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Perry Co Central @ Leslie Co 8-23-19
We are getting this started because I wanna see how everyone feels about the first regular season game for Leslie since this week is just a scrimmage who comes out with the win?
From everything I hear out of both schools. Leslie should be the favorite. I could see them winning by a couple scores.
Leslie County wins by 2-3+ TDs
Leslie County in a rout or rut.
Thoughts and predictions :pondering:
33-12 Leslie
Who will step up and replace Perry Central Jayden Niece this year. My predictions in a close one :popcorn:

Leslie County 35
Perry County Central 21
Leslie should come up big and prove their point and show people they will win more games this year than the last 2
28-7 Leslie Leslie county defense will step up and make the stops it takes to pull this one out Leslie offense will get rolling this week totally different team than they was last year defense is way better and they’ll be even better this week as they will watch Film and correct their mistakes they will be ready to rock
Perry County 41-21
Leslie County 28-6.
Leslie shut out a decent Pineville team in the scrimmage this past Friday. If they learn to finish off drives on Offense they could be really good. They ran/threw the ball all over the field. Seeing what all Perry Lost i don't seeing them being near as good. Leslie takes this one!

Leslie 24
Perry County 7
I like my Eagles in this one. Defense is strong. Leslie 28-7
Eagles by 16
Any other predictions?
Leslie 32
Perry 12
Leslie Co - 33
Perry Central - 20
Perry Central- 24

Leslie County 16
Perry 21 leslie 8
I like "Tim Couch U" in this one!

Leslie County 24
Perry Co. Central 10
This game should be interesting. Perry did lose a lot. But sometimes the young guys end up stepping up and getting the job done. That being said, I still like Leslie 27-20.
I'm going against the general grain of things here and rooting for the obvious underdogs. I like the head coach. Go Commies!
Who is Perry Central's football recruiting coordinator? They are really get outworked by the basketball recruiter. I never see any "big time" football transfers.
Perry would be awful in basketball if they didn't recruit... The homegrown Perry boys just don't got what it takes anymore. It's kinda sad for that big of a school to be as bad as they are without recruiting. Lol
Perry Central by a TD
Perry by a couple of touchdowns.
Leslie County should win this one
Eagles big

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