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Coach Haywood
Does anyone ever think that Coach Haywood's all time win record in Kentucky High School Football will be surpassed? He started this season with 438 and Belfry has won 6 games this season bringing his total to 444 which is number 5 in the nation for active coaches. Let's assume Belfry wins 3 playoff games. That will bring his total to 447. I don't know how long he continues coaching but I dont think this is his final season. If he wins 12 games a year and coaches 3 more season that would bring his career win total to 483 wins. Does anyone believe any coach could ever surpass that number?

Dudley Hilton is the second all time wins leader and is still coaching as well. He started the year with 379 wins and is now at 389. He took I think it was four seasons away from the high school ranks when he left for UPIKE. I'm not sure he'll coach long enough to reach Coach Haywood. Does anyone think anyone can catch him? It's going to be a tall mountain to climb.
68 D Wrote:No. belfry should play better teams. If they did, that record would mean so much more. Would like to see them pass more too. Oh, and maybe win more than six games. Oh and maybe be able to actually pass the ball. the players are mindless. If a team switches formations they have no clue what to do. Go ahead delete my account for being "iNcOnSiDeRaTe To OtHeRs." Kentucky football is so soft. Doesn't even compare to Ohio or Cali. Coach Haywood still looks like a hairy Thumb. Who is isaac dixon by the way. Kid even looks like he has a 1.4 GPA. 68D signing off for now. See you fellas on my other burner account.

Lol you gave me a good laugh for today. What team are you a fan of anyway?
Hound05 Wrote:Dude I won’t even say what you are for saying that about a kid!! I think you already know. Oh yea by the way genius! They can block your IP address. I think a 1.4 GPA would be a stretch for you....

I'm pretty sure he is the guy who got suspended on the Alter vs Belfry thread for mocking the Lord. He's an idiot!
Today, the longevity required to pass Haywood is virtually non-existent, so no.

And while I find Belfry to be one of the admirable programs in the state, it is important to caveat, not to the extreme of prior mocking of Belfry's schedule, that each class, past and present, does require qualifying of every coach's/team's record.

Haywood has the most wins, and should be lauded for that achievement.

Coaches like Wolfe, Beatty, Redman, and Glaser have more impressive collective coaching records.

Mueller has the most interesting; location, building, players, etc.

Celebrate Haywood, because his like will likely never be seen again in the state of Kentucky.
Haddix is young coach got a chance to catch him later on down the road
BellCOUNTYfaithfull Wrote:Haddix is young coach got a chance to catch him later on down the road
Possibly because he is so young, and has huge upside and a bright future if he stays in HS. I don’t see him every winning 4 straight tho.
Hound05 Wrote:Possibly because he is so young, and has huge upside and a bright future if he stays in HS. I don’t see him every winning 4 straight tho.

It's possible for Haddix to do it but I dont see it happening. Reason? I think Coach H will be roaming the sidelines at the next level within the next 5 years. But if I'm wrong and he stays, then he absolutely has a shot. The young signal caller can flat out coach.
Dudley won't catch him. That college stint hurt that.

Someone will eventually catch him. Records are made to be broken .

Hilton started when he was 27
Haywood started when he was 24.
Kevin Wallace at St. X who was previously at Bowling Green is currently at 314 counting his 6 wins from this season. He has a chance if he stays coaching in KY another 15 years at least. St. X is a program that is going to win at least 10-12 games every season. Dale Mueller at Highlands probably would have if he didn't retire from coaching. He was 250-36 in 20 seasons at Highlands with 11 state championships.
Hound05 Wrote:Dude I won’t even say what you are for saying that about a kid!! I think you already know. Oh yea by the way genius! They can block your IP address. I think a 1.4 GPA would be a stretch for you....
I bet my GPA wasn't much more than that, and I'm extremely intelligent and muy intelligente.
pirateforlife Wrote:I'm pretty sure he is the guy who got suspended on the Alter vs Belfry thread for mocking the Lord. He's an idiot!

pure bred.
#55PirateFan Wrote:It's possible for Haddix to do it but I dont see it happening. Reason? I think Coach H will be roaming the sidelines at the next level within the next 5 years. But if I'm wrong and he stays, then he absolutely has a shot. The young signal caller can flat out coach.

I kinda agree. That’s why I put if he stays in HS. I’ll be honest. He has a lot to learn. Most if not all coaches do. Especially one that young. But, sometimes it don’t show in his play calling, but he he a mastermind at disguising an offense. Plus he already runs a college type offense. Now he’s not anywhere near ready to be a HC on any college level, but a QB coach or even OC would be possible in years to come. I’d love to see him stay at corbin as long as he wants. He’s a good coach, knows how to win, knows and recognizes what he needs to surround himself with to win, and most importantly cares deeply about the kids. I do think if he stays, like I said, he could beat the record or come very close, but what Haywood did those 5 or 6 years in a row was something special. I DONT see him doing that though. Now on the belfry side, I don’t see Haywood coaching much longer. I recall seeing someone say he said he would stop when it finally became to much, or he didn’t have the passion he use to, or something to that affect. I think he’s getting close to that point now. But either way, he’s someone the people of belfry and KY can be proud of. It seems like he done things the right way on his journey. Outside of recruiting WV players hahah. (Sorry I cant give belfry that much credit without taking a shot). Good luck to you guys the rest of the year. I still think they are right up there with everyone else as far as title chances.
I cannot believe you guys didn't shoot me a PM over that post!!! Most of you have my personal cell number.

I'm slow and I have to monitor a great number of threads. PLEASE don't let posts like that go unreported again. Help me out!!!
Doubt many guys will get HC jobs as early as 24 and then have success for that long
Coach Phillip Haywood is one of the greatest coaches to ever walk the sidelines. I would encourage everyone on this site to read his book: Faith, Family, Football
I don’t get Paid to say this. I’ve been following an involved in high school athletics for 47 years. Not a better man walking on the earth.
Craze JACKET man Wrote:Coach Phillip Haywood is one of the greatest coaches to ever walk the sidelines. I would encourage everyone on this site to read his book: Faith, Family, Football
I did!! Excellent read.

Craze JACKET man Wrote:I don’t get Paid to say this. I’ve been following an involved in high school athletics for 47 years. Not a better man walking on the earth.
I've spoken to several of the folks involved with Haywood when they were kids and the first thing that they usually say about him is that he helped them when they needed it. Yes, he's an excellent coach but a better man!

Apologies to everyone that I blasted this morning. Confusednicker: I didn't sleep last night and when I saw that post, I literally had a conniption fit!!

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