09-01-2017, 02:42 AM
Very simple. I am not racist and I will never own one or accept one as payment. But get ready the white guy has to go.
Very simple. I am not racist and I will never own one or accept one as payment. But get ready the white guy has to go.
09-01-2017, 03:09 AM
Remove anyone that was a slave owner. Period.
09-01-2017, 03:16 AM
Really need to burn the South and start over.
09-01-2017, 03:27 AM
We need to be more progressive.
09-01-2017, 03:49 AM
^Really dude, your fake ignorance is more annoying than real ignorance. :lame:
09-01-2017, 03:56 AM
jetpilot Wrote:^Really dude, your fake ignorance is more annoying than real ignorance. :lame:
What ignorance? I believe we should be progressive and slave owners shouldn't be on money. End of story. Show me the ignorance in it.
09-01-2017, 04:39 AM
^I'll pass. I got a PM that told me all I needed to know. Enough real clowns on here without a troll posing as a clown. And I'm sure you realize no one is biting. Last post to you. Join the serious conversations or continue to be ignored.
09-01-2017, 04:48 AM
Whatever, I know I for one am darn sick of getting hit over the head about slavery. As of the 70's, 80's, 90's and the first 8 years of the 21st Century, this nation had moved on. Racial issues were relegated to the past where they darn well belonged. But then came along Barack Obama, toting his giant race baiting ax to grind, and racial tensions have gone viral. And BTW, the CBC's horns have certainly sprouted since 2007 have they not?
2018 represents an excellent opportunity to vote out representatives the likes of Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Al Green and other likeminded racial firebrands, in favor of new leadership. This nation has changed, and were it not for the subversive actions of anti-American groups headed by turncoats such as George Soros you'd never convince me these riots and town burnings would be going on. Everything the Reverend Martin Luther King said that he could ever ask for, was for black people to judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character". ----DR MARTIN LUTHER KING
Notice he said JUDGED on their character, not given CARTE BLANCHE for their skin color. Everybody ought to be held to acceptable moral standards.
Well folks guess what? That day came but it wasn't good enough for Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson or Barack Obama. Because I watched them resuscitate racism's dead corpse, and their tireless efforts to give racism new footing was nothing short of a national tragedy. But sharing equal billing for those self inflicted wounds are none other than the main stream media. The lot of them C level actors at best, merchandizing in treasonous lies IMO.
2018 represents an excellent opportunity to vote out representatives the likes of Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Al Green and other likeminded racial firebrands, in favor of new leadership. This nation has changed, and were it not for the subversive actions of anti-American groups headed by turncoats such as George Soros you'd never convince me these riots and town burnings would be going on. Everything the Reverend Martin Luther King said that he could ever ask for, was for black people to judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character". ----DR MARTIN LUTHER KING
Notice he said JUDGED on their character, not given CARTE BLANCHE for their skin color. Everybody ought to be held to acceptable moral standards.
Well folks guess what? That day came but it wasn't good enough for Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson or Barack Obama. Because I watched them resuscitate racism's dead corpse, and their tireless efforts to give racism new footing was nothing short of a national tragedy. But sharing equal billing for those self inflicted wounds are none other than the main stream media. The lot of them C level actors at best, merchandizing in treasonous lies IMO.
09-01-2017, 05:03 AM
Liberals have to promote class warfare and every other form of hate as well as free stuff because they have no way to win on actual ideas and/or policy.
09-01-2017, 05:19 AM
jetpilot Wrote:Liberals have to promote class warfare and every other form of hate as well as free stuff because they have no way to win on actual ideas and/or policy.
Republicans won the election on hate.
09-01-2017, 06:47 AM
jetpilot Wrote:Liberals have to promote class warfare and every other form of hate as well as free stuff because they have no way to win on actual ideas and/or policy.
Absolutely correct, it's everything they've got. Identity politics is much too noble a term to describe today's political ridiculousness, and political correctness is an equally deceptive description. Things are much worse than those two terms could ever convey. Dr D James Kennedy once said the following--- "Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality."
Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.” –Aristotle
Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Nuclear grade tolerance was the plight of both Greece and Rome, and so will it be for the United States. Sexual depravity brought down both of those great empires, and according to Scripture both Greece and Rome were superior stature wise to America. However, the overarching tie that binds all three would have to be the demands for rabid tolerance. I mean, normal people hearing about those whom are supposedly so confused about their own gender to the point where that as of Feb., 2014, there were 58 gender categories to select from for facebook users, wonder whether they wound up somehow in the Twilight Zone or something.
Tolerance gone amok is one thing, enacting state and federal laws on matters of such sickness meant to foist immoral and grievous depravity upon an entire nation is quite another. After the shameful display of the Clinton Administration, it was like IQ's for anybody in power suddenly went through the basement. But in 2016, if not spiritual awareness, it was at least common sense which prevailed, and a repeat of another Clinton's era was mercifully, staved off. And despite the lies and distortions coming out of DC and the lying media, I don't accept any pretension which declares the movement dead. In fact the truth is just the opposite I would say. You watch, the 2018 midterms will see Rachel Maddow et-al wearing that "I just soiled myself" look again next November.
09-01-2017, 07:18 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Absolutely correct, it's everything they've got. Identity politics is much too noble a term to describe today's political ridiculousness, and political correctness is an equally deceptive description. Things are much worse than those two terms could ever convey. Dr D James Kennedy once said the following--- "Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality."
Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.â âAristotle
Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Nuclear grade tolerance was the plight of both Greece and Rome, and so will it be for the United States. Sexual depravity brought down both of those great empires, and according to Scripture both Greece and Rome were superior stature wise to America. However, the overarching tie that binds all three would have to be the demands for rabid tolerance. I mean, normal people hearing about those whom are supposedly so confused about their own gender to the point where that as of Feb., 2014, there were 58 gender categories to select from for facebook users, wonder whether they wound up somehow in the Twilight Zone or something.
Tolerance gone amok is one thing, enacting state and federal laws on matters of such sickness meant to foist immoral and grievous depravity upon an entire nation is quite another. After the shameful display of the Clinton Administration, it was like IQ's for anybody in power suddenly went through the basement. But in 2016, if not spiritual awareness, it was at least common sense which prevailed, and a repeat of another Clinton's era was mercifully, staved off. And despite the lies and distortions coming out of DC and the lying media, I don't accept any pretension which declares the movement dead. In fact the truth is just the opposite I would say. You watch, the 2018 midterms will see Rachel Maddow et-al wearing that "I just soiled myself" look again next November.
Rich. Quoting the Bible, now? Rich.

09-01-2017, 10:56 AM
catdoggy Wrote:Rich. Quoting the Bible, now? Rich.:snicker:
That's my phrasing that Geraldo stole from me and now you are using it, with no posts from dipshit here lately??
Not very good at this stuff are you Geraldodoggy?:eyeroll:
09-01-2017, 11:01 AM
jetpilot Wrote:^I'll pass. I got a PM that told me all I needed to know. Enough real clowns on here without a troll posing as a clown. And I'm sure you realize no one is biting. Last post to you. Join the serious conversations or continue to be ignored.
And then we have the case of a real clown posing as another real clown.
Right, Geraldodoggy?
09-01-2017, 01:21 PM
Zealot Report: There is one Sombrero. Extremism, ultimately, diseases the mind and rots the heart. An enslaved labor force, having no rights nor legal standing, was the evil upon which the South was built. The economic exploitation of it, the ugly racism behind it...Martin Luther King Jr. did not believe for one second that dark shadow would lift completely by passing laws. He knew where that stuff is rooted. To hint otherwise in long, tortured posts is disingenuous.
Zealot Report: There is one Sombrero. Extremism, ultimately, diseases the mind and rots the heart. An enslaved labor force, having no rights nor legal standing, was the evil upon which the South was built. The economic exploitation of it, the ugly racism behind it...Martin Luther King Jr. did not believe for one second that dark shadow would lift completely by passing laws. He knew where that stuff is rooted. To hint otherwise in long, tortured posts is disingenuous.
