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Corbin 42 Bell County 16
I meet Mr Hilton one time when he coached at Pikeville University and he seemed like a all right guy but a coach who won’t shake the other coach hand after a game can’t expect his players to act any different. Now this is simply my opinion so don’t anyone jump on me but is just how I see it. Congratulations to Bell County they had a good year and congratulations to Corbin for their win and good luck next week
Hacksaw Wrote:Congrats Corbin on the win. Congrats Bobcats on a terrific season A great and unexpected moment toward the end of the game with Coach Hilton coming into the stands. I think he is having some fun in coaching with doing the unexpected with the fans Proud of the Bobcats

Just another way to escape shaking hands after the game.
Congrats on a great season Bobcats.
Patriot1 Wrote:I meet Mr Hilton one time when he coached at Pikeville University and he seemed like a all right guy but a coach who won’t shake the other coach hand after a game can’t expect his players to act any different. Now this is simply my opinion so don’t anyone jump on me but is just how I see it. Congratulations to Bell County they had a good year and congratulations to Corbin for their win and good luck next week

Not jumping on you or trying to argue. Not sure why all these comments about shaking hands after the game, basically nonsense from Coach Hilton haters imo. Guess they didn’t see the handshake AT MIDFIELD BEFORE THE GAME. Still not jumping you or anything but this is quite idiotic of things to be discussing.
Guess you didn’t see the handshake before the game? What are you wanting a warm embrace and hug? 😍
campbellfield Wrote:Just another way to escape shaking hands after the game.
Congrats on a great season Bobcats.
Guess the handshake before the game wasn’t enough? Would warm hugs work for you? 🙄
Hacksaw Wrote:Guess you didn’t see the handshake before the game? What are you wanting a warm embrace and hug? 😍

No I didn’t it’s hard for me to see from Pikeville, but like I said I meet him once and can see why he is a players coach keep me laughing at some of his tails he was telling and I said seemed to me to be a good guy. But theses young players and the coaches at games I have watched always shake hands after every game win or lose or maybe he don’t do it on any games after the games which is his right so if that’s so then probably over stated the facts. But he (in my opinion) should lead by example that’s all I am saying.
Congratulations to Corbin on winning region!

I wonder if this matchup will ever happen without someone losing it on or off the field?
Patriot1 Wrote:No I didn’t it’s hard for me to see from Pikeville, but like I said I meet him once and can see why he is a players coach keep me laughing at some of his tails he was telling and I said seemed to me to be a good guy. But theses young players and the coaches at games I have watched always shake hands after every game win or lose or maybe he don’t do it on any games after the games which is his right so if that’s so then probably over stated the facts. But he (in my opinion) should lead by example that’s all I am saying.

He does lead by example. He’s in the stands before the games over acting like an idiot. You wonder why he has kids getting tossed punching players in the helmet, another kid who has 150+ pounds on the kicker chasing him all over the field, and multiple kids trying to suplex people away from the play. But y’all keep drinking the koolaid.
Patriot1 Wrote:No I didn’t it’s hard for me to see from Pikeville, but like I said I meet him once and can see why he is a players coach keep me laughing at some of his tails he was telling and I said seemed to me to be a good guy. But theses young players and the coaches at games I have watched always shake hands after every game win or lose or maybe he don’t do it on any games after the games which is his right so if that’s so then probably over stated the facts. But he (in my opinion) should lead by example that’s all I am saying.

Coach Hilton has lead many young men throughout his career and has set a great example to many. I really think that some people are trying to come up with anything for whatever reasons I also think it’s quite stupid if that’s all they’ve got. Some supporters of other teams dislike Coach Hilton because he has beaten them numerous times through the years and it shows their child like mentality. Not saying you are one of these types but to add to this is neither helpful nor hurtful. Maybe, if they ever meet again, they can meet at midfield for a hug fest so the ones that worry about this can rest at night.
FootballFan1999 Wrote:He does lead by example. He’s in the stands before the games over acting like an idiot. You wonder why he has kids getting tossed punching players in the helmet, another kid who has 150+ pounds on the kicker chasing him all over the field, and multiple kids trying to suplex people away from the play. But y’all keep drinking the koolaid.

