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Syria, Putin and President Trump
What should our ultimate goal(s) be in Syria? And to our liberal buds, it's obvious the Obama administration's handling of Syria was a total failure, a disaster. So, who would you rather have meeting with Putin now, Obama, Hillary or President Trump? The answer should be very clear to you and if you say Obama or Hillary we are going to laugh our a$$es off at you.:biggrin:
jetpilot Wrote:What should our ultimate goal(s) be in Syria? And to our liberal buds, it's obvious the Obama administration's handling of Syria was a total failure, a disaster. So, who would you rather have meeting with Putin now, Obama, Hillary or President Trump? The answer should be very clear to you and if you say Obama or Hillary we are going to laugh our a$$es off at you.:biggrin:

We laugh our asses off everyday at vector, NEWARK-PERVERT-FAN, Gitback, and Geraldo anyways, because it's hard to believe that anybody could be that dang dumb, so it would kinda be just like just another day at the office, wouldn't it?
Bob Seger Wrote:We laugh our asses off everyday at vector, NEWARK-PERVERT-FAN, Gitback, and Geraldo anyways, because it's hard to believe that anybody could be that dang dumb, so it would kinda be just like just another day at the office, wouldn't it?

We do have a lot of fun with them.Confusedinglepar
Of course, Obama didn't fund a financial comeback with Russian- connected cash. Eh, it's a holiday. See you folks at 12:01am. Fidget zealot spinners on sale at Prestonsburg flea market until 8.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of course, Obama didn't fund a financial comeback with Russian- connected cash. Eh, it's a holiday. See you folks at 12:01am. Fidget zealot spinners on sale at Prestonsburg flea market until 8.

Who got rich in business?
a.) Trump
b.) Obamas
c.) Clintons
d.) Sanderses

Who got rich off the public tit?
a.) Obamas
b.) Clintons
c.) Sanderses
d.) all of the above

But this thread is about Syria.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of course, Obama didn't fund a financial comeback with Russian- connected cash. Eh, it's a holiday. See you folks at 12:01am. Fidget zealot spinners on sale at Prestonsburg flea market until 8.

Didn't figure you'd be set up on the 4th. In the rain...I admire your dedication to your craft.
Bob Seger Wrote:Didn't figure you'd be set up on the 4th. In the rain...I admire your dedication to your craft.

The zealots are out making the Sombrero great again, $7.99 at a time.
jetpilot Wrote:Who got rich in business?
a.) Trump
b.) Obamas
c.) Clintons
d.) Sanderses

Who got rich off the public tit?
a.) Obamas
b.) Clintons
c.) Sanderses
d.) all of the above

But this thread is about Syria.

Al Assad doesn't particularly care about anything but maintaining power, which is to say purse strings. He has authorized gassing his own citizens several times. Inserting into a civil war has proven disastrous historically over and over and over again. Russia wants influence and a presence in the Middle East. We already have it. We blame this President or that. What if, even for a super power nation, short of all out war and overthrow, control of outcomes is limited, particularly when guys like the Kim Jung Un's could care less about the average citizen of their own country.

See Trump's own children's statements about Russian money and Trump's business.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Al Assad doesn't particularly care about anything but maintaining power, which is to say purse strings. He has authorized gassing his own citizens several times. Inserting into a civil war has proven disastrous historically over and over and over again. Russia wants influence and a presence in the Middle East. We already have it. We blame this President or that. What if, even for a super power nation, short of all out war and overthrow, control of outcomes is limited, particularly when guys like the Kim Jung Un's could care less about the average citizen of their own country.

See Trump's own children's statements about Russian money and Trump's business.

Trump is an international businessman. Why is doing business with Russia only an issue when Trump is involved? Because your brain can only process what MSNBC tells it to process.
jetpilot Wrote:Trump is an international businessman. Why is doing business with Russia only an issue when Trump is involved? Because your brain can only process what MSNBC tells it to process.

The Obama Administration pushed for business dealings with Russia nearly from the first day. If they'd kissed up any harder their heads would have imploded. I mean, we buy everything from rocket engines to oil from them. Remember when Romney said our #1 geopolitical foe was Russia and Obama horse-laughed him for it, saying the 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back? That BTW, was within mere days of his famous hot mic incident asking Medvedev for more time until after the election when he could be more flexible. Now all of a sudden, it's like anybody even caught talking to a Russian official is automatically under investigation, that is unless they're a Dem. Then it's okay.

Biggest made up sham ever.
I am still trying to get past "public tit"

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Al Assad doesn't particularly care about anything but maintaining power, which is to say purse strings. He has authorized gassing his own citizens several times. Inserting into a civil war has proven disastrous historically over and over and over again. Russia wants influence and a presence in the Middle East. We already have it. We blame this President or that. What if, even for a super power nation, short of all out war and overthrow, control of outcomes is limited, particularly when guys like the Kim Jung Un's could care less about the average citizen of their own country.

See Trump's own children's statements about Russian money and Trump's business.

We had it.

They all fit!:biggrin:
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of course, Obama didn't fund a financial comeback with Russian- connected cash. Eh, it's a holiday. See you folks at 12:01am. Fidget zealot spinners on sale at Prestonsburg flea market until 8.

^^ The true part---
No, all Obama had to do was take whatever cash he wanted from the US Treasury.

The lie part---

The rest comes straight off Mother Jones and doesn't even qualify viably as conjecture. No lie is too stank for you, right? And like I said, you'd have to be able to demonstrate the function of a spinner to sell one, and that leaves you fidgeting in the dust.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ The true part---
No, all Obama had to do was take whatever cash he wanted from the US Treasury.

The lie part---

The rest comes straight off Mother Jones and doesn't even qualify viably as conjecture. No lie is too stank for you, right? And like I said, you'd have to be able to demonstrate the function of a spinner to sell one, and that leaves you fidgeting in the dust.

The white one, right?

See his own kid's words. Deal with it, buckaroo, Trump's recovery runs on the heavy, heavy fuel of Russian cash.
jetpilot Wrote:^^^

They all fit!:biggrin:

Never saw that before!!

You are correct, JP..they all fit!!
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The white one, right?

See his own kid's words. Deal with it, buckaroo, Trump's recovery runs on the heavy, heavy fuel of Russian cash.

No thanks, you and your therapist already have your hands full dealing with your lies.
TheRealThing Wrote:No thanks, you and your therapist already have your hands full dealing with your lies.

We'll see. The Special Counsel, operating quietly, is engaged.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We'll see. The Special Counsel, operating quietly, is engaged.

So is Congress, for many moons. How's that working out for you.
jetpilot Wrote:So is Congress, for many moons. How's that working out for you.

It's extremely likely that the Republicans knew full well there was no there there, with regard to any Russian collusion... other than the Dems that is. Republican capitulation for a special counsel was meant to make Dems look petty. Now, I don't think Dems need any help with that.

But you are exactly right, the days of Democrats running over Republicans are over. The so-called investigation is a joke and is going nowhere.

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