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Dishonest Posters and Political Jabbing
It's pathetic that a man can make himself so small that he would reveal himself to be a compulsive liar even when being shown over and over and over again how he deliberately falsified his comments.

It's one thing to go back and forth with friendly jabs, but this has now come to the point that it's no fun to even joust politically.

If you cant make a post and be honest enough to own up to what you say there is no point in even participating on this board.

Shame on you Geraldo. You have disgraced yourself.
Bob Seger Wrote:It's pathetic that a man can make himself so small that he would reveal himself to be a compulsive liar even when being shown over and over and over again how he deliberately falsified his comments.

It's one thing to go back and forth with friendly jabs, but this has now come to the point that it's no fun to even joust politically.

If you cant make a post and be honest enough to own up to what you say there is no point in even participating on this board.

Shame on you Geraldo. You have disgraced yourself.

Shame on you, Bob, shame on you. Time will tell, Bob. And I'm a whiner? Lordy, I hope you have tissue.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Shame on you, Bob, shame on you. Time will tell, Bob. And I'm a whiner? Lordy, I hope you have tissue.

Save it, you piece of dishonest trash.
Bob Seger Wrote:Save it, you piece of dishonest trash.

Poor, poor, Bob. Ol' cranky pants is just so mad. Pathetic.

Nine times, Bob. Nine times.

"Jim, Jim, I whisper it again,
If you want your job,
Get off Flynn."

Step off, Bob
Shove it up your ass, you worthless lying piece of trash. Try growing up.
Bob Seger Wrote:Shove it up your ass, you worthless lying piece of trash. Try growing up.

Somebody call the Waaaambulance; Bob's having a temper tantrum.

Nine times, Bob. Nine times.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Somebody call the Waaaambulance; Bob's having a temper tantrum.

Nine times, Bob. Nine times.

Sixteen years Sombrero. Sixteen years.
TheRealThing Wrote:Sixteen years Sombrero. Sixteen years.

Time will tell. I'm thinking filet or ribeye, marbled and butterflied. With an ice cold Coca Cola.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Time will tell. I'm thinking filet or ribeye, marbled and butterflied. With an ice cold Coca Cola.

The only time you seem to have clarity of thought is when you talk about food. You sort of a heavy set guy?
TheRealThing Wrote:The only time you seem to have clarity of thought is when you talk about food. You sort of a heavy set guy?

"Heavy set" against Presidents who obstruct justice.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Heavy set" against Presidents who obstruct justice.

I know one thing for sure, if you ever had an original thought it died of loneliness. I'll never forget one thing you said, "Quoth the parrot." Not only do you parrot the daily liberal line, you copy other people's writing style like there ain't no tomorrow.
TheRealThing Wrote:I know one thing for sure, if you ever had an original thought it died of loneliness. I'll never forget one thing you said, "Quoth the parrot." Not only do you parrot the daily liberal line, you copy other people's writing style like there ain't no tomorrow.

And, like I said, you flatter yourself to the point of nausea.

As for originality, how about, TRT, you being a Patti Patisan who breaks from the tail-grasping herd and actually deals with the obvious with integrity?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:And, like I said, you flatter yourself to the point of nausea.

As for originality, how about, TRT, you being a Patti Patisan who breaks from the tail-grasping herd and actually deals with the obvious with integrity?

'Like I said,' yet another of my colloquialisms you copied, and here you are leading off with it while trying to slam me for originality? Somebody on here said you seem intelligent, I guess I must be missing something.

You haven't landed a glove on me yet. I merely observe current events and have history and/or the record on my side. You on the other hand, run everything through that liberal strainer and even then your thoughts and conclusions are the work product of others, hence the monkey puke commentary you're always vomiting up. And let's see if you can finally 'grasp' this; The things I write about are things I have SEEN with my own eyes. I can always back them up from any number of sources because unlike your drivel, they actually happened. But you the consummate La-La, think you can come on here and talk me out of what I know to be the truth anyway like some kind of 3rd grader out on the playground. You have a lot of misery ahead of you because by the time Trump gets through undoing the stupidity of the past 8 years, you'll be back in counseling. Meanwhile, me and Bob will be singing "Roll Out the Barrel" for the next 16 years.
⬆ Talk a "Patti" out of fanciful delusions? Talk a self-righteous prooftexter out of his fantasical land that exists inside his head? A guy who, apparently, cannot fathom the boomerang technique in dialogue?

