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09-14-2017, 10:09 PM
Going try this again without someone deleting my POSTS
Now REMBER this comes from Fox News the holy word for the right now keep in mind if capable that this is Donald's DOJ
As far as Nunes claim of Rice unmasking Donald's close friends
Again from Fox News the holy word for the right and the Rights Chief Investigator Trey Gowdy
The reason Rush was brought up about Donald's tweet Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was Rush has a good reason for THROWING OUT CONSPIRACY
Rush Limbaugh net worth and salary: Rush Limbaugh is an American conservative radio host and media personality who has a net worth of $550 million. Rush Limbaugh is one of the most popular and highly compensated radio talk show hosts in the world. He earns an annual salary north of $85 million
And as far as Carter Page goes alleged fisa warrant was obtained by the FBI not Obama or anything doing with wiretapping Donald's Phones here is the Tweets from Donald
#1. Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
#2. Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!
#3 I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!
#4 How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate.
All has been proven LIES
As far as my post about the moderator your answer proves my point
Oh dear!! Could Obama be "the next one"???
Can you say Obamagate???
Now REMBER this comes from Fox News the holy word for the right now keep in mind if capable that this is Donald's DOJ
As far as Nunes claim of Rice unmasking Donald's close friends
Again from Fox News the holy word for the right and the Rights Chief Investigator Trey Gowdy
The reason Rush was brought up about Donald's tweet Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was Rush has a good reason for THROWING OUT CONSPIRACY
Rush Limbaugh net worth and salary: Rush Limbaugh is an American conservative radio host and media personality who has a net worth of $550 million. Rush Limbaugh is one of the most popular and highly compensated radio talk show hosts in the world. He earns an annual salary north of $85 million
And as far as Carter Page goes alleged fisa warrant was obtained by the FBI not Obama or anything doing with wiretapping Donald's Phones here is the Tweets from Donald
#1. Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
#2. Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!
#3 I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!
#4 How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate.
All has been proven LIES
As far as my post about the moderator your answer proves my point
Oh dear!! Could Obama be "the next one"???
Can you say Obamagate???
09-14-2017, 10:44 PM
vector Wrote:Going try this again without someone deleting my POSTS
Now REMBER this comes from Fox News the holy word for the right now keep in mind if capable that this is Donald's DOJ
As far as Nunes claim of Rice unmasking Donald's close friends
Again from Fox News the holy word for the right and the Rights Chief Investigator Trey Gowdy
The reason Rush was brought up about Donald's tweet Obama wiretapping Trump Tower was Rush has a good reason for THROWING OUT CONSPIRACY
Rush Limbaugh net worth and salary: Rush Limbaugh is an American conservative radio host and media personality who has a net worth of $550 million. Rush Limbaugh is one of the most popular and highly compensated radio talk show hosts in the world. He earns an annual salary north of $85 million
And as far as Carter Page goes alleged fisa warrant was obtained by the FBI not Obama or anything doing with wiretapping Donald's Phones here is the Tweets from Donald
#1. Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
#2. Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!
#3 I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!
#4 How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate.
All has been proven LIES
As far as my post about the moderator your answer proves my point
Oh dear!! Could Obama be "the next one"???
Can you say Obamagate???
I'm going to try this again. Calling electronic eavesdropping wiretapping, is just like calling all facial tissue Kleenex. It's a colloquialism generic to the art of surveillance, and as such has been proven to be 100% accurate and applicable to the situation. Now I grant you, making such a generalization would not exactly get one an A for his college level dissertation. But in the case of conversation to regular folds, it was entirely appropriate. Intelligence agencies of the United States of America, gathered information on Donald J Trump and his campaign staff. They listened in on everybody's phone conversations associated in any way with MR Trump to include even, his family. They intercepted emails. They snooped and investigated to the best of their collective abilities, and managed to dredge up absolutely nothing with which to besmirch the President.
Can you say willfully ignorant?
09-14-2017, 10:58 PM
Senator Diane Feinstein has even accepted the inevitable, there are no grounds to impeach the President.
"Feinstein reportedly shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached and then told the audience that they should be prepared to see Trump complete his four-year term."
