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At the six-month milestone, can Trump turn around his struggling presidency?
Republicans fans say yes or he is not struggling.

Democrats Say no

Independent voters Say No
"Struggling" with the stock markets at and all time high and unemployment VERY low :biglmao:

Keep reaching. If 2016 taught us anything it's that the lies of the liberal media will no longer be believed.
With the democratic alternative being :

^^ LOL. Which is DNC speak for higher taxes, higher taxes, higher taxes, higher taxes, higher taxes, higher taxes... You get the idea.
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Republicans fans say yes or he is not struggling.

Democrats Say no

Independent voters Say No

Let's first at least qualify the underlying LIE, which is the premise of your thread starter. The struggle at hand is not attributable to the Administration, whose actions and efforts have all been honorable, even laudable. Rather it is attributable, 100% mind you, to those who reject and otherwise resist this duly elected President and therefore the current US government. Every last scurvy dog associated with the 'resistance,' is in my view guilty of subversion.

The struggle then is between honest Americans, and the afore mentioned enemies of state who being part of the 'resistance,' are trying to bring down our government. On December 8, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan for attempting the same thing.

Balderdash and poppycock

The tweeting don has been at it again. Mueller is under his skin, and he is itching, itching, itching to say, "You're fired."

And, if he did, you and Bob and JP would be on here defending it, all the while wrapping yourselves in the flag.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Balderdash and poppycock

The tweeting don has been at it again. Mueller is under his skin, and he is itching, itching, itching to say, "You're fired."

And, if he did, you and Bob and JP would be on here defending it, all the while wrapping yourselves in the flag.

Well, if you'd ever contributed anything to the well being of this nation other than slamming great men the likes of our President and those who've served in the armed services, you might have a clue how to identify balderdash and poppycock out in the real world, so that leaves you out. But I bet you're a real authority on "Days of Our Lives" and hormone replacement therapy. :biggrin:

Mueller's hiring practices make about as much sense as would hiring Jay Sekulow, Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Sean Spicer, Dinesh D'Souza and Col Oliver North to investigate Hillary Clinton and expect Dems to just lay down for it. What a hypocritical toad.

This may well be the saddest, yet funniest post yet. Get over yourself, Forum Boy. Wait, perhaps you could pardon yourself when your own predictable zealotry blows up in your face. But, we'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
This may well be the saddest, yet funniest post yet. Get over yourself, Forum Boy. Wait, perhaps you could pardon yourself when your own predictable zealotry blows up in your face. But, we'll see.

Meanwhile you the son of the immaculate projection, presume to pass judgment on absolutely anybody to include even the writers of the canon, (and that for any reason which may suit your defining purpose which, is a perpetual defense of humanism BTW), who doesn't happen to line up with your godless views.

In any case where your own particular self proclaimed gift for clairvoyance is concerned, I will continue to accept current events as I see them, and consider valid the writings of the true prophets. At this point of my post, I started to tell you to go ahead and follow your own star. But for the reasons following, thought better of it.

As you are an adherent of Darwinism, it occurred to me while reading Edmund Burke, that I may have been a little too generous in having originally 'classified' you as one of the four donkeymen. Said Burke, "By this unprincipled facility of changing the state as often, and as much, and in as many ways, as there are floating fancies or fashions, the whole chain of continuity of the commonwealth would be broken. No one generation could link with the other. Men would become little better than the flies of summer."

Thomas Jefferson's stated sentiments in the Declaration of Independence no doubt reflect the views of Sir Edmund; JEFFERSON--- "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Therefore cometh your corrected classification, as you take your rightful place among 'the flies of summer.' Or as I once saw written on the proverbial wall, "50 billion flies can't be wrong." So as you can see concerning all those on your particular evolutionary rung, any particular reference to direction would be inapplicable. Just keep on buzzing endlessly in those imperfect circles summer fly. Because no matter how many laps you make, your end will always be the same as your beginning. I mean, how could a fly, which knows only what it wants even if the smell is questionable, ever comprehend principles like the common good, or self sacrifice in the name of freedom?

Thank you for your brief remarks.
"As I was reading Edmund Burke." Hahahaha...Peacock.

Now, as to changing governments (revolution) in contrast to making changes in government (progress and growth), you seek to dazzle and confuse via les mouches, confusing, it seems, calls for revolution, or anarchy in the streets, with concentrated, peaceful efforts to call government to "come up higher" and live out the to the highest its creeds. Whilst the majority might rather choose status quo though the minority suffer inequality and injustice (see Paulo Freire), a nation dedicated to equal justice, a nation that values pluralism and egalitarian principle, must needs hearken to legitimate voices calling it to right itself from unjust forms.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Thank you for your brief remarks.
"As I was reading Edmund Burke." Hahahaha...Peacock.

