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Pipe Bombs
It's incredible to me as I listen to Neil Cavuto and the rest of the so-called straight-down-the-middle media, much less the conservative media, (in sheep's clothing) talk. Nothing is known about the perpetrator/perpetrators whom sent the (near) bombs to well known Democrats. FTR, I refuse to call them "prominent" Democrats like those on FOX have done for the last two days. But though nothing is known, for them at least, it's no leap too far to just assume the senders are Trump supporters. And that my friends is exactly what the entire media have done.

In this case, the smell of rats in the woodpile is overwhelming. By my count there are just eleven days till midterm election morning, rather perfect timing for a load of alt right launched pipe bombs to suddenly appear on Dem's doorsteps, is it not? I don't buy it for one second. My money says this whole deal is a plot by the left to give themselves much needed cover. They have not one thing, as the last two years have demonstrated, to run on but vitriol. The media as one have parroted one point ad-nausuem; supposedly both sides are out of control, and the pipe bombs are just more evidence to that end. That even though only conservatives have been stabbed, shot, beaten, egged, or otherwise lied about and lambasted by the left. And let's not forget the dozens of police officers who've been assassinated, or the towns that have been burned to the ground. Meanwhile there are very few examples to point to on the part of the right of threats or violence, but in the few cases the lefties like to cite, almost all were exclusively straight up cases if self defense. The resistance is all, that's 100 percent, on the ledger of the left, end of story.

But as to the bombs---

First of all, it's a little too convenient that the perps can't spell. You know wink wink, Trump supporters are all a bunch of crazy Bible thumping, gun wielding lowlifes. They're too stupid to see what an embarrassment DJT is, otherwise they'd never have voted for him. Any person of reason knew what a ridiculous lie that whole rationale was when it surfaced.

Second, to my knowledge not one of the bombs are in any way real. There was never any way any one of them could have ever gone off, because there was nothing there to explode. They were movie bombs, made to 'look' like one might expect a bomb to look. The perps wouldn't have taken a chance with the safety of one of their icons.

Third, after the lies and shenanigans of the Kavanaugh hearings, Schumer and Pelosi have proven you can take them at their word. They will do anything to get power back, to heck with voters. Given the past decade of disgrace, no rational person could count out the possibility that this whole thing is a false flag operation, dreamed up and orchestrated by the left.

Fourth, nothing's changed. Less than two weeks out from the election and Dems are still desperate. We've got a little joke in the construction industry, when somebody makes a mistake we say, "You've got to be smarter than what you're working on." In the end this will prove to have been a ruse.
There you go again spreading more LIES

I believe it's coming from the terriost that's in the caravan

TRT, I agree. I would say that the source of these "bombs" is at least as likely to be a deranged liberal Democrat who thinks that he or she is helping his party's election chances as it is to be a deranged Trump supporter.

If the intent was for the bombs to detonate, then the bomber is extremely incompetent. If that is the case, then he or she is not too bright and it should be easy to find them. If no credible suspect is apprehended before the election, then I will assume that it is most likely a well planned false flag operation.
vector Wrote:There you go again spreading more LIES

I believe it's coming from the terriost that's in the caravan


I never lie. If you got anything to refute my opinion put it up. But we both know all you ever got is name calling. Sort of like recess at school. Which BTW, if you'd attended maybe you could do a bit better in these debates.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:TRT, I agree. I would say that the source of these "bombs" is at least as likely to be a deranged liberal Democrat who thinks that he or she is helping his party's election chances as it is to be a deranged Trump supporter.

If the intent was for the bombs to detonate, then the bomber is extremely incompetent. If that is the case, then he or she is not too bright and it should be easy to find them. If no credible suspect is apprehended before the election, then I will assume that it is most likely a well planned false flag operation.

Thank you sir, and well said. Feels like old times! :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:It's incredible to me as I listen to Neil Cavuto and the rest of the so-called straight-down-the-middle media, much less the conservative media, (in sheep's clothing) talk. Nothing is known about the perpetrator/perpetrators whom sent the (near) bombs to well known Democrats. FTR, I refuse to call them "prominent" Democrats like those on FOX have done for the last two days. But though nothing is known, for them at least, it's no leap too far to just assume the senders are Trump supporters. And that my friends is exactly what the entire media have done.

In this case, the smell of rats in the woodpile is overwhelming. By my count there are just eleven days till midterm election morning, rather perfect timing for a load of alt right launched pipe bombs to suddenly appear on Dem's doorsteps, is it not? I don't buy it for one second. My money says this whole deal is a plot by the left to give themselves much needed cover. They have not one thing, as the last two years have demonstrated, to run on but vitriol. The media as one have parroted one point ad-nausuem; supposedly both sides are out of control, and the pipe bombs are just more evidence to that end. That even though only conservatives have been stabbed, shot, beaten, egged, or otherwise lied about and lambasted by the left. And let's not forget the dozens of police officers who've been assassinated, or the towns that have been burned to the ground. Meanwhile there are very few examples to point to on the part of the right of threats or violence, but in the few cases the lefties like to cite, almost all were exclusively straight up cases if self defense. The resistance is all, that's 100 percent, on the ledger of the left, end of story.