Now, how many sources would you like to see on this? Because I saw about 6 right off the bat. Senator Feinstein BTW, sits the Judiciary Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee. Did you get that? If the Senate Intel Committee says there's nothing there, there's nothing there. And just for clarity, she made that comment on August 30. Not exactly old news now is it?
"Feinstein reportedly shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached and then told the audience that they should be prepared to see Trump complete his four-year term."
Now, how many sources would you like to see on this? Because I saw about 6 right off the bat. Senator Feinstein BTW, sits the Judiciary Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee. Did you get that? If the Senate Intel Committee says there's nothing there, there's nothing there. And just for clarity, she made that comment on August 30. Not exactly old news now is it?
09-14-2017, 11:43 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Senator Diane Feinstein has even accepted the inevitable, there are no grounds to impeach the President.
"Feinstein reportedly shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached and then told the audience that they should be prepared to see Trump complete his four-year term."
Now, how many sources would you like to see on this? Because I saw about 6 right off the bat. Senator Feinstein BTW, sits the Judiciary Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee. Did you get that? If the Senate Intel Committee says there's nothing there, there's nothing there. And just for clarity, she made that comment on August 30. Not exactly old news now is it?
You know and I know Donald will not be impeached unless they are hard and physical evidence he had contacts with Russia BECAUSE the GOP control the House they decide if he will be impeached BUT if the GOP loses the House in 2018 YES they will impeach him and it will be up to the Senate to say if he is guilty or innocent now REMBER we are just a little over a year into this Investigation we have 7 more years to go especially if the Democrats get the House or Senate You had better hope They don't put Donald under oath as much lying he does it will be to easy the obstruction has already been proven and also the ties with Russia officials but not enough for the House to impeach him but this is a long way from being over
And let's not forget Donald's own Department of Justice SAYS THERE IS NO PROOF OBAMA WIRE TAPPED DONALD'S PHONES
09-14-2017, 11:50 PM
vector Wrote:You know and I know Donald will not be impeached unless they are hard and physical evidence he had contacts with Russia BECAUSE the GOP control the House they decide if he will be impeached BUT if the GOP loses the House in 2018 YES they will impeach him and it will be up to the Senate to say if he is guilty or innocent now REMBER we are just a little over a year into this Investigation we have 7 more years to go especially if the Democrats get the House or Senate You had better hope They don't put Donald under oath as much lying he does it will be to easy the obstruction has already been proven and also the ties with Russia officials but not enough for the House to impeach him but this is a long way from being over
And let's not forget Donald's own Department of Justice SAYS THERE IS NO PROOF OBAMA WIRE TAPPED DONALD'S PHONES
Trump will not be impeached, if there were a scintilla of evidence we'd know about it. Trump will be reelected, so you're right about us having over 7 years left. Then we get 8 years of Pence.

09-14-2017, 11:55 PM
Hey is some reading material for ya.
Rember.....these are proven facts.
• $6 trillion in new national debt under Obama…after he promised to decrease the deficit.
• Obamacare — A massive and incredibly convoluted bill which exponentially increases the federal government’s control over our personal lives…which neither Obama nor a single Democrat even read before passing, and which will likely bankrupt the nation.
• In both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, the Obama campaign purposely disabled the credit card verification system for its Web site donations, allowing anyone from any foreign country to donate with no limit and no proof of identity; in both elections it was demonstrated that people overseas and people with obviously false identities were able to donate to Obama campaign, in direct violation of several laws. To this day it is not known what percentage of Obama’s campaign funds are illegally obtained, since there is no documentation.
• Billions of taxpayer dollars gambled on “green” companies like Solyndra, NextEra, Ener1, Solar Trust and many others — all of which went bankrupt.
• An intentional refusal to enforce federal immigration laws.
• Unemployment at or above 8% for almost his entire term in office (which was actually closer to 15% actual unemployment).
• Spent 20 years listening to a racist anti-American pastor (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), whom Obama described as a mentor. On March 18, 2008, Obama gave a speech in which he said “I could no more disown Jeremiah Wright than I could disown my own grandmother” and “[Wright’s church, Trinity United] embodies the black community in its entirety.” Now Obama tries to pretend that Jeremiah Wright doesn’t exist, and that his extremist anti-white philosophy didn’t influence Obama’s worldview.
