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Hey, Patti's, now, let's see, the cheating, tweeting, self-defeating Don ventured a challenge to Comey, a veiled threat about tapes.

If it turns out "no tapes," would that constitute a lie? An attempt to intimidate?

What say the partisan puffs?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Hey, Patti's, now, let's see, the cheating, tweeting, self-defeating Don ventured a challenge to Comey, a veiled threat about tapes.

If it turns out "no tapes," would that constitute a lie? An attempt to intimidate?

What say the partisan puffs?

Just another lie from Donald

Still waiting on updates about Obamagate
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Hey, Patti's, now, let's see, the cheating, tweeting, self-defeating Don ventured a challenge to Comey, a veiled threat about tapes.

If it turns out "no tapes," would that constitute a lie? An attempt to intimidate?

What say the partisan puffs?
The most partisan BGR member continues to call others partisans. Does your hypocrisy ever bother you - not even a little bit? Do you know just how childish your babbling on about "Patti Partisan" sounds to the adults in the room? My guess is that you live in a basement that is devoid of mirrors.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The most partisan BGR member continues to call others partisans. Does your hypocrisy ever bother you - not even a little bit? Do you know just how childish your babbling on about "Patti Partisan" sounds to the adults in the room? My guess is that you live in a basement that is devoid of mirrors.

Sounds like, with your whining, you go to work, brag about your training in classified materials (probably to the chagrin of colleagues), and stay just all so serious. "Do you know...blah, blah, blah."

I have spoken negatively of certain Obama policies, criticized the Clintons, discussed how each party does a big ol' "love my homie no matter what." Now, as I remember, HG, you and TRT strongly and bitterly disagreed on the Trump candidacy. I can't believe you think all the tweeting is a good idea, or the wishy-washy approach to Putin.

A political forum is a place to disagree and have some fun. You think I live in a basement with no mirrors. I don't take that personally. I think you annoy your co-workers. It's not personal: it's politics.

Now that your deflection has been addressed, what about these "tapes"? Sounds like an attempt to intimidate to me.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Sounds like, with your whining, you go to work, brag about your training in classified materials (probably to the chagrin of colleagues), and stay just all so serious. "Do you know...blah, blah, blah."

I have spoken negatively of certain Obama policies, criticized the Clintons, discussed how each party does a big ol' "love my homie no matter what." Now, as I remember, HG, you and TRT strongly and bitterly disagreed on the Trump candidacy. I can't believe you think all the tweeting is a good idea, or the wishy-washy approach to Putin.

A political forum is a place to disagree and have some fun. You think I live in a basement with no mirrors. I don't take that personally. I think you annoy your co-workers. It's not personal: it's politics.

Now that your deflection has been addressed, what about these "tapes"? Sounds like an attempt to intimidate to me.

Don't have to attempt to intimidate Comey. He's scared of his own shadow.
jetpilot Wrote:Don't have to attempt to intimidate Comey. He's scared of his own shadow.

He could be frightened of pea gravel, but that's not the point.

"He better hope there are no tapes," be they shadow or pea gravel, are words spoken with intent. To focus on Comey is mistaken. It is the intent of the President that is the issue.

Now that your deflection has been addressed, what about the tweeting Don's words?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:He could be frightened of pea gravel, but that's not the point.

"He better hope there are no tapes," be they shadow or pea gravel, are words spoken with intent. To focus on Comey is mistaken. It is the intent of the President that is the issue.

Now that your deflection has been addressed, what about the tweeting Don's words?

No collusion, no obstruction. Next.
jetpilot Wrote:No collusion, no obstruction. Next.

If that is the finding of the Special Counsel, I will support the process. The institutions and processes of our system of government are more important than whether the outcomes favor one side or the other.

Now that your deflection has been addressed, what is your statement IF there are no tapes?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:If that is the finding of the Special Counsel, I will support the process. The institutions and processes of our system of government are more important than whether the outcomes favor one side or the other.

Now that your deflection has been addressed, what is your statement IF there are no tapes?
Bob Seger Wrote:Liar

Nope: it is more important to our way of government that the protections that safeguard our democracy, our Constitution work.

Now, personally, I think President Trump sought to obstruct justice. I imagine I'll always think that. However, if Mueller makes a finding that says the President's behavior does not rise to obstruction, so be it. The process will have been honored.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Nope: it is more important to our way of government that the protections that safeguard our democracy, our Constitution work.

Now, personally, I think President Trump sought to obstruct justice. I imagine I'll always think that. However, if Mueller makes a finding that says the President's behavior does not rise to obstruction, so be it. The process will have been honored.


Geraldo: "Trump fired the man (James Comey) who was investigating him..."

James Comey: "The president was never under investigation"
Bob Seger Wrote:Liar

Geraldo: "Trump fired the man (James Comey) who was investigating him..."

James Comey: "The president was never under investigation"

Easy, Bob, now, I realize literalism is probably your "home, home on the range," but what is clear is that Comey was speaking in nuance, as the President was totally ignoring protocol. Now, that may not matter to you, and you may be such a homer that you can't even see it, eh, that's yours to deal with. In days to come, this'll all clear up. By the way, being under investigation doesn't mean guilt: it often means enough evidence exists to pursue, but it doesn't mean guilt.

Further, you may spout "liar" all you want, as you often confuse a disagreement as to facts, as to nuance, as a "lie" vs. the truth. Again, if that helps you, by all means, carry on.