As for the next eight years, it seems a bit early to crow so loud, though as I said before, you've got crowing rights at present.

Basically, the swing voters in the key swing states, in my view, will need to be brought back from the "Geez, don't know if I voted the right way" cliff, a cliff brought near by the tweeting, firing Don. I estimate that vote at about 20%, and those folks, if they turn out in 2018, will have a big say in where we go from here. The finding of the Special Counsel will play a key role.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Talk a "Patti" out of fanciful delusions? Talk a self-righteous prooftexter out of his fantasical land that exists inside his head? A guy who, apparently, cannot fathom the boomerang technique in dialogue?

As for the next eight years, it seems a bit early to crow so loud, though as I said before, you've got crowing rights at present.

Basically, the swing voters in the key swing states, in my view, will need to be brought back from the "Geez, don't know if I voted the right way" cliff, a cliff brought near by the tweeting, firing Don. I estimate that vote at about 20%, and those folks, if they turn out in 2018, will have a big say in where we go from here. The finding of the Special Counsel will play a key role .

- Right, the Rust Belt had nothing to do with it. :biglmao:

- Otherwise known as grasping at the last straw for the desperate and shallow. You're desperate because you perceive this nation's lemming like-plunge into the abyss of moral ignominy to be in peril. Somehow in pointing to the masses in the grip of self destructive behavior, you get some sort of strange validation for your eternal equivocations and relativisms. Since the press can no longer expect to lie the folks into subjection you now turn to an old friend. That of 'legislating the unwilling into subjection' like was done in the case of gay marriage in the use of one man, a special counsel, to by legal edict force another epic injustice on this nation's citizenry. In Mueller lies your last best hope that the lie will triumph over truth.

Ironically, all you liars may wind up having accomplished in all of this Russian collusion baloney is to rally the people even more to Trump's side. I don't know if I can sustain a laugh for 16 years, but I guarantee you it will be a daunting task to get the smile off my face. DJT is a strong intelligent man who has had a crash course of the Potomac Two Step forced fed down his throat by a bunch of lawmakers representing the forces of social decay. Lawmakers BTW, who are likely about half as smart as is Trump. He's learned how to play with those jokers and I can hardly wait everyday to see him make fools of his opponents. And like I said, that alone offers great entertainment value if it bothers you even half as much as it appears.
⬆ Spin, spin, spin

Any average observer of the human condition can tell that President Trump is in a foul mood. Now, "you're fired" works at the Tower and on reality tv, but negotiating balance of power is proving more difficult. You, with zero originality, point to the Foxian dream of voter backlash. The democrats point to the hope of buyer's remorse. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio and swing voters within: more apt to react with "backlashian" indignation because of a Special Counsel, or more apt to feel buyer's remorse at the tweeting, fumbling, "let me rephrase" don.

Time will tell. For the person who enjoys the political process, it is fascinating.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Spin, spin, spin

Any average observer of the human condition can tell that President Trump is in a foul mood. Now, "you're fired" works at the Tower and on reality tv, but negotiating balance of power is proving more difficult. You, with zero originality, point to the Foxian dream of voter backlash. The democrats point to the hope of buyer's remorse. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio and swing voters within: more apt to react with "backlashian" indignation because of a Special Counsel, or more apt to feel buyer's remorse at the tweeting, fumbling, "let me rephrase" don.

Time will tell. For the person who enjoys the political process, it is fascinating.

The average observer has al least some objectivity about him, you don't. Therefore you cannot speak to what for you, would be such a high state of awareness.

Dems know they need to keep as many Deepstaters in place as possible if their efforts at subversion are to bear any fruit. They'll be fired at an ever increasing rate now that some of the judge issues have been dealt with, and they can't come too soon to suit me.

Quote on parrot.
TheRealThing Wrote:The average observer has al least some objectivity about him, you don't. Therefore you cannot speak to what for you, would be such a high state of awareness.

Dems know they need to keep as many Deepstaters in place as possible if their efforts at subversion are to bear any fruit. They'll be fired at an ever increasing rate now that some of the judge issues have been dealt with, and they can't come too soon to suit me.

