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Another US appeals court keeps Trump's travel ban blocked
Not a shock.

SEATTLE (AP) — Another U.S. appeals court upheld a decision blocking President Donald Trump's revised travel ban Monday, dealing the administration another legal defeat as the Supreme Court considers a separate case on the issue.
The ruling from a unanimous three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the president violated U.S. immigration law by discriminating against people based on their nationality and by failing to demonstrate that their entry into the country would hurt American interests.

SEATTLE (AP) — Another U.S. appeals court upheld a decision blocking President Donald Trump's revised travel ban Monday, dealing the administration another legal defeat as the Supreme Court considers a separate case on the issue.
The ruling from a unanimous three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the president violated U.S. immigration law by discriminating against people based on their nationality and by failing to demonstrate that their entry into the country would hurt American interests.

Nor is your woefully insufficient level of awareness on such matters. This is not ANOTHER court, it is the 9th circus court of appeals which has been involved in circumventing due process by a sitting President since his inauguration. I just hope that the family members of anyone who has to die as the result of what these knuckle-headed imbeciles have done, get to watch them all get prosecuted.
You should e-mail the source of this article and make them aware that, this is not just another court.
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:You should e-mail the source of this article and make them aware that, this is not just another court.

No, it's not...This is the court that is routinely overturned by the Supreme Court on a regular basis..

You are certainly a sharp one.
Bob Seger Wrote:No, it's not...This is the court that is routinely overturned by the Supreme Court on a regular basis..

You are certainly a sharp one.

I know where he got it, Windstream has an article up on it and that's the headline. Only problem is if you're at all accustomed to thinking for yourself, you're not considered part of their target audience. I know the 9th circus already nixed the first appeal and now this one on the second ban. It's all a matter of semantics and lies by the left.
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:You should e-mail the source of this article and make them aware that, this is not just another court.

That was my point genius, this is the same court that has been involved since the get-go.
TheRealThing Wrote:That was my point genius, this is the same court that has been involved since the get-go.

Given the tweeting Don's recent outbursts, this one will be an interesting discussion/ruling for the SCOTUS: the intensions of he who issued the executive order in light of Constitutional principle, as "the end justifies the means" is usually railed against as "judicial activism" by conservatives.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Given the tweeting Don's recent outbursts, this one will be an interesting discussion/ruling for the SCOTUS: the intensions of he who issued the executive order in light of Constitutional principle, as "the end justifies the means" is usually railed against as "judicial activism" by conservatives.

Quoth the parrot.
TheRealThing Wrote:Quoth the parrot.

Speaketh the Idiot
Muslims have no right to enter the US. Only vile liberal and progressive judges could give them such a right.
ekyswvahsfan Wrote:Muslims have no right to enter the US. Only vile liberal and progressive judges could give them such a right.

⬆ Political correctness is irrelevant: you practice hate speech.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Political correctness is irrelevant: you practice hate speech.

Incredible, you think he and everybody else on here hasn't read your posts? ekyswvahsfan is right in saying the 9th circus is putting us all at risk with the asinine and politicized rulings they've made to block the President's constitutionally granted authority to ban those from entry who could reasonably pose a threat.
TheRealThing Wrote:Incredible, you think he and everybody else on here hasn't read your posts? ekyswvahsfan is right in saying the 9th circus is putting us all at risk with the asinine and politicized rulings they've made to block the President's constitutionally granted authority to ban those from entry who could reasonably pose a threat.

Yes, yes, TRT, it is my posts, what with "Forum Boy" and "put on the cap" and "fluffed peacock" that are the issue. Obvious political jabbing. However, villify an entire religion, call political opponents "vile," oh no, that's fine. It's "incredible" for sure, only it's your level of absolute partisan blindness that is of flabbergast nature. Who knew that you folk would be just oh-so sensitive. Sheesh.

Further, I have said directly to Bob, to you that I respect your tenacity of conviction. But, again, part of the spice of a political forum is the back and forth jabbing. I don't take it, or give it, with personal animosity. I don't know you or Bob or GB or Ballmom. It's politics; it's not personal, to piggyback off of THE GODFATHER.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Yes, yes, TRT, it is my posts, what with "Forum Boy" and "put on the cap" and "fluffed peacock" that are the issue. Obvious political jabbing. However, villify an entire religion, call political opponents "vile," oh no, that's fine. It's "incredible" for sure, only it's your level of absolute partisan blindness that is of flabbergast nature. Who knew that you folk would be just oh-so sensitive. Sheesh.

