake news beatdown, of the President.

Take the so-called shortfall of CV testing for example. Nobody's being turned away that I have heard about. Have you? There are plenty of tests, the problem is there aren't any symptomatic people out there to test.

But where Joe is concerned, no such insulating factors, manufactured or not, exist. This thing will be abated before much longer, then the worm will turn. AG Barr's revelations will be out there and frankly, I can hardly wait.
Granny Bear Wrote:It definately IS serious business. How do you feel about someone who has that lifetime appointment being too ill to fulfill it?

Cardfan has to think about that one awhile Granny Bear. :biggrin:
Granny Bear Wrote:It definately IS serious business. How do you feel about someone who has that lifetime appointment being too ill to fulfill it?

I guess you're talking about Ginsberg. I would have to see her record of missing hearings. Is the sickness debilitating to where she can't do her job?
If it gets to that point she needs to step down.

But I don't know how you decide that because some of the people who decide that may have missed 20-60% of their votes in Congress.

Of course that's in the current setup, I don't believe in lifetime appts.
TheRealThing Wrote:So in your mind, when one takes strikeouts out of the equation, that drives the batting average down? That explains a lot.

I know one in your position just can't get his fill of the lying, because you can't type the first honest word when you post on this forum. But let's see if you can dredge up an equal share of the old fake confidence when the numbers come in on November 3rd. And for the record, it is a national shame that Ruth Bader Gingsburg will go on life support if she has to, to hold on to her Supreme Court seat until supposedly a Democrat can get in there and choose another rabid lib. Trump will win, and he will get to appoint another SC Justice. And all toll he could get 4 glorious picks before it's over.


Who knows what will happen in November? Personally, I hope for some modified voting options for safety of the voters and poll workers.

I will say this. If CV comes back in the fall, and Trump does no better than he did this go around, he's toast in a landslide. :flame:
Cardfan1 Wrote:Confusednicker:

Who knows what will happen in November? Personally, I hope for some modified voting options for safety of the voters and poll workers.

I will say this. If CV comes back in the fall, and Trump does no better than he did this go around, he's toast in a landslide. :flame:

Confusednicker: I've got 3 words for you: Joe. Freaking. Biden.
Heard yesterday, I believe it was Kudlow, that the Trump Administration expects to see a "tsunami of lawsuits" coming at state governments over strict hospital "guidance."

I can tell you this, and without equivocation. For those unfortunates who've been forced by their own government now mind you, to put off much needed treatment, or forego diagnostic examination where life threatening issues are concerned until the pandemic supposedly resolves; lawsuits ARE coming. Loved ones are far past your run-of-the-mill exasperation for having watched spouses and sons and daughters and parent's declining health. The long knives will be coming out.


1.(in medical use) the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties.

Owing to pandemic fears, tumors have been missed. Biopsies have been missed. Radiological treatments and chemotherapies have been missed. Heart attacks and you name it have been missed. Anybody want to take a crack at explaining how a sore throat trumps stage 4 cancer or a heart attack?
Cardfan1 Wrote:Confusednicker:

Who knows what will happen in November? Personally, I hope for some modified voting options for safety of the voters and poll workers.

I will say this. If CV comes back in the fall, and Trump does no better than he did this go around, he's toast in a landslide. :flame:

I told you what will happen in November.

And not that I hate to break it to you, but the truth is already coming out and it isn't pretty. Take chief Trump critic NY Gov Cuomo for example-- As I had said, Cuomo ordered nursing homes to take in and readmit CV positive residents. Which of course had the effect of a death sentence as fully 25% of all CV deaths in New York were from nursing homes. Meanwhile, the USS Mercy and the field hospitals set up by the US Army Corps of Engineers? Well they sat empty. Exaction and lawsuits are coming. The nursing home death rate in New York is north of 18 percent. New Jersey's nursing home death rate is even worse at 23 percent.

Compare those numbers to Florida's Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, whose retirement and nursing home death rate is 1.5 percent.

Not only will the President's actions be shown to be laudable, they will hereafter prove to be the model for pandemic actions from the federal government. And by all means let us expose the state's governors for running this smoke screen to hide the fact that they have not done their own jobs in preparing for such emergency matters. BTW, these governors have ignored the emergency preparedness guidelines since the 1980's. The medical community knew this was one day coming.

Dream on Cardfan, and put all chips on Uncle Joe. Did you know a police report was filed on the matter of sexual misconduct in question?
Catt ™
I loved that split screen with Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, today.

Two losers who will never be President.

Catt ™
I believe Tara Reade.

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