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Central 20. Corbin 19
Congrats to Central. Congrats to Hounds on a great season. The narrower goal posts may have played into Coach Haddix decision
Guys, the fact that your first holder went down is bad in any game and I hope the young man is ok but when you are a state championship team and have the athletes that Corbin has on the sideline thats not the reason that Hadix chose to leave the 3 pts on the field in the first half several times. Simply bad choice of play calling and I agree with the other poster. Anyone ever heard of running a trips formation with your #3 wr running a 5 and out or your #2 for that matter. Just a bad over all game by the head man. #blew-it
Haddix seem to coach as a underdog, with very predictable play calling and VERY aggressive game management. I tend to agree with the poster earlier, it seemed he wanted some type of recognition more than a championship coach. Corbin was not better than Central last night. Score showed that. Congrats to Central.
BUCK_WILD Wrote:It’s a real simple fix for Corbin if they want to win their next state championship since the 1980’s.

They just need to add two more ex-head coaches to their coaching staff. Head of football operations needs to increase their football budget from $250,000 up to $500,000. They need to add 8-10
New uniform variations. Instead of only recruiting all of Whitley, Laurel and Knox Counties, they need to make lay pipeline to Madison, Rockcastle, and Pulaski. Little Dustin Sams Visions needs a bigger video camera and they need to purchase a helicopter for him to shoot from.

These are all very simple fixes IMHO and could help Corbin seal the deal in the years ahead.

Their indoor practice facility could benefit from expansion and refurbishing, too. Might be just the thing to push 'em over the top.
BUCK_WILD Wrote:It’s a real simple fix for Corbin if they want to win their next state championship since the 1980’s.

They just need to add two more ex-head coaches to their coaching staff. Head of football operations needs to increase their football budget from $250,000 up to $500,000. They need to add 8-10
New uniform variations. Instead of only recruiting all of Whitley, Laurel and Knox Counties, they need to make lay pipeline to Madison, Rockcastle, and Pulaski. Little Dustin Sams Visions needs a bigger video camera and they need to purchase a helicopter for him to shoot from.

These are all very simple fixes IMHO and could help Corbin seal the deal in the years ahead.

Gitback Coach Wrote:Their indoor practice facility could benefit from expansion and refurbishing, too. Might be just the thing to push 'em over the top.

Corbin somewhat like Williamsburg , playing with many others players, two trips to state and two similar games. Funny how that works. When you have kids from other school districts. Look at Corbin, Belfry, Pikeville, Williamsburrg when they wee there 2 years. Bell when they won it and now with whatever you want to call what they have going. Many many others. Central is a magnet school, so...….
cj2561 Wrote:that is way you are not a head coach. that 2point should have never happen. Corbin should have been up by 2 plus TDS at halftime. this lose fall on the player. the coaches can't played the game for them.

I Agree they were inside the 5 yard line twice and came away with 0 points that on the players but I was a bad call for Haddix to go for 2
Lamont Sanford Wrote:First of all this is in support of NO team.....From my simple minded prospective, as long as the KHSAA allows politics and the "good ole boy network" to dictate officials especially in state playoff and championship games (All Sports) you are going to see train wrecks like we saw last night, the officials seemed completely out of it more than once.

Because of this political system we'll never really know who "should" have won the 3A 2018 Championship game, it was horribly called both ways, the officials were busy all night overlooking obvious penalties "both sides" and throwing flags trying to make up for a blown calls.

I'll wrap it up my rant on the good ole boy political officiating network with this

"Under no circumstances should a coach assistant or otherwise be allowed to officiate, you will never convince me that a coach officiating a game, will call a straight game when kids he coaches or coaches against is playing the sport he's expected to officiate, it's a major conflict of interest not fair to anyone no matter what team benefits.

