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News Flash
I've heard enough about Charlottesville and the media attempt to hang the albatross slain by the Obama Administration around the neck of DJT.

Geraldo Rivera thinks the President should have openly and mercilessly slammed the white supremacists, and just given the rest of the thugs a pass. Well guess what? We are a nation of laws. That means that we allow law enforcement (that is when some alt left activist like Terry McAuliffe doesn't order them to stand down) to fulfill their charges to deal with such offensive behaviors in a legal manner.

Every last critic of the President has consciously chosen to ignore the offenses of everybody involved that was not a card carrying white supremacist on grounds that neo Nazis are clearly more vile. Maybe they are, but we're going to need to decide in the very near future whether we want to continue to be a nation of laws, or if we want to be a nation of vigilantes. Cause I'm telling you, if the causticisms are not abated to a pretty high degree there will be hell to pay. This stuff is out of hand.

From February 25, 2017--- (edited)

TheRealThing Wrote:But it gets worse, and in the context of putting all this together in factual chronology, it is important to recognize the true nature of the transformation. Then President Obama never chastised those engaged in property damage, arson and rioting. Not once in 8 years. Nor did DOJ heads Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch. Instead we heard the praises of BLM sung from the Oval Office. Further, we saw members gesturing from the floor of both chambers of the US Congress, raising their hands in infamy to say 'Hands up, don't shoot.' From the President to the supportive media, this false narrative has stoked the fires of unrest for nearly the entire Obama era.

So post Obama, what are we left with going forward? Well a tremendously contemptuous standoff between liberals and conservatives for one. The media calls that situation a deeply divided country. And said division is not one which will be eased in a couple of months or years for that matter. Conservatives are trying to return this land to the state of civility which existed as it was 8 years ago, not that we should in any way settle for that goal, but even that much progress won't be easy. Congressional Dems leading the charge against the elected federal government will never capitulate, they will instead have to be voted out.

This is patently false, full of selective hearing, and "Chicken Little" alarmist. In no uncertain terms, President Obama did condemn rioting and looting and violence. So did President Trump. The question is, really, one of equivocation. Did President Trump so structure his words so as to provide wiggle room for white supremacist groups? Similarly, did President Obama equivocate after Ferguson, about Black Lives Matter marches? Is not American history full of politicians practicing equivocation in order to not alienate key constituencies? Politics is rough and tumble, vote counting business. Whether it be white blue collar men or soccer moms or Latinos, special interest politics is nothing new.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote: This is patently false, full of selective hearing, and "Chicken Little" alarmist. In no uncertain terms, President Obama did condemn rioting and looting and violence. So did President Trump. The question is, really, one of equivocation. Did President Trump so structure his words so as to provide wiggle room for white supremacist groups? Similarly, did President Obama equivocate after Ferguson, about Black Lives Matter marches? Is not American history full of politicians practicing equivocation in order to not alienate key constituencies? Politics is rough and tumble, vote counting business. Whether it be white blue collar men or soccer moms or Latinos, special interest politics is nothing new.

Wow! Two things right in the same week!!! You said, "This is patently false" and lo and behold absolutely every word that followed was a total lie. For once you are a man of your word. :Clap:
TheRealThing Wrote:Wow! Two things right in the same week!!! You said, "This is patently false" and lo and behold absolutely every word that followed was a total lie. For once you are a man of your word. :Clap:

Wow, one thing obvious, and, behold, thou art truly a peacock. Full plume, high screech. Per usual.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Wow, one thing obvious, and, behold, thou art truly a peacock. Full plume, high screech. Per usual.
The one obvious thing in this forum is that you are a nattering nabob of nonsense - a fount of ignorance funneled through a keyboard.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The one obvious thing in this forum is that you are a nattering nabob of nonsense - a fount of ignorance funneled through a keyboard.

Ah, Hoot: we'll see, now won't we? I would think, based on the record here, that Trump resigning, or being impeached, allowing Pence to assume the Presidency, would be just fine with you. But, then again, we'll see, won't we?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, Hoot: we'll see, now won't we? I would think, based on the record here, that Trump resigning, or being impeached, allowing Pence to assume the Presidency, would be just fine with you. But, then again, we'll see, won't we?
Trump won the nomination and Trump won the election. Unlike some, including nearly all liberals, I am not a sore loser. (It's why they don't like to keep score in competitive sports.) Trump deserves some criticism but the unfair attacks on him are attacks on the very fabric of our nation. People like you, who spew nothing but anti-American venom make me sick.

You and your ilk's hatred of this country will destroy our civil liberties if you get your way. A loyal opposition would be preparing to regain power in the 2018 and 2020 elections - not pinning their hopes on impeachment. Unfortunately, there is not much difference in establishment Republicans and Democrats. Trump is getting the same treatment from the Washington establishment as an successful independent candidate would have. If the uni-party establishment topples Trump from power, all patriotic Americans should mourn the loss of our democratic traditions and rule of law. I expect that you would celebrate Trump's removal from office, regardless of the tactics used to remove him.

