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Judge rules in favor of Perry Central students again
Just because it was ruled on the way it was, doesn't necessarily prove that nothing illegal happened. Everyone knows there are some shady things that went on, but because one judge in Franklin County says this is the way he is ruling, doesn't make everything ok! Just saying...
mountain hoops guru Wrote:Just because it was ruled on the way it was, doesn't necessarily prove that nothing illegal happened. Everyone knows there are some shady things that went on, but because one judge in Franklin County says this is the way he is ruling, doesn't make everything ok! Just saying...

Guilty until proven innocent?
I do not live in Perry Co or the 14th Region area but if I did I couldn't support them. I may be wrong but it seems Year after year after year they are in the news for this stuff.
Do they not have a decent Feeder program thru their schools or Little League teams? Why always recruiting?
kids03 Wrote:I do not live in Perry Co or the 14th Region area but if I did I couldn't support them. I may be wrong but it seems Year after year after year they are in the news for this stuff.
Do they not have a decent Feeder program thru their schools or Little League teams? Why always recruiting?

They are the biggest school in the region, with many feeder schools. They'd rather recruit than build a program with their own kids. It's pathetic.
kids03 Wrote:I do not live in Perry Co or the 14th Region area but if I did I couldn't support them. I may be wrong but it seems Year after year after year they are in the news for this stuff.
Do they not have a decent Feeder program thru their schools or Little League teams? Why always recruiting?

Yes they do! Their best basketball player is not even playing basketball! Braxton Cottongame, raised about a mile from pcc!
You said u dont live in perry co so you must be getting all your info from this blog. i can tell you straight 98 % of this stuff you reading is crap dreamed up by jealous haters. that have no ideal what the truth really is behind these kids or the perry central program.
The beat goes on in the 14th.
zaga_fan Wrote:A lot of misinformation floating around with this one.

The tl;dr version of this goes as follows.

KHSAA ruled them ineligible because of the foreign exchange student deal at JBS, but they are NOT foreign exchange students.

They should have sat out a year at JBS, but JBS administration messed that up.

They switched host families because of a bad living situation and moved to Perry County schools with the host family's daughter.

The order states the classes they need to qualify for athletic scholarships would have to be taken online at JBS but offered at Perry Central as part of the normal curriculum.

Finally, the judge rules the KHSAA didn't give them their due process and it would cause irreparable damage to prevent them from playing basketball.



Zags baby, the judge must have digested some of that Punkin Juice. I got hold of some of that in the hospitality room at WYMT and it is fierce, wowza!!!

#punkinjuicegetsthemeverytime More mash taters please!!!
For the people that say nobody understands I have a question. Perry always comes up with new players that are obviously not from Perry county. Are you trying to tell everyone that Perry Central is such a great place to live that kids from all over are just itching to move there and theres no recruiting going on at all? lol
Don't understand why people are still mad at PCC and these two players. Nobody saying bad things about the host family that brought them here,or JBS for not handling their paperwork properly in the first place, or the KHSAA for ruling against them unfairly. The judge, PCC, the host family, and the boys went exactly by the rules and are now being crucified for it. I just can't understand the hate in people's heart for these kids
I'm absolutely positive that no one on here is holding none of this against the 2 kids involved. This is all a matter of the school, athletic director, and the administration continuing to find loop holes around the rules, continuing to recruit kids out of state every year and getting away with it, and when things don't go their way, then they use money and jobs to take care of the issues that need to be taken care of in order to get what they want. And when that doesn't work, they move on to the famous Franklin County Judge to take care of an injunction. I'm sure these kids are great, but these actions that continually go on year after year just need to be stopped. Absolutely a mockery of the KHSAA and their rules and regulations.
14thregionref Wrote:I'm absolutely positive that no one on here is holding none of this against the 2 kids involved. This is all a matter of the school, athletic director, and the administration continuing to find loop holes around the rules, continuing to recruit kids out of state every year and getting away with it, and when things don't go their way, then they use money and jobs to take care of the issues that need to be taken care of in order to get what they want. And when that doesn't work, they move on to the famous Franklin County Judge to take care of an injunction. I'm sure these kids are great, but these actions that continually go on year after year just need to be stopped. Absolutely a mockery of the KHSAA and their rules and regulations.

BOOM!! Nailed it! You just spoke for everyone in the 14th region!!:devilflam
Perry has the best team , money can buy .
first, the cottongame boy isn't a very good basketball player. second, I think these are the only players to ever get an injunction at perry. third, every school in the 14th region would enroll these kids if they were in their school district. and people this is still the united states, innocent until proven guilty. if anyone has got any evidence of perry wrong doing turn it in. if not be quiet. its funny how nobody ever said anything about these boys until they moved to perry, and there was a boy that came to hazard and played the 2nd semester and nobody said anything. whats the difference? one team is winning and one team is losing
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:Yes they do! Their best basketball player is not even playing basketball! Braxton Cottongame, raised about a mile from pcc!

That's a joke!
Qui-Gon Jinn Wrote:They are the biggest school in the region, with many feeder schools. They'd rather recruit than build a program with their own kids. It's pathetic.

