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Floyd Central Coaching
Has anyone heard if hager will stay on for next year or will they post the job. I heard rumors that rodney rowe was interested also heard brandon gearhart was interested in the job
I havent heard anything about posting it, but I would assume they would. Shawn Hager is a good man and coach, but I would think he wouldnt want to be the head coach of 3 sports in addition to teaching a full load of classes.

Rodney Rowe would be a big time get for that program. If they wanted to bring in an outsider when the school first opened, he or John Noble would have been great and either one should have been offered the job before the school opened.

After all that has transpired there, I do wonder if an outsider would want to come into Floyd Central to coach. If the job is posted, I can see Brandon Gearheart applying for it. He has roots in that area as he graduated from South Floyd and if I'm not mistaken lives in the McDowell area. He loves the game of basketball and also loves coaching the game so I'd imagine he'd love to lead a program again.
Should just drop basketball until the trouble moves on.
TheColonel Wrote:Should just drop basketball until the trouble moves on.

You mean the adult who allegedly made fun of an injured player?
Broken Play18 Wrote:You mean the adult who allegedly made fun of an injured player?

All these stories are so overhyped. If you watched any of the games since the players have been back coach spurlocks alleged comments make sense.
They have too much talent for their performance what I saw was quite a few lazy unmotivated players who would rather loaf up and down the floor and shoot threes than win. What I did see was a few players especially Mills give it 110 percent and almost will thier team to victory. Funny how the ones I seen busting their butt to win were the same ones that didn’t quit in the first place. Should tell you something about them. Winning is hard no coach in the world can make you want to sacrifice to do it. That comes from within. Beaver creek will be better off when a few unmotivated players and enabling parents graduate
SouthEast18 Wrote:All these stories are so overhyped. If you watched any of the games since the players have been back coach spurlocks alleged comments make sense.
They have too much talent for their performance what I saw was quite a few lazy unmotivated players who would rather loaf up and down the floor and shoot threes than win. What I did see was a few players especially Mills give it 110 percent and almost will thier team to victory. Funny how the ones I seen busting their butt to win were the same ones that didn’t quit in the first place. Should tell you something about them. Winning is hard no coach in the world can make you want to sacrifice to do it. That comes from within. Beaver creek will be better off when a few unmotivated players and enabling parents graduate

You didn’t answer the question. You just took another swipe at the players. How original. It makes sense to you to make fun of a teenagers injury? Wow.

Why don’t you mention the other issues? Keep talking about the players and fans but once again remember who started this sh** show. If you keep deflecting the issues why bother?

That’s funny how the seniors from last year had the same issues but did you see post that said they couldn’t wait for them to leave? How petty.
Broken Play18 Wrote:You didn’t answer the question. You just took another swipe at the players. How original. It makes sense to you to make fun of a teenagers injury? Wow.

Why don’t you mention the other issues? Keep talking about the players and fans but once again remember who started this sh** show. If you keep deflecting the issues why bother?

That’s funny how the seniors from last year had the same issues but did you see post that said they couldn’t wait for them to leave? How petty.
I don’t know what all went on and you don’t either all I know is I watched the team before during and after the players quit and the team was just as good without these guys as with. The scores speak for themselves. Last year those kids played hard they had a great season and came up short. Helped having a kid like Cameron Nelson who would run through a wall to win and JR Tackett was an amazing player. They may have had issues but they played hard and didn’t quit. What I see on the floor after Kevin is gone is some kids who don’t care about winning. Plain and simple. You think BL is as talented as FC?? You think Magoffin is 31 points more talented??? No. It’s nothing against these current kids personally I hope they live awesome successful lives but as far as basketball players doesn’t look like they care too much about winning.
You’re talking about winning games and I’m talking about kids speaking out against something they believed was wrong and asking for that person to act accordingly.
I really hate but I think some of the admins would back me up. I started this thread to see if FC would open the job or if hager would remain and to see who was interested NOT TO KEEP BASHING THE FORMER COACH. It's time ppl move on from it. It's over and done with. Now not to be rude but could we stay on topic
Mamba Wrote:I really hate but I think some of the admins would back me up. I started this thread to see if FC would open the job or if hager would remain and to see who was interested NOT TO KEEP BASHING THE FORMER COACH. It's time ppl move on from it. It's over and done with. Now not to be rude but could we stay on topic
To your topic i think Triplett will be asked to coach the boys don’t think he will. My list of candidates they will go after are
Derrick Newsome (Don’t think he’d take it this year)
Justin Holbrook
Brandon Kidd
John Noble
SouthEast18 Wrote:To your topic i think Triplett will be asked to coach the boys don’t think he will. My list of candidates they will go after are
Derrick Newsome (Don’t think he’d take it this year)
Justin Holbrook
Brandon Kidd
John Noble

I'm hearing another name being thrown around.
I'm not posting it until someone closer to the school system says it but the people that have mentioned it, I don't think they would know much that's going on. But this person would be looking for a new job
Mamba Wrote:Has anyone heard if hager will stay on for next year or will they post the job. I heard rumors that rodney rowe was interested also heard brandon gearhart was interested in the job

I'll tell you this, there is no way that man coaches three sports next year. I would say he will stay for football.

Granted, I like Hager, he is a great football/baseball coach.