• Increased the percentage of Americans dependent on food stamps to unprecedented levels (now over 15% of the nation’s population).
• Militarily intervened in Libya in 2011 without the Congressional approval required by the War Powers Act — technically an impeachable offense.
• Before he entered politics, Obama worked as a lawyer suing banks in landmark cases, forcing them to give home loans to unqualified minority borrowers — a practice now understood as one of the primary initial causes of the eventual housing bubble and market collapse.
• Handed out over 1,200 waivers to politically connected donors exempting them from the onerous requirements of Obamacare.
• Greatly expanding the number of unaccountable “czars,” which essentially amounts to unilaterally adding new federal departments with no congressional oversight — leading to a true “bureaucracy” in the original sense (rule by unelected bureaucrats).
• Using taxpayer dollars to bail out the private pension funds of autoworkers’ unions at GM & Chrysler.
• Illegally ending the welfare-to-work requirements passed by Congress.
• Doling out $800 billion in stimulus cash for “shovel-ready” jobs that didn’t exist — the money just evaporated with no measurable economic benefit.
• Alienating and isolating Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East.
• Apologizing to Islamists and terrorists for offending them.
• Under Obama’s watch, for the first time in history America’s credit rating was downgraded, due to his poor economic policies.
• Stopped American oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, allowing other nations with worse environmental records to drill instead — thereby managing to both weaken our economy and damage the environment simultaneously.
• Proposed in 2008 to intentionally bankrupt the coal industry — and now lies to voters and workers in coal-producing regions about his true intent.
• Pretends to be concerned about skyrocketing energy prices, when in fact he vowed to increase them on purpose (so as to make alternative energy schemes more competitive.)
• In a primary debate against Hillary Clinton in 2008, Obama said he would never force people to buy health insurance, since those without it couldn’t afford to buy it. Less than two years later, he rammed through Obamacare, which does indeed force people to buy health insurance.
• During the 2008 campaign, Obama repeatedly promised that if he was elected “No family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase.” This promise was broken over and over again once he was elected.
• In 2008 Obama vowed if elected to increase security along the U.S.-Mexican border — and then in 2010 stopped construction of a “virtual fence” on the border and re-routed money earmarked for border security to other projects.
• Cash for Clunkers, which doled out taxpayer money to anyone who wanted to replace their old cars, but which mostly only ended up subsidizing the puchase of foreign-made cars by people who could have afforded them on their own anyway; meanwhile, the traded-in cars were all destroyed, creating a shortage and thereby increasing the cost of used cars, hurting the pocketbooks of poor people.
• The 2009 National Christmas Tree in the White House was decorated with ornaments depicting Chairman Mao, a drag queen, and a picture of Mount Rushmore that included Obama’s own head next to George Washington’s.
• Compelled Catholic and other religious organizations to provide health plans with free contraception, even though such requirements violate their rights of religious freedom and conscience.
• It was revealed only after Obama became president that during the 1990s he was a leading member of the “New Party,” a socialist-aligned far-left radical group in Chicago.
• Lied about his close associations with former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers; pretended the two barely knew each other, when multiple sources document they were friends and close colleagues for years.
• When Obama was inaugurated as President on January 20, 2009, he at first flubbed the oath of office, so he had to re-take it behind closed doors for his inauguration to be valid. He did so, but during this second, true inauguration in private, he purposely failed to place his hand on a Bible, as is traditional — the first president ever to not swear the oath of office on the Bible.
• Obama’s own author bio in his literary agent’s catalog and on their Web site stated for 17 consecutive years that he was born in Kenya; this claim remained intact despite other portions of the bio being altered and updated repeatedly. It was only in 2007 after he decided to run for the presidency that the “born in Kenya” claim was taken down. The original info must necessarily have come from Obama himself; some theorize he likely falsely claimed foreign birth in order to gain admission or scholarships in college, and never bothered to fix his lie.
