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Mayfield vs CAL in 2A Championship
mysonis55 Wrote:idkwtm

TCB is my thing with Raceland. Rookie57 has been pulling for us for a few years and has grown fond of my chant. So, I posted for Mayfield in his honor.
sidelinedoc Wrote:I was thinking of a 2 letter response to 55. One was an F and the other was a U but my Christian upbringing wouldn't let me. :popcorn:

That would be a mild day for me.
Just messing with you. Relax. You youngsters always wanna talk like that. You know lol, lmbo, jmo and so on. Us old farts don’t get it.
We know we have a great coaching staff but thats all you ever hear out of coach Joes mouth its not about the coaches its about the Jimmys and the jos that play the game if the coaches arent getting the talented kids names out there for college scouts shame on them.mayfields had to much success not to have had more D1 players in the not to distant past.Jonathan Jackson for example he went to Murray State and we all know he was D1 caliber and there are alot more if they had more help.
Christian Academy has a good team but a friend of mine from down Mayfields way told me this may be the best Mayfield team they’ve ever had. I’m gonna say mayfield 42 CAL 24
billsizemore63 Wrote:Christian Academy has a good team but a friend of mine from down Mayfields way told me this may be the best Mayfield team they’ve ever had. I’m gonna say mayfield 42 CAL 24

I’ve been looking at these threads for 3 or 4 years and each and every year someone says this is the best Mayfield team ever.
football fan42 Wrote:I’ve been looking at these threads for 3 or 4 years and each and every year someone says this is the best Mayfield team ever.

I know right...! Depends on what era football we are talking..ha.. I would rate this team probably as a top 4 thru 8 that we have ever had.. offensively top one or two of not the best ever... in 25 years I can never remember us being as explosive or as deep as we are at a talented level...... defensively prob rates somewhere in the teens... definitely no were near the best... avg those two out ... personally speaking I would rate them #2 but I dont knoe about the teams in the 80s an 70s ... I would prob have to say the year we beat up on east St. Louis who was nationally top ranked might have been the best team... but that only hear say for me as I was not alive yet..
mysonis55 Wrote:Just messing with you. Relax. You youngsters always wanna talk like that. You know lol, lmbo, jmo and so on. Us old farts don’t get it.

Lay off sidelinedoc, he’s a cool dude and you of all people should be able to decipher using letters and numbers to talk considering your day to day life. I’ve corresponded with a few Raceland fans over the last few years and they are just like us, crazy about their team.
football fan42 Wrote:I’ve been looking at these threads for 3 or 4 years and each and every year someone says this is the best Mayfield team ever.

ontopofthewest Wrote:I know right...! Depends on what era football we are talking..ha.. I would rate this team probably as a top 4 thru 8 that we have ever had.. offensively top one or two of not the best ever... in 25 years I can never remember us being as explosive or as deep as we are at a talented level...... defensively prob rates somewhere in the teens... definitely no were near the best... avg those two out ... personally speaking I would rate them #2 but I dont knoe about the teams in the 80s an 70s ... I would prob have to say the year we beat up on east St. Louis who was nationally top ranked might have been the best team... but that only hear say for me as I was not alive yet..

The ‘76-‘78 teams were pretty awesome.
rookie57 Wrote:Wrong

Wrong their not the best Mayfield team ever or wrong someone doesn’t say it every year, or both? I seen it here or Blugrass preps every year I’ve been on these things. Just a fact.
I am going to say this is not the best Mayfield team , but probably the most explosive offensive team, I am not as old as some of you, but I have followed them since 1970 back in the Robert Mayfield, ,Dwight Lovelace ,Leslie Dismukes ,David Fowler Joe Ford eras
football fan42 Wrote:Wrong their not the best Mayfield team ever or wrong someone doesn’t say it every year, or both? I seen it here or Blugrass preps every year I’ve been on these things. Just a fact.

Wrong in that someone says EVERY year this is our best team ever.
Oh and Van Pittman, David and Danny Fisher on up to the Joe Prince, Marcus Moss, Jon Redd eras we have great receivers now but the best Imo receiver would be Xavier Shelton and he never played a down for a college
I just said I have seen it the last three or four, can’t speak to years previous to that
mysonis55 Wrote:Just messing with you. Relax. You youngsters always wanna talk like that. You know lol, lmbo, jmo and so on. Us old farts don’t get it.

