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Haddix cleaning house at Corbin?
Paul Crewe Wrote:Can't wait till all Corbin fans hear the recording of one of the last meetings.

It will break their hearts, kind of like finding out the truth about Santa.
There are two sides to every story and only one side is being told on here period.

When Corbin hired Mills as an assistant we were chastised because he wasn’t supposed to be a very good coach now that’s he’s left apparently that persona has changed.

This thread should have been closed the very minute a kid was threw under the bus but as always the the threads bashing Corbin are left open till the bitter end I’m out.
single shot Wrote:There are two sides to every story and only one side is being told on here period.

When Corbin hired Mills as an assistant we were chastised because he wasn’t supposed to be a very good coach now that’s he’s left apparently that persona has changed.

This thread should have been closed the very minute a kid was threw under the bus but as always the the threads bashing Corbin are left open till the bitter end I’m out.

Sometimes the truth hurts. I’m not sure where you heard Mills couldn’t coach, I would have to guess from a couple on there knees begging Dudley to come back. Wherever he ends up they will be tickled to death to have him on there sidelines.
single shot Wrote:There are two sides to every story and only one side is being told on here period.

When Corbin hired Mills as an assistant we were chastised because he wasn’t supposed to be a very good coach now that’s he’s left apparently that persona has changed.

This thread should have been closed the very minute a kid was threw under the bus but as always the the threads bashing Corbin are left open till the bitter end I’m out.

This thread is more about Haddix and Mouser, but most Corbin fans don't want to go there
single shot Wrote:There are two sides to every story and only one side is being told on here period.

When Corbin hired Mills as an assistant we were chastised because he wasn’t supposed to be a very good coach now that’s he’s left apparently that persona has changed.

This thread should have been closed the very minute a kid was threw under the bus but as always the the threads bashing Corbin are left open till the bitter end I’m out.

Corbin would never play victim. lol
insideinfo Wrote:Sometimes the truth hurts. I’m not sure where you heard Mills couldn’t coach, I would have to guess from a couple on there knees begging Dudley to come back. Wherever he ends up they will be tickled to death to have him on there sidelines.

I like to make bad moon rising jokes, but I never did know he can't coach :biglmao:
Xerxes Wrote:No, I just got one and it is a picture of Dudley. :yikes:
Oh yeah, with his 3 rings on it.

I knew the rings comment was coming Confusednicker:
bcpc Wrote:How many T-shirt’s does Dud have, lemme see if I can get right. Correct me if I make a mistake
Do you have all those T-shirt’s too
Xerxes? When was the last time Bell even got a district championship shirt? Been awhile huh?

I have a serious question. Are you 64SUR's cousin?
Threads sometimes lead to bashing kids. It's not just limited to Corbin but without question it needs to stop. I find it despicable and the fact that it is allowed to happen is disappointing to say the least.
I don't understand why anyone in Corbin, would question Haddix, regarding the decision he has made. The last time I checked, he is the head coach, and it's his responsibility to do what he feels is best, for the program. If he feels like he needs to go in a different direction, then so be it. At the end of the day, he will be responsible for what happens in the end, regardless if it works in Corbin's favor, or not. Haddix has taken a good program, to a championship contender in a short amount of time. So, he appears to know what he is doing.
Cat Daddy Wrote:I don't understand why anyone in Corbin, would question Haddix, regarding the decision he has made. The last time I checked, he is the head coach, and it's his responsibility to do what he feels is best, for the program. If he feels like he needs to go in a different direction, then so be it. At the end of the day, he will be responsible for what happens in the end, regardless if it works in Corbin's favor, or not. Haddix has taken a good program, to a championship contender in a short amount of time. So, he appears to know what he is doing.

I could not agree more. Haddix has full control. The manner in which he dismissed a longtime Corbin coach is what has fallen into question and then Corbin posters failing to admit the truth. Professionalism was all that was needed however ego has brought itself to the front in a couple matters when he tried to explain himself. You sir are 100% correct, he is in charge and will either reap the benefits of his decision or the repercussions. Make no mistake, he is a public high school football coach and can be questioned by any and everyone. Good luck to the Corbin kids.
Sounds like the Corbin people are more upset that he got rid of a Corbin guy. If he wasn’t from Corbin everyone could careless. That’s just an outsider looking in. Just because he’s from Corbin doesn’t mean that he automatically keeps a job. The cons must of out weighted the pros of keeping him. I’m sure Haddix knew this was coming.
3 adults know what happened. That is all. Cattleman is cracking me up pretty good tho by pretending he knows. You are either one of the 3, or playing victim for one of the 3. I can for sure say that you aren’t coach Haddix.. So that leaves 2.
bcpc Wrote:3 adults know what happened. That is all. Cattleman is cracking me up pretty good tho by pretending he knows. You are either one of the 3, or playing victim for one of the 3. I can for sure say that you aren’t coach Haddix.. So that leaves 2.

I don't know what is happening in Corbin, and don't really care, but I'm impressed that Haddix has the support, and full control of the team to make decisions on what he thinks is best. That's how it should be.
As an outsider looking in with no bias in this situation one way or the other:

- For the most part I see this as "much ado about nothin". Corbin stockpiled former Head Coaches. You had to anticipate that eventually things would have to shake out simply from an ego perspective. To me this comes down to one personnel decision. It just so happened that decision led to one chain reaction effect of a former Head Coach.

- A little shakeup may be the best thing to happen for Corbin in the end. It may also be a crack in the foundation that grows... but no way to judge in either direction right now.

