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Belfry@Desales 11/29 3A State Semis
pjdoug Wrote:it's crazy that you have to worry about fans. The stupidity needs to stop.

I agree my friend. Shouldn't even be an issue, especially when kids are involved. Crazy.

Belfry fans are just as fanatic as anyone else but we cause no problems and are VERY respectful to visitors who come to play. At least it's been that way the 4 years Ethan has been there. Ask most people, and they'll tell you Pond Creek was a great high school football experience.
#55PirateFan Wrote:Something better happen. I've talked to a few of my buddies about this. At first I didnt think it was that serious. But after talking to some people from DeSales and seeing what happened to the Bardstown people, KHSAA might need to be get involved. If it was just us adults, then I'd say have at it. But it's not. Its about teenage kids, on both teams, that could be hurt. This is a shame that were even having to talk about this. Why in the world hasn't something been done already?

I would personally email or call the KHSAA office and ask to speak to Julian Tackett, the KHSAA commissioner about this. I mean I'm all for a good rowdy crowd but when people start talking about people and children being hospitalized and shot something should be done. Better to be safe than sorry.
I think 75% of the battle would be solved by having a visitors section of bleachers.
AngryMob Wrote:I think 75% of the battle would be solved by having a visitors section of bleachers.

I believe that would help to. This game needs moved to a neural location in my opinion. Just doesn't feel right to me now.
Just move the damn game. Belfry officials need to voice their concerns to the KHSAA and Julian Tackett.
Go to "Desales Colts Football" page on facebook. Some of their fans even voiced concerns about the actions of one particular female fan at the game against Bardstown this past Friday night. This certainly doesnt feel like it's the majority of the Desales fanbase but a small group of idiots can ruin the game for everyone
irishcard16 Wrote:Just move the damn game. Belfry officials need to voice their concerns to the KHSAA and Julian Tackett.

We already have. The Pike County Superintendent has been notified and responded. We'll just see what happens from here.
#55PirateFan Wrote:I agree my friend. Shouldn't even be an issue, especially when kids are involved. Crazy.

Belfry fans are just as fanatic as anyone else but we cause no problems and are VERY respectful to visitors who come to play. At least it's been that way the 4 years Ethan has been there. Ask most people, and they'll tell you Pond Creek was a great high school football experience.

I've been to Vipperman and Cam and never seen any problems. My Colonels have played against Belfry in the playoffs a few times in the past.
I’m sure Cam stadium is available Friday night if there’s any question of safety at DeSales ... it’s a shame that a few fans give the whole fan base a bad rep. I’m sure we’ve got a few bad apples just like every other team does, but I don’t think anybody has ever feared for their safety when they came to the Cam. The pond creek nation travels well though, so we ain’t skeered 😁. Just a shame that it’s even an issue.
AngryMob Wrote:belfry has never ever beaten desales and desales has never lost on their turf to a public school

Caldwell County didn't beat them at home in the 2012 semifinals? Must have been a different DeSales.
Walt Longmire Wrote:Caldwell County didn't beat them at home in the 2012 semifinals? Must have been a different DeSales.

I think this field they play on now is a new field they've used since 2013. I do know they used to have grass. Not sure if its same location or they built new stadium. From looks of things, it's also their baseball field. Reminds me of pikeville
Walt Longmire Wrote:Caldwell County didn't beat them at home in the 2012 semifinals? Must have been a different DeSales.

DeSales played their "home" games at Fairdale that year. They also played home games at Doss, Iroquois and others over the years. Splitting hairs - their new stadium opened in 2016 and they never had a true home game until then. In four years, CAL is the only visiting team to win at Cox Stadium.

at first I thought all this desales stuff, was just "talk". It's sad that a fan cant go to a game and enjoy watching kids play, but instead have to worry about their own safety.

If its that bad, why doesn't the school handle it? If they know about all of this, and its true, one would assume that's some liability on the school and they wouldn't want that.
My two cents, if Desales keeps letting this garbage happen they are just stoking the fire in the private school only class, I’m sure playing Trinity yearly in the playoffs would make them happy.
I really hope that the DeSales fans can refrain from violence. I guess it’s a good thing that The Pirates have Pike County Sheriff Dept. escorts with them to and from games and on the sidelines.
BelfryPride Wrote:I really hope that the DeSales fans can refrain from violence. I guess it’s a good thing that The Pirates have Pike County Sheriff Dept. escorts with them to and from games and on the sidelines.

