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California Becomes Second State to Introduce Bush Impeachment


Joining Illinois, California has become the second state in which a proposal to impeach President Bush has been introduced in the state legislature. And this one includes Cheney as well.

California Assemblyman Paul Koretz of Los Angeles (where the LA Times has now called for Cheney's resignation) has submitted amendments to Assembly Joint Resolution No. 39, calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney. The amendments reference Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of the United States House of Representatives, which allows federal impeachment proceedings to be initiated by joint resolution of a state legislature.

The resolution, in the words of Koretz's press release, "bases the call for impeachment upon the Bush Administration intentionally misleading the Congress and the American people regarding the threat from Iraq in order to justify an unnecessary war that has cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives and casualties; exceeding constitutional authority to wage war by invading Iraq; exceeding constitutional authority by Federalizing the National Guard; conspiring to torture prisoners in violation of the 'Federal Torture Act' and indicating intent to continue such actions; spying on American citizens in violation of the 1978 Foreign Agency Surveillance Act; leaking and covering up the leak of the identity of Valerie Plame Wilson, and holding American citizens without charge or trial."

Koretz submitted amendments gutting AJR No. 39, a resolution unrelated to impeachment, to the Assembly Rules Committee. The Rules Committee may take up the bill this week for referral, allowing him to formally introduce the amended resolution.

AJR 39 is a bill introduced in January by Koretz calling for a moratorium on depleted uranium:

"At both the state and national levels," Koretz said, "we will be paying for the Bush Administration's illegal actions and terrible lack of judgment and competence for decades—not only in the billions of dollars wasted on the war and welfare for the rich, but in the worldwide loss of respect for America and Americans. Bush and Cheney must be impeached and removed from office before they undertake even deadlier misdeeds, such as the use of nuclear weapons. There are no bounds to their willingness to ignore the Constitution and world opinion—we can't afford to wait for the next disaster and hope that we can survive it."

For more inormation and to thank this American hero, contact Paul Michael Neuman in Koretz's District Office: (310) 285-5490 or go here:

Here is a kit to help with promoting this resolution and with passing others in your towns and cities and states. Also on this page is information on activities in other states and localities:

Get organized in California to pass this bill!

Illinois Legislators Were First to Introduce Bill for Bush Impeachment

Three members of the Illinois General Assembly have introduced a bill that urges the General Assembly to submit charges to the U. S. House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States, George W. Bush, for willfully violating his Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and if found guilty urges his removal from office and disqualification to hold any other office in the United States.

The Jefferson Manual of rules for the U.S. House of Representatives makes clear that impeachment proceedings can be initiated by a state legislature submitting charges. The state of Illinois is on its way toward forcing on the House what not a single one of its members has yet had the courage to propose: Articles of Impeachment.

The text of the Illinois bill and information on its status are available here:

The bill takes up the issues of illegal spying, torture, detentions without charge or trial, manipulation of pre-war intelligence, and the leaking of classified information.

Please thank these sponsors of the bill:

Rep. Karen A. Yarbrough, phone (217) 782-8120 or (708) 615-1747; fax (708) 615-1745

Rep Sara Feigenholtz , phone (217) 782-8062 or (773) 296-4141; fax (217) 557-7203 or (773) 296-0993

Rep. Eddie Washington phone (217) 558-1012 or (847) 623-0060, fax (847) 623-6078

Here is a kit to help with promoting this resolution and with passing others in your towns and cities. Also on this page is information on activities in other states and localities:

Get organized in Illinois to pass this bill!
I don't think it will happen, but wouldn't it be great? lol
Blackcat75 Wrote:I don't think it will happen, but wouldn't it be great? lol
I'm too tired to read that whole thing, but, basically, what's it say?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I say more states will follow.............
BurntTires Wrote:I say more states will follow.............

i believe you are right!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
He did'nt even win the election........CHEATER!
Has anyone see that Micheal Moore Film,,,feriheit 911
yes it would be good. but who after Cheney would be in charge? well anyone's better that twiddle dee and twiddle dum.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Blackcat75 Wrote:I don't think it will happen, but wouldn't it be great? lol
Yes... It would be really great
I would love to see it happen
HomeGrown Wrote:He did'nt even win the election........CHEATER!
Has anyone see that Micheal Moore Film,,,feriheit 911

Worst movie ever all are ridiculous if you think its a good thing to see him impeached....absolutely ridiculous. Do you realize if Al Gore had been elected president, that we would all be dead right now. our country was ATTACKED and George Bush did not take it lightly. Al Gore would have sit back and relaxed and watched it happen again.......George Bush got us through that time.....and i am thankful for it.
honestly why do u think Al Gore would have done nothing? just because he was about as exciting as a tree doesnt mean he would have done nothing.
u talk about that movie being ridiculous, well sir your statement is ridiculous.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
ill take my word for it...
corndog23 Wrote:Worst movie ever all are ridiculous if you think its a good thing to see him impeached....absolutely ridiculous. Do you realize if Al Gore had been elected president, that we would all be dead right now. our country was ATTACKED and George Bush did not take it lightly. Al Gore would have sit back and relaxed and watched it happen again.......George Bush got us through that time.....and i am thankful for it.

