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Day of Protest -- Immigrants
Today is the National Day of Protest in support of new immigration laws. They are expecting 12+ million people to protest in 70+ cities across the country -- including Lexington. Personally I think that there should be stricter rules on immigration and even stricter rules on deportation from the US if one is here illegally.

There are many arguments that people make that don’t really have a strong foundation IMO. For instance, the argument that we are a country of immigrants. Yes, this is true and congrats on making that assessment, but we too are a country of LEGAL immigrants!! If you want to come to the US to have a better life, then do so legally by going through the citizenship process. Or that the immigrants take the jobs that Americans don’t want when in actuality, they are taking the jobs away from Americans by accepting rock bottom wages. I could probably go on and on about how the statements of the ILLEGAL aliens are stupid. Could be just me though.

And one thing is, there is so much coverage of this “Day of Protest”, that it might help build support from Americans because they see others supporting it when in actuality, 90+% of those protesting are the ones that would benefit from change, ie, the ones that shouldn’t be here!! Seems like the perfect chance to get millions of them out!!

ps...hope to have some fun with this thread!
Shew...there has to be someone here that supports them.....they are really starting to piss me off with all this crap today.....
I agree with you 100% on this issue beef...
i think we should check all the people at the rallys to see if they are legal and if they are not send them back. I mean really its like breaking out of prison and 2 years later when they catch you, they just set you free because you werent caught in the act.
I agree with beef on this topic
Beef i am 100% on ur side..

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
I agree with you 100%.
Beef Wrote:Today is the National Day of Protest in support of new immigration laws. They are expecting 12+ million people to protest in 70+ cities across the country -- including Lexington. Personally I think that there should be stricter rules on immigration and even stricter rules on deportation from the US if one is here illegally.

There are many arguments that people make that don’t really have a strong foundation IMO. For instance, the argument that we are a country of immigrants. Yes, this is true and congrats on making that assessment, but we too are a country of LEGAL immigrants!! If you want to come to the US to have a better life, then do so legally by going through the citizenship process. Or that the immigrants take the jobs that Americans don’t want when in actuality, they are taking the jobs away from Americans by accepting rock bottom wages. I could probably go on and on about how the statements of the ILLEGAL aliens are stupid. Could be just me though.

And one thing is, there is so much coverage of this “Day of Protest”, that it might help build support from Americans because they see others supporting it when in actuality, 90+% of those protesting are the ones that would benefit from change, ie, the ones that shouldn’t be here!! Seems like the perfect chance to get millions of them out!!

ps...hope to have some fun with this thread!

I agree with you 1000%....My grandfather entered this country with his mother and sister in search for a better life ( he escaped nazi controlled Hungary). Altho he was never a citizen of the US he did register each year until his death. He loved this country and all of his sons enlisted in the service..

There is nothing wrong with entering this country legally. There are rules and regulations - why is it so hard for this generation of adults to follow laws that are already in place.??
Well....seems I don't have a chance to argue with someone on this....
Beef Wrote:Well....seems I don't have a chance to argue with someone on this....

No Beef it doesn't look too good for ya...

I think they should ship all the illegal immigrants back to where they came from. They get FREE medical care and all kinds of discounts on stuff and I think that's pretty crappy. All someone has to do is cross over into the U.S and they get FREE health care when it costs us citizens like $700 or more. If they want to live here then great but do what you gotta do to gain your citizenship geesh it isn't that hard.

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