Outside of their jurisdiction what could they really do? Other than the deterrent of appearance?
unfortunately I don’t think the KHSAA will do the right thing here, it would set a precedent, take a home game from DeSales who under the current system “earned” it and there will likely be complaints of cost. Even if the behavior of some DeSales fans warrant a change of venue, it probably won’t happen. My hope is that the Pirates focus on sending DeSales packing.
Lol reading this thread you’d think we are going up their to a war zone. In the end, we will go and play a game and all this will look silly. I haven’t worn body armor since i left Afghanistan but reading here sounds like i need to throw it on before i get out of the car. It’ll be fine, it’s just another game. It’s one or two unruly people here and there, nothing to be afraid about. As far as the actual football game, Belfry by 10
AngryMob Wrote:Last week was more fun when the opposition was showing their ass. I think that helped us.

Turkeysalad, do you care to say our kids aren’t worth a nickel and they’re slow and soft and don’t talk right? Just need some bulletin board stuff. Ashland made it a little easier.
Your kids aren't worth a nickel and they're slow and soft and don't talk right.
Happy? Confusednicker:

Lord Grantham Wrote:Belfry needs to insist on the far sideline. That way, they will not have to wipe spit off their helmets.
That's assault. And it's a shame that it is allowed to continue.

Lord Grantham Wrote:With all due respect, the candor falls short.

There was ONE Officer at the Bardstown game, and he was powerless to do anything. There were 3 “Event Staff” women who were all over 60 years old, and did absolutely and positively nothing. And I’m sorry, but the old guard Desales crowd stood idly by and watched it happen. They did nothing, and in all fairness could not have done anything because the ugly truth is that there are more bad actors than good actors. If I were from Belfry, I would bring weapons. They spit on players, and there was a fight in which a 9 year-old child was assaulted and hospitalized. They formed a postgame group that laughed at the inconsolate Tiger seniors, and a coach even participated from the locker room. This is neither hyperbole or sour grapes; I have several of the incidents on video. Be proud, Archdiocese, they are yours!
If prior evidence exists of these things, and those people are still allowed to attend games, then the administration should be considered an accomplice. Simple as that! They should be just as guilty as the people who engage in this behavior.

Lord Grantham Wrote:It will be.

But listen to yourself. You are actually here, telling the assaulted visiting fans to do something. YOU DO SOMETHING!

Bring the Archdiocese down. Make a statement. Shut the season down. Forfeit to Belfry, and let your fan base know that Desales High School will not permit itself to be demeaned by base thuggery.
Exactly!! The entire program should be wiped out until the fan base can be controlled. I cannot believe, if all these accusations are true, that someone hasn't brought charges against them. I've heard a whole lot about Scroggins and how much respect he has from programs all over the state. I'm very surprised that he hasn't done more to stop this!

#55PirateFan Wrote:That's for damn sure! They won't be getting many INT's from us! 😂
Hmmm......don't I remember a 76 yard passing TD from last week???

#55PirateFan Wrote:I agree my friend. Shouldn't even be an issue, especially when kids are involved. Crazy.

Belfry fans are just as fanatic as anyone else but we cause no problems and are VERY respectful to visitors who come to play. At least it's been that way the 4 years Ethan has been there. Ask most people, and they'll tell you Pond Creek was a great high school football experience.
Okay, even I can attest to this. Belfry fans are fanatical and some are even arrogant, but I have never felt more welcomed than when I visited their stadium.

#55PirateFan Wrote:We already have. The Pike County Superintendent has been notified and responded. We'll just see what happens from here.
That's a great start!! But don't stop with just that. If an incident does happen, charges should be filed and you should contact every media outlet in the state! I haven't heard about anything that has been listed, happening at DeSales. I know it's very far away from here but that sounds like stuff that would make national news!!!

Hound05 Wrote:at first I thought all this desales stuff, was just "talk". It's sad that a fan cant go to a game and enjoy watching kids play, but instead have to worry about their own safety.