Or the Corbin quarterback throwing a punch? Or another Corbin player taunting? This could go on and on. BOTH teams got out of hand toward the end. Just enjoy the win and quit making idiotic statements. You keep downing teenage kids playing a hard fought football game.
Congrats Corbin
Hacksaw Wrote:Or the Corbin quarterback throwing a punch? Or another Corbin player taunting? This could go on and on. BOTH teams got out of hand toward the end. Just enjoy the win and quit making idiotic statements. You keep downing teenage kids playing a hard fought football game.

Corbin QB throwing a punch? hahaha Please!! NOPE. I had a birds eye view of it. About 10 Rows up right where they were. He didn't throw a PUNCH! If youre going to throw lies out there, provide proof. Post it. You can. #4 came all the way back to the backfield after he handed the ball off and was 20 yards back, got in his face and he pushed him. Now I think it was a flop. But either way there was no punch. If there was the ref was right there and would have tossed him. But he didn't, because what you said is a straight up lie, and you cant provide proof because it didn't happen. "Making idiotic statements" hahahah. No one is downing the kids for their play. It's their after play activities, like throwing multiple punches to a kids head.
64SUR Wrote:What does Donald Trump and Dudley Hilton have in common................................They are both bully or bullies Confusederiously:

And they’re both Great too
I wish Corbin would celebrate the win and quit worrying about Dudley’s handshakes and bad behavior from Bell Bottom line Corbin a better team but it’s comical to blame the unsportsmanlike behavior on one side some of us know the assistants from Corbin very well they are notorious for this type of immature behavior while winning and losing
Hacksaw Wrote:Guess you didn’t see the handshake before the game? What are you wanting a warm embrace and hug? 😍

Probably time to quit talking about coaches and kids and negative remarks and begin a thread about Corbin/Boyle rematch! Corbin/Bell are finished so lets start discussing Corbin/Boyle. Go mountain teams in the semi-finals!!
STIFFY Wrote:I wish Corbin would celebrate the win and quit worrying about Dudley’s handshakes and bad behavior from Bell Bottom line Corbin a better team but it’s comical to blame the unsportsmanlike behavior on one side some of us know the assistants from Corbin very well they are notorious for this type of immature behavior while winning and losing

You can say that. But there wasn’t any Corbin assistants out there throwing punches or refusing to show sportsmanship. Games are about winning and losing. But sportsmanship is a huge factor in it all. So those who doubt. Go watch the tape. It’s not hard.
This game went about how I figured it would. The most interesting part of it being the banter surrounding and leading up to it. Most anyone who watches football knew what was going to happen once the whistle blew.

Congrats to Bell on an 11 win season. Onto next week.
Congrats Redhounds
The penalty against Estep was complete BS. Chase is the epitome of sportsmanship. He shares the successes of kids from rival schools on Facebook and has good relationships with them. He makes friends with anyone he talks to. Hasn't had a unsportsmanlike penalty called on him his whole career. #4 got in his face and then flopped like Grayson Allen. The most sleazy thing a player can do in any sport. But What do you expect when Dudley Hilton is the one setting the example for the kids?
Bells QB is the epitome of sportsmanship as well hasn’t had an unsportsmanlike penalty the entire year. but what can you expect w Corbin coaches setting the example
Go watch his Grayson Allen flop and tell me about his sportsmanship. Like I said, that's the most sleazy thing a player can do in any sport, get in someone's face then go flying when they barely touch you. Yea Corbin coaches are the ones refusing to shake hands and hiding in the stands....right
Bell County played a good opponent on just two occasions this year, and they lost both to the Red Hounds.
Great job by Bell this year.
Beat 1-10 Middlesboro
5-6 Letcher.
3-8 Pike Central
3-8 Whitley
1-10 Mccreary
8-3 Casey
1-10 Clay
1-9 Jackson
4-7 Harlan County.

Thank you WYMT for the GOTW coverage. Otherwise, I would've missed a lot of great games!

Both of these teams are spectacular in their own right. And they both have tremendously passionate fan bases. I LOVE that!!

Congratulations to Corbin on their win, and good luck meeting Boyle. You've your work cut out for you.

Congratulations to Bell on their season! You guys have made a whole lot of progress!!

