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Raceland 49 West Carter 13
Congrats to the Rams for opening their newly renovated stadium with a big win.
Congrats to the Rams
It was ugly at times.To many turnovers.We have lots of weapons but sometimes we have kids take plays off and it shows! I don’t think all the Rams showed up tonight! West Carter has some good players and they are young...they will have a good season and will be much better next year
RAMDAD50 Wrote:It was ugly at times.To many turnovers.We have lots of weapons but sometimes we have kids take plays off and it shows! I don’t think all the Rams showed up tonight! West Carter has some good players and they are young...they will have a good season and will be much better next year

Agreed. They have to clean those things up next week or we are going to come home from Lloyd with an L.
Raceland is the real deal.
Way to go Rams!
May have been the worst running clock victory I’ve seen. Won’t beat the good teams playing like we played tonight.
Congrats to Rams.
Kide looked hungover, play calling and coaching seemed to be working on things herr and there. Showed zero signs of life defensively on special teams. West has some well above avg atheletes, yet again, seema like they do every year. just not enough upfront. Again I take away feom this game, Jake Heighton is a ball player. Kid has the potential to have a very storied career imo. Only a sophomore, but not afraid to get in there and get behind his pads and os grwoing each week making throws and gaining confidence. Gotta clean up special teams and cant keep getting these lazy penalties. About what I expected from the score, but this was not a championship caliber performance. Play like that next week and we could be heading back down 23 with another L. Pass coverage was good tonight though. Gunner is really turning into a very good CB and Nathaniel is coming along as well. And someone correct me if Im wrong, did Shore have 3 or 4 sacks tonight from DT? Kid looked really good off the edge. A win is a win, but we r still along ways away feom where we need to be.
The Rams seemed a little disinterested tonight.
all that said, we r still light years away feom where I thought we would or even could be right now. Offseason program was good. Our kids seem to be in great shape.
Raceland is looking extremely tough this year.
I hope this Raceland team isn’t one that plays to competition...very sloppy game with some bright spots here and there! To be honest I was more impressed with WC! They are young and if they can find a QB for next year they will be solid! Rams better get ready for next week or they will come back from Greenup with a lose
Sp teams is a lost part of the game and really don't miss it in regular season but boy how u want to find it in the playoffs I really hope the rams can find it before then bc it is a must then
You can mark it down...special teams or the lack of will be this teams downfall! I watched a Raceland team go up on NCC in a regional championship game! We was rolling in that game in 96... NCC scores 21 points in 19 seconds...yeah 19 seconds!! And it started because we couldn’t get a punt off!! Can’t believe we are as bad as we are in special teams
I think last night was a case of our guys expecting an easy win because of the name on their jersey. I was impressed with the fight of West Carter and how they played hard until the end. Next week will be interesting and we will have to bring our A game against a Greenup team that imo will be hungry and has more to prove in that game than the Rams.
On an non-football note, I really enjoyed hearing Farley back on the mike last night.

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