If Clinton, Obama, and Biden aren't prominent democrats, then I'm not sure who is. And of course it's not a far leap to assume it's a Trump supporter. Common sense (though not always so common as you clearly show) would of course point that direction.

Both sides are out of control. The fact that you can somehow convince yourself that "only conservatives have been shot, stabbed, beaten, etc." and that there are "few examples of threats or violence from the right" shows how completely out of touch with reality you are.

You choose to ignore events like in Charlottesville, VA (instead somehow saying that was self defense) and the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals.

I'm sure all of the mosques that have been burned have been in self defense. The Council on American-Islamic Relations found a 15 percent increase in the number of anti-Muslim hate crimes from 2016 to 2017 in the United States, according to a 2018 report.

An analysis of the Global Terrorism Database by researchers at the University of Maryland published in 2017 shows a “sharp increase” in the share of attacks by right-wing extremists, from 6% in the 2000s to 35% in the 2010s. The share of attacks by religious extremists also increased, from 9% to 53% between the two decades.Meanwhile, the share of attacks by left-wing terrorists and environmentalist extremists dropped from 64% in the 2000s to 12% in the 2010s.

A Republican (Gianforte) literally body slammed a reporter and was then praised by Donald Trump.

Donald Trump said the following during his rallies which directly incites violence.
"Maybe he should be roughed up" about a protester at this rally.

"The audience needs to hit back, that's what we need more of"

“If you do (hurt him), I’ll defend you in court, don’t worry about it”

“Knock the crap out of him, would you? I promise you, I will pay your legal fees”
Arrest has been made. 56 year old white male with pro-Trump stickers all over his van. Consider me shocked.
^^ So you're saying that a Trump supporter built these 'devices' as they're now being called, because they likely won't even blow up, on pain of life imprisonment to what end? I'll wait for the official version if it's all the same to you.

But as to your diatribe regarding right wing extremists which even CNN can't name, keep hoping there Motley. You're not going to sell that one until some right wing extremists actually materialize. Meanwhile, here's to burning down another town and blaming it on conservatives. :biglmao:
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ So you're saying that a Trump supporter built these 'devices' as they're now being called, because they likely won't even blow up, on pain of life imprisonment to what end? I'll wait for the official version if it's all the same to you.

But as to your diatribe regarding right wing extremists which even CNN can't name, keep hoping there Motley. You're not going to sell that one until some right wing extremists actually materialize. Meanwhile, here's to burning down another town and blaming it on conservatives. :biglmao:

Keep waiting on the official version. You're going to be disappointed. After looking over his twitter feed and seeing the stickers on his van I don't think there's much debating his motives. Sorry that you embarrassed yourself with your "false flag operation" post, but you may as well go ahead and chalk this one up as a loss.

Alex Fields materialized pretty quickly by the way. Cesar Soyac looks to be materializing much quicker than anticipated. Want some other names that have materialized as right wing violence. Feel free to google the following names:

Samuel Woodward
Nicholas Wesley Rose
Dustin Allen Hughes
Ronald Lee Kidwell
Marq Vincent Perez
Benjamin Thomas Samuel McDowell
Adam W. Purinton
James Harris Jackson
Jeremy Joseph Christian

We all know you won't because it's much easier to keep living in your fantasy world, which seems to be a completely different reality than the rest of us.

Good luck with your conspiracy theories. Might want to start posting over in that forum.
You know how we know all the bombs are Democrat? Because none of them work.Confusednicker:
jetpilot Wrote:You know how we know all the bombs are Democrat? Because none of them work.Confusednicker:

:thatsfunn Now that's funny, I don't care who you are!
Motley Wrote:Keep waiting on the official version. You're going to be disappointed. After looking over his twitter feed and seeing the stickers on his van I don't think there's much debating his motives. Sorry that you embarrassed yourself with your "false flag operation" post, but you may as well go ahead and chalk this one up as a loss.

Alex Fields materialized pretty quickly by the way. Cesar Soyac looks to be materializing much quicker than anticipated. Want some other names that have materialized as right wing violence. Feel free to google the following names:

Samuel Woodward
Nicholas Wesley Rose
Dustin Allen Hughes
Ronald Lee Kidwell
Marq Vincent Perez
Benjamin Thomas Samuel McDowell
Adam W. Purinton
James Harris Jackson
Jeremy Joseph Christian

We all know you won't because it's much easier to keep living in your fantasy world, which seems to be a completely different reality than the rest of us.

