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Ashland @ Harrison County 11-9
Just wondering why Ashland hasn’t post any stats from the Holmes game , Holmes has they ashamed of something 🤷😳
ram-97 Wrote:Just wondering why Ashland hasn’t post any stats from the Holmes game , Holmes has they ashamed of something 🤷😳

Stats were in the paper Saturday morning! Ashland 22 rushing plays, 301 yds, Holmes 13 rushing plays -24 yds ..Ashland passing, 11-14, 138 yds, Holmes passing, 12-32 110 yds. Total Ashland offense 439 yds, Holmes offense 86 yds. Running clock with 2:53 left in second qtr.. reserves got plenty of reps. No shame here!
ram-97 Wrote:Just wondering why Ashland hasn’t post any stats from the Holmes game , Holmes has they ashamed of something 🤷😳

Ashland offense 439 yds, Holmes 84 yds..Running clock in 2nd qtr, reserves got plenty of reps...nothing to be ashamed of! Stats were in the paper saturday morning!
Weather may be a factor in this game tonight...reminds me of 1967...Highlands heavily favored over Campbell Co in as mud quagmire! Campbell upset Highlands, we win district and go on to win State title...unbelievable turnout, but anything is possible! I'll be there tonight...looking forward to the game, home everyone comes out injury free and safely to and from game!
DillyDilly Wrote:Ashland wants JC.
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!!!!!!
108 Stitches Wrote:Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!!!!!!
If we didn't wish to play them again, then why have playoffs? Just let them have it? I don't think so! You have to want to play the best in order to get better, never by wishing for weaker competition which is one of the problems that our region has had for the past several years. It's difficult to get better when half your schedule is running clock games including three of four district games. JC is in the same boat. Scheduling stronger competition is difficult because of conflicts with other districts and regions. In my humble opinion!
ashland Wrote:If we didn't wish to play them again, then why have playoffs? Just let them have it? I don't think so! You have to want to play the best in order to get better, never by wishing for weaker competition which is one of the problems that our region has had for the past several years. It's difficult to get better when half your schedule is running clock games including three of four district games. JC is in the same boat. Scheduling stronger competition is difficult because of conflicts with other districts and regions. In my humble opinion!
What a crock. The powers to be at ASH-land has already disproven what you are saying as a bunch of poppycock.... If that was truly the case ASH-land would be chomping at the bits to play a team that is an hour down the road that was better than they are, whether it was win or loose next year, instead of turning their tails and running to mommy for cover..THe truth is, you want no part of Johnson Central or any other formidable opponent.

Perhaps the reason why you can never beat Johnson Central and get humiliated in the process, is because of the nondistrict cupcakes you schedule...Yeah boy, you're really concerned on playing the best to get better!! Stupid statements, like what The Prideful One said after the game against Holmes is a perfect example of what I am saying. "Nobody is going to beat us playing like we are right now". You remember that stupid comment? How can you gauge how you are playing when you blow a grade school equivalent team out with a running clock by the second quarter and you have pulled your starters? You cant!! But leave it up to the "The Dumb One" to come up with something like that.
Hey Mr Seger....I’m glad you don’t hate my team Hahahah
RAMDAD50 Wrote:Hey Mr Seger....I’m glad you don’t hate my team Hahahah

May God have Mercy on us all if the two teams in Johnson County ever play each other again. Hahaha
RAMDAD50 Wrote:Hey Mr Seger....I’m glad you don’t hate my team Hahahah

Haha, you're a cool guy .. I like you.
2000PHS Wrote:May God have Mercy on us all if the two teams in Johnson County ever play each other again. Hahaha

LOL...I'm one of the good guys.:biggrin:
I’m no Assland fan by no means.I played at Raceland and Bill Tom always had great respect for them...I did to till I got older and really seen them for what they are! The straw that broke this camels back was listening to Dick head Martin broadcast a Assland Rose Hill game! I believe he called them Rose time was winding down for the regional championship game he was yelling we beat those cheaters from Rose Hell!!! It was funny that Assland schedule Rose Hill 6 times a year until they couldn’t beat them anymore!!
Anyone have an Ashland update?
ram-97 Wrote:Anyone have an Ashland update?

20-6 Halftime
Ashland 20-6 at the half. Heading back down 23 next Friday night...
ashland Wrote:Ashland 20-6 at the half. Heading back down 23 next Friday night...

Thanks !!
Worse performance for a 10-1 team that I can remember! Sure dread next weeks trip...if we play like this on defence it will running clock in 1st Qtr!
Hats off to Harrison County...a great effort tonight!

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