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Hey Hey Hey--- Goodbye!
House Dems taunted Republicans after they passed the bill on healthcare, chanting goodbye as if the Republicans had just assured themselves loss of the House majority. But this isn't 1993 and a liberal named Bill Clinton is not President. And if the Senate can get their act together and pass the measure, folks will soon realize they're better off.

I see passage of the bill as an improvement not a reversal of the ACA as signed in 2010, and for the present ObamaCare is still the law. Dems claim that 24 million Americans depend on ObamaCare. The truth is of that claimed number, the vast majority are in the Medicaid expansion which is totally taxpayer funded, and north of 84% of the rest of them receive some sort of government provided subsidy or they likely would not be part of the equation at all. In other words, the government forces other people to pay for these folks' health care. If anywhere near 24 million people are involved, there's no wonder why reforming ACA is such a headache. How does one hide such an immense taxpayer outlay and still lower premiums? I can see where that would be an extremely daunting task. Once the Dems rammed ACA through taxpayers were royally had anyway, not to mention how the last administration pulled out every trick in the political hat and spent billions in advertising and bribes to get people to sign up.

I have always said I believed the push for universal health care was more of a social reckoning (tuned to the liberal palate) than any act of compassion. The middle class have been largely gutted, because as far as I can tell the rash of mortgage re-fi's over the past decade stand in testament to a lack of personal savings accounts. And the really bad news? There's nothing left for middle class taxpayers to hock, and government is still demanding more tax dollars to dole out. Sources vary, but 80% of working Americans now live from paycheck to paycheck. Any little hiccup and it's a budget busting disaster. Thus, they pay their crushing health insurance premiums but only because they have to. And when they get sick or some other health related issue pops up, they many times decide not to go to the doctor because they simply do not have the money to cover the whopping shortfalls.

Health reform, tax reform, and regulatory roll-back are all that are necessary to guarantee the Republicans will be returned to the majority in 2018. But never underestimate the liberal propensity for self delusion, as they have clearly been in a state of denial since at least 2010. I don't know maybe Dems think they're at a basketball game, but I say go ahead and sing. I know how I'll be voting and it certainly won't be for some Dimmocrat. Confusednicker:
I wish republicans would leave Obamacare alone and let it run its course and destroy American
Lives and bankrupt all who supported it. Then maybe they could see just how stupid democrats are.
diceman Wrote:I wish republicans would leave Obamacare alone and let it run its course and destroy American
Lives and bankrupt all who supported it. Then maybe they could see just how stupid democrats are.

Oh I grant you that Dems don't score the top marks, but even in their blundering around they managed to hurt those who vote against them, and that's the real problem. And since Republicans are tripping over themselves to keep much of the mandate in force, the Dems should be proud of themselves.

The simple definition of insurance goes as follows; "a group of people sharing a risk." If you own a home, the odds are good that it will not burn down at some point. However, on the off chance that it does, you need somehow to hedge your bet. So you join with thousands of other home owners to jointly share that risk in buying insurance. The end result is for the few to whom a fire actually does happen, their house is covered and all it costs them to rebuild is the insurance premiums they've already paid. It's a good deal. But it would be a terrible deal if Democrats do to it (property and casualty insurance) what they did to health insurance. It would be grossly unfair to all the folks who pay for homeowner's insurance if a certain minority were allowed to buy fire insurance after their house burned down. Those continuing premiums coming in to the insurance company are what fund the losses of those who have claims. In other words, if you're standing there with your house already burned down to the ground, according to Democrats, that's a pre-existing condition.

Now, nobody's minimizing the terrible tragedy a sick person is forced to face. But let's face it, if they're ill, all insurance means for them is a way to force well people to bear the cost of their misfortune. Those who ail are to be pitied and prayed for, it's a bad situation and I hate it. But well people are not morally responsible for the care of the sick around them. Some are sick because they live like there's no tomorrow, some are addicts, others just eat too much. None the less prior to ObamaCare, these folks still got treatment. Now however, the sky is the limit and IMHO, this is another flood gate of entitlement on the order of foodstamps. If one has pre-existing conditions how then could he reasonably expect to quality for health insurance? In the case of ObamaCare, what we're really saying is if a person is sick the federal government guarantees he will be cared for. Which means the taxpayers pay for their medical costs.

The middle class and the so-called rich are forced by the ObamaCare mandate to shoulder the medical costs of everybody who whether by choice or circumstance, can't afford to pay for their care. It is another wealth redistribution scheme adorned in the guise of moral responsibility. And the unfortunate irony of it is as I have said, paying so much for others many times means going without care for one's self for lack of money.
⬆ See Warren Buffet's take on the DonRyan plan. Those who reject Darwinism at one level, then embrace it at another: amusing.
Outside of trading stocks who really cares what Warren Buffett thinks? If he wants to help let him get his sizable checkbook out. You and Maxine Waters just have your noses in a snit because your hero's lunacies have been largely neutralized by Mr Trump. Ah, breath in that fresh air!!!
TheRealThing Wrote:Outside of trading stocks who really cares what Warren Buffett thinks? If he wants to help let him get his sizable checkbook out. You and Maxine Waters just have your noses in a snit because your hero's lunacies have been largely neutralized by Mr Trump. Ah, breath in that fresh air!!!