• After winning the 2008 election but before being sworn in, Obama bombastically concocted the official-seeming “Office of the President-Elect” as if it was some kind of real government department; in fact, it was just a self-congratulatory title he made up to look important before he actually became president.
• Obama administration came up with the bizarre euphemism “man-caused disasters” to describe acts of terrorism — because he wants to downplay terrorism as a significant political issue.
• For three years in a row his official budget proposals to Congress received exactly zero votes — not even a single vote from Democrats.
• Relied on an Islamic fundamentalist militia group called “The Martyrs of the February the 17th Revolution Brigade” to provide security at the American mission in Benghazi — and they not only failed to prevent the attack but perhaps even joined in on it.
• During the debate over Obamacare in 2009, Obama bluntly stated that doctors like to perform amputations rather than practice preventive medicine for no other reason than that they make a greater profit from amputations. The American College of Surgeons demanded an apology, which never arrived.
• Since 2008 the Los Angeles Times has been in possession of a videotape showing Obama honoring and praising anti-Western anti-Israel academic Edward Said, but they have steadfastly refused to release it to this day, for no discernible reason other than their belief it would damage Obama’s reputation.
• When the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe recently held a conference on human rights, Obama sent an American representative — Salam al-Marayati, a Truther who blamed Israel for the 9/11 attacks and who also praises Hezbollah and Hamas. To the nations of Europe, al-Marayati spoke for all Americans on the topic of human rights.
• Obama’s Department of Homeland Security specifically warned that Americans who are “dedicated to a
single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration” are potential terrorists, as are libertarian-minded voters who “favor of state or local authority” over centralized power. These “rightwing extremists” (who hold political beliefs shared by a majority of Americans) are deemed a greater threat to the nation than actual revolutionaries or jihadists.
• While campaigning in 2008 Obama declared that it was “unpatriotic” that Bush had increased the national debt at a rate of half a trillion dollars per year; but under Obama the rate of national debt increase has accelerated to almost three times the Bush rate ($6 trillion in new debt in under four years) — yet Obama has never apologized nor declared himself unpatriotic.
• For decades, every president has attended a “daily intelligence briefing” which updates him on critical world events each morning. Obama has skipped 60% of his daily intelligence briefings, including the ones leading up to the attack in Benghazi.
Rember.....these are proven facts.
• $6 trillion in new national debt under Obama…after he promised to decrease the deficit.
• Obamacare — A massive and incredibly convoluted bill which exponentially increases the federal government’s control over our personal lives…which neither Obama nor a single Democrat even read before passing, and which will likely bankrupt the nation.
• In both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, the Obama campaign purposely disabled the credit card verification system for its Web site donations, allowing anyone from any foreign country to donate with no limit and no proof of identity; in both elections it was demonstrated that people overseas and people with obviously false identities were able to donate to Obama campaign, in direct violation of several laws. To this day it is not known what percentage of Obama’s campaign funds are illegally obtained, since there is no documentation.
• Billions of taxpayer dollars gambled on “green” companies like Solyndra, NextEra, Ener1, Solar Trust and many others — all of which went bankrupt.
• An intentional refusal to enforce federal immigration laws.
• Unemployment at or above 8% for almost his entire term in office (which was actually closer to 15% actual unemployment).
• Spent 20 years listening to a racist anti-American pastor (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), whom Obama described as a mentor. On March 18, 2008, Obama gave a speech in which he said “I could no more disown Jeremiah Wright than I could disown my own grandmother” and “[Wright’s church, Trinity United] embodies the black community in its entirety.” Now Obama tries to pretend that Jeremiah Wright doesn’t exist, and that his extremist anti-white philosophy didn’t influence Obama’s worldview.
• Increased the percentage of Americans dependent on food stamps to unprecedented levels (now over 15% of the nation’s population).
• Militarily intervened in Libya in 2011 without the Congressional approval required by the War Powers Act — technically an impeachable offense.
• Before he entered politics, Obama worked as a lawyer suing banks in landmark cases, forcing them to give home loans to unqualified minority borrowers — a practice now understood as one of the primary initial causes of the eventual housing bubble and market collapse.
• Handed out over 1,200 waivers to politically connected donors exempting them from the onerous requirements of Obamacare.