I am not a Trump cultist, but I know that respect for fair elections is a cornerstone of the freedoms that we all enjoy. Trump was not my first, second, or third choice, but he is my president.

Now, resume your senseless banter. You show every day that you do not give a damn about this country, nor do you appreciate the blood and treasure that was spent to provide you with the freedom of speech that you choose to abuse.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The one obvious thing in this forum is that you are a nattering nabob of nonsense - a fount of ignorance funneled through a keyboard.

To be more precise, an ignorant sissified stupid-ass moron.
Bob Seger Wrote:To be more precise, an ignorant sissified stupid-ass moron.
That too :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump won the nomination and Trump won the election. Unlike some, including nearly all liberals, I am not a sore loser. (It's why they don't like to keep score in competitive sports.) Trump deserves some criticism but the unfair attacks on him are attacks on the very fabric of our nation. People like you, who spew nothing but anti-American venom make me sick.

You and your ilk's hatred of this country will destroy our civil liberties if you get your way. A loyal opposition would be preparing to regain power in the 2018 and 2020 elections - not pinning their hopes on impeachment. Unfortunately, there is not much difference in establishment Republicans and Democrats. Trump is getting the same treatment from the Washington establishment as an successful independent candidate would have. If the uni-party establishment topples Trump from power, all patriotic Americans should mourn the loss of our democratic traditions and rule of law. I expect that you would celebrate Trump's removal from office, regardless of the tactics used to remove him.

I am not a Trump cultist, but I know that respect for fair elections is a cornerstone of the freedoms that we all enjoy. Trump was not my first, second, or third choice, but he is my president.

Now, resume your senseless banter. You show every day that you do not give a damn about this country, nor do you appreciate the blood and treasure that was spent to provide you with the freedom of speech that you choose to abuse.

Supremacism is a threat to equal protection, to core, fundamental values this nation champions.

To suggest that the United States military has committed documented atrocities is to, for one, be accurate, and, for another, love the country enough to criticize its most cherished institutions when they are wrong.

Yes, Trump won the election. I have not said otherwise. Nor have I labeled him a racist. As for criticism, "the tweeting don" doesn't seem that awful of a barb, as it is spot on accurate. You have a very short memory, Hoot. I am waiting for Mueller's report. We'll see.
Bob Seger Wrote:To be more precise, an ignorant sissified stupid-ass moron.

Ah, good, grace-filled Christian Bob. Bring it. When you wear your cap, it's delightful. Post a picture will you? Maybe at that private school graduation?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Supremacism is a threat to equal protection, to core, fundamental values this nation champions.

To suggest that the United States military has committed documented atrocities is to, for one, be accurate, and, for another, love the country enough to criticize its most cherished institutions when they are wrong.

Yes, Trump won the election. I have not said otherwise. Nor have I labeled him a racist. As for criticism, "the tweeting don" doesn't seem that awful of a barb, as it is spot on accurate. You have a very short memory, Hoot. I am waiting for Mueller's report. We'll see.
I have a very long memory. I won't forget your anti-American rants. I fully expect Mueller's investigation will yield some indictments because I understand how our corrupt federal justice system works. If he finds any incriminating evidence against Manafort, whether related to Trump or not, he will threaten charges against Manafort's family members and friends unless he dishes some dirt on Trump and his closest associates. That is how system works. Then, when somebody fails to disclose some irrelevant fact, they will be charged with obstruction of justice or perjury, and vermin like you will celebrate and declare victory. I have seen this show before and know how it ends.

So, unlike you, federal investigations do not send a thrill up my leg because they invariably involve the abuse of power that permeates our government. I knew when Trump was elected that he would face monolithic opposition from Democrats and establishment Republicans. If he serves out a single term against such odds, then it will be a successful presidency.

I hope that I am never so petty and short sighted as to pray for the day when the results of a fair election are set aside at the end of a political witch hunt. You are a sad excuse for a human being.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, good, grace-filled Christian Bob. Bring it. When you wear your cap, it's delightful. Post a picture will you? Maybe at that private school graduation?
More like honest, spot-on, tellin it like it is,Bob.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Supremacism is a threat to equal protection, to core, fundamental values this nation champions.

To suggest that the United States military has committed documented atrocities is to, for one, be accurate, and, for another, love the country enough to criticize its most cherished institutions when they are wrong.

Yes, Trump won the election. I have not said otherwise. Nor have I labeled him a racist. As for criticism, "the tweeting don" doesn't seem that awful of a barb, as it is spot on accurate. You have a very short memory, Hoot. I am waiting for Mueller's report. We'll see.
You dumbasses don't want equal, you want special.
Bob Seger Wrote:You dumbasses don't want equal, you want special.

You zealots can't fathom the reach and importance of equal protection. It's why you're dangerous.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You zealots can't fathom the reach and importance of equal protection. It's why you're dangerous.

Well it wouldn't take a very long fathom line to hit bottom in your 'mind shaft' pal. :igiveup:

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