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Greenup County Football 2018
Fred Sanford Wrote:A year removed from 7-3
Has Greenup been 7-3 since 1975?

In 1991 Greenup was 9-2
THINBLUELINE411 Wrote:When was the last time Greenup beat Russell two years in a row? I don’t see any way the Devils go to Greenup and win this year. Grizzle’s scheme will work anywhere he coaches at. Grizzle has an for execution very similar to vanderhoof, Lutz, and McGlone. Scott doesn’t need a lot of talent because he understands how to put kids in good positions to achieve great, but watch out if he ever does get some real talent in Lloyd.

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard to put a 2 year head coach In same sentence as those great , proven winners is just stupid . Scott has great potential but good lord slow down some dad
anotherfootballnut Wrote:That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard to put a 2 year head coach In same sentence as those great , proven winners is just stupid . Scott has great potential but good lord slow down some dad

Your stupid! Anyone that’s not blind can clearly see what I was trying to say. I stated that he had an eye for execution like those other coaches, not that he was there equal. Credit is deserved when it’s due, to BTW! Greenups program has been a complete disaster for years and in two years he has them legitametly competitive again! Some coaches coach for years and never develop an eye for what works and what doesn’t, such Vass at Ironton or Maynard at Russell! Mark my words when that new district starts 2019 Greenup will have something to say about it every year as long as Scott is coaching there.
I’m really impressed with the change in culture in Greenup county football. Boys are working hard in off season while Grizzle is instilling Family/team first mentality. The school is supportive and community is supportive. Another thing I really like about Scott is he encourages the boys to support all things Greenup Co. You’ll see a large presence of football players in Lexington Thursday for the state baseball tournament.
THINBLUELINE411 Wrote:Your stupid! Anyone that’s not blind can clearly see what I was trying to say. I stated that he had an eye for execution like those other coaches, not that he was there equal. Credit is deserved when it’s due, to BTW! Greenups program has been a complete disaster for years and in two years he has them legitametly competitive again! Some coaches coach for years and never develop an eye for what works and what doesn’t, such Vass at Ironton or Maynard at Russell! Mark my words when that new district starts 2019 Greenup will have something to say about it every year as long as Scott is coaching there.

Qb is a stud and has some nice pieces around him but you are wrong again. Big drop off in talent when he graduates.
RHS Wrote:Qb is a stud and has some nice pieces around him but you are wrong again. Big drop off in talent when he graduates.

Nope, that’s where you are wrong. More talent coming up behind him. With more and more kids coming out every year. You can’t see that because most of the focus is on those skill senior players and the QB.
I have seen it on all their levels. Some good youngest kids but they are several years away. They will struggle for a few years after the first year of the new district mark it down
So you guys are starting to see why Raceland is a great program and what it takes to be competitived every year?? Now if you wanna take it a step further and help Scott Out get all your coach dads off the sidelines and in the boosters where they belong!!
RAMDAD50 Wrote:So you guys are starting to see why Raceland is a great program and what it takes to be competitived every year?? Now if you wanna take it a step further and help Scott Out get all your coach dads off the sidelines and in the boosters where they belong!!

Only one coach who is a dad and he has nothing to do with Friday nights, he works them in the weight room.
Raceland is so competitive, they can’t even field a team for every level. Give me a break.
RHS Wrote:I have seen it on all their levels. Some good youngest kids but they are several years away. They will struggle for a few years after the first year of the new district mark it down

Me, too. I’ve been around the program for many many years, there is talent on all levels. Besides, kids really start to develop in high school. The kid that didn’t produce a lot in middle school can very well become your stud running back. The problem with a lot of you is you can’t stand that Greenup is seeing results and being successful. You all are used to Greenup being a guaranteed win on your schedule and that’s not the case anymore.
No dog in this fight.

Greenup is having "success" now? What exactly has been accomplished? Is it just a few more wins? Did they win District?

I'm just curious as to why there seems to be this feeling of accomplishment in this thread. Doesn't Greenup run the Air Raid? The Air Raid is never gunna be a threat to make a real run in the playoffs unless you got athletes all over the field. Does Greenup have that?

I wish you well but I'm just not understanding all the talk of success. Success is built from youth football all the way thru middle school and into high school. It takes time. Is this occurring? Is the high school coach on board and assisting with this? If not, it's nearly impossible to build a truly successful (championship) program.
How many points did you score against non-competitive raceland last year?
FoSho Wrote:No dog in this fight.

Greenup is having "success" now? What exactly has been accomplished? Is it just a few more wins? Did they win District?

I'm just curious as to why there seems to be this feeling of accomplishment in this thread. Doesn't Greenup run the Air Raid? The Air Raid is never gunna be a threat to make a real run in the playoffs unless you got athletes all over the field. Does Greenup have that?

