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03-05-2017, 03:01 PM
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Ive moved a couple of Vectors post referring to Granny Bear.
Ill let her decide what she wants to do with them.
In the meantime, talk like that again Vector, youll be on the sideline.
Thank you for your consideration Gut. I really appreciate it.
I don't care what you do with those two posts. If you move those back, it will show how clueless and classless vector really is. However, it may offend some people if you do move them. It does not offend me. I already know how clueless and classless vector is.
03-05-2017, 03:19 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Deflectgate"
The use of Twitter in the attemp to deflect a news story with wild, unsubstantiated accusation.
While you know exactly what you're talking about, right? :please:
You and vector are going to believe what you want to believe. There's something to DJT's tweets which will be revealed in due time. At that time however, instead of admitting your bias driven desires to see him brought down and apologizing, you will merely move on to the next media lie.
03-05-2017, 03:49 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:While you know exactly what you're talking about, right? :please:
You and vector are going to believe what you want to believe. There's something to DJT's tweets which will be revealed in due time. At that time however, instead of admitting your bias driven desires to see him brought down and apologizing, you will merely move on to the next media lie.
President Trump moves in the manner of a conspiracy theorist and propogandist, via Twitter, and, somehow, it's me believing what I want to believe. That's rich, TRT, even for a partisan.
03-05-2017, 04:23 PM
Maybe he's using Twitter to get news out that the media refuses to report.
Obamagate was reported on Fox, took a 3rd page line on CNN. For a long time, it wasn't even reported on the other news feeds.
Obamagate was reported on Fox, took a 3rd page line on CNN. For a long time, it wasn't even reported on the other news feeds.
03-05-2017, 04:40 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:President Trump moves in the manner of a conspiracy theorist and propogandist, via Twitter, and, somehow, it's me believing what I want to believe. That's rich, TRT, even for a partisan.
The Obama administration still occupies the same space in Washington DC, they just do it from a different address. Ben Rhodes still spins his administration's narrative and gives guidance to the lame stream media. While incredibly, former state department spokesperson Marie Harf and others, still haunt the Sunday Morning News shows, giving context to current events in exactly the same manner they did when their boss was in office. The only difference I can see is as I said, a change of address. From where I sit you have the legitimate government and as represented in the foregoing, the illegitimate government.
You were perfectly happy in following their lead back then, as you are obviously content to do now. Instead of gulping down Marie Harf's same old barf, you should be listening to folks like Mark Levin, who this morning laid out an overwhelming array of evidence which supports the true President's position on all this.
But please don't allow me to sway you, DJT needs the contrast between the truth and the narrative coming out of La-La Land to demonstrate adequately his relevance. And to that end you and your ilk are the gift that keeps on giving. :Thumbs:
03-05-2017, 10:43 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:The Obama administration still occupies the same space in Washington DC, they just do it from a different address. Ben Rhodes still spins his administration's narrative and gives guidance to the lame stream media. While incredibly, former state department spokesperson Marie Harf and others, still haunt the Sunday Morning News shows, giving context to current events in exactly the same manner they did when their boss was in office. The only difference I can see is as I said, a change of address. From where I sit you have the legitimate government and as represented in the foregoing, the illegitimate government.
You were perfectly happy in following their lead back then, as you are obviously content to do now. Instead of gulping down Marie Harf's same old barf, you should be listening to folks like Mark Levin, who this morning laid out an overwhelming array of evidence which supports the true President's position on all this.
But please don't allow me to sway you, DJT needs the contrast between the truth and the narrative coming out of La-La Land to demonstrate adequately his relevance. And to that end you and your ilk are the gift that keeps on giving. :Thumbs:
President Trump uses Twitter like a felon uses a best friend who provides alibi no matter what. TRT is like a child constantly saying "He did it too" to excuse improper behavior.
So far, on numerous occasions our President has placed us in the awkward position of our Commander-in-Chief using Vladimir Putin as an alibi-giving best buddy. Call it what you want, Patti Partisan, but it is what it is.
03-06-2017, 02:11 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:President Trump uses Twitter like a felon uses a best friend who provides alibi no matter what. TRT is like a child constantly saying "He did it too" to excuse improper behavior.
So far, on numerous occasions our President has placed us in the awkward position of our Commander-in-Chief using Vladimir Putin as an alibi-giving best buddy. Call it what you want, Patti Partisan, but it is what it is.
And you can dance on the head of that twitter pin all you want. The very same news organizations that are at this moment reporting that Trump is the conspiracy theorist-in-chief, are the very same that over the course of the past full year, reported the facts of the case as laid out by Mark Levin. (which facts begin to unfold in the spring of 2016 BTW) Mark served as chief of staff to Attorney General Ed Meese in the Reagan Justice Department. But why read about it when you can watch it?