09-01-2017, 01:24 PM
Uh, and Bob: pull up those intellectual tighty whiteys, as your stupid ass is showing.
09-01-2017, 03:20 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:Rich?
That's my phrasing that Geraldo stole from me and now you are using it, with no posts from dipshit here lately??
Not very good at this stuff are you Geraldodoggy?:eyeroll:
Seek help.
09-01-2017, 03:55 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆
Zealot Report: There is one Sombrero. Extremism, ultimately, diseases the mind and rots the heart. An enslaved labor force, having no rights nor legal standing, was the evil upon which the South was built. The economic exploitation of it, the ugly racism behind it...Martin Luther King Jr. did not believe for one second that dark shadow would lift completely by passing laws. He knew where that stuff is rooted. To hint otherwise in long, tortured posts is disingenuous.
So that really is your problem then? At least now you've finally admitted it.
As to the rest of your drivel, as always, the guy whose every thought is given him by others would now rise to give everybody the revisionist view of slavery in America. Like we don't know that even though you've had almost no interactions with black folks, you nonetheless came on here faking to be black. No thanks, I will rely on my own discernment where DR King is concerned. He was a true Christian, not a duplicitous leftwinger like Jackson, nor a complete interloping opportunist like Sharpton, and certainly not a lie spinning liberal.
But I assume you were speaking to the members of your posse? Cause I usually bang the old flush lever as soon as Captain Cesspool belches. :biggrin:
09-02-2017, 12:48 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:So that really is your problem then? At least now you've finally admitted it.
As to the rest of your drivel, as always, the guy whose every thought is given him by others would now rise to give everybody the revisionist view of slavery in America. Like we don't know that even though you've had almost no interactions with black folks, you nonetheless came on here faking to be black. No thanks, I will rely on my own discernment where DR King is concerned. He was a true Christian, not a duplicitous leftwinger like Jackson, nor a complete interloping opportunist like Sharpton, and certainly not a lie spinning liberal.
But I assume you were speaking to the members of your posse? Cause I usually bang the old flush lever as soon as Captain Cesspool belches. :biggrin:
Ah, yes, Peacock, but you, O Bogus Pontificate of Virtue, O Revisionist Regurgitater of Right Wing Constitutionalist Blather, are such a zealot that you don't care that the President of the United States fired the FBI Director to impede, if not stop, an active investigation. Obstruction of justice is what that is. Learn to accept it, but we'll see, won't we?
09-02-2017, 01:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2017, 08:45 PM by Granny Bear.)
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, yes, Peacock, but you, O Bogus Pontificate of Virtue, O Revisionist Regurgitater of Right Wing Constitutionalist Blather, are such a zealot that you don't care that the President of the United States fired the FBI Director to impede, if not stop, an active investigation. Obstruction of justice is what that is. Learn to accept it, but we'll see, won't we?
You mean the same FBI Director that illegally removed government documents. And although said documents were of his own authorship and likely slanted in rather gratuitous fashion in his own favor, but which were still nonetheless the property of the people, and yet were in his possession at home after the President rightly ended his employment for the people? Government documents of a sensitive nature illegally taken from the protective recesses of government to then hand to a surrogate. Who then dutifully (and under orders) released them to the press, while Comey himself was busy working the back channels of the swamp in order to organize the witch hunt which has served to undermine the very fabric of this nation to this day? You meant that self serving vermin of a FBI Director?
And no you will never see, you're incapable of escaping the gravity of your own biases. I will see and the rest of us will see, you will still be at the bottom of the septic tank, rising only briefly to burp up some offensive release such as your last post.
09-03-2017, 06:58 PM
The funniest thing about this, if the liberals knew what Harriet Tubman stood for there is no way she would be on the $20 bill.
09-03-2017, 08:39 PM
Do tell what Harriet Tubman stood for?