"He's my brother. See him with the Don. You give money my brother; we give green card."

TRT, you are Patti Partisan V.I.P. of the year, eh, decade on BGR.

How do the rich get richer? Smarter? More savvy? Eh, maybe. More well connected? Definitely. Willing to break "little ol' rules"? Sure. Step off, TRT. What a homer.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:AMERICA FOR SALE

"He's my brother. See him with the Don. You give money my brother; we give green card."

TRT, you are Patti Partisan V.I.P. of the year, eh, decade on BGR.

How do the rich get richer? Smarter? More savvy? Eh, maybe. More well connected? Definitely. Willing to break "little ol' rules"? Sure. Step off, TRT. What a homer.

I'd have to step off for you to have any hope to ever win a point, much less a debate.

But again, it's like I've told you in times past. Though woefully ill equipped and ill informed, you do serve a purpose in giving me opportunities to write about things on which I like to set the record straight. Warren Buffett is an avid Hillary supporter, and to that end you and he have something in common. He will likely be planted with the spring crops before another Democrat sits the captain's chair, and you'll have wasted and lot of time and money on therapy.
TheRealThing Wrote:I'd have to step off for you to have any hope to ever win a point, much less a debate.

But again, it's like I've told you in times past. Though woefully ill equipped and ill informed, you do serve a purpose in giving me opportunities to write about things on which I like to set the record straight. Warren Buffett is an avid Hillary supporter, and to that end you and he have something in common. He will likely be planted with the spring crops before another Democrat sits the captain's chair, and you'll have wasted and lot of time and money on therapy.

You're a regular legend in your own mind. Warren Buffet pegged the tax ramifications of the DonRyan plan. Basically, it seems, the majority of Americans don't like it when Big Insurance puts the big squeeze on folks of modest to small incomes, letting them waste away in the hinterlands of "no coverage for you." I imagine the Senate GOP'ers will rewrite the DonRyan plan. Keep yapping small dog. The sound of your whimpers bouncing around in that head of yours must echo back to you as "Big Woof" talking. You are entertaining.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You're a regular legend in your own mind. Warren Buffet pegged the tax ramifications of the DonRyan plan. Basically, it seems, the majority of Americans don't like it when Big Insurance puts the big squeeze on folks of modest to small incomes, letting them waste away in the hinterlands of "no coverage for you." I imagine the Senate GOP'ers will rewrite the DonRyan plan. Keep yapping small dog. The sound of your whimpers bouncing around in that head of yours must echo back to you as "Big Woof" talking. You are entertaining.

Having fallen yet deeper into the abyss of projection, you have succeeded in convincing only yourself and Gitback that your illness is not your own.

I said Warren Buffett is an avid Hillary supporter. I should have said that he is a rabid Hillary supporter which BTW, drops him from valedictorian status in my mind. Hillary and her liar-in-chief boss, legends in YOUR mind, went to the insurance companies to get the ACA written in the first place. Now you're on here, ever in defense of everything liberal, blaming insurance companies for what Obama asked of them while letting him off completely. And in the typically extrapolated dishonesty of which liberals are so adept, trying to shift the blame and slam Republicans who're the only ones in government trying to dig the middle class out of what has become an avalanche of debt. Debt the record demonstrates to be the Republican forecasted attribution of the collaborative and exclusively unholy alliance of Obama led Dems and his conscripted insurance companies, which saddled working folks with the miseries of those who are the non-contributors in this society. The informal moniker of which 'the people' unaffectionately yet artfully dubbed, ObamaCare.

I would try to further explain to you how absurd your mutually exclusive argument really is, is. But then, since your many posts so clearly demonstrate your long held captivity to your own delusions, why bother? Everybody else can see, and thanks for providing the stark contrast needed to highlight lucidity.
TheRealThing Wrote:Having fallen yet deeper into the abyss of projection, you have succeeded in convincing only yourself and Gitback that your illness is not your own.

I said Warren Buffett is an avid Hillary supporter. I should have said that he is a rabid Hillary supporter which BTW, drops him from valedictorian status in my mind. Hillary and her liar-in-chief boss, legends in YOUR mind, went to the insurance companies to get the ACA written in the first place. Now you're on here, ever in defense of everything liberal, blaming insurance companies for what Obama asked of them while letting him off completely. And in the typically extrapolated dishonesty of which liberals are so adept, trying to shift the blame and slam Republicans who're the only ones in government trying to dig the middle class out of what has become an avalanche of debt. Debt the record demonstrates to be the Republican forecasted attribution of the collaborative and exclusively unholy alliance of Obama led Dems and his conscripted insurance companies, which saddled working folks with the miseries of those who are the non-contributors in this society. The informal moniker of which 'the people' unaffectionately yet artfully dubbed, ObamaCare.

