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Ever Get Caught Napping at Work?
If you ever get caught napping on the job here's a few excuses you may want to use.

1) They told me at the blood bank this may happen.
2) I was testing the keyboard for drool resistance.
3) I'm in the management training program.
4) Someone must have put decaf in the wrong pot.
5) Darn! Why did you interrupt me? I had almost figured out the solution to our biggest problem.
6) This is one of the seven habits of highly effective people.
7) I was just testing my eyelids for holes. So far I haven't found any, bust I must keep looking.
8) Whew! Guess I left the lid off the Liquid Paper.
Those are pretty good my favorite one was #2
Ask Batpuff he was an expert at this.
HAHA I liked number 6.
CatDawg Wrote:Ask Batpuff he was an expert at this.

For some reason i knew you would say that, and oh by the way cat i dont know what you are talking about. LOL
What happen you fall asleep and forget?
#2 was good
The best excuse I ever heard was when they came to wake you up just say, Amen! Looks like you were praying. Smile
CatDawg Wrote:What happen you fall asleep and forget?

Must have. LOL:thumpsup:

I was good at it, I could sleep anywhere.:notworthy
I fell asleep in the shoe stockroom at JC Penney once. Luckily I had no customers and my manager didn't come through there. One of my friends who also worked there with me came back there and saw me.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
I was sitting down at work yesterday up by the cash register on the little stool things and I ended up dozing one caught me and nothing got was only for a couple seconds then I made myself get up and I wouldn't sit down until I got off work...
I just got caught and used #1.
I want my money didn't work.
Yeah so.. Not only do i sleep at work.. but I also get on the computer.. My excuses always were.. Give me 5 more minutes.. and get out of here lol..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
haha those are cute

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