I suggest that you or anyone who would like to in any way approach the matter objectively, will want to listen to the video more than once.
03-06-2017, 04:32 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:And you can dance on the head of that twitter pin all you want. The very same news organizations that are at this moment reporting that Trump is the conspiracy theorist-in-chief, are the very same that over the course of the past full year, reported the facts of the case as laid out by Mark Levin. (which facts begin to unfold in the spring of 2016 BTW) Mark served as chief of staff to Attorney General Ed Meese in the Reagan Justice Department. But why read about it when you can watch it?
I suggest that you or anyone who would like to in any way approach the matter objectively, will want to listen to the video more than once.
Approach the matter objectively? Why tune in to Comedy Central when one can receive such instruction from Patti Partisan?
President Trump often draws his own lampoons with his tweets. And, of course, he does not lack for "objective" defenders at every turn.
03-06-2017, 05:03 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Approach the matter objectively? Why tune in to Comedy Central when one can receive such instruction from Patti Partisan?
President Trump often draws his own lampoons with his tweets. And, of course, he does not lack for "objective" defenders at every turn.
Here's the short of it. Dems know they're in deeper trouble with the American electorate than at any time in modern history. Schumer and Pelosi have got to be the lamest two congressional leaders in my lifetime, and objective thinking Dems know things look bleak. And not only do they look bleak but possibly for 16 years hence. Thus they are desperate to bring down a President who looks poised to bring about positive change that they won't be able to spin their way out of. But the afore mentioned Tweedledum and Tweedledumber are not the only sources of entertainment, check out the following from Sen Chris Coons (D) DE.
On Friday, March 3, Democrat Senator Chris Coons told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that “there are transcripts” from wiretaps that exist showing then-candidate Donald Trump colluding with the “senior Russian political leaders, including Vladimir Putin.”
“I believe they exist,” Coons, who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told Mitchell about the transcripts of wiretapped phone calls by now President Donald Trump.
But just two days later, on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Coons sang a different tune and was forced to “apologize” after President Trump dropped the explosive announcement on Saturday that Obama wiretapped him during the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign against Obama-supported Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Now in the above, we see the kind of stupidity spoken out in the open air that media (and you) routinely run over top of on your way to sensationalizing a DJT tweet. Like I said, the country needs context and brother do you ever deliver. :Clap: Please do keep up the good work, and I just hope it all bothers you half as much as you act like it does.
03-06-2017, 05:12 AM
⬆ Subterfuge
For purpose of clarity: we are here discussing President Trump's tweeting a wiretapping of Trump Tower accusation at former President Obama.
I personally hope President Trump demonstrates the personal discipline to advance his agenda, though I disagree with parts of it. I do not see that the country is anything but hindered by a lot of his tweeting, and a lot of Republicans and members of his own staff agree. To win the big fights he needs to stay clear of a thousand little ones.
For purpose of clarity: we are here discussing President Trump's tweeting a wiretapping of Trump Tower accusation at former President Obama.
I personally hope President Trump demonstrates the personal discipline to advance his agenda, though I disagree with parts of it. I do not see that the country is anything but hindered by a lot of his tweeting, and a lot of Republicans and members of his own staff agree. To win the big fights he needs to stay clear of a thousand little ones.
03-06-2017, 06:56 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Subterfuge
For purpose of clarity: we are here discussing President Trump's tweeting a wiretapping of Trump Tower accusation at former President Obama.
I personally hope President Trump demonstrates the personal discipline to advance his agenda, though I disagree with parts of it. I do not see that the country is anything but hindered by a lot of his tweeting, and a lot of Republicans and members of his own staff agree. To win the big fights he needs to stay clear of a thousand little ones.
Yeah clarity is the issue, that's for sure and we both know you don't have the first clue if what Trump said is true or false. But this was your first statement on the matter,
"Deflectgate" The use of Twitter in the attemp to deflect a news story with wild, unsubstantiated accusation."
Mark Levin's comments alone blew that out of the water, and he's no Trump surrogate to be certain. You chose to totally sidestep his very lucid analysis, and as he said, the relative issue isn't the tweets, it's whether the tweets are founded in fact. He says they likely are, as do a number of other highly respected present and former officials of the Justice Department.
He also says the whole effort is meant to bring down a legitimately elected President. I'd say two FISA applications and covert ops to bring about the downfall of a President might just barely qualify as a big fight in the mind of most.
