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North Korea fires Missiles Toward Japan
Once again a Republican President will be forced to deal with the crazy guy because the Democrats and Liberals of the world thinks hes drawing rainbows and butterflies with his missiles.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Once again a Republican President will be forced to deal with the crazy guy because the Democrats and Liberals of the world thinks hes drawing rainbows and butterflies with his missiles.

The missiles are a very real threat. Even if they can't manage to hit the US but do hit Japan or South Korea, that will mean war. And I know George W. let this North Korean nuke thing go on, but Obama flat out played the willing nitwit in allowing, even financing nuclear proliferation with 'plane loads of cash.' All of which is a grave threat to all. However, this deal of thugs attacking Trump supporters is just as real a threat.

We'll be lucky to survive it and I can't help but wonder why the DOJ isn't yet on top of it.
10 million people dead in Seoul South Korea in 30 mins if war breaks out. Not going to happen. The spray tan warrior can beat his chest as much as he wants. War is out of the question.
catdoggy Wrote:10 million people dead in Seoul South Korea in 30 mins if war breaks out. Not going to happen. The spray tan warrior can beat his chest as much as he wants. War is out of the question.

War is out of the question BECAUSE he's beating his chest is what you liberal d!psh!ts fail to realize.
jetpilot Wrote:War is out of the question BECAUSE he's beating his chest is what you liberal d!psh!ts fail to realize.

They just fired a missile OVER Japan. Are you new? The only thing he's doing is backing himself into a corner. All bark, no bite. If you could look past your nose you'd know that. Also take your name calling to the comment section on Facebook or Twitter.
jetpilot Wrote::goofy:

My thoughts exactly. Confusedalute:
catdoggy Wrote:They just fired a missile OVER Japan. Are you new? The only thing he's doing is backing himself into a corner. All bark, no bite. If you could look past your nose you'd know that. Also take your name calling to the comment section on Facebook or Twitter.

Well, well, well, lookie boys, stupid ass is back..
catdoggy Wrote:They just fired a missile OVER Japan. Are you new? The only thing he's doing is backing himself into a corner. All bark, no bite. If you could look past your nose you'd know that. Also take your name calling to the comment section on Facebook or Twitter.


What is the solution? You seem to know whats not the solution -- war. So what do you propose? Continue the path that Clinton, Bush, Obama have led us down?

War is absolutely an option. I think the point here is not so much that we start the war, but that if they strike South Korea or Japan with their intermediate and short range missles (or Guam/Hawaii), then war won't just be an option, it'll be a fact of life. Yes, with their artillery, and rocketry, millions will die in the first day or so. But that would be unavoidable if they were the agitator in this war.

So yeah... tell us YOUR plan. Seems as if the only thing you're actually opposed to in this situation is YOUR president.

Go ahead... I'll wait.
ronald reagan Wrote:CatDoggy,

What is the solution? You seem to know whats not the solution -- war. So what do you propose? Continue the path that Clinton, Bush, Obama have led us down?

War is absolutely an option. I think the point here is not so much that we start the war, but that if they strike South Korea or Japan with their intermediate and short range missles (or Guam/Hawaii), then war won't just be an option, it'll be a fact of life. Yes, with their artillery, and rocketry, millions will die in the first day or so. But that would be unavoidable if they were the agitator in this war.

So yeah... tell us YOUR plan. Seems as if the only thing you're actually opposed to in this situation is YOUR president.

Go ahead... I'll wait.
Plan? Yeah right, the wuss has no plan....Guys like stupidass just sit in the background and complain about everything, while having no solution themselves....If Trump took the road of Obama he would still complain....The guy's worthless.

Mr. President, didn't you know that SNOWFLAKES melt when it starts getting hot?
ronald reagan Wrote:CatDoggy,

What is the solution? You seem to know whats not the solution -- war. So what do you propose? Continue the path that Clinton, Bush, Obama have led us down?

War is absolutely an option. I think the point here is not so much that we start the war, but that if they strike South Korea or Japan with their intermediate and short range missles (or Guam/Hawaii), then war won't just be an option, it'll be a fact of life. Yes, with their artillery, and rocketry, millions will die in the first day or so. But that would be unavoidable if they were the agitator in this war.

So yeah... tell us YOUR plan. Seems as if the only thing you're actually opposed to in this situation is YOUR president.

Go ahead... I'll wait.

Seeing as you are looking for a civil discussion, I will respond to YOU. War is only an option if you don't care for millions of civilian casualties. And NOONE with any sense is ok with that option. NK WILL NOT strike anyone, on purpose. It only shoots missiles to stay a viable threat.
ALSO: Trump (whose never served a day) willingness to run his mouth is only making things worse not better. When you say "if they do this, then we will do that" is a terrible non strategy. If war was an option, it would have happened by now.
catdoggy Wrote:Seeing as you are looking for a civil discussion, I will respond to YOU. War is only an option if you don't care for millions of civilian casualties. And NOONE with any sense is ok with that option. NK WILL NOT strike anyone, on purpose. It only shoots missiles to stay a viable threat.
ALSO: Trump (whose never served a day) willingness to run his mouth is only making things worse not better. When you say "if they do this, then we will do that" is a terrible non strategy. If war was an option, it would have happened by now.

