03-09-2017, 05:32 PM
What Middle School Football Conferences are currently out there, and what teams are in them. Post below, Thanks.
03-09-2017, 05:48 PM
Jefferson County Public School Football Conference
Varsity teams:
Johnson Traditional
Olmsted North
JV (6th/7th grade) Teams
Varsity teams:
Johnson Traditional
Olmsted North
JV (6th/7th grade) Teams
03-09-2017, 09:16 PM
Why are we changing conferences around
03-10-2017, 02:15 AM
What conference new Harlan in
03-10-2017, 04:16 AM
Not sure but be careful if you'll beat up on a couple teams apparently you recruit kids, and get messed over by kymsfa
03-10-2017, 04:29 AM
How so?
03-10-2017, 06:19 AM
They let teams start new conference after the schedules were made out and left 4 teams setting on the bums scratching there heads, trying to figure out what to do for there town and programs.
03-10-2017, 07:40 AM
I wouldn't blame kymsfa, it's on those teams. Which speaking of new conferences and teams, the newest powerhouse conference in region 4 hasn't been announced.
Southeastern Kentucky Cupcake Conference:
North Laurel
South Laurel
Whitley County
Clay County
At the end of the season all five teams meet up, sing kumbaya, and give out participation trophies. Meanwhile the coaches gather and come up with conspiracy theories about how their kids are being recruited. Also if you win this conference two years in a row then you're kicked out.
Southeastern Kentucky Cupcake Conference:
North Laurel
South Laurel
Whitley County
Clay County
At the end of the season all five teams meet up, sing kumbaya, and give out participation trophies. Meanwhile the coaches gather and come up with conspiracy theories about how their kids are being recruited. Also if you win this conference two years in a row then you're kicked out.
03-10-2017, 07:54 AM
Since this is they way they want it put all other teams that were screwed over in a conference and seed winner of cupcake play the winner of misfits for a play in game
03-10-2017, 08:02 AM
Bossdaddy Wrote:Since this is they way they want it put all other teams that were screwed over in a conference and seed winner of cupcake play the winner of misfits for a play in game
Make it like the sec, east and west. I am sure the four that got short changed will give out pacifiers to the opposition
03-10-2017, 01:45 PM
Bossdaddy Wrote:They let teams start new conference after the schedules were made out and left 4 teams setting on the bums scratching there heads, trying to figure out what to do for there town and programs.
KYMSFA has nothing to do with conferences and how teams align for the regular season.
03-10-2017, 02:03 PM
I was about to say the same thing. The association has nothing to do with what teams are in what conference or if they stay in that conference.
They might not have had a say in it but, since the conference was in agreement until last minute and schedules had supposedly been agreed on couldn't kmsfa force them to honor this year. That way teams would be pressured for games to get points for playoffs. Not saying anyone of them would win state but I feel all four are proven winners in past. Is kmsfa going to give these programs a pass on the points and let them just be in tourney? That's what is upsetting, this is for the kids and now other than the coaches and families these kids may be robbed to opportunity to compete for state championship final year of middle school. These coaches are suppose to be mentors to our children and by not keeping there obligations what does that teach them. If a coach has a problem with another coach the coaches should set down with kmsfa and all work out issues and not penalize the kids. Honestly I have no problem with kmsfa, I may have been wrong but they are still the enforcer of the rules and should step in and make these schools honor commitments this season and next season everyone know where they stand so the teams left behind will have the same time as others to manage there programs.
03-10-2017, 06:05 PM
The association cant force anything on a conference. If you have your schedule turned in, then you can/could have marked it as a forfeit if the team decided to not play after the schedule turn in date.
So you would like the association to be a "Peer mediator" between coaches when they have a dispute? This would take a whole new department to handle this.
What should happen is you sign a contract with each team you plan to play and turn schedule in when its due to be turned in. If a team backs out, don't schedule them again and put it in as a forfeit.
So you would like the association to be a "Peer mediator" between coaches when they have a dispute? This would take a whole new department to handle this.
What should happen is you sign a contract with each team you plan to play and turn schedule in when its due to be turned in. If a team backs out, don't schedule them again and put it in as a forfeit.
03-10-2017, 06:18 PM
Not a peer mediator but at the coaches clinic, handle complaints. Let them voice there situation and make it mandatory that every team that participates attend, so the other coach can respond. If no complaints see you next year at the clinic, any complaints you do the, once a year. Other than that I agree with your last statement don't reschedule. I understand you can't force any conference issue, but this was a snake in the grass move that happened. I don't see how kmsfa who is over the playoff system can't have some kinda say in this situation. It was blatantly premeditated smack in the face to the programs, kids, and whole middle school football program.
03-10-2017, 06:35 PM
Long term this will be better though, it gets two or three cupcakes off the schedule. It will be tough to fill out a schedule this season, but long term they will be able to compete against tougher competition.
