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Big Buddies
On a foreign trip, aboard Air Force 1, President Trump chose Putin’s reassurance as over and against US intelligence. Of course, after blowback, he “clarified” his remarks. That’s fact, TrumpJacks.
Oh I do love facts! On the 2016 run up for president, the John Podesta owned "Podesta Group," accepted millions of dollars from Russia in an effort to win the presidency for Hillary Clinton. ---Stewart Varney

The willful ignorance of the left is of the nation killing variety.

Guess what company will reportedly close it's doors by December of this year? And speaking of facts, Trump did not say he trusted Putin over his own intel community.
Note: the last name of the President of the United States is “Trump,” not Clinton. Are we to assume that folks like TRT believe that the comments of an American PRESIDENT favoring Vladimir Putin’s veracity over his own intelligence community constitute some kind of “willful blindness”? Again, Donald Trump won the Presidency. He is President. He alone speaks on Air Force 1.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
Note: the last name of the President of the United States is “Trump,” not Clinton. Are we to assume that folks like TRT believe that the comments of an American PRESIDENT favoring Vladimir Putin’s veracity over his own intelligence community constitute some kind of “willful blindness”? Again, Donald Trump won the Presidency. He is President. He alone speaks on Air Force 1.

Yes and thank the Lord. After the disgraces of the past 8 years, little transparency is certainly a welcomed relief. Obviously the fact that the liberal press twisted his words again, while ignoring such occasions as when your hero Obama asked Russian President Medvedev to wait until after the election when he'd have more flexibility, or the 146 million dollars the Clinton Foundation got (from Russia) "amid" the Uranium One deal,

Or the 35 million dollars "The Podesta Group" got (from Russia) during the 2016 campaign for president.

You might notice that I don't just get on here make absurdly false and unsubstantiated charges that I cannot back up, I provide links. You might want to try it sometime.
Are links really necessary when exactly what the President said is so widely available? He backtracked, friendo, because of blowback. We’ve seen it in politics numberless times. Posting links to deflect from that which is clearly on the record is simply that: deflection. The tweeting don appears sweet on Putin. You may not like it, but your deflection doesn’t change it.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Are links really necessary when exactly what the President said is so widely available? He backtracked, friendo, because of blowback. We’ve seen it in politics numberless times. Posting links to deflect from that which is clearly on the record is simply that: deflection. The tweeting don appears sweet on Putin. You may not like it, but your deflection doesn’t change it.

He clarified because the media dog pack still seeks to rend him to pieces at every turn. Exposing your ridiculous blather for what it is does not constitute deflection. But since when were your posts ever tethered to fact, right?
TheRealThing Wrote:He clarified because the media dog pack still seeks to rend him to pieces at every turn. Exposing your ridiculous blather for what it is does not constitute deflection. But since when were your posts ever tethered to fact, right?

Apparently, you lack objectivity where Donald Trump is concened. Shall I parphrase?
“Every time I talk to Vladimir he stresses he didn’t do it. I think he is sincere.” The President’s sensitivity about Russian interference, and concomitant collusion, appear as weakness, as does his insecurity. Putin, an adept reader of people, no doubt understands Trump a great deal more competently than Trump does Putin.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Apparently, you lack objectivity where Donald Trump is concened. Shall I parphrase?
“Every time I talk to Vladimir he stresses he didn’t do it. I think he is sincere.” The President’s sensitivity about Russian interference, and concomitant collusion, appear as weakness, as does his insecurity. Putin, an adept reader of people, no doubt understands Trump a great deal more competently than Trump does Putin.

Why would I be interested in paraphrased fake news?
TheRealThing Wrote:Why would I be interested in paraphrased fake news?

Because President Trump said it. Then, he backtracked after blowback. President Trump, to meet a need to downplay Russian meddling (“He said he didn’t meddle. He said he didn’t meddle.”), voiced up on Air Force 1. The level of interest in a partisan is likewise governed by need.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Because President Trump said it. Then, he backtracked after blowback. President Trump, to meet a need to downplay Russian meddling (“He said he didn’t meddle. He said he didn’t meddle.”), voiced up on Air Force 1. The level of interest in a partisan is likewise governed by need.

Says the guy whose party has been epically relegated to the backwaters of irrelevancy.
TheRealThing Wrote:Says the guy whose party has been epically relegated to the backwaters of irrelevancy.

Actually, so said the President, whose words form the subject of this thread. I notice the blending of straw with the poison of deflection. Well, at least a branching out in fallaciousness.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Actually, so said the President, whose words form the subject of this thread. I notice the blending of straw with the poison of deflection. Well, at least a branching out in fallaciousness.

Which even if true would be better than two years of clinical projection. I'm out.
TheRealThing Wrote:Which even if true would be better than two years of clinical projection. I'm out.

Yes, you are.
The chummy buddies hugged it out by chance and spoke on the phone. One, a “for all practical purposes” dictator, and the other who wishes he could be. Any talk of the Ukraine? Any dialogue on freedom of the press? Iran looms larger as the Big Britches in the Middle East, with Russia and China looking on, while US allies downsize pants. An allied, strong, unchecked Russia/China/ Iran? Might be time to dust off the old Biblical prophecies.
Devoid of proof Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, nor any of the remaining 533 Congressmen of this land had any business saying anything at all about the senatorial race of Alabama. NOBODY KNOWS what really went on except Roy Moore. I don't mention the 6 women associated with the story because frankly, until proof is offered there is no reason to give the allegations so much as a cursory nod.

But Dems have done far worse, and quite recently. Harry Reid bald face lied about Romney paying income tax. Hillary lied about... well she lied every time her lips moved, but her boss said he did not wiretap Trump Tower. And we could go on and on. As things stand McConnell and Ryan have both made very public and scathing statements regarding the character of Moore, and the RNC pulled funding for his campaign. So far ALL we have is a vicious rumor, and Dems dancing in the streets. Alabama will rise past the lies and Moore will win. Or his accusers can darn well put forth something legitimate.
TheRealThing Wrote:Devoid of proof Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, nor any of the remaining 533 Congressmen of this land had any business saying anything at all about the senatorial race of Alabama. NOBODY KNOWS what really went on except Roy Moore. I don't mention the 6 women associated with the story because frankly, until proof is offered there is no reason to give the allegations so much as a cursory nod.

But Dems have done far worse, and quite recently. Harry Reid bald face lied about Romney paying income tax. Hillary lied about... well she lied every time her lips moved, but her boss said he did not wiretap Trump Tower. And we could go on and on. As things stand McConnell and Ryan have both made very public and scathing statements regarding the character of Moore, and the RNC pulled funding for his campaign. So far ALL we have is a vicious rumor, and Dems dancing in the streets. Alabama will rise past the lies and Moore will win. Or his accusers can darn well put forth something legitimate.

As I said earlier, Moore may still win. Six is no longer the number.
I would imagine, Sir, when the numbers began to swell, you were no defender of Bill Cosby. As I have repeatedly argued, the culture warrior, a tribalist, chooses sides and holds tight even to unholy warriors. Now, to return to the subject of this thread: while a working relationship with Russia is necessary, this seeming “bromance” is more than a bit odd.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:As I said earlier, Moore may still win. Six is no longer the number.
I would imagine, Sir, when the numbers began to swell, you were no defender of Bill Cosby. As I have repeatedly argued, the culture warrior, a tribalist, chooses sides and holds tight even to unholy warriors. Now, to return to the subject of this thread: while a working relationship with Russia is necessary, this seeming “bromance” is more than a bit odd.

I wasn't aware Cosby was running for office.

^^The bolded: clinical projection.

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