But I’m an old fart! Hahaha
ontopofthewest Wrote:I know right...! Depends on what era football we are talking..ha.. I would rate this team probably as a top 4 thru 8 that we have ever had.. offensively top one or two of not the best ever... in 25 years I can never remember us being as explosive or as deep as we are at a talented level...... defensively prob rates somewhere in the teens... definitely no were near the best... avg those two out ... personally speaking I would rate them #2 but I dont knoe about the teams in the 80s an 70s ... I would prob have to say the year we beat up on east St. Louis who was nationally top ranked might have been the best team... but that only hear say for me as I was not alive yet..

This is the best offensive team ever. 2010 is real close though. However, the defense is middle of the pack for what we have had just over the last decade. But, that’s still pretty good. I think the team we had 2 years ago would have been right in the mix as well, if there wasn’t an ejection in the regional finals for a rule that wasn’t a rule. The best defensive team that I have witnessed was 2002. I think they went all the way from September until the Danville game at semi finals between scores allowed on the starting defense.
78 team still on top...imo...finished ranked #1 in Kentucky...all classes. But this year’s offense is the most potent that I have ever witnessed.
Question here. When is the last time a Mayfield team lost back to back state title games? If they ever have? Just wanting some history.
Yeah hands down, Xavier Shelton the best receiver we've had. Loved watching him play his senior year. I felt like that's the year the spread offense was the right move going forward. I thought the recievers had alot more freedom than previous years. I remember when I played, joe didnt want us juking/dancing once we caught the ball. Now they have that freedom to do so without getting yelled at. I really think that started with Xavier. I think Xavier and Jonathan Jackson changed the future landscape of Mayfield football.
Back in the Jack Morris Bob Counts Paul Leahy Joe David Smith days I double Dogg Dare you to do anything but hand the ball to the ref or lay the ball down. You would get flat embarrassed and benched they would tell you when you go to the NFL you can celebrate but while you are wearing that red ⛑ you will not showboat

Thanks Doc!!!
bac2369 Wrote:Question here. When is the last time a Mayfield team lost back to back state title games? If they ever have? Just wanting some history.

Danville got us back to back in the mid-late 80's

After that they continued to generally get us except for one special night in 02
Where this team ranks in terms of best is far from determined. Sat will help answer that. A win and they are in the conversation and a L will remove them from any consideration
Mayfield has skilled athletes basically every year, and excellent speed. It takes guys who are 6'4 and better who weigh 275 or more to play on most D1 teams lines. Quarterbacks and running backs need height and some size and good speed as well. Small school players just hardly ever have all these attributes. Hughes was as good as any player from McCracken County Schools but hasn't seen much playing time to my knowledge. Tilghman has had several such as Barber who played for a major team and Robinson from Lone Oak who played for Troy and was successful there. I really thought Jackson would play well at Murray, but I never saw him set the woods on fire as he did in high school. All this said the Mayfield guys know their players better than I but I really think they win Championships with team play and heart as well as good coaching. Most overachieve.
If im not mistaken Jonathan jackson led the ovc in tackles sophmore and Junior years the OVC big wigs just never gave him the credit or all ovc awards he should have gotten all mayfield players should shy away from Murray State in my opinion.He got screwed over his senior year is what ive been told also.
ontopofthewest Wrote:I had thought about that, but was not sure...ha.. now I know

it's a guessing game nowadays Confusednicker:
sidelinedoc Wrote:I was thinking of a 2 letter response to 55. One was an F and the other was a U but my Christian upbringing wouldn't let me. :popcorn:

football fan42 Wrote:I’ve been looking at these threads for 3 or 4 years and each and every year someone says this is the best Mayfield team ever.

last years team was the best, but they forgot to make the simple adjustment Confusednicker:
pjdoug Wrote:last years team was the best, but they forgot to make the simple adjustment Confusednicker:

I think somewhere down the line someone forgot to make a simple adjustment on you.:yawn:

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