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Three CNN Reporters Resign After Fake News Story is Retracted
Wow, what a shocker..CNN and fakes news?...Say it ain't so.
Also, project veritas just dropped an undercover video of a CNN producer admitting the Russia nonsense is FAKE news.

Things are about to go from bad to worse for cnn.
From what I can gather, the editor AND the reporter both knew that there wasn't a meeting held at all. I cannot fathom going forward with a story they knew to be false.

This risk was not worth the reward it would've gotten, had the story stood as true.

Guess that's why I'm not in the business. It just seems so stupid to me.
Desperate measures by desperate people, Granny.
I guess you are right Bob but it still makes no sense to me.

The guy who reported this was an award winning reporter and he just blew up his entire career and reputation.

I just don't understand putting your integrity on the line for a story.

Again, guess that's why I'm not in the business.
I don't watch CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, PBS, nope, none of it. I'm sick of the bias. The only thing I watch now to get my unbiased news is from the Naked News channel. I really don't care what opinion they have, well, typically I have it on mute :-)

In all seriousness, I am completely sick of the media. I can't watch either sides talking heads. The Fake news on the left has driven the radicals on the right to be even more over the top than they already were. I'm now at the stage that I won't watch any of it.
Do you watch the Naked News while being naked??
Their hatred for Trump, a man who they find despicable and reprehensible, and who they feel stole the election from the first female potus is causing them to do things nobody thought they would.
They are literally to the point where they post or tweet out a complete lie knowingly and then retract it an hour or two later after it's been retweeted thousands of times. Then the retraction barely gets looked at.
The American people have figured out how they try to manipulate and for the first time the media is no longer a trusted source. This has helped in activism because now people want to find out for themselves what's is going on.
The libs will fall further if they continue to let the media play their side.
Granny Bear Wrote:Do you watch the Naked News while being naked??

You should know :-)
Stardust Wrote:I don't watch CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, PBS, nope, none of it. I'm sick of the bias. The only thing I watch now to get my unbiased news is from the Naked News channel. I really don't care what opinion they have, well, typically I have it on mute :-)

In all seriousness, I am completely sick of the media. I can't watch either sides talking heads. The Fake news on the left has driven the radicals on the right to be even more over the top than they already were. I'm now at the stage that I won't watch any of it.
I am with you.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Their hatred for Trump, a man who they find despicable and reprehensible, and who they feel stole the election from the first female potus is causing them to do things nobody thought they would.They are literally to the point where they post or tweet out a complete lie knowingly and then retract it an hour or two later after it's been retweeted thousands of times. Then the retraction barely gets looked at.
The American people have figured out how they try to manipulate and for the first time the media is no longer a trusted source. This has helped in activism because now people want to find out for themselves what's is going on.
The libs will fall further if they continue to let the media play their side.

Remember recently when a coalition of national and Kentucky Democrats planned to unseat Mitch McConnell by running Ashley Judd against him in the 2014 election? Granny posted a video of Kentucky poll workers admitting the eventual candidate (which turned out to be Grimes) did not support coal mining as she claimed in her campaign ads.

The point is this; Dems cheat in all elections and the cheating is orchestrated from the DNC on down through the local precincts. Though other than Harry Reid most Dems would never confirm that in public, it is nonetheless common knowledge throughout the Democrat political machine. For whatever reason Republicans have been loath to take Dems on for the practice, and as time has gone on Democrats have gotten more and ever more brazen with the shenanigans. Take Donna Brazile (CNN) being caught giving Hillary debate questions for example. And for anybody who wants to be at all objective it was easy to see that obvious collusion had occurred between Obama and Candice Crowley (CNN) during his debate with Mitt Romney. Candy instantaneously had chapter and verse ready when Obama turned to her for backup with regard to his supposedly having called the Benghazi attack terrorism in the 'Rose Garden Speech.' I listened to that speech and I can tell you Obama danced all over the place, and though he did manage to glance ever so slightly off of the subject of terrorism, he never said Benghazi was an act of terror. Romney was subsequently caught flat footed, and never recovered. Obama had the debate questions and Clinton had the debate questions IMHO. If one took note of their facial expressions it was easy to see the canned speech click in their minds before the questions were even finished by the mods. In fact, on a few occasions both of them had already moved to the side of the podium with a 'I got this' smirk of assurance.

Then of course, there is the annual 'dead' vote, the 'often' vote, the unregistered vote and last but least, the illegal immigrant vote accompanied by the Dems' war on voter ID cards. Thus there is small wonder Democrats consider Republicans to be stupid. They're not stupid but they are naïve and timid. Mostly because the media will lay waste to them if they venture an ill word against Dems.

Dems are USED to cheating in these elections and that's why they're so put upon by the notion that the ever slumbering Republicans were assisted by them nasty Ruskies. If it hadn't been for Putin messing up their playhouse they reason, Repubs would still be sound asleep. Wrong, the voter awakened and threw the bums out. They know there is zilcho credibility to this whole Trump collusion farce. More exaction is shortly to come for those who thirst for justice BTW, as the vermin at CNN et-al are eventually outed.
⬆ The dead vote. The living have their vote suppressed.

Pease porridge hot. Pease porridge cold. All this zealot-nonsense sure gets old.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ The dead vote. The living have their vote suppressed.

Peas porridge hot. Peas porridge cold. All this zealot-nonsense sure gets old.

I knew the rat couldn't stay in the woodpile long when I made the post.
TheRealThing Wrote:I knew the rat couldn't stay in the woodpile long when I made the post.

And, the rabbit came out of hiding at the farmer's shot to please the yelping dogs. Hello, rabbit.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:And, the rabbit came out of hiding at the farmer's shot to please the yelping dogs. Hello, rabbit.

16 years is a long time for liberals to writhe in anguish. Enjoy that.
TheRealThing Wrote:16 years is a long time for liberals to writhe in anguish. Enjoy that.

Pine Mountain Grill. As for anguish, keep the pace as you grasp the tail, lest you be trampled.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Pine Mountain Grill. As for anguish, keep the pace as you grasp the tail, lest you be trampled.

Cliff fodder.
TheRealThing Wrote:Cliff fodder.

Cleft arse hole. (See The Big Lebowski)
Maybe all the liberals will go jump off a cliff so we can get back to making America great again.

Utopia = no liberals
diceman Wrote:Maybe all the liberals will go jump off a cliff so we can get back to making America great again.

Utopia = no liberals

Believe me all it takes is one, the rest of them will follow.

This media controversy isn't only related to CNN. Now, you may add the AP and New York Times.

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