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BGR Store?
Didn't know exactly where to put this but where is the Store? Is it going to be in the new layout? Which I like very much by the way. Great Job!!!
QQ hasn't got everything transferred back over. I am such that in time everything will be back to normal, he just has to code stuff back into the vBulletin system again. Please be patient, I'm sure that he will get around to it as soon as he possibly can. He has ALOT going on right now.
Oh. I'm in no hurry. Just wondering if it was a think of the past. I love the new layout and had no problem with the other. Change takes time and I for one know that.
I will ask around and see if anyone knows when it will be back up. I appreciate your patience CB, everyone doesn't have that quality when they are asking for things. Basically I wanted everyone to know that QQ has ALOT on his plate right now with switching the site, his Master's, he does some work for Morehead, and he does have a family so that message wasn't directed at you, just anyone in general needs to keep in mind that more important things than this site does happen and I am confident that if the store is coming back, he will do it in due time.
thetribe Wrote:I will ask around and see if anyone knows when it will be back up. I appreciate your patience CB, everyone doesn't have that quality when they are asking for things. Basically I wanted everyone to know that QQ has ALOT on his plate right now with switching the site, his Master's, he does some work for Morehead, and he does have a family so that message wasn't directed at you, just anyone in general needs to keep in mind that more important things than this site does happen and I am confident that if the store is coming back, he will do it in due time.

I didn't take it as directed at me. No problem. I attended Morehead a long time ago. I too have a family and it is time consuming. I appreciate QQ's dedication to this site and his family and carear. One thing I learned to have plenty of and it is patience. keep up the good work.

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