War an "option" huh? When war is an option, and I'm talking about whether one is the victim of a surprise attack or whether credible threats of imminent attack against the US are being broadcast world wide, the duty of our federal government is to protect the citizens of this land. The threat as it existed 8 years ago was not pleasant, but it was manageable. Well, we sat on our hands and now NK is nuclear and so is Iran. Both sworn enemies of the US. Pacification NEVER works with one's enemies and as both World Wars have amply demonstrated, those enemies only grew stronger and more determined to visit the horror of war upon the doorstep of those they hated. The time for strategic patience (code for, 'I'm too chicken to do my job" ---Barack Obama) is long past.

Back in 2010 I said NK was a threat the US was taking too lightly. So as we assess the threat faced now, if NK does get off a couple lucky shots and cripples the power grid of large portions of this land, or if we are by treaty drawn into war to protect our allies, the option then becomes as Benjamin Franklin once rightly observed. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ---Ben Franklin

Well, we've given up a lot of liberties of late. As we have given up a lot of safety. Those of the left, devoid of the courage to lead, but obsessed instead of the tenets of progressive liberalism, have frittered away the US Treasury and US prestige in order to purchase time. They bought off our enemies until now we find ourselves in a position of having nowhere left to retreat. And no money left to fund a military campaign when war inevitably comes to call. But hey, free cell phones are everywhere.

The options then, thanks to inept and chinless leadership, no longer exist. The threat is far more existential than during the days of the cold war when we were at least led of real men and were militarily prepared.
“be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen"- Trump, Aug. 11

NK fires OVER Japan- says "next target, Guam." Aug. 28

If you are right, full scale war any day now. Yes?

If you are wrong, same ol same ol. I suspect you are wrong.
catdoggy Wrote:Seeing as you are looking for a civil discussion, I will respond to YOU. War is only an option if you don't care for millions of civilian casualties. And NOONE with any sense is ok with that option. NK WILL NOT strike anyone, on purpose. It only shoots missiles to stay a viable threat.
ALSO: Trump (whose never served a day) willingness to run his mouth is only making things worse not better. When you say "if they do this, then we will do that" is a terrible non strategy. If war was an option, it would have happened by now.

Yes, I am looking for civil discussion. So again.... What would your solution look like?
TheRealThing Wrote:The threat is far more existential than during the days of the cold war when we were at least led of real men and were militarily prepared.

You can thank *me* for that. -- RR

Whats interesting about catdoggy is that he/she/it hasn't proposed any kind of solution to this problem.

I think whats important to note is the distinction between preemptive war and reactive war. Catdoggy is obsessed with the idea that war isn't an option. And we all are in agreement that preemptive war isn't a desirable option. The risk-reward formula is too heavily weighted towards the risk side. However, Catdoggy won't propose an alternative to war. Which lends credit to the idea that the last 3 presidents have taken the same approach and led us to an ICBM and Nuclear equipped North Korea that is now violating the sovereignty of Japan, and threatening a nuclear attack on Guam and the continental United States. Until Catdoggy releases his plan for this conflict and a successful de-escalation and conclusion to this standoff, we must chuckle a bit at his armchair general comments.

With that said, lets redirect the conversation back to the idea of reactive war. This is the war that we more pragmatic individuals are talking about. If North Korea prepares to attack guam, actually attacks guam, or does the same towards US interests, or US Allies (SK, Japan, Taiwan, etc), then war not only becomes an option, but a necessity. No one wants this. No one. It WILL result in the deaths of millions, and likely trigger a regional conflict, even a world conflict. Perhaps even a nuclear war. And absolutely a humanitarian crisis unlike anything ever before. Regardless of the consequences, not even catdoggy can say they would refrain in the face of this type of threat. And if he does say that, he can not be believed or taken seriously.

Luckily we have a pretty tough missile defense system in place, as does japan. So the first order of business in war is to shoot down any nuclear missles. Then a rapid targetting of mobile launchers, rocket launchers, and artillery positions. This would occur simultaneously to shock and awe style, devestating decapitation strikes of leadership, infrastructure, and communication hubs. Then CIA-SAD, SEALS, DEVGRU, MARSOC, Combat Controllers, and ParaTroopers, SF, SF-D, PSYOPS, 75th, and multiple LRS units. These units are in the "Fight Today" categories. China has stated that it will not defend DPRK against aggressions if they are the one who triggered it. The war would end in about 2 days, but not before millions died. However, we can not stress enough, we.. the people of this forum... are discussing a war of necessity, not a war of desire.

Catdoggy, whats your plan? Offer us a solution out of this mess that Obama oversaw and watched grow to a breaking point for the last 8 year....

You don't have one. So just do us a favor... quit making us laugh. We are trying to have a serious conversation here.
Their is no clear cut solution. Keep sanctioning and working back channels. That's about all their is to do. The other option is war. The policy is the same now as it was with Obama.

