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Sick over spring break
Being sick over spring break sucks. Ive had a fever, coughing, a major headache, sore throat, and the normal runny nose. I know me and my boyfriend both have it...what about everyone else?
haha i think most of eastern ky has it... im sorry your sick tho... If i had an icee i would give it to ya so u could feel a lil better but im all out lol.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
that sucks partner. i hope you get to feeling better. dont make me come over there knock the sick right out of you!
I just got over it...horrible...Hope ya feel better!
its terrible....and i need an!
if it wasn't raining soo bad i would go get ya one and bring it too ya but my car needs new tires and brakes so im not goin nowhere tonight lol
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
lol...yeah i would go to painstville and get one but its raining and im not allowed to drive at night when its
soo who gave this cold to who? lol and u better watch or ya will pass it back and fourth
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
Its making its round in house also.
i got it from my boyfriend who got it from my friends boyfriend
gobles_girl40 Wrote:i got it from my boyfriend who got it from my friends boyfriend

:thatsfunn:thatsfunn:thatsfunn that just don't sound right... :popcorn:
gobles_girl40 Wrote:i got it from my boyfriend who got it from my friends boyfriend
:lmao: :yikes:
gobles_girl40 Wrote:i got it from my boyfriend who got it from my friends boyfriend

Thats weird partner.....Smile
i know.....he was playing basketball with her boyfriend while he was sick....does that clear everything up???
My sister's sick in Panama, but she's not much into the drinking scene so she's not having that much fun anyways
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Considering that they had cancelled a few county's school over this I am assuming that ALOT of people had it but luckily it hasn't hit me and Pike County too hard yet.

Hope you feel better!

thanks....our school was canceled....i wouldnt have gone anyway though, i felt way to bad. Im finally getting over it though...but im real sore now where ive been coughing so much...
Tell me about it. When I caught only a hint of something a few weeks ago I coughed so hard that my lungs hurt and it scared me because I thought that I had caught pneumonia.

thetribe Wrote:Considering that they had cancelled a few county's school over this I am assuming that ALOT of people had it but luckily it hasn't hit me and Pike County too hard yet.

Hope you feel better!

It's hit the Belfry area hard Tribe...I'm sure it's on it's way to my house... as usual! Rolleyes Smile
beware, its really not fun. Now i have a headache from just keeps getting worse
My dad has had it for a couple days.
i just got home from destin an it was pretty crazy, but i did have a headache a couple of times lol

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