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Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump
Donald Trump's Presidential Job Approval Ratings

Approval rating Dates
Most recent weekly average 38 May 8-14, 2017 Term average to date 41 Jan 20, 2017-present High point, weekly average 45 Jan 20-29, 2017 Low point, weekly average 38 Mar 27-Apr 2, 2017 and May 8-14, 2017 High point, three-day average 46 twice; last on Jan 23-25, 2017 Low point, three-day average 35 Mar 26-28, 2017

Has anyone ever been called and asked what they think on this topic?

I find 38 somewhat high.
Are those the same polling outfits that said he didn't have a prayer of winning the election?
Bob Seger Wrote:Are those the same polling outfits that said he didn't have a prayer of winning the election?

Those polls included information gathered by the Mohammed Ali Center, a robust and courageous action group based in Louisville.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Those polls included information gathered by the Mohammed Ali Center, a robust and courageous action group based in Louisville.

That no doubt, got the election wrong too?
Bob Seger Wrote:That no doubt, got the election wrong too?

They actually predicted Trump would rock the white vote in big enough numbers to gain electoral college victory.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:They actually predicted Trump would rock the white vote in big enough numbers to gain electoral college victory.

Oh, I see..So the Cassius Clay Fan Club thought that Trump and his party was smarter than the corrupt idiotic party led by the corrupt idiotic woman that he was running against, who had no message other than she thought that perverted weirdo men should be able to flop their weenies around in the same bathrooms as 10 year old little girls...I know that NEWCATHFAN is all for legalized perversion, as it's a subject that's near and dear to his heart. Apparently you are fascinated by perverted weirdo men's weenies too.

But alas, knowing how deeply your hatred for white folks runs, leave it to the master racist to make it all about being racist. I know that's the subject that's near and dear to your heart. Why you even make a hero out of a chicken shit who would not support and defend the very country and system who gave him the freedom to become a millionaire by beating up on the white folks that he hated so much..In other words, a racist coward....You all kin?
Bob Seger Wrote:Oh, I see..So the Cassius Clay Fan Club thought that Trump and his party was smarter than the corrupt idiotic party led by the corrupt idiotic woman that he was running against, who had no message other than she thought that perverted weirdo men should be able to flop their weenies around in the same bathrooms as 10 year old little girls...I know that NEWCATHFAN is all for legalized perversion, as it's a subject that's near and dear to his heart. Apparently you are fascinated by perverted weirdo men's weenies too.

But alas, knowing how deeply your hatred for white folks runs, leave it to the master racist to make it all about being racist. I know that's the subject that's near and dear to your heart. Why you even make a hero out of a chicken shit who would not support and defend the very country and system who gave him the freedom to become a millionaire by beating up on the white folks that he hated so much..In other words, a racist coward....You all kin?

You angry little man. You're lucky a Mod doesn't throw your old, tired, venomous backside off here. If "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks," (and it does), your big yapper just prophesied rot.

Here I thought we were joking back and forth about Ali. Since there is no poll taking Mohammed Ali Foundation, I figured you knew it was a big romp. And, even if it wasn't, it WAS white folks in Wisconsin, in Michigan, in Pennsylvania that put Trump over the top. That's not racist or race baiting to say. It's fact. Your comments on perversion and cowardice deserve silence...and censure.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You angry little man. You're lucky a Mod doesn't throw your old, tired, venomous backside off here. If "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks," (and it does), your big yapper just prophesied rot.

Here I thought we were joking back and forth about Ali. Since there is no poll taking Mohammed Ali Foundation, I figured you knew it was a big romp. And, even if it wasn't, it WAS white folks in Wisconsin, in Michigan, in Pennsylvania that put Trump over the top. That's not racist or race baiting to say. It's fact. Your comments on perversion and cowardice deserve silence...and censure.

Ah the truth, how painful and to the quick it doth run?

You know , I've thought about quoting the "out of the overflow"......statement myself on many occasions when you go into one of your racist rants....It just seemed fitting.

Lighten up, Leroy!!
Bob Seger Wrote:Ah the truth, how painful and to the quick it doth run?

You know , I've thought about quoting the "out of the overflow"......statement myself on many occasions when you go into one of your racist rants....It just seemed fitting.

Lighten up, Leroy!!

In STRIPES, it was "lighten up, Francis." I realize you and TRT believe you are illumined with divine truth. And, when you all start down that line, it doth not profit, and some folks say, "Quick, run."
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:In STRIPES, it was "lighten up, Francis." I realize you and TRT believe you are illumined with divine truth. And, when you all start down that line, it doth not profit, and some folks say, "Quick, run."

Well on BGR, it is "lighten up Leroy"...."lighten" and "LeRoy", both start with an L...Gives it sort of a rhythmic twang, don't it?

Some folks say a lot of things, Geraldo...We all put up with you and your racist innuendos, don't we?
Bob Seger Wrote:Well on BGR, it is "lighten up Leroy"....lighten and LeRoy, both start with an L...Gives it sort of a rhythmic twang.

Some folks say a lot of things, Geraldo...We all put up with you and your racist innuendos, don't we?

In STRIPES, it was "Lighten up, Francis."

Well, Bob, given American history, Trail of Tears, slavery, Jim Crow laws, scapegoating of immigrants, Rodney King cops trial, right on up to today, I'd say the American story on race and ethnicity chugs up a lot to think about in human nature. Not just one color's nature, but human nature.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:In STRIPES, it was "Lighten up, Francis."

Well, Bob, given American history, Trail of Tears, slavery, Jim Crow laws, scapegoating of immigrants, Rodney King cops trial, right on up to today, I'd say the American story on race and ethnicity chugs up a lot to think about in human nature. Not just one color's nature, but human nature.

Go ahead and live in your Stripes world if you want, that's all Hollywood make believe...This is BGR, and this is the real world.:zzz:
Bob Seger Wrote:Go ahead and live in your Stripes world if you want, that's all Hollywood make believe...This is BGR, and this is the real world.:zzz:

STRIPES was funny. BGR can be funny. I guess the self-appointed "illumined ones" do THINK they own the right to define the "real world." You can just play in the sandbox with TRT on that one.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:STRIPES was funny. BGR can be funny. I guess the self-appointed "illumined ones" do THINK they own the right to define the "real world." You can just play in the sandbox with TRT on that one.

All I did was to get up to pee..I didn't realize that when I made one last parting shot before going back to bed that you lurked on here 24/

I'm going back to bed, I have to be fresh as a daisy when I go out to slay the dragon later on today.
Bob Seger Wrote:All I did was to get up to pee..I didn't realize that when I made one last parting shot before going back to bed that you lurked on here 24/

I'm going back to bed, I have to be fresh as a daisy when I go out to slay the dragon later on today.

Some folk work different shifts. Put on a happy face, Bob, and dazzle 'em today.

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