03-06-2017, 03:33 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah clarity is the issue, that's for sure and we both know you don't have the first clue if what Trump said is true or false. But this was your first statement on the matter,
"Deflectgate" The use of Twitter in the attemp to deflect a news story with wild, unsubstantiated accusation."
Mark Levin's comments alone blew that out of the water, and he's no Trump surrogate to be certain. You chose to totally sidestep his very lucid analysis, and as he said, the relative issue isn't the tweets, it's whether the tweets are founded in fact. He says they likely are, as do a number of other highly respected present and former officials of the Justice Department.
He also says the whole effort is meant to bring down a legitimately elected President. I'd say two FISA applications and covert ops to bring about the downfall of a President might just barely qualify as a big fight in the mind of most.
You cite Levin. Lucidity is not the test of accuracy. I realize President Trump's sleep- deprived tweeting is problematic for the rabid partisan; however, it is what it is. I do not believe irresponsible tweeting is cause for impeachment. I do believe it moves the Administration off message. Back in the day, rabid partisans shouted "impeachment" at Obama. Politics is rough business. Again, members of his own Administration dread with chagrin the President's tweeting.
03-06-2017, 04:46 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You cite Levin. Lucidity is not the test of accuracy. I realize President Trump's sleep- deprived tweeting is problematic for the rabid partisan; however, it is what it is. I do not believe irresponsible tweeting is cause for impeachment. I do believe it moves the Administration off message. Back in the day, rabid partisans shouted "impeachment" at Obama. Politics is rough business. Again, members of his own Administration dread with chagrin the President's tweeting.
Let me give you a baseball analogy. The team that gets swept in the world series argues they didn't really lose because the score doesn't matter. In fact they actually won, they say, and it's just up to the rest of the world to realize it too. Yeah, that's the ticket!
I don't mind running up the score on you, but after it's over, I refuse to argue with you about it until you have been sufficiently rehabilitated by same. And in your tossing around of the word rabid, I see that you've commandeered yet another of my favorite adjectives. Trump's likely intent with these tweets is to inform the people. As of this morning the American public are vastly more informed about the dirt digging efforts of the past Administration. Which BTW, were no doubt meant to benefit only Hillary.
It may be more the case to think Administration officials know for the short term, that in draining the swamp they may look more like Mike Rowe than they will the Reagan Administration. But better days are coming and Trump ran in part on his willingness to do the dirty work. At this point literally hundreds of people are out there on TV and various forms of media clarifying the situation, the vast majority of the details of which BTW, involved the past Administration.
But one thing is certain, the stonewalling and lack of transparency of the last 8 years will eventually come to light whether they like it or not.
03-06-2017, 06:25 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Let me give you a baseball analogy. The team that gets swept in the world series argues they didn't really lose because the score doesn't matter. In fact they actually won, they say, and it's just up to the rest of the world to realize it too. Yeah, that's the ticket!
I don't mind running up the score on you, but after it's over, I refuse to argue with you about it until you have been sufficiently rehabilitated by same. And in your tossing around of the word rabid, I see that you've commandeered yet another of my favorite adjectives. Trump's likely intent with these tweets is to inform the people. As of this morning the American public are vastly more informed about the dirt digging efforts of the past Administration. Which BTW, were no doubt meant to benefit only Hillary.
It may be more the case to think Administration officials know for the short term, that in draining the swamp they may look more like Mike Rowe than they will the Reagan Administration. But better days are coming and Trump ran in part on his willingness to do the dirty work. At this point literally hundreds of people are out there on TV and various forms of media clarifying the situation, the vast majority of the details of which BTW, involved the past Administration.
But one thing is certain, the stonewalling and lack of transparency of the last 8 years will eventually come to light whether they like it or not.
Here this, O self-congratulatory one: the media sources you most often cite are slanted themselves, despite your crowing about objectivity. A President got on Twitter, lobbed a serious accusation, then hid behind, "Wait and see." And you cheerlead for it. Then, in another baseball analogy, pat yourself on the back for knocking it out of the park. What a ho-hum laugher this is.
03-06-2017, 07:30 PM
So here is what we do know so far... campaign manager gone (russia ties), son-n-law met with Russia ambassador, Jeff Sessions step aside, all intelligence agencies have said Russia has tampered with election. There is one other person related to the DJT campaign that is no longer there that is connected to Russia. A cabinet member owns a bank in Crete, who the largest depositor is Putin. That is what we know for a fact.
Second, we know the DJT sent out a tweet accusing the Obama administration of wiretapping.
Third, no congressional hearings that I know about.
Second, we know the DJT sent out a tweet accusing the Obama administration of wiretapping.
Third, no congressional hearings that I know about.