• Greatly expanding the number of unaccountable “czars,” which essentially amounts to unilaterally adding new federal departments with no congressional oversight — leading to a true “bureaucracy” in the original sense (rule by unelected bureaucrats).
• Using taxpayer dollars to bail out the private pension funds of autoworkers’ unions at GM & Chrysler.
• Illegally ending the welfare-to-work requirements passed by Congress.
• Doling out $800 billion in stimulus cash for “shovel-ready” jobs that didn’t exist — the money just evaporated with no measurable economic benefit.
• Alienating and isolating Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East.
• Apologizing to Islamists and terrorists for offending them.
• Under Obama’s watch, for the first time in history America’s credit rating was downgraded, due to his poor economic policies.
• Stopped American oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, allowing other nations with worse environmental records to drill instead — thereby managing to both weaken our economy and damage the environment simultaneously.
• Proposed in 2008 to intentionally bankrupt the coal industry — and now lies to voters and workers in coal-producing regions about his true intent.
• Pretends to be concerned about skyrocketing energy prices, when in fact he vowed to increase them on purpose (so as to make alternative energy schemes more competitive.)
• In a primary debate against Hillary Clinton in 2008, Obama said he would never force people to buy health insurance, since those without it couldn’t afford to buy it. Less than two years later, he rammed through Obamacare, which does indeed force people to buy health insurance.
• During the 2008 campaign, Obama repeatedly promised that if he was elected “No family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase.” This promise was broken over and over again once he was elected.
• In 2008 Obama vowed if elected to increase security along the U.S.-Mexican border — and then in 2010 stopped construction of a “virtual fence” on the border and re-routed money earmarked for border security to other projects.
• Cash for Clunkers, which doled out taxpayer money to anyone who wanted to replace their old cars, but which mostly only ended up subsidizing the puchase of foreign-made cars by people who could have afforded them on their own anyway; meanwhile, the traded-in cars were all destroyed, creating a shortage and thereby increasing the cost of used cars, hurting the pocketbooks of poor people.
• The 2009 National Christmas Tree in the White House was decorated with ornaments depicting Chairman Mao, a drag queen, and a picture of Mount Rushmore that included Obama’s own head next to George Washington’s.
• Compelled Catholic and other religious organizations to provide health plans with free contraception, even though such requirements violate their rights of religious freedom and conscience.
• It was revealed only after Obama became president that during the 1990s he was a leading member of the “New Party,” a socialist-aligned far-left radical group in Chicago.
• Lied about his close associations with former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers; pretended the two barely knew each other, when multiple sources document they were friends and close colleagues for years.
• When Obama was inaugurated as President on January 20, 2009, he at first flubbed the oath of office, so he had to re-take it behind closed doors for his inauguration to be valid. He did so, but during this second, true inauguration in private, he purposely failed to place his hand on a Bible, as is traditional — the first president ever to not swear the oath of office on the Bible.
• Obama’s own author bio in his literary agent’s catalog and on their Web site stated for 17 consecutive years that he was born in Kenya; this claim remained intact despite other portions of the bio being altered and updated repeatedly. It was only in 2007 after he decided to run for the presidency that the “born in Kenya” claim was taken down. The original info must necessarily have come from Obama himself; some theorize he likely falsely claimed foreign birth in order to gain admission or scholarships in college, and never bothered to fix his lie.
• After winning the 2008 election but before being sworn in, Obama bombastically concocted the official-seeming “Office of the President-Elect” as if it was some kind of real government department; in fact, it was just a self-congratulatory title he made up to look important before he actually became president.
• Obama administration came up with the bizarre euphemism “man-caused disasters” to describe acts of terrorism — because he wants to downplay terrorism as a significant political issue.
• For three years in a row his official budget proposals to Congress received exactly zero votes — not even a single vote from Democrats.
• Relied on an Islamic fundamentalist militia group called “The Martyrs of the February the 17th Revolution Brigade” to provide security at the American mission in Benghazi — and they not only failed to prevent the attack but perhaps even joined in on it.
