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Greenup County Football 2018
Your welcome
Friday Night Wrote:I’m sure glad you are the expert on Greenup scheduling. Thanks for the info but I’m going to wait and see when the 2019 schedule comes out. As of now, I could care less if Greenup/Raceland ever played each other again. As far as gate and travel expense, if Greenup were to pick up Wheelersburg it would be the same for them as playing Raceland.

If this is case then it is a benefit based on the new seeding crap thats out there. Strength of schedule would be better with Wheelersburg vs Raceland. I see this becoming a big issue in scheduling going forward with smaller schools. Raceland is good and will continue to be but will not be a SOS booster to a larger school. A win would be a push at best but a loss would be a big negative.
anotherfootballnut Wrote:Just heard some sad news , this year will be last game between Raceland and Geeenuo , Greenup has already scheduled another team week 3 for 2019 , Ī guess a ass whooping from from a bigge School is easier to take than a ass whipping from 1A Raceland . Price Racelsnd pays for being on a different level than Greenup it’s gotta be hard to get kicked around by little brother every year . Ì wonder when grizzle is going to grow a pair and let Racelsnd know they aren’t scheduling them in 2019 .

You said it was the last game. The district alignments are not even out for 2019 so there are no games officially scheduled. Footballnut is so obsessed with hating on Greenup that he jumps to conclusions. As always, he has no idea what he's talking about. #FakeNews
NoPicks Wrote:You said it was the last game. The district alignments are not even out for 2019 so there are no games officially scheduled. Footballnut is so obsessed with hating on Greenup that he jumps to conclusions. As always, he has no idea what he's talking about. #FakeNews

You keep running your mouth but not taking me up on my wager !!! You of all people know this is true you can lie and act like Donald trump with your # fake news all you want
Forget money .. how about this if Greenup does not play wheelersburg week 3 in 2019 I’ll show up at your work and apologize to you in front of everyone you want present and will never post anything on a greenup thread again . But when they do and the schedule proves me right you show up at Raceland wearing a Raceland shirt ( î know you have some ) stand at mid court at the Greenup basketball game during half time
anotherfootballnut Wrote:Just heard some sad news , this year will be last game between Raceland and Geeenuo , Greenup has already scheduled another team week 3 for 2019 , Ī guess a ass whooping from from a bigge School is easier to take than a ass whipping from 1A Raceland . Price Racelsnd pays for being on a different level than Greenup it’s gotta be hard to get kicked around by little brother every year . Ì wonder when grizzle is going to grow a pair and let Racelsnd know they aren’t scheduling them in 2019 .

Wow, for someone who asked Coupon to stay off Raceland threads last year, you spend an enormous amount of time on GC’s. I don’t think Grizz owes you an explanation for anything. Perhaps you should check with
(Boy Scout group 77) and see who they have on week 3
Beagle1 Wrote:Wow, for someone who asked Coupon to stay off Raceland threads last year, you spend an enormous amount of time on GC’s. I don’t think Grizz owes you an explanation for anything. Perhaps you should check with
(Boy Scout group 77) and see who they have on week 3

Great reply, you think of that all by yourself ? Just a question how many names you have on this website lol
anotherfootballnut Wrote:Great reply, you think of that all by yourself ? Just a question how many names you have on this website lol

To answer your question, just 1. This is first site I have ever posted on, true fact. I have however enjoyed reading posts and threads on here for some time. I guess you could say that you have inspired me to respond. Especially with your immensely intelligent insights and opinions.
But to get back on topic, GC will try to scratch out another winning season, if (we can stay out of our way). Gonna keep on choppin in 2018, and try to win with the kids we have raised here
Ok joking aside , î really hate this game is going to end , a lot of people in Raceland hate this series is going to end ,i can’t speak for geeenup fans but I’m sure there’s a bunch who also hate it . I could understand if there was fighting on the field or 1A Raceland couldn’t compete with the bigger school but neither of those are the case . it makes a lot more sense to play this game than to cancel it . If Raceland would’ve been the one to cancel i would be on them just the same. I’m also hearing Russell is not going to renew the series with Raceland either . I guess that’s the price you pay for success
Price you pay for being classless.
[quote=Coupon21]Price you pay for being classless.[/QUOTE

Says the most classless person in greenup co
If you can’t beat them just stop scheduling them .. grizzles motto
Arguing with football nut is like arguing with someone who has had a few too many cold ones. No point in it. Greenup is not dropping Raceland, the game is going to be moved to a new week so Greenup can add Wheelersburg to the schedule. As stated before, nut has no idea what he is talking about. #FakeNews
Bottom line is the rams are like the old ironton teams in that most close by teams wouldnt play us on a bet. I look for the red devils to give us the heave ho as well. Thats ok though.....we are still gonna play football!
I may be wrong but isn’t wheelersburg better than Raceland?
Your not wrong
NoPicks Wrote:Arguing with football nut is like arguing with someone who has had a few too many cold ones. No point in it. Greenup is not dropping Raceland, the game is going to be moved to a new week so Greenup can add Wheelersburg to the schedule. As stated before, nut has no idea what he is talking about. #FakeNews

Talking to you is like asking a cheating spouse why they are working so late , the truth never comes out . So if that’s your plan to move the Raceland game then why haven’t you contacted them , it’s not like they have all these open dates to just move games . Good try
KYHSFB Wrote:I may be wrong but isn’t wheelersburg better than Raceland?