03-06-2017, 07:37 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Here this, O self-congratulatory one: the media sources you most often cite are slanted themselves, despite your crowing about objectivity. A President got on Twitter, lobbed a serious accusation, then hid behind, "Wait and see." And you cheerlead for it. Then, in another baseball analogy, pat yourself on the back for knocking it out of the park. What a ho-hum laugher this is.
Maybe, but then if you'd ever managed to tear yourself away from your favorite soaps and gone to the ball park, you'd know it is impossible to mistake a whiff for a home run. :biggrin:
03-06-2017, 07:41 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Maybe, but then if you'd ever managed to tear yourself away from your favorite soaps and gone to the ball park, you'd know it is impossible to mistake a whiff for a home run. :biggrin:
Again, FRIENDS is a sit-com. Learn your genres. Then go to batting practice.
03-06-2017, 10:26 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Again, FRIENDS is a sit-com. Learn your genres. Then go to batting practice.
The term is loosely applied from where I sit.
Tell you what, though I have no aversion to batting practice, I will step up my efforts if and when I start falling behind.
03-08-2017, 12:10 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Deflectgate"
The use of Twitter in the attemp to deflect a news story with wild, unsubstantiated accusation.
mr.fundamental Wrote:So here is what we do know so far... campaign manager gone (russia ties), son-n-law met with Russia ambassador, Jeff Sessions step aside, all intelligence agencies have said Russia has tampered with election. There is one other person related to the DJT campaign that is no longer there that is connected to Russia. A cabinet member owns a bank in Crete, who the largest depositor is Putin. That is what we know for a fact.
Second, we know the DJT sent out a tweet accusing the Obama administration of wiretapping.
Third, no congressional hearings that I know about.
Newt Gingrich was on the Bill O'Reilly show last night. During their conversation they established through undeniable sourcing, fact that Lt Gen Mike Flynn was in his office at Trump Tower every time he did any campaign business over the phone.
That means the transcripts leaked to the press by whomever in the intelligence community between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador, had to have originated from communications intercepted from the premises inside Trump Tower. Oops, that must mean that the people leaping to conclusions to condemn and mock the President could be as lame as they're trying to say he is. So much for wild unsubstantiated accusations. Right boys? :pondering:
03-08-2017, 02:02 AM
03-08-2017, 06:07 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Newt Gingrich was on the Bill O'Reilly show last night. During their conversation they established through undeniable sourcing, fact that Lt Gen Mike Flynn was in his office at Trump Tower every time he did any campaign business over the phone.
That means the transcripts leaked to the press by whomever in the intelligence community between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador, had to have originated from communications intercepted from the premises inside Trump Tower. Oops, that must mean that the people leaping to conclusions to condemn and mock the President could be as lame as they're trying to say he is. So much for wild unsubstantiated accusations. Right boys? :pondering:
Unless, of course, the Russian ambassador's end was being surveiled. Right?
03-08-2017, 02:30 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Unless, of course, the Russian ambassador's end was being surveiled. Right?
Or unless of course there is a record of a FISA warrant for a server at Trump Tower.
03-08-2017, 06:34 PM
Again, here is what we know...there was a wire tape, DJT has had four people that was in his campaign to resign or recuse themselves, all intelligence agencies say that Russia did interfere with the elections, and no congressional hearings. That is all we know at this point. Everything can be or is this or that, we all should be demanding congressional hearings on this matter.
03-08-2017, 07:48 PM
mr.fundamental Wrote:Again, here is what we know...there was a wire tape, DJT has had four people that was in his campaign to resign or recuse themselves, all intelligence agencies say that Russia did interfere with the elections, and no congressional hearings. That is all we know at this point. Everything can be or is this or that, we all should be demanding congressional hearings on this matter.
I pretty much agree with you. President Trump, in my view, needs to be discerning on Twitter: I understand his desire to have an unfiltered way of communicating with his supporters; however, he is no longer private citizen Trump, or candidate Trump. He is the leader of the free world. More than a modicum of discretion required.
03-08-2017, 11:58 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Deflectgate"Trump blundered when he threw LTG Flynn under the bus. That was no way to reward loyalty of somebody who was the target of wild, unsubstantiated accusations. Hopefully, Trump has learned his lesson after caving to the character assassins of the left, was well as the RINOS in his own party. The fact that the left is not putting up much of a fight over LTG McMaster's nomination has me concerned. Trump has done well so far, although I see no way that Trumpcare will pass Congress, unless a number of Democrats climb on the bandwagon - and if that happens, it should be a red flag for everybody who expected Trump to actually repeal Obamacare.