09-03-2017, 09:59 PM
Yes, yes, that's right, Head Potentate of Moron Mountain, the tweeting don fired Comey for HIS transgressions. Zealot.
Yes, yes, that's right, Head Potentate of Moron Mountain, the tweeting don fired Comey for HIS transgressions. Zealot.
09-04-2017, 03:03 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆
Yes, yes, that's right, Head Potentate of Moron Mountain, the tweeting don fired Comey for HIS transgressions. Zealot.
Quite right, I am a zealot for truth. But as far as you know, as far as the combined forces of the world's most formidable intelligence community knows, as far as anybody with an ounce of integrity knows, there are no transgressions. Traitor.
09-04-2017, 03:36 AM
catdoggy Wrote:Do tell what Harriet Tubman stood for?
Of course. Do you, and does your other account?
09-04-2017, 04:35 AM
I am waiting...
09-04-2017, 10:30 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Quite right, I am a zealot for truth. But as far as you know, as far as the combined forces of the world's most formidable intelligence community knows, as far as anybody with an ounce of integrity knows, there are no transgressions. Traitor.
You speak of "integrity" while defending a man with multiple marriages, multiple bankruptcies, multiple rather public transgressions, a man who says he doesn't say "I'm sorry" (which would preclude repentance). Why? Because he appeals to your alt right sensibilities. Your politics wag your faith, discredit your reasoning, and serve as a reminder what Peacockian self- aggrandizement sows and reaps.
We'll see. But, it appears that the tweeting don indeed sought to impede the investigation, which is obstruction.
09-05-2017, 12:24 AM
catdoggy Wrote:I am waiting...
For one thing Harriet Tubman was a Christian and was highly outspoken about it, something the left demonizes today.
09-05-2017, 05:00 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You speak of "integrity" while defending a man with multiple marriages, multiple bankruptcies, multiple rather public transgressions, a man who says he doesn't say "I'm sorry" (which would preclude repentance). Why? Because he appeals to your alt right sensibilities. Your politics wag your faith, discredit your reasoning, and serve as a reminder what Peacockian self- aggrandizement sows and reaps.
We'll see. But, it appears that the tweeting don indeed sought to impede the investigation, which is obstruction.
My faith shapes my politics, which is exactly the way it should be according to Scripture and our founding heritage. But no matter how many times you've been bested by merely quoting God's Word, you still come on here pretending to speak for your Judge. And speaking of being Judge, who are you to judge Trump, (seeing that you've been commanded not to so do) in calling up your petty little grievances. We elected a President, we did not call a Pastor. And further, I know that God's Word is the perfect revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be obeyed and adhered to in awe and worship. Certainly not to be edited by some puny and insignificant peep squeak, who while professing to be a Christian, knowingly spreads lies about this President, and knowingly ignores incredible levels of trespass for the last President and his entire administration. And worse, spreads heresy concerning God's Word.
Do what ever you want, your actions will be called into account. Willfully deny the faith, dismiss all Scripture that you cannot by some quirk of spin, distort to conform to the Democrat Party platform. And do your best to influence people with your heresies, such as your vapid and baseless, (though certainly unending), defense of homosexuality. Because you'll not overcome the power of the Holy Spirit, Who reveals Christ in the hearts of men. And no man the Lord has foreseen coming to Him in repentance, can therefore be deterred or dissuaded by deceit. It is the one time when saying "It's all good." it really is all good.
09-05-2017, 01:04 PM
⬆ Do you hear yourself? (Obviously not). The tweeting don is an adulterer, a cheat, a swindler, lewd, lascivious. In this, he is not alone as a politician. That is not the point. Your colossal Peacockian arrogance (and insecurity) won't allow you to truly debate the Scriptures. You just want to be Little Lord Pontificate. You have bested nothing, only shown your "Legend in my own mind" zealotry. That's all. And, given your "birther" bashing of President Obama, why the sudden unrighteous indignation over a healthy skepticism about this President? Because you are a zealot.
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