Pathetic. And supposedly you like to trumpet around making flowing oratory concerning the "Living God," while out the other side of your mouth you champion a false religion. You think the Lord wants anybody to give a shekel's worth of due to a false religion there Luke Warm?

You must have added that second paragraph after the fact. I don't get mad at you when I'm posting if that's where you were going.
TheRealThing Wrote:Pathetic. And supposedly you like to trumpet around making flowing oratory concerning the "Living God," while out the other side of your mouth you champion a false religion. You think the Lord wants anybody to give a shekel's worth of due to a false religion there Luke Warm?

"Eradicate Islam"

⬆ This is not of Christ. It is God's to deal with Hagar's seed. Now, "luke warm" is one kind of problem, but a deep, mistaken zeal has slaughtered it's millions.

Only a blind, partisan fool would say that the position that it is not man's to "eradicate Islam," not Constitutional to "travel ban" an entire religion is somehow suggesting, in the spiritual realm, that said religion is true and equal in truth. Ridiculous. Another pocket of ignorance on display.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Eradicate Islam"

⬆ This is not of Christ. It is God's to deal with Hagar's seed. Now, "luke warm" is one kind of problem, but a deep, mistaken zeal has slaughtered it's millions.

Only a blind, partisan fool would say that the position that it is not man's to "eradicate Islam," not Constitutional to "travel ban" an entire religion is somehow suggesting, in the spiritual realm, that said religion is true and equal in truth. Ridiculous. Another pocket of ignorance on display.

Let's see, how can I put this? Some of the guys that come on here don't quite put on the vapid intellectual pretense we've all become accustomed to by Sombrero. They just want to come on here, make a statement, and sort of enjoy the action. Frankly, I like those guys. Very often, contained within their unpretentious thoughts are some pretty profound logic.

You on the other hand inhabit the borderline personality zone for lack of a better way to say it. And frankly, if one were to remove all the vocabulary and inflection that you picked up from me from your posts, another 'pocket of ignorance,' just might be rather glaring. Not to mention the fact that any number of psychological therapists have been trying to get your phone number.
TheRealThing Wrote:Let's see, how can I put this? Some of the guys that come on here don't quite put on the vapid intellectual pretense we've all become accustomed to by Sombrero. They just want to come on here, make a statement, and sort of enjoy the action. Frankly, I like those guys. Very often, contained within their unpretentious thoughts are some pretty profound logic.

You on the other hand inhabit the borderline personality zone for lack of a better way to say it. And frankly, if one were to remove all the vocabulary and inflection that you picked up from me from your posts, another 'pocket of ignorance,' just might be rather glaring. Not to mention the fact that any number of psychological therapists have been trying to get your phone number.

⬆ Let's see, and how shall I say this, ⬆️⬆️ just a pile, a heap, a mound of stinking, rotten garbage. You folks can go on up to the Elk's Lodge and slap backs in agreement on the alt right bandwagon.

Well, ol' Siggy, I'm sure you had a psychology class, right? Now, was that in Virginia, Edna?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Let's see, and how shall I say this, ⬆️⬆️ just a pile, a heap, a mound of stinking, rotten garbage. You folks can go on up to the Elk's Lodge and slap backs in agreement on the alt right bandwagon.

Well, ol' Siggy, I'm sure you had a psychology class, right? Now, was that in Virginia, Edna?

TheRealThing Wrote::hilarious:


The grin and glasses of a Forum Boy.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:��

The grin and glasses of a Forum Boy.

You really think your little efforts to jab at me mean anything? You're so busy pinning yourself to the mat, I can barely get a slam in edgewise.

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Quoth the parrot: "Bob!! Put on your cap!"

Every time that comes to mind I have to laugh. But I've shot you down so many times it's no fun anymore, and though your childish comebacks are not beneath YOU, most people on here are embarrassed on your behalf.

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