03-10-2017, 06:46 PM
I agree, but the four left out due to past success shouldnt have to travel multiple hours away for games. Also that statement means khsaa should for example tell Corbin hey since your district is down at the moment when need you to play private schools and spend more of your budget on travel expenses to make you better. District is district you can't help that that's why you have off weeks to schedule tougher competition to make you better.
03-10-2017, 07:12 PM
I agree, just trying to see the glass half full.
03-10-2017, 07:13 PM
Maybe we can do worse and these local teams will play us again when our kids grades fall and they sleep in class and get suspended from the team due to all the extra travel and late nights during the school week. I suppose that will give the other schools a moral victory and help rebuild there confidence since there coaches are basically telling them there not as good as northern Pulaski, Meece, Knox, and Corbin.
03-10-2017, 07:16 PM
Single wing my complaint is not meant to be directed at you, I just hate this for the kids. They always seem to be forgotten when adults get to involved
03-10-2017, 07:48 PM
I agree completely Bossdaddy, the kids should most definitely come first. Too many times it's tarnished by adults.
03-10-2017, 08:22 PM
I have to ask this question (Think I already can guess the answer)
For those that were in the "Old Conference" Which I believe was:
North laurel
South Laurel
Was there nothing in your bylaws about teams exiting the conference? or dissolution of the conference to form a new conference?
For those that were in the "Old Conference" Which I believe was:
North laurel
South Laurel
Was there nothing in your bylaws about teams exiting the conference? or dissolution of the conference to form a new conference?
03-10-2017, 08:59 PM
So, why did the four teams get kicked out? Didn't it have something to do with Corbin recruiting North and South Middle School players? But, I heard that North had tried to recruit a South player.
03-10-2017, 10:44 PM
If Corbin recruited a middle school player that is the first I have heard, and I would have heard. There was a kid that transferred to Corbin after his brother did and his sister also came to Corbin. But that kid is only going to be in sixth grade. So I am pretty sure they didn't recruit him to play rec league for a year and then join middle school team in the seventh grade.
03-10-2017, 10:47 PM
I believe old conference was clay, northern, southwestern, Meece, north laurel, south laurel, Corbin, Whitley. I am not sure about the bylaws.
03-11-2017, 12:51 AM
Bossdaddy Wrote:I believe old conference was clay, northern, southwestern, Meece, north laurel, south laurel, Corbin, Whitley. I am not sure about the bylaws.
Conference was Corbin, North, South, Clay, and Meece.
03-11-2017, 01:19 AM
Glad everyone is posting the conference they are in (or use to be in)
03-11-2017, 08:09 PM
This new conference was formed from the weaker teams in two conferences. One consisted of Corbin, meece, clay, South Laurel , and north laurel. The other consisted of Northern Pulaski, Knox County, Whitley County and Southern Pulaski. Their may have been another team or two but I'm not sure. Someone from that conference would have to fill us in on that. The top two teams from each conference got left out in the cold, while the bottom two or three ran to this new conference. Corbin is getting the blame for it, but it is obviously an effort to schedule a winning season/conference championship for some. Which I don't understand. If you win this conference what have you truly accomplished? If you won one of the old conferences then you had something to really be proud of. Just my opinion though. Also want to state that my frustration is with the coaches, not the players. Best of luck to all the players on these respective teams.
03-11-2017, 10:31 PM
It's funny that SOMERSET the team that won both the eight grade and seventh grade conference championship in 2015 and Corbin the team that won both the eight grade and seventh grade conference championship in 2016 were the ones left out.
My guess is north.south and clay got tired of getting beat by smaller schools.
Picked up a terrible southern team and whitley co.
Makes you wonder!!
My guess is north.south and clay got tired of getting beat by smaller schools.
Picked up a terrible southern team and whitley co.
Makes you wonder!!
03-12-2017, 03:10 AM
Bandit57 and single wing thank you for seeing my point, this was premeditated move to mess the stronger teams out of the state tournament. The conference championship doesn't mean squat, but the games do. The teams left behind now will not have enough points to be eligible for state tourney. They won't have the points because these schools scheduled games to tie up these teams schedules and secretly had there secret conference and there real schedule so now these other teams don't have time to schedule games to earn enough points for state. That is why I think kmsfa should step in, not because these successful programs won't win a conference championship that is worth a pic and a write up in the local newspaper. It is all about the state tourney. These kids were robbed the opportunity to play for a state championship there final year off middle school. It is far to many times we penalize the success of some because of jealous and spite from others. Not saying these other schools didn't but in the time these others have or worked any less, but the legacy of these winning programs makes these kids a victim of past success. I guess that's why there high school programs are top notch as well because obviously northern has been a top notch program and in the hunt for 5a title and Corbin is there fighting for a 3a title almost every year. When are the regulator ever going to defend instead of penalize success and stop rewarding this spoiled, snake in the grass actions of these jealous coaches that are supposed to be mentors of the youth. This was a blatant move by some to exploit the middle school football association and honestly possibly took out 4 of the top 8th grade contenders from the state tourney this year biased on last years results from 7th grade. So I ask what will the association do to help the victims of this scam.
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