True that, Corbin assistant refs basketball games????? If he calls in another region maybe but shouldn't be allowed to call in the 13th period. Back to game congrats to Central and great season for the Hounds, ugly ending that tarnished a great game.
Sometimes coaches have bad games. It just seems like Corbins poorly coached game is always the state championship.
I LOVE the decision to go for two. Who wants to play to go to OT? Conservative coaching doesn’t get you anywhere. That is why Haddix and the Hounds are where they are. You go for the win.
And that is why you are posting on Bluegrass Rivals and not coaching lol. I think you have to go for the two. Haddix is a great coach and has some guts. That is why he was an elite player and is a great coach.
In the prediction thread one post sticks out more than any to me, EKUalum posted that the margin for error for Corbin was very slim, and that couldn’t have been a more true statement, as someone that has seen the battles between belfry and central it’s always been a true statement. Unfortunately that rings true for coaching against them as well, i don’t have a problem going for two but leaving points on the field before half proved a little more important at the end. Central has always had luck on their side if you will, and they will capitalize on any mistakes. I have no doubt Corbin was the better team, the ball just bounced centrals way.
One HUGE difference was the fact that the Corbin coaching staff had WEEKS to prepare for Boyle Co and it showed (a friend was told this after the semi final game on the field by a Corbin staffer). They only had one week to prepare for Central......did that have an effect? Because there is nobody that can say that Central is a better team than Boyle Co and Corbin was well prepared, well coached and made all the right moves vs the Rebels. That was not the case last night it seems?!?!

I still think going for the win was not a bad call. I'm just not sure the right play was called.
Corbin had a great season and great team this year.
Everyone is bashing Haddix for going for two. But I think it was a great call. He for sure has guts and he proved that last night.
They just came up short and sometimes that happens. Congrats to both teams!
Great game to watch... Unfortunate ending for everyone
Demarcus ware Wrote:In the prediction thread one post sticks out more than any to me, EKUalum posted that the margin for error for Corbin was very slim, and that couldn’t have been a more true statement, as someone that has seen the battles between belfry and central it’s always been a true statement. Unfortunately that rings true for coaching against them as well, i don’t have a problem going for two but leaving points on the field before half proved a little more important at the end. Central has always had luck on their side if you will, and they will capitalize on any mistakes. I have no doubt Corbin was the better team, the ball just bounced centrals way.

If you dont play a clean game against Central you lose.. It's the simple.

Central never brings a sophisticated Offense or stellar Special Teams, but what they always bring is a team who wants to turn you over and force you to do things you aren't comfortable doing. Mistakes you make against Central also seem to be amplified as opposed to the mistakes Central makes against you.

Corbin was the better team top to bottom, but they did not play a clean game.They left points off the board, they committed costly penalties, they turned it over, and when they were presented with opportunities they didn't always capitalize.

We can debate the decisions Haddix made til we are blue in the face, but it wasn't simply those calls that lost the game. It was 7-10 plays where Corbin didn't execute or made costly mistakes that led them to be in position where a 2-point conversion or decision at the goal line mattered so much.

Hats off to Central once again. You can say what you want about Central, but when it comes November that program simply gets the big wins. IMHO, that is a testament to the resiliency of the kids year after year that they can still get it done no matter who the Coach is.
Well he has made it to two consecutive state championships so his play calling has worked pretty well for the RedHounds.
Corbin. More offensive coordinators per capital than anywhere else on the planet.
BUCK_WILD Wrote:It’s a real simple fix for Corbin if they want to win their next state championship since the 1980’s.

They just need to add two more ex-head coaches to their coaching staff. Head of football operations needs to increase their football budget from $250,000 up to $500,000. They need to add 8-10
New uniform variations. Instead of only recruiting all of Whitley, Laurel and Knox Counties, they need to make lay pipeline to Madison, Rockcastle, and Pulaski. Little Dustin Sams Visions needs a bigger video camera and they need to purchase a helicopter for him to shoot from.

These are all very simple fixes IMHO and could help Corbin seal the deal in the years ahead.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:#10 for central was the biggest punk on the field. He acted like that the entire game.
He was really the only problem I seen for either team while the game was going on.

He doesn't know when to shut his mouth.