Still hate the beaver creek parents.
FC might not be able to post the job until the end of the school year?
Mamba Wrote:I really hate but I think some of the admins would back me up. I started this thread to see if FC would open the job or if hager would remain and to see who was interested NOT TO KEEP BASHING THE FORMER COACH. It's time ppl move on from it. It's over and done with. Now not to be rude but could we stay on topic

I completely agree and it should go both ways. To say players aren’t giving their all is an opinion. To post ‘things will be better when they graduate’ is bashing and shouldn’t be tolerated.These are teens.

Back to your question I would think that the job will be posted as soon as the season ends. Hager is a great person and surely this is exhausting coaching football thru baseball. It will take work to revive this program. There is talent there and coming up. Let’s see how many apply.
^ I agree, let’s see how many apply. Anyone can apply for the coaching position, you don’t have to be a teacher, you don’t need any experience in coaching and you can even be a parent.

The requirements are minimal, a background check, a few KHSAA online classes and a current CPR card.

Generally the site base counsel will review the applications and conduct interviews and will recommend their choice to principal, then the principal will make their decision and forward it to the superintendent, then someone is hired.

Good luck to all and may the best person win. FC deserves a Great Coach just like every other school.

If a player can play 3 sports (which is hard), why can’t someone coach 3 sports??? I would agree it would be time consuming but in the off seasons the players are in weight rooms working out anyway.
Question? Did Spurlock's assistants stay on or leave when he did? Did Hager get to pick his staff or did they stay on, or was it picked by the school?
clipperw Wrote:I havent heard anything about posting it, but I would assume they would. Shawn Hager is a good man and coach, but I would think he wouldnt want to be the head coach of 3 sports in addition to teaching a full load of classes.

Rodney Rowe would be a big time get for that program. If they wanted to bring in an outsider when the school first opened, he or John Noble would have been great and either one should have been offered the job before the school opened.

After all that has transpired there, I do wonder if an outsider would want to come into Floyd Central to coach. If the job is posted, I can see Brandon Gearheart applying for it. He has roots in that area as he graduated from South Floyd and if I'm not mistaken lives in the McDowell area. He loves the game of basketball and also loves coaching the game so I'd imagine he'd love to lead a program again.
Brandon G did an awesome job at pbrug last year IMO. I thought he deserved to stay he is young and motivated and I have no doubt he would do good at FC. I don’t feel like they will consider him because they think they are bigger than they actually are but he would be a good hire.
My advice to Floyd Central would be to cast a wide net. Don't limit yourself to Floyd and surrounding counties, the 14th and 15th region or even eastern Kentucky. I can think of a lot of really good young coaches at small schools around the state that would like the chance to coach at a mid-sized school. One advantage of bringing someone in with no contacts is that he is not part of any political faction or group. He has no alliances.

Now the kicker, and I'm not sure the people of Floyd County are capable of doing this. When you hire a new coach, let him coach. Let him choose his staff. As long as he follows the rules let him develop the program. If little Johnny gets cut, it's sad but that's just the way it is. If little Johnny makes the team but has limited playing time, that's life.
I agree but when you go to far away there needs to be some kind job too and some other financial perks other than the coaching stipen.
ukwildcat2000 Wrote:Question? Did Spurlock's assistants stay on or leave when he did? Did Hager get to pick his staff or did they stay on, or was it picked by the school?

I think the assistant(s) that stayed were relieved of duties/fired/let go or whatever.
I thought the assistants left with Spurlock but then Friday night at the Betsy Layne game I saw his former assistant John Meade back on the bench with the Jaguars. Which he may have stayed on the entire time, Friday night was the first chance I saw the team play under Hager.

I think Meade also joined the coaching staff of the Lady Jaguars after Spurlock resigned. Which he may have been an assistant to both teams the entire season but I didnt see him on the bench during the Lady Jags Holiday tournament they hosted. I didnt notice him on the bench for the girls until Spurlock resigned, so at first I thought he left with Spurlock and went to be an assistant to Triplett.
Sounds like the new school needs to have two teams and two head coaches that will pat them all on the rear and tell them how good they
I like that idea

let's call them South Floyd and Allen Central.
Real Badman Wrote:I like that idea

let's call them South Floyd and Allen Central.

So much for moving along a thread. This board is nothing but gossip and shade.
Broken Play18 Wrote:So much for moving along a thread. This board is nothing but gossip and shade.

Unfortunately, the shenanigans in this thread are a direct reflection of the situation it represents.
t4p3r8 Wrote:Sounds like the new school needs to have two teams and two head coaches that will pat them all on the rear and tell them how good they

Or just someone who doesn’t belittle children. That may work.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Or just someone who doesn’t belittle children. That may work.

Belittle or coach? Not sure many people know the difference
SouthEast18 Wrote:Belittle or coach? Not sure many people know the difference

Wanting to fight during a game is not exactly how adults should behave. There’s a big difference there I bet.
Broken Play18 Wrote:Wanting to fight during a game is not exactly how adults should behave. There’s a big difference there I bet.

I’m done with this, it’s irelevant at this point you are never gonna agree he’s a good coach and I’m never gonna say he’s the devil. I hope Floyd Central gets a great coach next year not affiliated with either school who the parents can’t control and has success.
This situation may take a few years to get fixed unless people in this community can come together and support all kids and coaches.

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