The use of Twitter in the attemp to deflect a news story with wild, unsubstantiated accusation.
03-09-2017, 08:06 AM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump blundered when he threw LTG Flynn under the bus. That was no way to reward loyalty of somebody who was the target of wild, unsubstantiated accusations. Hopefully, Trump has learned his lesson after caving to the character assassins of the left, was well as the RINOS in his own party. The fact that the left is not putting up much of a fight over LTG McMaster's nomination has me concerned. Trump has done well so far, although I see no way that Trumpcare will pass Congress, unless a number of Democrats climb on the bandwagon - and if that happens, it should be a red flag for everybody who expected Trump to actually repeal Obamacare.
Politics is rough and tumble business, and both sides seek to deliver body blows early and often in a new Presidency, hoping for a knockout later on. This truth does not have any bearing upon President Trump's need, in my view, to be far more discerning in his use of Twitter. Again, it is understandable that he wants an unfiltered way to get his message out to his supporters; however, he is the leader of the free world.
03-09-2017, 06:43 PM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump blundered when he threw LTG Flynn under the bus. That was no way to reward loyalty of somebody who was the target of wild, unsubstantiated accusations. Hopefully, Trump has learned his lesson after caving to the character assassins of the left, was well as the RINOS in his own party. The fact that the left is not putting up much of a fight over LTG McMaster's nomination has me concerned. Trump has done well so far, although I see no way that Trumpcare will pass Congress, unless a number of Democrats climb on the bandwagon - and if that happens, it should be a red flag for everybody who expected Trump to actually repeal Obamacare.
Wow! How do you know Hoot? I am honestly, until there is a hearing, you assume things about LTG. I really think to clear all a hearing needs to happen, I did see where Graham is looking to request for the wiretap warrant. We need a full blown hearing on this as well as the election process. That is what I think should happen.
03-10-2017, 01:27 AM
mr.fundamental Wrote:Wow! How do you know Hoot? I am honestly, until there is a hearing, you assume things about LTG. I really think to clear all a hearing needs to happen, I did see where Graham is looking to request for the wiretap warrant. We need a full blown hearing on this as well as the election process. That is what I think should happen.How do I not that the allegations against LTG Flynn were unsubstantiated? Because they have not been substantiated.
Liberals' endless stream of unsubstantiated allegations against Trump and his administration remind me of when then Democratic Speaker of the House, speaking of a rumor that George H. W. Bush met with the Iranians during the 1980 campaign to persuade the Iranians not to release American hostages until after the election, said,
Quote:These allegations are both persist ent and disturbing," the two leaders said in a joint statement. "We have no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, but the seriousness of the allegations, and the weight of circumstantial information, compel an effort to establish the facts.
So, there is a precedent for what Democrats are doing. Start rumors, and then demand resignations and investigations based on the seriousness of the allegations, which have little factual basis. They've been there, done that, but there are a couple of new generations who have not seen such scams first hand yet.
03-10-2017, 04:58 AM
^^ We're getting ready to find out if there remains any hope for our country. In view of the fact that the US intelligence 'Playbook' is now in the hands of our enemies, I would think patriotism and love of country would move the so-called Deep State bureaucracy to rally to the defense of America and her President. If they don't, it could well mean that the arrival of DJT was too late and we're toast anyway.
Republicans better get their game face on and keep it there until we get the Democrat crazies stuffed back into the closet. This stuff about a return to regular order may appeal to Mitch's nostalgic whims for yesteryear but I think those days are long gone. If Republicans manage to get a substantial amount of the things done that Trump promised he would, the voter will keep them in office. But regardless of the contentions of the Freedom Caucus, even if they were successful and got a clean repeal for ObamaCare rammed through, but in the process left a bunch of people out there without health care coverage, the Dems will make mincemeat of them.
BTW, you know you're talking to our old buddy tvtimeout don't you?
Republicans better get their game face on and keep it there until we get the Democrat crazies stuffed back into the closet. This stuff about a return to regular order may appeal to Mitch's nostalgic whims for yesteryear but I think those days are long gone. If Republicans manage to get a substantial amount of the things done that Trump promised he would, the voter will keep them in office. But regardless of the contentions of the Freedom Caucus, even if they were successful and got a clean repeal for ObamaCare rammed through, but in the process left a bunch of people out there without health care coverage, the Dems will make mincemeat of them.
BTW, you know you're talking to our old buddy tvtimeout don't you?
03-10-2017, 11:29 AM
⬆️ The GOP had better at least consider that its current standard bearer is closerthanthis to any number of "uh oh that's indisputable proof" ties to any number of "enemies foreign and domestic" conflicts of interest.
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