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Nathan Mcpeek AFCA article
PRIDE101 Wrote:You guys have no clue what you are talking about. The new coach at GC can walk in the starting QB from Scott and talk him into going to GC. It is open season. My last post, I was on the policy board and know what happens when a new school comes into existence. Several options such as Wolf County and Greater Crossings difference.
I know this is not your point but I had to laugh a little. The idea of the HC going into Coach McKee’s house to recruit his son to play at Great Crossing is a funny visual. Like I said I know that’s not your point but it’s still funny to think about.
Big Daddy Bull Wrote:Thanks for your other post- Got a little info about the Tates Creek kid, he was in a program called the Carter G Woodson Acad.. which is on FD campus so if wanted to stay with that program had to go to FD, could be wrong but I think that's correct

This is not at all the case. The kid got upset at a TC practice because he didn’t like being coached. He ended up physically pushing the HC and the HC asked him to leave practice. The kid responded that he was going to transfer and sure enough, he did and was ruled eligible. He may have started in the Carter G Academy after that but he was not in it prior.
PRIDE101 Wrote:The KHSAA allowed the recruiting process. Same as Scott Co now. Coaches can talk to and recruit whoever is in the county public school.

Correct, because those kids are/will be in the new schools district. But its not a KHSAA policy, its a local school district policy.
Real Badman Wrote:I don't think Knott County is in their boundary
what a can of worms has opened up here. Can anyone even recall what the thread topic was? I cant recall
MayfieldCardinal Wrote:what a can of worms has opened up here. Can anyone even recall what the thread topic was? I cant recall

Any time you bring up a McPeek or FDU it’s going to turn to cheating and/or recruiting. You reap what you sow. I have a feeling you’ll be hearing more soon if some recent violations that occurred there reach the light.
Good article
Frank Martin Wrote:Any time you bring up a McPeek or FDU it’s going to turn to cheating and/or recruiting. You reap what you sow. I have a feeling you’ll be hearing more soon if some recent violations that occurred there reach the light.

Can we please be adults and stay on topic? This is ridiculous and embarrassing frank martin attacking character isn’t intent of site I don’t think. Great article and let’s move on.
lextown Wrote:Guys,
Can we please be adults and stay on topic? This is ridiculous and embarrassing frank martin attacking character isn’t intent of site I don’t think. Great article and let’s move on.

I didn’t attack anyone’s character I simply stated that anytime they are brought up it turns to their past which is fact and the present which is some rumors and some facts. If you are concerned about their character I suggest you talk to them.
dbcooper Wrote:Nate was not on the LC staff then or any other time. He was playing college football at Marshall.
Not only that, but I’d challenge you to name one significant transfer Garry McPeek brought to LC. I’ll wait...

You can candy coat it how you want but I'm a straight shooter and call em like I see em. And the transfers being significant on the field is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is he pulled about 20 kids out his ass and it wasn't a (if you build it they will come situation either. He had this program on a road to trouble but fortunately his stay was breif. His significant transfers as you like to call em disappeared faster then he did.
Do-double-gg Wrote:You can candy coat it how you want but I'm a straight shooter and call em like I see em. And the transfers being significant on the field is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is he pulled about 20 kids out his ass and it wasn't a (if you build it they will come situation either. He had this program on a road to trouble but fortunately his stay was breif. His significant transfers as you like to call em disappeared faster then he did.

The only transfer under him stayed and graduated. No one came and disappeared faster than he did.
You have him confused with another coach. Nate wasn’t here. No influx or exit of transfers.
Nate’s a great coach and a highly intelligent person. I think everyone has made a poor judgement call or two in their life. He deserves the article and the recognition that comes with it. BTW you can recruit Tarzan but if you coach like Jane it don’t matter anyway you still won’t win! Congrats to Nate! It’s good to see a Russell boy bringing old school physical play to central key with him.
THINBLUELINE411 Wrote:Nate’s a great coach and a highly intelligent person. I think everyone has made a poor judgement call or two in their life. He deserves the article and the recognition that comes with it. BTW you can recruit Tarzan but if you coach like Jane it don’t matter anyway you still won’t win! Congrats to Nate! It’s good to see a Russell boy bringing old school physical play to central key with him.
You should be careful with this line of reasoning. You are admitting to the recruiting and they haven't been able to win the region in 2 years with hand picked players.
Iam4thecats Wrote:You should be careful with this line of reasoning. You are admitting to the recruiting and they haven't been able to win the region in 2 years with hand picked players.

Neither has any other FCPS school other than Lafayette.
All y’all peope bashin him are looney

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