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DeSales 19 St. X 16
Just when X thought they had a chance to beat the Rocks DeSales takes them to the woodshed.
I know X is missing their starting QB, but still...


Not to insult DeSales, but I don't know anyone who expected this.
Congrats to DeSales.
I know MANY that didn't. That being said, just because a team is 6a and has more kids to choose from to play ball, doesn't mean a smaller school with less choices cant kick their butt. Its heart and drive and clearly tonight desales had it more than x. Its the first game for most and we all no there is more to it than just the score. X will watch film and see where they went wrong. First year coach, first year for these kids under him. one game doesn't tell the future. shocked, yes, but one game. X will be fine.
Biggest shocker of the week!!
Not really a shocker to those that follow Football closely. Desales has a superb junior group. I said previously Desales and CAL can play with anyone regardless of class. Too many people with blinders on here or just don’t take time to see the caliber of some teams across the state.
I agree with Boyle County. This is the biggest shocker of the week so far. I expected more out of St X. I regarded them as one of the four best teams in the state. I guess it will take Coach Wallace more time to get things going. Congrats to the Colts.
This isn't that big a shock to me. Yes, it was an upset, but, not as big as most think. It's not like Desales doesn't dress about 90 to 100 kids themselves. How many schools out there with 300 boys enrollment have that many kids play. I'll tell you, none from the public system. 1/3 of your total enrollment playing football. This tells me that there's a lot of talented fb players in and around Jefferson Co. opting to take there talents to Desales. T and X cant get them all.. They have great parental support, nice facilities, excellent educational school, good coaches and a great chance to play for a state title every year. What's not to like? I'd guess the Colts have a Top 5 state ranking as far as roster size goes..
So, Coach Wallace looks to next week for his 300th win...….Oh btw, it will be against Bowling Green (his former team).
Very nice win. Desales looks like a team on a mission.
X is actually off next week, but play Bowling Green next.
Not surprised former Louisville Central coach Scroggins on the staff brings a lot to a team, I think his son is a sophomore on that team CONGRATULATIONS
Desales has a great program. Apparently they have a really good 2a team.
A couple things about the 3 point loss being called taken to the woodshed. X played with their 2nd string qb. X turned the ball over at least 2 times. X has fewer returning starters than Desales and went into a hostile environment on the road. The tigers will probably improve. My biggest criticism of X last night was the running game.
p.s. Scroggins is great but Desales won a championship a couple years ago and built a great program before he ever got there. Might want to give some props to the Hc and others who built the thing.
Iam4thecats Wrote:Desales has a great program. Apparently they have a really good 2a team.
A couple things about the 3 point loss being called taken to the woodshed. X played with their 2nd string qb. X turned the ball over at least 2 times. X has fewer returning starters than Desales and went into a hostile environment on the road. The tigers will probably improve. My biggest criticism of X last night was the running game.
p.s. Scroggins is great but Desales won a championship a couple years ago and built a great program before he ever got there. Might want to give some props to the Hc and others who built the thing.

The key was the early goal line stand when it was 0-0.

Disappointed in X offense in the red zone. They ran too many mis direction and spread plays inside the ten. desales has speed to get up field and blow it up
big time win.
Hatz Wrote:The key was the early goal line stand when it was 0-0.

Disappointed in X offense in the red zone. They ran too many mis direction and spread plays inside the ten. desales has speed to get up field and blow it up

speed kills for sure.
The Colts
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It was a good win. But lets not get carried away. It's one game of a long season. X will be fine. The win is nice and all but what I was impressed with is the way DeSales drove it down the field after losing the lead late. Our biggest question mark coming into the season was the OL. We lost a lot of those guys last year. I think we answered the question. They were consistently blowing the X DL off the ball. I think the strength coming in was our DL. They played well. Colts have the speed, and are physical.
I know losing Watkins hurt. But I was impressed with our running attack. We have 3 solid backs. 2 slashers with speed, and 1 hard nosed run over you type.
The Colts secondary needs to get some things squared away. If they can do that, this can be a pretty special defense.
We have another big test this week with Butler. Who might be the 2nd best team in 6A. I hope our guys are ready and don't have a hangover from this week.
2A again looks strong. I think you could have inserted Mayfield or CAL last night in our place and came up with the same result.
KYHSFBFan Wrote:This isn't that big a shock to me. Yes, it was an upset, but, not as big as most think. It's not like Desales doesn't dress about 90 to 100 kids themselves. How many schools out there with 300 boys enrollment have that many kids play. I'll tell you, none from the public system. 1/3 of your total enrollment playing football. This tells me that there's a lot of talented fb players in and around Jefferson Co. opting to take there talents to Desales. T and X cant get them all.. They have great parental support, nice facilities, excellent educational school, good coaches and a great chance to play for a state title every year. What's not to like? I'd guess the Colts have a Top 5 state ranking as far as roster size goes..
Beechwood comes to mind.
thsrocks Wrote:Beechwood comes to mind.

Not even close. They may dress 60 counting freshmen.. 40-50 is about average for them.

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