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Corbin 22 Alcoa 21 OT
Just wait till they play mayfield then decide who has the best defense
Mayfield1980 Wrote:Just wait till they play mayfield then decide who has the best defense

Re read and or have someone read it too you, I said one of the best defenses they may see all year. I will break it Down for you.

One of doesn't mean the best, but it has been the best we have seen at this point of the year. Do you understand now?
If not have someone from mayfield explain to you, you'll must use different terminology.
Objective Wrote:Wrong sir unnecessary ruffness and neutral zone infraction where horrible and pass interference was ifie
That pass interference wasnt iffie at all. Your bias is showing.
A few years ago, Bowling Green beat Blackmon from Murfreesboro in a great game. Blackmon had all kinds of chances to win that game, but failed. They blamed the officials too. Those folks from Tennessee must not think we know how to play football up here in God's Country.
Great Win for Corbin. Had this one picked right. Corbin had ball last and won. Sounds like a bunch of sour grapes to me !!!!!
Great win for Corbin. Listening on the radio it sounded like Sizemore made the big plays down the stretch to pull this one out.
Why do teams keep coming to play in the Corbin bowl game

Didn't Central get robbed a few yrs ago

I think more quality teams will stop coming to play in the bowl if they know they are going to get cheated
diceman Wrote:Why do teams keep coming to play in the Corbin bowl game

Didn't Central get robbed a few yrs ago

I think more quality teams will stop coming to play in the bowl if they know they are going to get cheated

Nobody got cheated. What you've got is a few local Corbin haters on here hatin' because they can't stand to see Corbin win.

Corbin's Defense played unreal yet again. They are the stars of the game.

Corbin dropped a punt that gifted Alcoa a TD and dropped a likely TD on the reverse pass. Wasn't nearly a perfect game and a lot of room for improvement.

Congrats to Corbin on the W.
Also- the Corbin Qb was clutch. He fought it out in spite of taking some shots. Converted 4 do-or-die plays with perfection. He's a gamer.
The Spread Wrote:Also- the Corbin Qb was clutch. He fought it out in spite of taking some shots. Converted 4 do-or-die plays with perfection. He's a gamer.

Agree totally, he stepped up when it counted. Took a lot of shot from outside pressure but he is a gamer. Also hats off to the line they dug deep and got the push so he could get into a one on one and he wins most of those.
Hounds have played back to back slugfest. Should get them ready for November. Mayfield, Beechwood and Pulaski County still in their schedule. Murderers row.
Corbin played well, kids fought hard. .............Ashurst and crew made themselves relevant, that is a shame.
Maybe they cancel next year, will work for us.
I watched that whole game. I don't understand the amount of crazy comments about the refs. I wish we had that crew Friday instead of the one we had. Except, they probably didn't know that it's not a false start if you keep your pivot foot still.
I have been awaiting this Corbin/Mayfield game since last year. This makes it that much more interesting. It's gonna be a statement game.
Im a corbin fan for long time and this was absolutley without a doubt a manufactured win by Ashurst!! He should be ashamed of himself and his whole crew. I guess the Redhound club gave him the enevelope with the W on it again after this game like so many other times but this one was just blatent cheating and should be reviewed by KHSSA. Bad things will come from this this season for the redhounds as Karma will ensue. I am contacting Alcoa tomorrow to encourage them to inquire with KHSSA and Ashursts life long connection to corbin. Time this stops once and for all. Terrible way to win
Mayfield will beat Corbin. Corbin is not as good as they were last year. Alcoa by their own fans admission are way down. Regardless, it is a monumental win for Corbin.
You Bell county trolls on here were just saying in the prediction thread that we couldn't beat Alcoa because y'all never have. Well, we beat Alcoa. Haddix has beat your tail too in every matchup. Quit throwing up the refs and acting like Log Mountian is any diff and never get favorable calls. The end result was that the Hounds Beat the Tornados. The Defense played great football, the QB played the smartest game he has played yet, and Haddix beat the best team on his regular schedule since being at Corbin while you guys are so excited about beating Middlesboro and Letcher. You Bell folks will get something else to cry about when the Hounds come to Pineville! Haters gonna Hate! 2-0 and gotta get ready for Pulaski this week. Dougie already has his medicine and still don't like the taste, you Bell county peeps fixin to get the same in due time. Dry it up! You gonna get your chance! We on the hunt for 6 over here. Smile
Lot of talk about 2 of the penalties 1. Intentional grounding the kid threw it 10 yards out of bounds, pretty easy call and Aloca scored next play so no impact on outcome of the game. 2. pass interference I agree there was not much contact but there was contact and the db never saw the ball nor attempted to make a play on the ball. That's the call most everyone gets at home. The only other call talked about was the late hit call on Sizemore,which I didn't like, but with new emphasis on excessive contact on defenseless players it was correct, 5 years ago that's not a penalty. So if you're objective the officials let the kids play. Not one holding penalty in tackle box for either team tells me they tried to only call obvious things. Alcoa did have a couple of holding calls on the outside but again that's obvious. The game was a playoff type game and will help both teams in long run.
HighViz Wrote:You Bell county trolls on here were just saying in the prediction thread that we couldn't beat Alcoa because y'all never have. Well, we beat Alcoa. Haddix has beat your tail too in every matchup. Quit throwing up the refs and acting like Log Mountian is any diff and never get favorable calls. The end result was that the Hounds Beat the Tornados. The Defense played great football, the QB played the smartest game he has played yet, and Haddix beat the best team on his regular schedule since being at Corbin while you guys are so excited about beating Middlesboro and Letcher. You Bell folks will get something else to cry about when the Hounds come to Pineville! Haters gonna Hate! 2-0 and gotta get ready for Pulaski this week. Dougie already has his medicine and still don't like the taste, you Bell county peeps fixin to get the same in due time. Dry it up! You gonna get your chance! We on the hunt for 6 over here. Smile