• During the debate over Obamacare in 2009, Obama bluntly stated that doctors like to perform amputations rather than practice preventive medicine for no other reason than that they make a greater profit from amputations. The American College of Surgeons demanded an apology, which never arrived.
• Since 2008 the Los Angeles Times has been in possession of a videotape showing Obama honoring and praising anti-Western anti-Israel academic Edward Said, but they have steadfastly refused to release it to this day, for no discernible reason other than their belief it would damage Obama’s reputation.
• When the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe recently held a conference on human rights, Obama sent an American representative — Salam al-Marayati, a Truther who blamed Israel for the 9/11 attacks and who also praises Hezbollah and Hamas. To the nations of Europe, al-Marayati spoke for all Americans on the topic of human rights.
• Obama’s Department of Homeland Security specifically warned that Americans who are “dedicated to a
single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration” are potential terrorists, as are libertarian-minded voters who “favor of state or local authority” over centralized power. These “rightwing extremists” (who hold political beliefs shared by a majority of Americans) are deemed a greater threat to the nation than actual revolutionaries or jihadists.
• While campaigning in 2008 Obama declared that it was “unpatriotic” that Bush had increased the national debt at a rate of half a trillion dollars per year; but under Obama the rate of national debt increase has accelerated to almost three times the Bush rate ($6 trillion in new debt in under four years) — yet Obama has never apologized nor declared himself unpatriotic.
• For decades, every president has attended a “daily intelligence briefing” which updates him on critical world events each morning. Obama has skipped 60% of his daily intelligence briefings, including the ones leading up to the attack in Benghazi.
09-15-2017, 01:07 PM
^ Are those facts straight from the email list of Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh?
09-15-2017, 01:44 PM
Motley Wrote:^ Are those facts straight from the email list of Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh?
Here's a little revelation for you. Only 19% of the people in this country (liberals) believe Rush is an idiot. And even then the vast majority of those had that opinion given to them by mindless mushrooms which comprise the media. In other words, Bazooka Joe is past their reading level. But tell us all about it anyway.
09-15-2017, 02:41 PM
Well Vector, I have to hand it to you. With a thread entitled "Everything", it would be very difficult to go off topic.
Unless of course, you post nothing.
Unless of course, you post nothing.
09-15-2017, 02:51 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Here's a little revelation for you. Only 19% of the people in this country (liberals) believe Rush is an idiot. And even then the vast majority of those had that opinion given to them by mindless mushrooms which comprise the media. In other words, Bazooka Joe is past their reading level. But tell us all about it anyway.
Would love to see your source on that 19%. It's funny you pulled that number out of a hat because a simple google search showed that his favorable rating was 19% as of 2009. 19%
Also in 2009, a Gallup poll found that even 23% of Republicans had an unfavorable view of Limbaugh with only 60% approving. Limbaugh
09-15-2017, 10:32 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Here's a little revelation for you. Only 19% of the people in this country (liberals) believe Rush is an idiot. And even then the vast majority of those had that opinion given to them by mindless mushrooms which comprise the media. In other words, Bazooka Joe is past their reading level. But tell us all about it anyway.
I believe Rush is SMART it's the idiots who follow his every words are the FOOLS
RUSH has a very good reason for talking crazy
Rush Limbaugh net worth and salary: Rush Limbaugh is an American conservative radio host and media personality who has a net worth of $550 million. Rush Limbaugh is one of the most popular and highly compensated radio talk show hosts in the world. He earns an annual salary north of $85 million
What's your TRT ?
09-15-2017, 10:32 PM
Motley Wrote:Would love to see your source on that 19%. It's funny you pulled that number out of a hat because a simple google search showed that his favorable rating was 19% as of 2009. 19%
Also in 2009, a Gallup poll found that even 23% of Republicans had an unfavorable view of Limbaugh with only 60% approving. Limbaugh
Donald Tweeted them
09-15-2017, 10:33 PM
Motley Wrote:^ Are those facts straight from the email list of Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh?
Maybe one of Donald's Tweets
09-15-2017, 10:36 PM
Granny Bear Wrote:Well Vector, I have to hand it to you. With a thread entitled "Everything", it would be very difficult to go off topic.
Unless of course, you post nothing.
