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Sheldon Clark @ Knott, 8/25


At least ole Sheldon knows they don't have a chance when they walk into Patriot Nation this Friday. Fatpat will be livin large as we have our season opener bolz!!! GTW will never be the same, wowza!

Magnum passed his final exam against the Campers on Friday. He has successfully completed JPC's coaching program and now JPC has passed the chicken leg over to Magnum. Brought a tear to this fat man's eye. JPC tried to hug me and could only get his arms around my elbow....... Going to miss the little feller. He is moving on to put another program on the map and Magnum is here to carry the torch baby!

Knott by 17

#sheldoncanonlycalculatealoss More mash taters please!!!
Sheldon Clark
Check out my YouTube channel.
Cards win another close one
Knott will be 2-0 after this Friday night!!
Knott by 14
Go cards and bring in another victory
KC by 3 Tds
Knott County Central - 43

Sheldon Clark - 34
Taking the Cardinals 28-27
Knott 36 Sheldon Clark 30
Knott Central 27-26
Knott 35 SC 12
Knott C0. By a lot
Knott County 28-14 .
Knott county I this one easily
I will say you made a good hire, but with the schedule they have they should win 8 games at least. You'll beat SC with a running clock in the third.
smokey bear Wrote:I will say you made a good hire, but with the schedule they have they should win 8 games at least. You'll beat SC with a running clock in the third.

I didn't even realize that they had made a hire .
smokey bear Wrote:I will say you made a good hire, but with the schedule they have they should win 8 games at least. You'll beat SC with a running clock in the third.

Running clock in the third, huh? Lmao
Cardinals ride Wrote:Running clock in the third, huh? Lmao

tick tock tick tock :biglmao:
[Image:] Bolz JPC contacted Bush while he out in Vegas baby an told him about Magnum taking Patriots full throttle bruh! Bush said he putting all his dollas on Superman and crew brutha! Time to rise Pat Nation! Shabab!Ole Fatpat dont like running clocks baby! Ole Fatpat hits the concessions wide open and by the time this big man gets back,they started a new quarter bruh! Big man gotta have time to eat and rise! #cowbellsandtatersrulesfridaynightz More mash taters please!!!
[Image:] Triple Wowza! Magnum is a genius brutha! Magnum said we got to get that tank rolled up for this game brutha! Bolz the cannon be firing on all cylinders Friday night! Air Raid sirens set and Fed Ex just unloaded a truck of taters and extra ammo to the field house! Bolz this what Fatpat been talking about! Tearing GTW up and tailgating style like no other bruh! War room is just straight up crazy! #hearingaidsnotneeded More mash taters please!!!
Knott County
Sheldon Clark by 6
Sheldon Clark in a dog fight. Cards by a touchdown.
Knott central 34 to 14
[Image:] Time to feast! Baby ole Fatpat is pumped up! Like to invite all the ole BGR buddies out to the game brutha! Knott nursing home residents are feasting hard and excited about the game tonight bruh! Ole grammy ready for the cannon show! Magnum said every Pat receiver be averaging 102 yards tonight! Wowza! #july4thfireworkscomesagaintonight More mash taters please!!!


Bolz, got a feeling you be seeing some armz raised tonight baby as Billy the Kid and Speedy Spencer tear up the endzone baby.... Superman be throwin for 300 plus yards and the cannon will be as hot as the grease in the concession stand, wowza!!!

#livinlargeintheendzone More mash taters please!!!
[Image:] Triple Wowza! Ole Bopo and Ct brought in a surprise for Magnum baby! Tear ran down ole Fatpats eye brutha when saw the cowbell! Bolz this what ole Fatpat talking about! Patriot Nation will be rocking! Knott maintenance crew reinforced the bleachers and new steel beams to support ole Fatpat and the fans bruh! Pig in a Poke be hit hard tonight! #cowbellsberingingallnight More mash taters please!!!


Bolz, CT is steppin up his game at GTW baby. He knocked out a few windows at the field house testing the cannon. Magnum stopped practice and told CT the cannon needed to be a bit louder, wowza!! Magnum is making JPC proud....

#maninthemirror More mash taters please!!!


Shout out to ole Magnum for working on our front lines balance baby. That boy is a freakin genius by taking advantage of the heavy rain this week. Now, let's head on out to GTW and party like it's 1979, wowza!!!

#runningclockmakesafatmaneatfast More mash taters please!!!

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