Now that your deflection has been answered, what say you if it turns out that there were no tapes?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Easy, Bob, now, I realize literalism is probably your "home, home on the range," but what is clear is that Comey was speaking in nuance, as the President was totally ignoring protocol. Now, that may not matter to you, and you may be such a homer that you can't even see it, eh, that's yours to deal with. In days to come, this'll all clear up. By the way, being under investigation doesn't mean guilt: it often means enough evidence exists to pursue, but it doesn't mean guilt.

Further, you may spout "liar" all you want, as you often confuse a disagreement as to facts, as to nuance, as a "lie" vs. the truth. Again, if that helps you, by all means, carry on.

Now that your deflection has been answered, what say you if it turns out that there were no tapes?
Ramblings of someone trying to grasp onto anything, just anything, to avoid admitting what everybody on this forum knows..

That being, a dishonest man who you couldn't beat the truth out of with a ball bat. Commonly know as a liberal.
Bob Seger Wrote:Ramblings of someone trying to grasp onto anything, just anything, to avoid admitting what everybody on this forum knows..

That being, a dishonest man who you couldn't beat the truth out of with a ball bat. Commonly know as a liberal.

Let's see: "dishonest."

"Grab 'em by the Virginia." Bob says, "No foul."

"Screw Cuba: hail Putin." Bob says, "Atta boy."

"Ya better back off, Comey, I got tapes." Bob says, "A-OK."

Blind Patti, tail-grasping Boob, spouting off, Forum Boy II.

We'll see, Boob.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Let's see: "dishonest."

"Grab 'em by the Virginia." Bob says, "No foul."

"Screw Cuba: hail Putin." Bob says, "Atta boy."

"Ya better back off, Comey, I got tapes." Bob says, "A-OK."

Blind Patti, tail-grasping Boob, spouting off, Forum Boy II.

We'll see, Boob.

"Everybody on this forum": what a laugh: BGR: rooted in, not just Kentucky, but Appalachian Kentucky: not exactly free of Patti Partisans. What a goofy Boob.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Let's see: "dishonest."

"Grab 'em by the Virginia." Bob says, "No foul."

"Screw Cuba: hail Putin." Bob says, "Atta boy."

"Ya better back off, Comey, I got tapes." Bob says, "A-OK."

Blind Patti, tail-grasping Boob, spouting off, Forum Boy II.

We'll see, Boob.
Liar. Trump never said that he had tapes, Hack.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Liar. Trump never said that he had tapes, Hack.

A liar on here means he's a liar off here.

Pond scum!!
Bob Seger Wrote:A liar on here means he's a liar off here.

Pond scum!!
Exactly right, Bob. I would say that he is the worst of a bad lot, but NCF and Vector are strong contenders for that title. :biggrin:
Vector may need you to define "contender" for him.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Liar. Trump never said that he had tapes, Hack.

Liar never said he didn't have them
Granny Bear Wrote:Vector may need you to define "contender" for him.

a person or group competing with others to achieve something.
Bob Seger Wrote:A liar on here means he's a liar off here.

Pond scum!!

Bottom feeder
vector Wrote:a person or group competing with others to achieve something.

Lookie everyone...vector has his wife typing his answers for him..

Aint he neat???

⬆ What a merry band you are. President Trump, in my view, will be found to have attempted to obstruct justice.

You fine, moral, upstanding, sickeningly self-righteous Partisans don't care. Nada.

"He's our man." Which isn't unusual, but you snottigans can't accept that. Tribalist tail graspers.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ What a merry band you are. President Trump, in my view, will be found to have attempted to obstruct justice.

You fine, moral, upstanding, sickeningly self-righteous Partisans don't care. Nada.

"He's our man." Which isn't unusual, but you snottigans can't accept that. Tribalist tail graspers.

Which means absolutely nothing.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ What a merry band you are. President Trump, in my view, will be found to have attempted to obstruct justice.

You fine, moral, upstanding, sickeningly self-righteous Partisans don't care. Nada.

"He's our man." Which isn't unusual, but you snottigans can't accept that. Tribalist tail graspers.

And then you have the classic,

"The president was never under FBI investigation"...

~James Comey, former director of the FBI

Lookie everyone who the one is who really has the mouth full of elephant shit.
Bob Seger Wrote:And then you have the classic,

"The president was never under FBI investigation"...

~James Comey, former director of the FBI

Lookie everyone who is really the one with a mouth full of elephant shit.

Ah, dung beetle...we'll see. Until then, put on the cap. The indent it makes in your thick, bulbous forehead makes you easier to identify. We'll see.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, dung beetle...we'll see. Until then, put on the cap. The indent it makes in your thick, bulbous forehead makes you easier to identify. We'll see.

We'll see what, dumbass?

Are you saying that Comey lied?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ What a merry band you are. President Trump, in my view, will be found to have attempted to obstruct justice.

You fine, moral, upstanding, sickeningly self-righteous Partisans don't care. Nada.

"He's our man." Which isn't unusual, but you snottigans can't accept that. Tribalist tail graspers.

Wanna bet? What does attempting to obstruct justice even mean lol? No such thing. Either he obstructed or he didn't. And even most Dems know he didn't. Not surprising you will continue to be bitter, whiny, and completely wrong.
Bob Seger Wrote:We'll see what, dumbass?

Are you saying that Comey lied?

I realize, what with the zealot's outlook, you struggle with nuance. No, I am not saying Comey lied. President Trump asked about Flynn, in connection to himself (collusion). Comey could answer, with nuance. However, since the multiple bankruptcies, huge chunks of money have flowed from Russian sources into Trump's business.

"Am I being investigated?"(implied collusion)


However, this does not mean "no" for all things, nor is it a blanket assurance of anything.

To a zealot, that may be "lying." Of course, to a zealot Baskin Robbins had 29 too many flavors.

"Pond scum"? Now it's getting fun.

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