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Lawrence Co. High Hit by Vandals
Vandals struck Lawrence County High School Friday night or Saturday morning causing more than a million dollars worth of damage as reported by WSAZ. One new lab was destroyed computers, TV's, and windows were broken shelves were overturned.
If you don't like school, then why destroy it for the people that do. Some students actually look at an education as a way to better themselves and to build a better future for themselves. When they catch the people that did this, they should be put to work to earn the money to replace the items that they destroyed, instead of being locked up in a jail waiting their time, until they can be free to do the same thing again. But wait, that would make too much sense, wouldn't it, and we "DEFINITELY" can't have that happen in the judicial system, can we.
That is horrible.
This isn't the first time that this has happened either. Just lucky they didn't do more.
hate to hear this
That sucks. It happens to almost every school at least once. Hope they find out who did it and punish them.

Does the school have security cameras or anything to the sort?

well this is like the 100th time that this is happen, its not that the police dont patrol there at night they do because i was one of them that did it,. but because of the way the school is built and the fact that u can get out in a lot of different ways and because of the alarm system or lack of one is a big one, I know I preached a million times the need for one and the school system still refuses to get one,. go figure.
I was wondering if they had some type of alarm system. You would think that the Insurance Company would require one.
How many times while doing security checks were the doors found unlocked Bat over the years? You would think by now they would do something. I would think just preventing a incident like this one time would pay for security for a lifetime.
I do know for a fact that i had found the gym door open several times while making rounds. I do know that they did put more security gates up in the school but big deal. I know I spoke to them about putting camera's in all schools, one to help prevent this thing, second to help cut down on the problems during school hours like fights drugs you name it, but it was always the same thing everytime cant afford it, but then they keep paying out the money to replace and fix every damn thing that was stolen or broken or set on fire. I hope they wake up and put a camera system in the schools once and for all I know I would feel better about my daughter going to school there when she reaches High School.
That really is a truly stupid thing to do.
IF somebody gets caught they are going to be facing ALOT of TIME.
Kids these days. I cant wait until these people get caught. I hope that get an old fashioned whoopin in front of the entire county. and trust me the will be certain your sins will find you out!

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