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Pulling a Team off the field because of the Officials
Seeing LaVar Ball pull his team off the basketball court during an AAU game because of a female referee, then seeing Bol Bol's team leave the court because of the officiating is going to be something we see more often. For no other reason than to get attention on social media and the news.

My questions to the BGR universe......
- Have you ever seen a high school team leave any sporting event due to the referee's?
- Would you pull your team from competition because of the referee's?
- What would it take to pull your team?

I realize AAU and Travel teams aren't the same as organized high school athletics, but if the top stars of a sport are doing this and getting away with it, who's to say we won't see teams try something like it in our area.
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Yes I have seen it happen. When the calls or lack there of making calls by the officials create safety issues inside the game, you have to protect your players.
plantmanky Wrote:Yes I have seen it happen. When the calls or lack there of making calls by the officials create safety issues inside the game, you have to protect your players.

I think this is the only real reason, and it would have to be extreme.

However, if there is such a massive disparity is how the game is officiated, I would expect it to be a blow out. So, in that situation, I would just assume that they would start taking a knee first.

Not only are AAU and school football different, the difference between how a basketball game and football game play out is entirely different.

Unless it becomes a clear issue of safety, I can't see any way of it being justified. And I've never seen it, or even heard of it happening, before.
I don't think you will see this around here I checked in to it if you are a coach of a high school or middle school basketball and I think it goes for football pulls there team off the floor and leaves they can fine and fire you from your coach position of course this won't happen in AAU
I was never a head coach on the high school level but have been on the middle school level. My experience with the refs were usually the opposite. Whenever we were mismatched physically, athletically, coaching, or what have you, the refs always looked out for my teams and tried to protect my players from harm. If the game was getting out of hand on the scoreboard, they would throw a few flags to try to keep the game closer.
Seen Louisville Central pull team off floor in 3OT, against Clay Co. When Gregory played at Clay. Not a pretty sigh.
Cellking Wrote:Seen Louisville Central pull team off floor in 3OT, against Clay Co. When Gregory played at Clay. Not a pretty sigh.

When was this? And what was the reasoning behind it?
Its probably a good thing Officials cant walk off the field or court because the coaches are Dumb a$$es. There would be a few teams that wouldn't make it to the 2nd quarter all year long. :redboxer:
Willie Turnover Wrote:Its probably a good thing Officials cant walk off the field or court because the coaches are Dumb a$$es. There would be a few teams that wouldn't make it to the 2nd quarter all year long. :redboxer:

I've never thought about that scenario.... A referee leaving the game they are calling.

How would that be handled.... Would the Home team be responsible?
Refs are usually a part of an Association that corresponds with their Basketball regions. Could they loose their license or membership to their Association?

That would be interesting to see what the KHSAA's Bi-Laws are on this.
Check out my YouTube channel.
I'd say it wouldn't be in the best interest of your light bill for a coach to pull a team over a ref or quit for any reason.
TheHotSnakes Wrote:When was this? And what was the reasoning behind it?

Don't remember the exact year. Gregory and Grubb were the guards for Clay Co. Golden and another good Guard for Central. With about 1:30 left in 3OT Central was beat and the Coach pulled his team off the Court and took them to dressing room.:dontthink
Should not happen unless they were in danger.
I know a long time ref. About 25 years exp. he's pretty fed up. He said kids have gotten very disrespectful and coaches have gotten worse. He said if you throw one out they just ends up causing more problems than it solves because no one will back the refs anymore. Not my words just a tired refs I guess
Blacksmith Wrote:I know a long time ref. About 25 years exp. he's pretty fed up. He said kids have gotten very disrespectful and coaches have gotten worse. He said if you throw one out they just ends up causing more problems than it solves because no one will back the refs anymore. Not my words just a tired refs I guess

I would say that is 100% correct, but at the same time I know plenty of coaches who frequently get officials in their games who have no idea what's going on. They'll be the first guy walking around before the game to make sure no one has a helmet visor that's too dark, or that an arm sleeve passes inspection, but doesn't understand what a late hit is. Or can't see the player who was brought down by their face mask. I've seen games decided by missed calls late in the game, by the same guys who are making sure the coach doesn't step one toe off of the sideline.

Officials deserve respect from players, coaches and fans. But, players, coaches and fans deserve an overall better product being put out around the state. Officiating is hard, and for the money they get, you aren't going to find many people willing to do it. But, on all sides, it has to be done better.
Something does need to be done with an avenue to get appeals handled against officials that want to strong arm some games but, I don't see ever pulling a team because of officiating. I recall a baseball game in which an official knew several players from the opposing team. He got to the point that the strikes that he was calling in the first 5 innings for the Cards now turned to balls. They had to replace 2 pitchers before he would call a strike. By that time the other team had pulled to within 2 runs. The bases were loaded. So he calls balk 2 times in a row to tie the game. He said the pitcher didn't come set. We had video where he came set and paused in both cases. Sent it to KHSAA and they wouldn't handle it. Then of course last year's ejection of a player in a regional playoff game for what they called a head to head contact with no previous calls of that. The video showed no head to head, KHSAA still would not uphold the appeal. So, I can see instances where officials can be over handed and cause issues. But, I don't think you should allow the kids to see that you are upset over that.
Those are good refs!

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