I would try to further explain to you how absurd your mutually exclusive argument really is, is. But then, since your many posts so clearly demonstrate your long held captivity to your own delusions, why bother? Everybody else can see, and thanks for providing the stark contrast needed to highlight lucidity.

Silent only you can hear it. NOWHERE do I claim the overwhelming mass of Democratic leadership is somehow immune to the big donor wooing of Big Insurance. I do not share your disdain for those with pre-existing conditions, even if those maladies be attributable to smokes and Big Macs and Budweisers. NOWHERE do I claim that the Affordable Care Act was some sort of panacea. NOWHERE do I claim that President Obama was somehow the patron saint of the American healthcare system. You INVENT such and then dance around the ring, ego thrust upward, like some kind of puffed up imbecile. In fact, I hope that the G.O.P. group of 13 (foolish not to have Susan Collins included) will forge a bill that corrects House blunders, leaves in place positive aspects of "Obamacare," and solves weaknesses, or eradicates them. You seem just enamored with the "trickle down" theory of taxation and economic policy. I do not share your enthusiasm. You certainly do a lot of explaining, LENGTHY diatribes. So be it. Arms and ego thrust skyward, you bounce along.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Silent only you can hear it. NOWHERE do I claim the overwhelming mass of Democratic leadership is somehow immune to the big donor wooing of Big Insurance. I do not share your disdain for those with pre-existing conditions, even if those maladies be attributable to smokes and Big Macs and Budweisers. NOWHERE do I claim that the Affordable Care Act was some sort of panacea. NOWHERE do I claim that President Obama was somehow the patron saint of the American healthcare system. You INVENT such and then dance around the ring, ego thrust upward, like some kind of puffed up imbecile. In fact, I hope that the G.O.P. group of 13 (foolish not to have Susan Collins included) will forge a bill that corrects House blunders, leaves in place positive aspects of "Obamacare," and solves weaknesses, or eradicates them. You seem just enamored with the "trickle down" theory of taxation and economic policy. I do not share your enthusiasm. You certainly do a lot of explaining, LENGTHY diatribes. So be it. Arms and ego thrust skyward, you bounce along.

NOWHERE do you know what you're talking about, don't forget that one. And BTW, try Googling the DonRyan plan and see if anything comes up while you're at it.

ObamaCare has not much to do with actual health care. ObamaCare is insurance. Notwithstanding, your argument is then based on ignorance or is an outright deception. As I said, Democrat conscripted insurance companies were pressed into the service of actually writing the ACA. The only invention I see here are your ridiculous attempts to defend the last administration. I don't have an ax to grind with Jimmy Kimmel and I hope his son does just fine. But yours and Kimmel's arguments are different faces of the same dodge. The parents of any baby born into this life in an American hospital, may be assured that their child would receive the necessary care regardless of their financial state of affairs or lack of medical insurance. And the disdain with which you ARE afflicted is the result of an infection called liberalism. Collision Insurance typically, is not sold to people who've already been involved in an accident, likewise with an already burned down house, or a guy who weighs 375 pounds and has come under threat of coronary and pulmonary issues.

Preexisting conditions are coverage after the fact, but even though you can't actually explain your opposition, I know you just feel so strongly about it. But in view of the fact that the House version of the bill is now on it's way to the Senate, as has been reported on now without respite since the moment of it's passage, it is truly remarkable you would feel compelled to point that out to the rest of us. :thanks:

Unlike the daily fare of La-La Landers, at least the things I am enamored with have the notable distinction of having actually happened.
TheRealThing Wrote:NOWHERE do you know what you're talking about, don't forget that one. And BTW, try Googling the DonRyan plan and see if anything comes up while you're at it.

ObamaCare has not much to do with actual health care. ObamaCare is insurance. Notwithstanding, your argument is then based on ignorance or is an outright deception. As I said, Democrat conscripted insurance companies were pressed into the service of actually writing the ACA. The only invention I see here are your ridiculous attempts to defend the last administration. I don't have an ax to grind with Jimmy Kimmel and I hope his son does just fine. But yours and Kimmel's arguments are different faces of the same dodge. The parents of any baby born into this life in an American hospital, may be assured that their child would receive the necessary care regardless of their financial state of affairs or lack of medical insurance. And the disdain with which you ARE afflicted is the result of an infection called liberalism. Collision Insurance typically, is not sold to people who've already been involved in an accident, likewise with an already burned down house, or a guy who weighs 375 pounds and has come under threat of coronary and pulmonary issues.

Preexisting conditions are coverage after the fact, but even though you can't actually explain your opposition, I know you just feel so strongly about it. But in view of the fact that the House version of the bill is now on it's way to the Senate, as has been reported on now without respite since the moment of it's passage, it is truly remarkable you would feel compelled to point that out to the rest of us. :thanks:

Unlike the daily fare of La-La Landers, at least the things I am enamored with have the notable distinction of having actually happened.

I have come to believe you are enamored with yourself.

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