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North Laurel 56 Clay County 52
Any stats or analysis for the ones that couldn't make it?
No excuse for a full Clay team to lose to a North team with their leading scorer out, and only playing 5 kids the entire game.
North Laurel only played 5 kids
Definitely no excuse but Begley and Farmer were gimpy and slow all night. It may not have mattered but I thought that was a cheap foul on the And-1 at the end. You never see that called in that spot.
North Laurel boys & girls Region Champs.
Much harder for the boys, South Laurel is very good, just got a feeling
Wow...Clay has fallen on hard times. Peaked too early? Injuries happen so let’s hope that isn’t the excuse.
Clay (22-6) had whole team. North (19-11) didn't have their best player playing. Embarrassing. Second year in a row not making to region. First time in clay history. These players to good for that to be hanging over their heads.
To not win a region or two with this group of players would be a travesty...and it looks more and more that there won’t be two and possibly none. They say winning cures everything so I’m not sure what they say about losing but it can’t be good.
I was thinking 3 region titles with this group back when Robinson was in 8th grade. This year, next year making a big splash at Rupp, then the following year when Robinson is a senior. However, some players have quit and players not progressing as they should. The politics got in the way and messed everything up with their coaching selection. Sad situation. Clay doesn’t even have a freshman team and about 16 players in the entire program. This program is bad right now and destroyed after Robinson graduates.
I was way off on my 74-70 prediction North, Final was 56-52 North but I do see a pattern North did won by 4 :joystick::joystick::joystick:
2 facts about Clay County

1. They ran off the best coach they have had since Bobby Keith to give job to Glenn.

2. This bunch isn’t nearly as talented as what most people think. They have one player that is above average the rest are role players. Truth is the truth. Just because you are good at the middle school level doesn’t equate to anything at the high school level

The administration got exactly what hey deserved the last 2 years IMO
But they didn't run off the coach he resigned!!! HAHA.......The administration got exactly what they asked for. Everything in Clay is way to political and I'm sure it is that way everywhere else.....but they don't compare to how things are ran in Clay......I just wonder what the excuse will be this year??? Injuries?? Youth??? Blind Draw??.....I'm sorry there is no excuse.....
cchsfan4life Wrote:But they didn't run off the coach he resigned!!! HAHA.......The administration got exactly what they asked for. Everything in Clay is way to political and I'm sure it is that way everywhere else.....but they don't compare to how things are ran in Clay......I just wonder what the excuse will be this year??? Injuries?? Youth??? Blind Draw??.....I'm sorry there is no excuse.....
I would say Clay will blame it on the blind draw-they have been complaining and moaning about it since last year. The Clay newspaper writers have been pretty brutal to the small schools in the district that voted for the draw-calling their schools pathetic and shameful; downright bullying them on social media. I guess Jackson gets the final laugh-at the Regional Tournament :-)
First, Clay was outcoached and outplayed in this game...period! North had a game plan and executed it to perfection. Sizemore and Shepherd were nearly flawless in their roles.
Second, Clay has the talent. They proved that in the first half of the season. Everyone was playing team ball, working the ball around taking GOOD shots, valuing EVERY possession, and playing "good enough" defense. I can't say that for the last half of the season. Soooo...what happened? Coaching?? Egos?? Parents?? Politics?? I say it is a perfect $hitstorm of all of those! Zero defense will get you beat EVERY TIME. Players were not held accountable for their defensive effort prior in the season. Not a lot of maturing went on amongst players. Shoulda, coulda, woulda....
:Cheerlead TIGERZ. :Cheerlead. TIGERZ. :Cheerlead
64SUR Wrote::Cheerlead TIGERZ. :Cheerlead. TIGERZ. :Cheerlead

Vanished into thin air! Confusednicker:
Marcum was told resign, or be fired . Is what I was told .
basketball101 Wrote:Marcum was told resign, or be fired . Is what I was told .
resign or be fired???? Marcum's coaching stats were way to good to be fired from anywhere. I think he resigned because of all the dirty politics involved and lack of support from just a couple people in power positions. I know that most of the county loved him as coach.
Marcum was forced out plain and simple. Anyone who thinks otherwise is drinking the koolaid. The board got exactly who they wanted and if you want to know the truth they tried to get rid of him a year before
Truth99 Wrote:Marcum was forced out plain and simple. Anyone who thinks otherwise is drinking the koolaid. The board got exactly who they wanted and if you want to know the truth they tried to get rid of him a year before

Well the board obviously doesn't know basketball then. I guarantee with a coach Clay makes it to region last two years no problem. North beat Clay with 5 players and their best player didn't play. Clay has very good talent with no guidance. Dirty politics. Can't believe people vote these guys in positions with it being a basketball county and all. Clay is at its lowest it has ever been. Will be decent next two years because the players are so good and alot of teams are down , but then Clay is done after that little run. Everyone has quit except for this special group that has never played in a regional game yet.
Has anybody ever stopped to consider that maybe that team just isn’t that good? Robinson is really good but the rest are simply role players that feed off what he gives them because he draws so much attention. I keep hearing on this forum about how much more talented Clay is than North and that is simply ridiculous. Maybe your coach deserves a break!
Northside pride Wrote:Has anybody ever stopped to consider that maybe that team just isn’t that good? Robinson is really good but the rest are simply role players that feed off what he gives them because he draws so much attention. I keep hearing on this forum about how much more talented Clay is than North and that is simply ridiculous. Maybe your coach deserves a break!

I guarantee all north fans LOVES Clay’s coach. But I’m like you enough about the coach or past coaches. It’s obvious what has happened to the program and who is responsible. I wish north the best of luck, they have a good group of young players too. And for Clay, I will go support the Tigers when or if gray ever resigns and they get someone in that position that can handle late season and post season coaching. Teams scout so you have to adjust and develop players and build a program to last.
Marcum , did a great job made the wrong people mad . Politics won out this is what u get . Sitting at home watching other teams play .

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