As long as you believe everythingr Donald Tweets or say I will have something to post
Oh dear!! Could Obama be "the next one"???
Can you say Obamagate???
09-15-2017, 11:51 PM
vector Wrote:As long as you believe everythingr Donald Tweets or say I will have something to post
Oh dear!! Could Obama be "the next one"???
Can you say Obamagate???
I'm gonna try one time to have a reasonable adult conversation with you, vector. That's certainly more times that YOU have attempted.
1-How do you know that I follow Trump's Tweets?
2-How do you know that I even HAVE a Twitter account? (which I don't)
3- How do you know WHAT I think or believe?
Instead of accusations or arguing, why not conversation? An actual exchange of ideas.
Never know, one might just learn something.
09-16-2017, 01:04 AM
Granny Bear Wrote:I'm gonna try one time to have a reasonable adult conversation with you, vector. That's certainly more times that YOU have attempted.
1-How do you know that I follow Trump's Tweets?
2-How do you know that I even HAVE a Twitter account? (which I don't)
3- How do you know WHAT I think or believe?
Instead of accusations or arguing, why not conversation? An actual exchange of ideas.
Never know, one might just learn something.
Donald's lie about Obama (His Tweet)
Pay attention to the date and time
How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!
03-04-2017 07:02 AM
Granny's post
Oh dear!! Could Obama be "the next one"???
Can you say Obamagate???
Again pay attention to the time and date
03-04-2017, 09:13 AM
Looks to me you are on pins and needles about Donald's lies
You don't have to have a Twitter account to follow Donald he is the president it makes news but don't you believe if he does Tweets or says something it should be even close to the truth ?
To think anyone would believe that a president would wiretap the incoming president is shameful
09-16-2017, 01:36 AM
I had forgotten all about saying that! You made it your signature!!
That's hilarious.
To believe that a President (ANY of them) wouldn't wire tap the incoming President is gullible and naïve, if any advantage could be had.
That's hilarious.
To believe that a President (ANY of them) wouldn't wire tap the incoming President is gullible and naïve, if any advantage could be had.
09-16-2017, 05:53 PM
vector Wrote:I believe Rush is SMART it's the idiots who follow his every words are the FOOLS
RUSH has a very good reason for talking crazy
Rush Limbaugh net worth and salary: Rush Limbaugh is an American conservative radio host and media personality who has a net worth of $550 million. Rush Limbaugh is one of the most popular and highly compensated radio talk show hosts in the world. He earns an annual salary north of $85 million
What's your TRT ?
I'm sorry, but even when you're getting help from Sombrero, understanding what you're trying to say is still difficult. What's my what?
09-16-2017, 06:01 PM
Granny Bear Wrote:I had forgotten all about saying that! You made it your signature!!
That's hilarious.
To believe that a President (ANY of them) wouldn't wire tap the incoming President is gullible and naïve, if any advantage could be had.
No way vector came up with all that. Think about it. :biggrin:
09-16-2017, 09:27 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:No way vector came up with all that. Think about it. :biggrin:
You need to at least incorporate some sort of point other than trashing someone personally. This is getting ridiculous.
09-16-2017, 11:15 PM
catdoggy Wrote:You need to at least incorporate some sort of point other than trashing someone personally. This is getting ridiculous.
Ah come on catdoggy, he is only telling the truth...
09-16-2017, 11:25 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:Ah come on catdoggy, he is only telling the truth...
As a Liberal, I cannot stand the truth. When someone pees down my leg and tells me its raining, I believe them.
09-17-2017, 02:17 AM
catdoggy Wrote:As a Liberal, I cannot stand the truth. When someone pees down my leg and tells me its raining, I believe them.
Yeah, I wasn't thinking..My bad, I knew that.
09-21-2017, 12:07 AM
[quote=Granny Bear]I had forgotten all about saying that! You made it your signature!!
That's hilarious.
Granny I have changed my signature
NOW THATS HILARIOUS :biglmao::biglmao::biglmao::biglmao::biglmao:
That's hilarious.
Granny I have changed my signature
NOW THATS HILARIOUS :biglmao::biglmao::biglmao::biglmao::biglmao:
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