I wish you well but I'm just not understanding all the talk of success. Success is built from youth football all the way thru middle school and into high school. It takes time. Is this occurring? Is the high school coach on board and assisting with this? If not, it's nearly impossible to build a truly successful (championship) program.
I’m defining success as where they are now vs where they were just a few short years ago. Musketeers are getting better every year. No one other than Greenup people understand the despair this football program has been through and it came very close to discontinuing the program all together. So as far as I’m concerned every day kids show up and put in hard work is a win for the program.
So it takes a Raceland guy to make Greenup successful?? And kid yourself if you think Scott isn’t a Ram! If the head coaching spot would open at Raceland he would be the first to apply!! So your welcome Greenturds.....little brother has got your back....we will make you better!!! Hehehe
Poor poor mouseketeers
Friday Night Wrote:I’m defining success as where they are now vs where they were just a few short years ago. Musketeers are getting better every year. No one other than Greenup people understand the despair this football program has been through and it came very close to discontinuing the program all together. So as far as I’m concerned every day kids show up and put in hard work is a win for the program.

I can appreciate that and have much respect for the people making it happen. Trust me when I tell you that it takes A LOT of patience and hard work but if the Boyle Co program can go from complete trash to where they are now......ANYONE can do it.

Parents are as much a part of it as anyone. Support of the program is paramount and fundraising is a must. Cohesion and communication thru the whole program (youth thru high school) is difficult to maintain but will create the kind of excitement and success that builds champions.

CHANGE THE CULTURE and your reward will be so worth it. Good luck!!
Friday I agree with u they are coming along very well and I know serval of the middle school kids and the ones that are going to be sophomores but it is hard to predict who continues to play and the ones who drop off east carter seems to be in that category but with the staff Gc has now and the parents that are coming things looking up a lot and I wish them the best 👍🏼
RHS Wrote:Qb is a stud and has some nice pieces around him but you are wrong again. Big drop off in talent when he graduates.

I don’t believe I have been wrong about much of anything recently on here. If I recall correctly I was so painfully right last year about the result of Russell season that none of you Maroon kool aid drinkers could even face me in the forums at the conclusion of last years season. I believe if anyone has the tendency to be wrong it’s YOU not ME.
If you happen to be right though RHS I will be man enough to eat my crow, the question is will you be man enough to eat yours? The track record for the kool aid drinking gang is about as good as Russell’s was last year!😂
Greenup has done a good job scheduling wins. That's what you need when trying to build up a program at first.
THINBLUELINE411 Wrote:I don’t believe I have been wrong about much of anything recently on here. If I recall correctly I was so painfully right last year about the result of Russell season that none of you Maroon kool aid drinkers could even face me in the forums at the conclusion of last years season. I believe if anyone has the tendency to be wrong it’s YOU not ME.
If you happen to be right though RHS I will be man enough to eat my crow, the question is will you be man enough to eat yours? The track record for the kool aid drinking gang is about as good as Russell’s was last year!😂

I’m not a kool aid drinker my friend we both played under the same coach and the same system we just agree to disagree on where that program is at right now. As far as gc goes I got more connections there that you’ll never know. Like I said the quarterback is a stud and has some nice pieces but they will struggle when he leaves and yes I’ve seen them on every level. They have one very good class way down the road but I’d take our classes by a lot. I know you know football so I’m sure you know Russell has several really good classes coming. If Scott can win 7 games after the quarterback leaves I’ll shake your hand and tell ya you was right or better than that I’d buy ya an adult beverage but you know what I’m sayin and you know I’m right
I agree rhs Russell has two really good classes with the freshman that will be and the sophomore's that will be I know those two classes well but this is being a Greenup thread I wish them the best I know a lot of these kids I will be pulling for them but I feel they have a two year window then it will close for a little bit
Greenup Co coaching staff is doing a great job. Greenup has never had (as long as I’ve been around the program) such a proactive coaching staff with helping these athletes pursue possible college scholarships to play football. Scott has been using his contacts to get players on their radars. Most high school coaches only care about the high school days. Scott and his staff are working hard to help these kids beyond high school. That is another big change in culture at Greenup. I really don’t care what’s going on in the neighboring programs, they only want to put GC down. Win or lose, lots of talent or no talent, the boys are buying what Scott is selling and they are working hard for him. I think they’ll have a great season this year. It’ll be fun to watch.
Competetion only makes us all better.
Talent level getting ready to drop off in ramland and btw greenturds as u call them will beat rams down in Lloyd this year
RAMDAD50 Wrote:So it takes a Raceland guy to make Greenup successful?? And kid yourself if you think Scott isn’t a Ram! If the head coaching spot would open at Raceland he would be the first to apply!! So your welcome Greenturds.....little brother has got your back....we will make you better!!! Hehehe
Greenturds as u call them will beat rams down in Lloyd this year
Musketeers knock off rams down in Lloyd this year
Do you know what the a Musketeer fan and a Bengals fan has in common??? Two weeks into the season.....you just wait til next year !!!!!
Jib jab I like ur enthusiasm about ur team but to say a beat down may be a bit much I look for it to be a competitive game and the talent level at raceland is not dropping off they have a very nice class of sophomore's and freshmen
RAMDAD50 Wrote:Do you know what the a Musketeer fan and a Bengals fan has in common??? Two weeks into the season.....you just wait til next year !!!!!

:worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: Raceland fans know all about winning state titles, don't they? :Second: :eyeroll:
Who said anything about a state tittle?? Let’s keep it simple here....we are talking about how this small tiny school beats up on the big bad county school every year and most all the Greenup fans on here wanna make excuses and cry about instead of giving credit when credit is due
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