- I do think there is a little impatience going on from the Redhound faithful that is natural but at the same time also unwarranted. What Haddix has done for that program in such a short time deserves respect and applause, with that said, to fall short of their goals with teams capable of winning Titles, you can see why people are so impatient. It's like flying to Hawaii and driving along the beach from the airport only to discover your luxury resort is actually nowhere near the water. It is still a 5-star resort, just you are left wanting a little more.

- I do think it is hilarious seeing Bell County fans suddenly championing Mills considering the circumstances.
bcpc Wrote:3 adults know what happened. That is all. Cattleman is cracking me up pretty good tho by pretending he knows. You are either one of the 3, or playing victim for one of the 3. I can for sure say that you aren’t coach Haddix.. So that leaves 2.

Thanks for confirmation that I do know what is going on.
So which one are ya Wayne or Jody?! Or a pretender! Hahahhaha. I got my money on pretender.
See you are not correct in what you say that 3 people know what was said. Each one was talked to individually. So only 2 knew what was said. I trust a family member in the fact that his service to Corbin athletics and his love for his home that he would in no way lie as to what was said in the meeting. I have said from the beginning that I had spoken to Jody for my information. No reason to lie or embellish the story. The sad thing is the continued denial of Corbin fans as to his dismissal and the unprofessional manner it was handled. Just for the sake of his service he deserved an explanation. So bcpc you dodge the truth, manipulate facts or whatever you want, just understand that many in your community have acknowledge exactly what i have said in PM's. You don't change the mind of anyone. Take care of your boy.
No need for explanation :mop:
bcpc Wrote:So which one are ya Wayne or Jody?! Or a pretender! Hahahhaha. I got my money on pretender.

Which 1 are ya? Jesse, Justin or a pretender? Nah too defensive to be a pretender. Lots of excuses being made but lots of questions being asked as well. We will see if
It works out. Hard to replace that much experience. Telling a guy he is no longer needed is pretty much firing him my book.
Defensive? Call me whoever you want. All I have said is there is 3 people that know. The rest don’t matter. Conversations from that point get twisted, mistold, told to suit the party they are speaking to. 2nd and 3rd hand and so on. It’s Haddixs prerogative on how he conducts interviews. Crap runs downhill everytime. Not all people and places conduct a suit and tie question and answer session for a interview for a football position. Not all people get the answers they want. I don’t know how the interviews were conducted. Or who all interviewed. Bottom line is that it’s all ok in Corbin. No one including myself has ever said that Tommy Greer will be a easy person to replace. But everyone knew he wouldn’t be back in 2019. No one in the Redhound Locker room is glad he is gone from that position. But Coach Haddix will hire who he thinks is best, end of story! He has made pretty good hires to this point, why would this change? Some of You guys on here make it sound like he should consult you on making decisions. On a BGR message board. Sounds like a good way to lose, and get to the point Bell has to me. His record is pretty good against Bell ya know. He has allowed 0 parties on the C! And has partied it up on the new Turf field every time he has been on it. Locker room, electric or not. Smile
I don't know what is happening in Corbin, and don't really care, but I'm impressed that Haddix has the support, and full control of the team to make decisions on what he thinks is best. That's how it should be.

Doug with all you post I think you do care what is happening in Corbin. But it may play in your favor and even Whitley may make a game of it when they face the Hounds next season. Let’s see how that support and full control of the team sounds once Greer is no longer on the sidelines. Why has Haddix teams been successful at Corbin? Greer being in charge of the D caused other teams to score less than the Hounds.
Don’t know what’s going but will say one thing. Head coach is only as good as his supporting cast. Do u think this is the first coach that surrounded himself with quality former head coaches? Nope.
Some of you are comical over-hyping Greer. You'd think he was Ditka or something. it takes a good staff. A complete team effort to win. One player or coach doesn't win games by himself.
pjdoug Wrote:Some of you are comical over-hyping Greer. You'd think he was Ditka or something. it takes a good staff. A complete team effort to win. One player or coach doesn't win games by himself.

Lets take a look at what you just said. If you think Greer is over hyped your lacking when it come to football knowledge. Now, it takes a good staff= this is what we are talking about, Corbin's staff has taken a hit and will not be nearly as good. Team effort, coach can't do it by himself= is one of our main topics Haddix ego when his statements suggest him doing it by himself. Tired of Greer.

With out even trying you strengthen the argument of the guy you just responded to.
Corbin is losing way more than it can gain back in staff. Has to hurt the program, we will see.
PRIDE101 Wrote:Lets take a look at what you just said. If you think Greer is over hyped your lacking when it come to football knowledge. Now, it takes a good staff= this is what we are talking about, Corbin's staff has taken a hit and will not be nearly as good. Team effort, coach can't do it by himself= is one of our main topics Haddix ego when his statements suggest him doing it by himself. Tired of Greer.

With out even trying you strengthen the argument of the guy you just responded to.

I knew what I meant when I said it and said what I meant. I don't like Corbin, but Haddix has no bigger ego than Greer. Haddix is the head coach with full control so he makes the decisions of who he wants on his staff. I imagine he will be there until he makes too many bad decisions, or decides he wants to move. You are not part of the decision making process, and can't even make good decisions at Knox Central, so I don't need any advice from you Smile
Really, we are doing just fine with our hire as well.
I would hope that both would give French a call. We would kill for great coaching. So to speak.
Dougie, Whitley fans would not mind good assistants would they?
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