Quote on parrot.

"Deep state"... and I'm the parrot? What a swollen-headed, deluded hypocrite.
Trump needs to fire every democrat and get rid of the crybaby losers who are more for destroy America than help it.
All because Hillary lost
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Deep state"... and I'm the parrot? What a swollen-headed, deluded hypocrite.

I don't know you tell me? You're the one who said "Quoth the parrot" and then proceeded to make your quote. But you need to settle down, your audience are all in your head and heaven knows, you've proven that to be a sanctuary in which I'd never care to tread.

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Quoth the parrot: "Bob!! Put on your cap!"

Now, you tell me what this means. ^^
diceman Wrote:Trump needs to fire every democrat and get rid of the crybaby losers who are more for destroy America than help it.
All because Hillary lost

He'll get busy here soon. I just hope the environment is up for the challenge because when that toilet gets flushed, things will be foul for a while. :flush:
TheRealThing Wrote:I don't know you tell me? You're the one who said "Quoth the parrot" and then proceeded to make your quote. But you need to settle down, your audience are all in your head and heaven knows, you've proven that to be a sanctuary in which I'd never care to tread.

Now, you tell me what this means. ^^

The assumption that author is persona is an illiteracy you need to address.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The assumption that author is persona is an illiteracy you need to address.

TheRealThing Wrote:Bull.

Nah, you're the bull, and, turns out you'll charge any red cloth that exposes that colossal swollen ego of yours. Senor Bullcrappicus, self-anointed legend, persona con shattica, our very own TRT. Now there's an introduction you can come out with arms thrust upward. Own it. Live it. Love it.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Nah, you're the bull, and, turns out you'll charge any red cloth that exposes that colossal swollen ego of yours. Senor Bullcrappicus, self-anointed legend, persona con shattica, our very own TRT. Now there's an introduction you can come out with arms thrust upward. Own it. Live it. Love it.

Thanks, and I know you're obsessed with me, but I don't need any introduction. The thing is as I said, you somehow manage to pin yourself to the mat, prefacing your coming quote with the phrase "Quoth the parrot." That's a cannon ball you just can't dodge. No less deterred, and though this particular incoming is by your own hand no less, you proceed try and do so anyway. Thusly reducing you to the unhappy state of fighting with yourself. LOL, at this point you have circumvented the circular firing squad and put the gun to your own head. But hey, if you're born to make yourself look small there's nothing I can do about it, right?
TheRealThing Wrote:Thanks, and I know you're obsessed with me, but I don't need any introduction. The thing is as I said, you somehow manage to pin yourself to the mat, prefacing your coming quote with the phrase "Quoth the parrot." That's a cannon ball you just can't dodge. No less deterred, and though this particular incoming is by your own hand no less, you proceed try and do so anyway. Thusly reducing you to the unhappy state of fighting with yourself. LOL, at this point you have circumvented the circular firing squad and put the gun to your own head. But hey, if you're born to make yourself look small there's nothing I can do about it, right?

What was it you said, "Certifiable." Then I read this post. What a rube. You are a tool, TRT.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:What was it you said, "Certifiable." Then I read this post. What a rube. You are a tool, TRT.

LOL, I got you foaming at the mouth though, don't I? Toddle off and have a group therapy session with yourself and try to pull it back together there legion. :thatsfunn
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, I got you foaming at the mouth though, don't I? Toddle off and have a group therapy session with yourself and try to pull it back together there legion. :thatsfunn

You are a legend in your own mind. "Foaming at the mouth?"
And, what is it you said, "certifiable." Just how big is your inferiority complex?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You are a legend in your own mind. "Foaming at the mouth?"
And, what is it you said, "certifiable." Just how big is your inferiority complex?

Again, for lack of imagination or more likely out of desperation, the projection beset parrot tries to get himself up off the mat using the old "I know you are but what am I" counter move. Didn't work.
TheRealThing Wrote:Again, for lack of imagination or more likely out of desperation, the projection beset parrot tries to get himself up off the mat using the old "I know you are but what am I" counter move. Didn't work.

Again, and again, and again, in true Forum Boy fashion, you parade around, arms thrust upward, proclaiming, self-proclaiming. Whatever you need, peacock, to fluff up that little invented world you live in.

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