If its that bad, why doesn't the school handle it? If they know about all of this, and its true, one would assume that's some liability on the school and they wouldn't want that.
Yes, liability should exist. The school has the option to not allow those fans to attend games.

And I will say this; if a high school football game cannot be played because of fear of injury from the fans and the school cannot or will not control those people, then that school should not be allowed to compete. PERIOD

Violence tends to create violence. God forbid, but they will attack the wrong fan base one of these days, and it could turn out to be devastating!
Hound05 Wrote:Outside of their jurisdiction what could they really do? Other than the deterrent of appearance?

Would have to research it but there is actually a KRS statute that gives sworn law enforcement state wide powers, it’s just professional courtesy that they don’t go treading through each other’s back yards....
Hound05 Wrote:Outside of their jurisdiction what could they really do? Other than the deterrent of appearance?
The could make a citizens arrest. (Barney Fife just rang in my head) The fact that they are sworn law enforcement SHOULD carry a little weight even out of their jurisdiction.

AtlPirateFan Wrote:unfortunately I don’t think the KHSAA will do the right thing here, it would set a precedent, take a home game from DeSales who under the current system “earned” it and there will likely be complaints of cost. Even if the behavior of some DeSales fans warrant a change of venue, it probably won’t happen. My hope is that the Pirates focus on sending DeSales packing.
I have absolutely NO faith in the KHSAA. Seen too much BS from them in my many years. I've heard over and over that they are not there to enforce rules and regs, just to help make them. Stupid!!!

DeSales sounds to me like a dangerous place to have a high school football team attend. I would see what I could do to change the venue and lay some evidence prior to the game, of what has been happening and eventually ignored.

This is a terrible situation, IMO.
single shot Wrote:Would have to research it but there is actually a KRS statute that gives sworn law enforcement state wide powers, it’s just professional courtesy that they don’t go treading through each other’s back yards....

See I think you’re right. But I had an old officer who hasn’t been off the force thag long tell me that unless a call for assistance is made specifically asking them to help they have no jurisdiction. But thag doesn’t make any sense to me either. Like you said, if you’re a state sworn peace officer, then thag certification should be good state wide.

Either way if I seen you attacking a kid, parent, what have, I’d throw cuffs on ya, make you eat some concrete, don’t care if the charges stick, you’ll learn a good lesson. Hopefully all of this is for nothing.

And they say us Baptists are rowdy haha.
It's a state by state thing. I'm a deputy in Indiana. I have arrest powers in every Indiana county.
I wonder if CAL would agree to host this game as a neutral site?

Won't have any issues there and field shouldn't be used.
pirateforlife Wrote:I think this field they play on now is a new field they've used since 2013. I do know they used to have grass. Not sure if its same location or they built new stadium. From looks of things, it's also their baseball field. Reminds me of pikeville

nemo Wrote:DeSales played their "home" games at Fairdale that year. They also played home games at Doss, Iroquois and others over the years. Splitting hairs - their new stadium opened in 2016 and they never had a true home game until then. In four years, CAL is the only visiting team to win at Cox Stadium.


That makes sense then.
Worrying about fans and stadiums is a huge distraction. Devote your efforts to stopping Demetri Scott and the DeSales blitz and pass rush. Unless you figure out how to stop it, Ty Scroggins' D will be in your backfield all night long.
Tica Wrote:Worrying about fans and stadiums is a huge distraction. Devote your efforts to stopping Demetri Scott and the DeSales blitz and pass rush. Unless you figure out how to stop it, Ty Scroggins' D will be in your backfield all night long.

Their pass rush is negated by the fact the we throw twice a game :-). However Scroggins knows our game plan intimately and has beaten it 4 out of 6 times
Walt Longmire Wrote:Caldwell County didn't beat them at home in the 2012 semifinals? Must have been a different DeSales.

Wait so we can use recent stats and streaks to prop up our Chest pounding? I’ll say only 2 teams have beaten Belfry in the playoffs in the last 10 years.....wait, Belfry hasn’t lost a game on Black Friday in that same time frame. Wait ....none of it matters come Friday night. DeSales scares the heck out me, but I know Belfry can walk out victors as well. None of the rest matters only what happens on Friday between the hashes
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