IMHO, the officials once again lost control of this game and made some terrible calls. They took so long discussing one flag, the players HAD to have gotten cold and had muscle stiffness. It was ridiculous. THEN after all the discussion, the flag was waved off. I don't understand! Also, the first down call against Bell, and the off setting penalties that nullified that gorgeous catch for Bell were both complete bullshit!

Corbin kept taunting Bell. That's true, but it's also a strategy! Had Bell had the discipline to stay focused, none of it would've mattered. But they don't. And they don't because of how they are coached, IMO.

The run into the stands by Hilton was so bizarre that the cameras followed him and not the action on the field. I can't explain that! It was like he was stirring up the crowd. Why he would do that is completely beyond me.

Lastly, the ending handshake reflects sportsmanship and respect for the other coach and effort by the opposing team. And it IS important. The coaches could have sex at mid field before the game, but no ending handshake is a big deal to me!

I think it's terrible that Hilton has a reputation for doing that.

So, congratulations again Red Hounds! Go prepare for the Rebels!!
STIFFY Wrote:Bells QB is the epitome of sportsmanship as well hasn’t had an unsportsmanlike penalty the entire year. but what can you expect w Corbin coaches setting the example

Winning and shaking hands? About what I expected from Corbin. Hahaha. How many did Corbin have ejected? Say what you want. But when our lineman got cheap shot on him, he took it out on them between the whistles. Drove that kid about 30 yards every play. I actually felt sorry for the bell kid because I don’t think he was the one who done the cheap shot. But he paid for it the entire series. But the tape don’t lie. Still waiting for the footage on Corbin and all their punches that Hacksaw accused them of. I’ll be waiting a while. I will say a lot of bell players showed great class. But a few, about 3 or 4 really brought it down overall with their cheap and dirty antics. Never seen bell like this until Dudley came back. So people can say what they want. But there is a strong correlation between dirty playing and Dudley.
HOFER Wrote:Go watch his Grayson Allen flop and tell me about his sportsmanship. Like I said, that's the most sleazy thing a player can do in any sport, get in someone's face then go flying when they barely touch you. Yea Corbin coaches are the ones refusing to shake hands and hiding in the stands....right

I would consider it a personal favor if you would never say that name on BGR again.

Watch the film. That is all.
Granny Bear Wrote:Thank you WYMT for the GOTW coverage. Otherwise, I would've missed a lot of great games!

Both of these teams are spectacular in their own right. And they both have tremendously passionate fan bases. I LOVE that!!

Congratulations to Corbin on their win, and good luck meeting Boyle. You've your work cut out for you.

Congratulations to Bell on their season! You guys have made a whole lot of progress!!

IMHO, the officials once again lost control of this game and made some terrible calls. They took so long discussing one flag, the players HAD to have gotten cold and had muscle stiffness. It was ridiculous. THEN after all the discussion, the flag was waved off. I don't understand! Also, the first down call against Bell, and the off setting penalties that nullified that gorgeous catch for Bell were both complete bullshit!

Corbin kept taunting Bell. That's true, but it's also a strategy! Had Bell had the discipline to stay focused, none of it would've mattered. But they don't. And they don't because of how they are coached, IMO.

The run into the stands by Hilton was so bizarre that the cameras followed him and not the action on the field. I can't explain that! It was like he was stirring up the crowd. Why he would do that is completely beyond me.

Lastly, the ending handshake reflects sportsmanship and respect for the other coach and effort by the opposing team. And it IS important. The coaches could have sex at mid field before the game, but no ending handshake is a big deal to me!

I think it's terrible that Hilton has a reputation for doing that.

So, congratulations again Red Hounds! Go prepare for the Rebels!!

100% correct in all of it. Corbin wasn’t innocent. But they didn’t throw punches or cheap shots. Goes back to like you said, discipline.

As for that flag. I still have no idea what that was about. Hahah you’re right again though, took forever and no clue what for???

The Dudley stands thing is bizarre, regardless or what he said up there.

Sportsmanship should be displayed along with respect. That’s what the end of game handshake is about.

Bell has a lot of class act players. A few, well..... but I stand firm in my comment. Before Dudley, you didn’t see this kind of crap going on. Especially that last series. Thank god the JV was in is all I can say.
STIFFY Wrote:Bells QB is the epitome of sportsmanship as well hasn’t had an unsportsmanlike penalty the entire year. but what can you expect w Corbin coaches setting the example

Please watch film. That is all.

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