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James Comey jail-o-meter
40% and rising by the day!

Getting his special cell ready! High ceiling because he is 6'8 and equipped with 4 toilets because he is so full of sh!!t.TongueoliceLig:flush::flush::flush::flush:
JP that is just so funny!'

^^ These bozos have forgotten what a viable Justice Department means. Billy Boy Clinton had his finger on the justice department with the loyal subjection of Janet Reno. We had another 8 years of reason under W, and then we went right back to La-La Land under Holder and Lynch with their strings obviously being pulled by Obama.

There is literally a new sheriff in town now, but it all hasn't quite sunk in yet. You could tell Comey thought he had Congress in his palm when he testified, let's see of AG Sessions was one of the wide-eyed.

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