So you agree, when you say just like Log Mountain refs. We do our best. But , now you have perfected the act with Ashurst. I think the fact that there were 7 penalties in the last 2:30 , including OT is what people are questioning.
Madness Wrote:Mayfield will beat Corbin. Corbin is not as good as they were last year. Alcoa by their own fans admission are way down. Regardless, it is a monumental win for Corbin.

I am not saying Corbin will or will not beat mayfield I will wait for the thread, but for you mayfield fans to spend so much time on the Corbin threads has me wondering if your not a little concerned. I have to ask how many times has mayfield beat Alcoa, a down year for them is a pretty good year anywhere else? Honestly you make comments like that to try and make people question the integrity of the Corbin win, because deep down you need them to doubt themselves before they roll into town. The hunt for six is handled on a week to week biases so when it's your turn Corbin will be there until then we are going to celebrate the w today and tomorrow start the next obstacle. Thanks for all your concern about Alcoa and there program, when they get ready to hire again I am sure they have your number on speed dial since your the expert of high school football. With your ability to predict the future and see who will beat who until that coaching job comes open vegas is always looking for odds makers.
I really think this was a good game. I, as an outsider, didn't get the feel of any home cooking. By the way, my son was there watching.
Hold up hostile citizen. I don't think any Mayfield fans have said anything negative. As a matter of fact, I have defended you guys. Read the posts. Now, as far as our game goes. I thought Corbin would beat us this year as far back as the end of our game last year. However, now that I have seen our boys play, I have reversed my opinion. There is just too much for Corbin to defend. I am totally acting as a fan of the hounds until we meet. I really want to see Sizemore go out with a bang.
Congrats to Corbin, that win will talked about for years...
OldJacket Wrote:Congrats to Corbin, that win will talked about for years...

Yes it will.......
[quote=Single Wing 77]I'm not gonna lie, I didn't love the unnecessary roughness penalty. Other than that I think the game was called pretty well. I don't think that one call costed Alcoa the game either. What is the old saying? "One play doesn't win or lose a game". That being said, there were 4 plays after that where if Alcoa stops Corbin they win the game. Two touchdowns scored on fourth down and two two point conversions. There were no penalties called on those four plays. Lots of Corbin envy on here by local posters, keep bringing it on boys, it's the most sincere form of flattery. Congrats to Corbin on a statement win. Got another tough one next week with Pulaski County.[/QUOTE}

I agree about the unnecessary roughness penalty, but did look to me that the Alcoa kid lined up offside on that short yardage play, but it's really tough to tell from the stands.
Bossdaddy 4115 Wrote:The line play wasn't that bad under the circumstances, three lineman changed positions, two lineman came over from defense and had three days to learn their assignments. One of the two have never played line was always a db and this year played linebacker. Gutsy coaching move in this type of game and atmosphere. That's why the hunt for six is real and Haddix is the man, he isn't afraid to make a change to better the team. With that being said all the shuffling was brought on by an injury. But again the line played good against the speed and pursuit a very strong Alcoa defense has, they are by no means a slouch there record the past three years and beyond explains that program. May be one of the top defenses corbin sees all season. They are defenatly better than the defense Corbin faced last week and had a better showing, not to take away from Whitley but realistically you can't compare them to a Alcoa team. Haters going to hate, and before anyone gets there feelings hurt if your real about the comparison you will agree.
Bossdaddy 4115 Wrote:Re read and or have someone read it too you, I said one of the best defenses they may see all year. I will break it Down for you.

One of doesn't mean the best, but it has been the best we have seen at this point of the year. Do you understand now?
If not have someone from mayfield explain to you, you'll must use different terminology.

born that way? or did you evolve ?
Everybody always hates the best. Kinda like the people who hate uk basketball more than they root for their own team. It's only natural.
Madness Wrote:So you agree, when you say just like Log Mountain refs. We do our best. But , now you have perfected the act with Ashurst. I think the fact that there were 7 penalties in the last 2:30 , including OT is what people are questioning.

There were 3 penalties on that last drive against Alcoa, which started with about 6 minutes left in the game. The roughing call, lining up offsides and the pass interference for the face guarding. There were 1 on each team in OT, Corbin jumping over the center on the PAT and the intentional grounding. Sounds like you are exaggerating a bit.

Credit should go to 2 really good defensive efforts. Money, Sims, Brock and a couple of others kept making big play after big play for Corbin, so lets give them some credit as well. Mitchell's punting was really effective as well.

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