Which begs the question.....Why on God’s green earth would GC schedule Wheelersburg?
Wheelersburg could have beaten JC whom GC has never competed with
NoPicks Wrote:Arguing with football nut is like arguing with someone who has had a few too many cold ones. No point in it. Greenup is not dropping Raceland, the game is going to be moved to a new week so Greenup can add Wheelersburg to the schedule. As stated before, nut has no idea what he is talking about. #FakeNews

You wanna say stupid crap like I’m crazy I’m drunk or whatever but let’s look at how full of shit you are .. first you say no way schedules aren’t even started district games are set in 2019 so there’s no game with anyone else , so you have changed your BS story to yeah we picked up wheelersburg week three but we are moving the Raceland game ( which you still have not contacted Raceland about) you want me to tell you what your move is ???! Oh we can’t play Raceland now bc we don’t have any open weeks that match . So you not only canceled the series your to chicken crap and and not man enough to admit what u did .. let’s hear what you wanna lie about now mr i threw plenty of picks
anotherfootballnut Wrote:You wanna say stupid crap like I’m crazy I’m drunk or whatever but let’s look at how full of shit you are .. first you say no way schedules aren’t even started district games are set in 2019 so there’s no game with anyone else , so you have changed your BS story to yeah we picked up wheelersburg week three but we are moving the Raceland game ( which you still have not contacted Raceland about) you want me to tell you what your move is ???! Oh we can’t play Raceland now bc we don’t have any open weeks that match . So you not only canceled the series your to chicken crap and and not man enough to admit what u did .. let’s hear what you wanna lie about now mr i threw plenty of picks

Holy crap. Man you are really ate up with it. It’s almost like you are from Raceland or something. Evidently the (lil brother whipping the big brother) is all you have going for you. It’s not your, or my decision, if they play. It’s coach Grizzle’s decision to do what’s best for GC. So don’t be surprised if he doesn’t ask for your opinion about future decisions either
Beagle1 Wrote:Holy crap. Man you are really ate up with it. It’s almost like you are from Raceland or something. Evidently the (lil brother whipping the big brother) is all you have going for you. It’s not your, or my decision, if they play. It’s coach Grizzle’s decision to do what’s best for GC. So don’t be surprised if he doesn’t ask for your opinion about future decisions either

Thanks again for another insightful post
anotherfootballnut Wrote:Thanks again for another insightful post

No problem. If we need anything else we will call you.
Bye Bye
anotherfootballnut Wrote:Talking to you is like asking a cheating spouse why they are working so late , the truth never comes out . So if that’s your plan to move the Raceland game then why haven’t you contacted them , it’s not like they have all these open dates to just move games . Good try

BECAUSE ITS THE 2019 SCHEDULE!!! We don’t have a clue who we HAVE to schedule because it’s not set in stone what class and district WE WILL BE PLAYING IN!!!!!!! NOT ONE GREENUP PERSON, PLAYER, FAN, OR COACH OWES ANYTHING TO RACELAND SO SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO THE RACELAND THREAD SO US CIVILIZED PEOPLE CAN DISCUSS 2018 repeat 2018 Greenup football team. We’ve really had enough of you.
Friday Night Wrote:BECAUSE ITS THE 2019 SCHEDULE!!! We don’t have a clue who we HAVE to schedule because it’s not set in stone what class and district WE WILL BE PLAYING IN!!!!!!! NOT ONE GREENUP PERSON, PLAYER, FAN, OR COACH OWES ANYTHING TO RACELAND SO SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO THE RACELAND THREAD SO US CIVILIZED PEOPLE CAN DISCUSS 2018 repeat 2018 Greenup football team. We’ve really had enough of you.

All those caps lol.. sorry buddy but your coach confirmed the scheduling of wheelersburg week three 2019, dropping to 3A has no bearing on your non district schedule .. I’m really don’t care what u had enough of but thanks
i had a long post for you dude, but decided it really wasn’t worth stooping to your level. And I’ll just leave it at that. Good luck to the rams in 2019.
Why is it important to play this game anyway? This really hasn't been a competive game for a while anyway so maybe it's time for both schools to move on.
The more I think about it orange blaze is right , i really do hate not playing a rival game but it hasn’t been competitive in many years Raceland goes into the game big favorites so really don’t get anything from beating a bigger school your better than in the first place . It will be nice not to hear all the excuses every year of why Raceland beat them , no more moms putting stuff on FB about Raceland players , what was i upset about? I should be thanking Grizzle ..
Keep giving classless reasons why gc should drop this game. Please do.
Yes it’s all my fault greenup won’t play raceland anymore lol good excuse as any
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