The only way we are in a war *again* in Korea is IF they screw up and do hit an ally or a US territory. That is the only way it happens.
catdoggy Wrote:Their is no clear cut solution. Keep sanctioning and working back channels. That's about all their is to do. The other option is war. The policy is the same now as it was with Obama.

The only way we are in a war *again* in Korea is IF they screw up and do hit an ally or a US territory. That is the only way it happens.

Dontcha all just love to wake up in the morning to the know it all comments from the experts?

You got a direct pipe line to Mattis now, snowflake?

In other words, you don't know shit from Shinoa about any of it.
catdoggy Wrote:Their is no clear cut solution. Keep sanctioning and working back channels. That's about all their is to do. The other option is war. The policy is the same now as it was with Obama.

The only way we are in a war *again* in Korea is IF they screw up and do hit an ally or a US territory. That is the only way it happens.

Right, there is no clear cut solution to a generation of pajama boy civilians who watch too much TV and who've been indoctrinated in the proven lies of passivism. The solution is in the hands of those who're sworn to defend this land, and to them it is clear enough. The Pentagon have clear cut solutions to every conceivable wartime scenario, and our commanders well rehearsed to that end. The presence of a nuclear North Korea has upset the stability in that vital region, and we have only our own lack of courage to thank for it.

Meanwhile I can assure you where the solution may evade you, the threat certainly does not lack clarity. And it is there that rational people should focus their attention. I know this much, the one outcome we cannot allow to materialize, is a situation in which we are forced to face down a nuclear North Korea and a nuclear Iran at the same time. Strategic patience has already overseen half of that equation come to fruition. IMO, the overarching cause of today's dilemma is in having allowed the left's naïvete to dictate foreign policy, which has facilitated the coming of this day, and has been visible on the horizon for a long time. So once again we see history poised to repeat itself, in just the same manner as the world unraveled under policies of passivism in WW2, it is again time to pay a price much too dear to the piper.
Plain and simple. If we give North Korea more money and they agree to use it for things other than nukes, it will help build a better relationship with them and they won't use the nukes.
WideRight05 Wrote:Plain and simple. If we give North Korea more money and they agree to use it for things other than nukes, it will help build a better relationship with them and they won't use the nukes.

So your advice is to compound the ill affects of passivism, by subjecting ourselves in a proactive and willful manner, volunteering to add self inflicted extortion to our list of foreign policy go-to's in the name of shameless cowardice? :biglmao: I see the views of Barack Obama have done their evil work. Suppy cups of hot coca all around bar keep!
TheRealThing Wrote:So your advice is to compound the ill affects of passivism, by subjecting ourselves in a proactive and willful manner, volunteering to add self inflicted extortion to our list of foreign policy go-to's in the name of shameless cowardice? :biglmao: I see the views of Barack Obama have done their evil work. Suppy cups of hot coca all around bar keep!

Oh look. Another one. Cesspool is the correct term to describe these boards.
^^ You knew those Cocoa stains on your mouth become indelible after a few months of continued exposure, right? By then even tattoo removal techniques don't work. What's worse is, by now the soured milk odor though no longer discernible to the wearer, is nonetheless offensive to everybody else, to the point where even mommy will no longer kiss you good night on your way down to the basement at night.
catdoggy Wrote:Oh look. Another one. Cesspool is the correct term to describe these boards.

Hey snowflake, if I were you then, I would just go back down to your momma's basement and get the crayons and play dough out if the boys here are playing a little too rough for you.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ You knew those Cocoa stains on your mouth become indelible after a few months of continued exposure, right? By then even tattoo removal techniques don't work. What's worse is, by now the soured milk odor though no longer discernible to the wearer, is nonetheless offensive to everybody else, to the point where even mommy will no longer kiss you good night on your way down to the basement at night.

What in the blue font hell are you going on about now?
Bob Seger Wrote:Hey snowflake, if I were you then, I would just go back down to your momma's basement and get the crayons and play dough out if the boys here are playing a little too rough for you.

You aware that this is a discussion board and not a Rambo movie, right? Rough? Ha

Ol' bowl cut Kim doesn't want war. He wants to remain absolute potentate in his magical kingdom of Noz. "If you attack North Korea, we've got nukes" seems like his basic strategy. I hate it for the citizens of NK, but didn't we learn some lessons in southeast Asia once upon a time?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Ol' bowl cut Kim doesn't want war. He wants to remain absolute potentate in his magical kingdom of Noz. "If you attack North Korea, we've got nukes" seems like his basic strategy. I hate it for the citizens of NK, but didn't we learn some lessons in southeast Asia once upon a time?

WideRight05 Wrote:Plain and simple. If we give North Korea more money and they agree to use it for things other than nukes, it will help build a better relationship with them and they won't use the nukes.

I had to read this about 5 times to really understand how stupid it was.
catdoggy Wrote:What in the blue font hell are you going on about now?

Play dumb when you just got served. Smart. :thatsfunn
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I had to read this about 5 times to really understand how stupid it was.

How so? Certainly there wouldn't be anything wrong with giving money to North Korea. Confusednicker:

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