You have to know when to quit if you don't want that jaw jacked Confusednicker:
2face Wrote:Nope I ain’t

As for the fight.
Central would have wore corbin head out and more. Them Corbin kids don’t wants any of Central kids

This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen posted on here! Pretty tough to read to. Instead of talking smack on here about high school kids you should really think about going down to the community college and learn a bit more about sentence making, tough guy! What the hell does " don't wants any" mean?
As a player who recently graduated two years ago (not from either school) I would have to say, in close games like this where we had the chance to either tie it or go for two and try to win the game, we as a team would tell our coach to go for two. We played by a motto “ we,re here to win, not to tie” so I don’t think the decision to go for two was all on the coach, I feel like the players had something to do with it also.
#55PirateFan Wrote:This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen posted on here! Pretty tough to read to. Instead of talking smack on here about high school kids you should really think about going back down to the community college and learn a bit more about sentence making, tough guy!

I think one of the well educated Corbin coaches or fans should take him under their wing and mentor him. He could sit on the sideline and heckle them during games. Confusednicker:
pjdoug Wrote:I think one of the well educated Corbin coaches or fans should take him under their wing and mentor him. He could sit on the sideline and heckle them during games. Confusednicker:

EKCFOOTBALLFAN Wrote:As a player who recently graduated two years ago (not from either school) I would have to say, in close games like this where we had the chance to either tie it or go for two and try to win the game, we as a team would tell our coach to go for two. We played by a motto “ we,re here to win, not to tie” so I don’t think the decision to go for two was all on the coach, I feel like the players had something to do with it also.

You guys are missing most of the comments on going for it. Most are talking about before half and field goal opportunities. Two chances inside 5 yard line. What are your feeling on that? Hit one of them we are not having the conversation. Corbin wins. Not hind sight look at game updates everyone was say field goals.
Last week when Corbin beat Boyle 21-0 the Boyle fans didn't point a finger at Chuck Smith, I would say the Beechwood fans didn't second guess their coach when Corbin beat them. Coach Haddix has brought the Redhounds back to respectability not by playing Trimble County, South Laurel, etc. He played the best competition and did not worry about his record, he focused on improving his team by playing teams like Alcoa, Mayfield, Beechwood, and Central in the regular season over the past 2 years and might I say had beaten each of them. I remember the night we beat Alcoa, Mayfield, and Central on their home fields and Coach Haddix called a great game because the plan went right, but that don't always happen. Fair weather fans on here by 2nd guessing the Coach going for 2; most of them do not know about the starting snap holder becoming injured during the game. If anybody thought that Central was going to be a easy win then you don't know much about football. Only 3 teams have won 3A championship since 6 classes started which are: Boyle, Belfry, and Central. By pointing a finger at the coach or the kids and playing the blame game is a bad receipt for the future of Redhound Football; we win together and lose together is the core of a team's concept. Coach Haddix a class act and a great asset to our community.
The famous night you beat Alcoa , Ashurst called a great game for the Hounds. But you do play a great schedule. Smith didn't go for it 3 times inside the 5 and only needed 1 point.
Love the haters suddenly showing up. Go ahead guys- you only get to bask in a Corbin loss once in a great while. Enjoy it.
WhyLie Wrote:The famous night you beat Alcoa , Ashurst called a great game for the Hounds. But you do play a great schedule. Smith didn't go for it 3 times inside the 5 and only needed 1 point.

Confusednicker: @ the referee calling a great game.
The holder being 2nd string does change things, but is also begs the question...why go for a 44 yard field goal to win the game when putting the ball in your QBs hands gives you as good a chance, if not better.

As for the scuffle at the end of the game, I hate that it happened but we’re talking about kids who’ve probably just experienced the most emotional time of their lives, win or lose. They’ll probably face some discipline from their prospective schools, which they deserve, and life will go on. Here lies the irony in this from my humble opinion. These kids, and most of us, idolize and routinely watch grown adults knock it out on Sportscenter almost once a week in professional or collegiate sporting events....most recently the Leonard Fournette fight (can’t remember the other players involved). But no matter the sport; hockey, baseball, football, basketball, etc. these “professional athletes/adults” are never prosecuted in a court of law the way any normal human being would be if they behaved in that manner. Am I the only one who thinks this inadvertently encourages things of this nature at the high school level?

I may be looking a little too much into the correlation, but in the name of the law fights between grown men during an NBA game ought to be treated the same as a fight between Jim and John at the local Walmart.
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