Good luck with your conspiracy theories. Might want to start posting over in that forum.

I'm not ready to roll over quite yet. But if your greatest hopes are realized, and I did miss my guess on all this so what? Maybe if the Dems hadn't spent the last 6 years working so hard to earn their so richly deserved reputations, things would be different. But Dems did, and things aren't. Because from among the myriad of documented cases, (easily Google-able BTW), some us still remember Harry Reid's election lie charging Mitt Romney with not paying taxes for 10 years. But as things do stand, the jury is so not in on nary a thing concerning any of this bomb business.

And as to your laughable Google challenge... people seem to go nuts these days, and individuals when they go off their collective nuts such as those on your list, do not represent the Republican Party. Meanwhile, you can feel free to Google the scandals of the Obama administration, or the comments made by people like Maxine Waters and John Brennan, and admit that the disgusting tactics they are known to have employed are directly ascribable to the Democrat Party.

So there's the major difference in our two arguments. Yes right wingnuts do exist. However unlike many left wingnuts, they don't happen to hold high elected office. Nor do they execute police officers, nor do they lead organized riots and destroy public property, commit arson at the municipal level, march on the political rallies of the opposite political party, bus in paid protestors to raise havoc at Congressional confirmation hearings, or accost Democrats be they office holders or supporters trying to have dinner with their families. Nor do they elevate identity politics above all else, or engage in subversions like 'the resistance,' or even rampant voter fraud like the governor of California so glibly encourages. Not to mention many forms of madness to include open borders, and throw out the welcome mat for invasionary forces come to call from the south.

But hey, other than that kind of stuff Dems are almost normal.
TheRealThing Wrote:I never lie. If you got anything to refute my opinion put it up. But we both know all you ever got is name calling. Sort of like recess at school. Which BTW, if you'd attended maybe you could do a bit better in these debates.

Like I said before

There you go again spreading your LIES


^^ Oh yeah, and did I mention? Not one of your 'listees' committed any sort of political affront. All of them are racist nut jobs who have issues with Jews, Muslims, people from India, or black people. How does that in any way vindicate the actions and vitriol emanating from the Democrat Party? I mean, why bother to compare lone wolf malcontents with organized political sedition?

And FTR, the White Supremacists on your list have about as much to do with traditional conservatives as Hitler had to do with Billy Graham. The comparison you made is absolutely ridiculous and dishonest IMHO.
vector Wrote:Like I said before

There you go again spreading your LIES



Well, you can carry that argument with you all the way to the judgment if it suits your cause, and see how far it takes you. Knock yourself out there vector. But I would never intentionally print a lie on this forum. Past that, opinions vary and some prediction I might make could turn out not to be right once in a while. Big deal. Nothing is settled yet.
Just keep drinking your Kool Aid

vector Wrote:Just keep drinking your Kool Aid


Just keep whistling past the graveyard.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, you can carry that argument with you all the way to the judgment if it suits your cause, and see how far it takes you. Knock yourself out there vector. But I would never intentionally print a lie on this forum. Past that, opinions vary and some prediction I might make could turn out not to be right once in a while. Big deal. Nothing is settled yet.

Nothing here about an opinions or an prediction

Just another one of your many lies you got caught and instead of admitting you did you doubled down

Lie #1

First of all, it's a little too convenient that the perps can't spell.

You know wink wink, Trump supporters are all a bunch of crazy Bible thumping,

gun wielding lowlifes. They're too stupid to see what an embarrassment DJT is,

otherwise they'd never have voted for him. Any person of reason knew what a

ridiculous lie that whole rationale was when it surfaced.

Lie #2

Second, to my knowledge not one of the bombs are in any way real.

There was never any way any one of them could have ever gone off, because

there was nothing there to explode. They were movie bombs, made to 'look'

like one might expect a bomb to look. The perps wouldn't have taken a

chance with the safety of one of their icons.

Lie #3

In this case, the smell of rats in the woodpile is overwhelming.

By my count there are just eleven days till midterm election morning,

rather perfect timing for a load of alt right launched pipe bombs to

suddenly appear on Dem's doorsteps, is it not? I don't buy it for one second.

My money says this whole deal is a plot by the left to give themselves

much needed cover. They have not one thing, as the last two years have

demonstrated, to run on but vitriol.

Just keep drinking the Kool Aid

Now that everybody is about done shaking their heads in response to your post, let us move on to things that make sense. First... UK and the Boston Red Sox won yesterday. :biggrin:

Second, speaking of good days, Republicans are poised to do very well come next Tuesday.

Third, as to this good day, you ought to join the Lord's liars and get yourself to Sunday School and Church.

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