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Wolfe County 73 Perry County Central 58
Don’t count out the 55th district just yet
Everyone said Perry/Hazard final. Perry has been knocked off. If Breathitt beats Hazard, it has a very good chance of being Wolfe/Breathitt final.
Perry went on a 18-2 run over about 4 mins in the first half.
Wolfe controlled the other 28 mins of the game.
Really good win for Wolfe.
Hell of a game from Wolfe County to knock off Perry Central.

Interesting note
That marks the first time Perry has been eliminated in the 14th by anyone other that Hazard, Knott or Buckhorn since 2003 when they lost to Powell County.
Congratulations to the Wolves!
The better team won tonight. Wolfe beat Perry at their game. The refs let both teams play for the most part and Wolfe played through Perry’s physical play. When Wolfe is sharing the ball and taking quality shots they’re really dangerous. Rebounding will be key against Knott. Williams from Knott crashes the O-Boards really hard on every shot.
Wolfe played outstanding. Looked like a completely different team than what I saw when they played Knott. Fouls were lopsided then, but they still didn’t look like they did last night! This region is anyone’s to win and Hazards to lose! Love this game!
I did not see this score coming, Wolfe was the better team in every aspect tonight. The Wolves played with the physical style of Perry and ended up wearing the Commondores completely out. Hats off to Coach Creech and Wolfe County, should be a great semifinal matchup with Knott.
I thought Wolfe has been the better team all season.
Even tho we lost at Perry in overtime earlier in the season, I just didn’t think this was a typical Perry Central team. Truthfully, that may have been the least talented team I’ve saw at Perry Central since they have been open.
They were dominate in the late 90’s early 2000’s.
Last night they put a team on the floor that Wolfe was better than them at almost every position.
The 55th district was not as weak as some would like to think. Wolfe man handled PCC.
The 55 is well represented this season. Breathitt’s record isn’t very good but that doesn’t mean they can’t beat anyone in the region on a given night. They have 2 stud athletes and several shooters. For whatever reason John has had a hard time getting them to come together as a team. The 55th championship game though was as good of basketball as I’ve seen in 4-5 years in this region.
Wolfe county stepped up in a big way last night. They had tremendous effort and shared the ball well. It was a great team win from top to bottom. I could not figure out why Hoskins allowed his players to help off of Thompson. It happened over and over. Perry is quick enough to contain and provide help in the paint, but Thompson was setup behind the arc and Perry would drag down with ball leaving him open. I really thought Perry's half court defense wasn't very good. Hats off to Wolfe for handling the pressure after losing the key ball handlers as well. Perry had a good season but didn't play basketball like they were capable of playing.
Johnson and Reed were fun to watch in this game. Wolfe is a dangerous team and I have stated previously they were an exciting team with different offensive weapons. They swing the ball well and Creech has them buying into the team. Perry struggled on the offensive end and Beverly didn't play as good as capable but will credit Wolfe on their defensive pressure for that. Reed looked upset at every foul called and the trash talking affected Reed. Creech and the Wolves are not finished yet.
So much for my prediction..🤷🏼*♂️
Wolfe will be in the championship game.
skydiver1 Wrote:Wolfe will be in the championship game.
Let’s not jinks them. Knott will come to play.
I did not realize this is only the 2nd time Wolfe has ever beat Perry County Central until I heard that today. What a win for them. Wolfe was the better team and really fought through Perry County's physical play, Reed guarded Johnson the entire game and that was a battle between two of the regions best players. Perry had no one that could stay in front of Tolson and no one to really clamp down on any of Wolfe's shooters. I was very impressed with the Wolfe County team!
I didn't know it was the second time either.
I think they beat them another time in the 14th Region Tournament in 2002 I believe.
zaga_fan Wrote:I didn't know it was the second time either.
I think they beat them another time in the 14th Region Tournament in 2002 I believe.

Wolfe beat Perry the year the Wolves advanced to the championship game. I don’t recall the exact year, though. I believe Bull’s dad Bob was the coach at the time.
2001 Wolfe beat Perry in semi at Knott,, Hazard beat Wolfe in finals
Hold off on lighting the couches on fire Campton. This was the worst Perry team, possibly ever. They finished at 13-18 and at one point were 4-13. I was still surprised Wolfe won.
wannacat Wrote:Hold off on lighting the couches on fire Campton. This was the worst Perry team, possibly ever. They finished at 13-18 and at one point were 4-13. I was still surprised Wolfe won.


Bolz, gotz a feeling that the Pats will extinguish the woofies at Mortys. Brown Sugar teachin struttin 101 at 2 and Lil' Roy teachin fire extinguisher use at 3.

#stopdropandrollbutcantgetbackup More mash taters please!!!
Perry’s record my also have something to do with their schedule. They beat Hazard which no other 14th region team has been able to do. Perry is never a easy win. But the Perry win is in the past and Wolfe has to focus on Knott now.
Reds#1Fan Wrote:They beat Hazard which no other 14th region team has been able to do.

Rivalry game! Throw out the record books.
wannacat Wrote:Rivalry game! Throw out the record books.

Regional Tournament Game - Throw out the record books
#27 Wrote:Regional Tournament Game - Throw out the record books

At Knott County may want to break out the history books. Lol
CADEREECE Wrote:2001 Wolfe beat Perry in semi at Knott,, Hazard beat Wolfe in finals

Yes this was my freshmen year, we had Brian Neace, Derrick Adams and Kyle Maggard as seniors.

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