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Appalachian News-Express
So with all the PR that the News-Express threw out about how much need there was for a daily paper because of all the local news, I'm just wondering where it is. Has anyone else noticed the huge amount of AP articles that are running in every part of the paper??? What happened to all the "local" news that we were going to get. And as for the huge ads that they keep running about being daily.... can you say "space eater". If I wanted to read national news, then I would go get a Herald Leader. We are definitely getting less bang for our $0.75... shoot, I have to buy 2 or 3 papers now to get as much local new as I used to get in 1..... Ah, but alas I must remember that it is all about the almighty greenback...
Yeah, lots of AP stuff,huh?
And they are making a BIG deal of being "daily" but my faithful Websters Dictionary defines daily as.."1.Happening or done every day: the physician's daily rounds.
2.Computed or assessed for each day: a daily record.
3.Everyday: casual clothes only for daily use."
Since when did DAILY only have six days????
And could they update the web site daily then? I don't get much of that here.....
I agree they need to update their web site more often.
Yeah... with all that "local" news... Rolleyes

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