Now, as to changing governments (revolution) in contrast to making changes in government (progress and growth), you seek to dazzle and confuse via les mouches, confusing, it seems, calls for revolution, or anarchy in the streets, with concentrated, peaceful efforts to call government to "come up higher" and live out the to the highest its creeds. Whilst the majority might rather choose status quo though the minority suffer inequality and injustice (see Paulo Freire), a nation dedicated to equal justice, a nation that values pluralism and egalitarian principle, must needs hearken to legitimate voices calling it to right itself from unjust forms.

Right, I know it's funny to quote one of England's greatest statesmen and one of America's leading Founders to a guy who takes all his cues from the likes of Carlos Slim and Jeff Bezos. But as absurd as your ill spoken and uninformed baloney really is, is, it's still not of your own making. You can't even repeat other people's work accurately.
TheRealThing Wrote:Right, I know it's funny to quote one of England's greatest statesmen and one of America's leading Founders to a guy who takes all his cues from the likes of Carlos Slim and Jeff Bezos. But as absurd as your ill spoken and uninformed baloney really is, is, it's still not of your own making. You can't even repeat other people's work accurately.

Your thought is as stuffy as you are. If you reference Freire, you're wrong. Be careful.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Your thought is as stuffy as you are. If you reference Freire, you're wrong. Be careful.

Didn't he get to the party a couple centuries after our founding? I mean, he wasn't even born until 1921. :biglmao:
TheRealThing Wrote:Didn't he get to the party a couple centuries after our founding? I mean, he wasn't even born until 1921. :biglmao:

At what point is that relevant? If the issue is revolution v. progress and growth, it would only be logical to move beyond, for instance, slavery and women as second class citizens to, to a more "highest calling" understanding of our creeds. You are reaching, friendo, and it's sad.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:At what point is that relevant? If the issue is revolution v. progress and growth, it would only be logical to move beyond, for instance, slavery and women as second class citizens to, to a more "highest calling" understanding of our creeds. You are reaching, friendo, and it's sad.

Oh I don't know, how about The Declaration of Independence 1776, or maybe The US Constitution 1787, or The Bill of Rights 1791? And you come on here quoting some obscure bozo from Brazil who is a blazing atheist no less? There were 74 founders in attendance at the constitutional convention and you can't find a single one who even remotely backs you up, but PAULO FREIER the lunatic monk? Now there's a guy you can quote!! :hilarious:
Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, cast light backwards, and if you weren't a Zealot you could see that. If our Constitution, from the get go, had been interpreted in its highest calling, this disagreement we have would be mute. However, it wasn't, thus the unjust practices embraced eventually had to be confronted, painfully in a civil war, in women's suffrage, and countless other struggles toward equal justice and egalitarianism. And, if our Founders thought freedom only belonged to landed, white gentry, then see Paulo Freire.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, cast light backwards, and if you weren't a Zealot you could see that. If our Constitution, from the get go, had been interpreted in its highest calling, this disagreement we have would be mute. However, it wasn't, thus the unjust practices embraced eventually had to be confronted, painfully in a civil war, in women's suffrage, and countless other struggles toward equal justice and egalitarianism. And, if our Founders thought freedom only belonged to landed, white gentry, then see Paulo Freire.

Honesty is always preferable, and the historical context is no exception. As I have told you repeatedly, you will never be able to talk anybody with a grain of objectivity into your way of thinking. The laughable gobbledygook quoted above is vintage Sombrero.
TheRealThing Wrote:Honesty is always preferable, and the historical context is no exception. As I have told you repeatedly, you will never be able to talk anybody with a grain of objectivity into your way of thinking. The laughable gobbledygook quoted above is vintage Sombrero.

Let's see: pluralism, egalitarianism, equal justice under the law? These concepts gobbledygook. You're a real gem, PeeWeeGee. Your zealotry becomes more and more apparent with every Peacock post.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Let's see: pluralism, egalitarianism, equal justice under the law? These concepts gobbledygook. You're a real gem, PeeWeeGee. Your zealotry becomes more and more apparent with every Peacock post.

Let's see, lies, innuendo, gossip, citing a bozo like Paulo Freire without even putting up a quote.



"wordy and generally unintelligible jargon"[/SIZE]

That's you all over Sombrero, embrace it.

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