I love people who use common sense (you) and realize that Bush isn't to blame for everything. Let us not forget, the planning for 9/11 began while Clinton was in office, Bush got the rath. They all think that Gore would have been on the planes and stopped the terrorists himself, they think that they would be better off financially, and they think that gas would be $1.69 a gallon
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Times were a whole lot better when Clinton was president. I've had to work for a living and support a family and it was a whole lot easier to do when gas was $1.69/gallon. During his presidency I made a good living and supported my family and gave them just about anything they wanted. During Bush's presidency we have struggled to live in every way possible. When some of you younger people have to work for a living and support your families instead of your families supporting you. I think you might change your minds. I don't care to pay taxes but I do care to see it wasted on useless wars and price gougers.
it will never happen
Bush is a pansy. Get rid of him and bring in the other Clinton. The world would be a better place. George W. is too concerned with trying to get people back for what they did to his father. I say give his dad and himself a gun and send them over seas to fight the battles themselves cuz we're losing innocent lives for nothing. What are they fighting for now? The got Saddam, what's left? They will never end terrorism so give it up. That's like the US getting rid of every person that commits a crime here. It ain't gonna happen so quit killing innocent lives you grey headed sorry ass bastard!
Dont see this happening
Crossbones Wrote:Times were a whole lot better when Clinton was president. I've had to work for a living and support a family and it was a whole lot easier to do when gas was $1.69/gallon. During his presidency I made a good living and supported my family and gave them just about anything they wanted. During Bush's presidency we have struggled to live in every way possible. When some of you younger people have to work for a living and support your families instead of your families supporting you. I think you might change your minds. I don't care to pay taxes but I do care to see it wasted on useless wars and price gougers.

Times were better because of lots of other variables, Bush can't do a damn thing by himself without Congress and other parts keeping him in check. Bush is getting the blame, but it's not his fault
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:Times were better because of lots of other variables, Bush can't do a damn thing by himself without Congress and other parts keeping him in check. Bush is getting the blame, but it's not his fault

Lets not forget that it is a Congress that is run by his own party. A Supreme Court that is control more by conservative judges. The President is consider the leader of the Country, and the Government all that goes wrong he will be blamed for, not all is fault, but a lot of things he is responsible for. This his administration, and he is responsible for their actions. It was his decision to go to war in Iraq, Congress only gave him the choice to do so, and he did. Mistakes happen, people are human, but this President is too arrogant to even admit to mistakes. The President will not be impeached, as long as the GOP has control of Congress no way will they get enough votes, and noway (like Clinton) will their be enough votes in the Senate.
LC99 Wrote:. It was his decision to go to war in Iraq, Congress only gave him the choice to do so, and he did. .

no no my friend...congress declares war...article 1 section 8 i believe
corndog23 Wrote:no no my friend...congress declares war...article 1 section 8 i believe

War against Iraq was never declared like it was in WW2. Congress voted on a resolution to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction.
Get rid of Bush!!!!
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
Bush sucks, but he will be our President untill his terms are over. We will have to suffer through this ti then.
If you were already wealthy, while Bush was in office, you are probably doing better or at least as well. But if you have to really work....then you see how how obstacles are at every turn. You just can't catch a break!
I watched CNN tonight an the debt Bush has got us in is causing us to pay 240 Billion dollars next year in intrest alone, not even paying on the debt its self. And its not his fault about the war? Who hit us on 911? Osama not Sadam. Why did we go after him? Cause he tried to kill his daddy.

I like the idea about letting them have a gun an go fight their own battles.
I hope more states continue to be added...Impeach Bush !!!

:Clap: :letsparty
Blackcat75 Wrote:I watched CNN tonight an the debt Bush has got us in is causing us to pay 240 Billion dollars next year in intrest alone, not even paying on the debt its self. And its not his fault about the war? Who hit us on 911? Osama not Sadam. Why did we go after him? Cause he tried to kill his daddy.

I like the idea about letting them have a gun an go fight their own battles.

There's still like 60,000 troops looking for Osama
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Let me ask you something the world (society) as a whole, better off with sadaam hussein locked up??? Or would it be better to have him out there running free?? which world is better??? tell me blackcat...please tell me...
corndog23 Wrote:Let me ask you something the world (society) as a whole, better off with sadaam hussein locked up??? Or would it be better to have him out there running free?? which world is better??? tell me blackcat...please tell me...

Very good point, but I can tell you exactly what they'll all say: "Well, why not? We let Kim Jong II do it to his own people, and he's a bigger threat, more of a psycho, and has WMD."
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life

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