You are such a whining little b----h! We didn't recruit the two bigs and I never heard one complaint when hazard brought in the kid from Oneida last year at Christmas. Hell they got him eligible in a week. So quit your little pitiful bi--h whining and grow up!
Cottongame boy already has committed to play baseball at UK. Guess he aint much of an athlete either. Kid was a pretty dang good basketball player from what I remember. Cant believe the Woolum kid to be as athletic as he is doesnt get any PT at all either.
What are the facts? That is what people want to hear. Not opinions or anything else. Just unfiltered facts. The reader can make up his or her own mind. Also, a thread should not be closed because it hits too close to home. I want facts, this has been a great site for a long time but dang.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

TheBrahmaBull Wrote:What are the facts? That is what people want to hear. Not opinions or anything else. Just unfiltered facts. The reader can make up his or her own mind. Also, a thread should not be closed because it hits too close to home. I want facts, this has been a great site for a long time but dang.

Well, here is the judge's order that explains what KHSAA alleged, the boys' lawyers alleged and what the court perceived to be true.

As far as threads closing because "they hit too close to home," I don't know what you're talking about.

I personally shut down two threads yesterday, one that openly accused Hazard High School of starting to "recruit" for next season with no proof whatsoever and the Perry/Knott thread that devolved into name-calling, personal attacks and one member being given a permanent vacation from another moderator.

We have tried to go out of our way to let people discuss this stuff because it's on everyone's minds and really deserves a platform for discussion, especially since sites similar to BGR refuse to let members bring it up. The ONLY problem we have with it on here is when things go from "I don't understand how Perry gets all these transfers" to "Everyone is stupid if they don't think like me" and sprinkle a little racism in while they're at it.

If someone wants to open up the Perry/Knott game thread again and discuss things reasonably they are welcome to, but a few posters are making that hard on everyone.
Thanks for the ruling. I just want this site to be informative. You know as much as I do that some of the things said here are behind the scenes facts that did not make it into that ruling. As far as the racist and other posts, they are despicable. I will be moving to just north of Tampa in a couple months so I really have no horse in this race, I just want this site to be a place where people can come and get information. While I do findeed some of the information hard to digest, if it is rooted in truth I enjoy it. I know your role on this site is important and appreciate what you do.

As for the hitting too close to home It was a general post, not meant to single out one thread.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

TheBrahmaBull Wrote:Thanks for the ruling. I just want this site to be informative. You know as much as I do that some of the things said here are behind the scenes facts that did not make it into that ruling. As far as the racist and other posts, they are despicable. I will be moving to just north of Tampa in a couple months so I really have no horse in this race, I just want this site to be a place where people can come and get information. While I do findeed some of the information hard to digest, if it is rooted in truth I enjoy it. I know your role on this site is important and appreciate what you do.

As for the hitting too close to home It was a general post, not meant to single out one thread.

Brahma you've been a big part of this site for a long time and I hope you stick around when you head down to Tampa. A lot of our newer folks could learn a lot from how you handle business on here.

We all know there is more to the story than the ruling and there are definitely some folks that may have some insight to offer that comes from first-hand knowledge of the situation. But we also have folks that spread rumors and make it hard on all of us. One of our rules is not posting false information and it's hard to know where to draw the line sometimes.

We had a poster claim Perry's two kids didn't speak English a couple months ago, yet Prince was in the postgame news conference listening to and answering questions in perfect English Monday. There was talk of Perry Central not being able to host foreign-exchange students a few weeks ago, but it turns out these kids aren't even in an exchange program. There were accusations of expired Visas for these kids, and it turns out that wasn't true.

I'm with you, Brahma. We want this to be a place where people can come for discussion and facts, but it's honestly hard to keep up with it when it comes to this one. It may help if I actually knew all the facts lol
People have downed kids on here all season mentioned kids names and got out of hand and not a word was said but saying Hazard might be recruiting and speaking the truth about letcher central and that gets threads shut down,lol racial remarks being made every day this is a joke
The sad part about Perry Central is they would still have a good team with the kids that are from their county. But those kids are getting pushed aside after growing up wanting to play at PCC for players from out of the state and even the country!
Texans_99 Wrote:The sad part about Perry Central is they would still have a good team with the kids that are from their county. But those kids are getting pushed aside after growing up wanting to play at PCC for players from out of the state and even the country!

I'm sure they would have a good team with just kids from their own county. But a lot of the perry county fans get on here and act like they would be just as good without these kids. And that is crazy.

The Big 3 as they have been called. Had 30 points and 18 rebounds and 8 blocks last night in that game. And in a game where Perry's team scored only 57 points and had 31 rebounds. To have 3 kids score 30 of the 57 and pull down 18 of the 31 rebounds. Its crazy to say that you didn't need them.

I know that I have cheered Wolfe County on all season long. And we had a pretty good team with just our in County kids.
But I'm pretty sure we would have been a lot better if you put any of those 3 kids on our team.

I don't like that this goes on.

I hate the fact that I have watched our kids in Wolfe County play since they were in 2nd and 3rd grade. And then get to be Juniors and Seniors and have their chance at a All A regional title taken away by a Cordia Team that started 5 kids that were not even from the state of Ky. We played bad and lost to them. It's part of it. But it makes it really hard to have to compete against that.

End of the day, Nothing is gonna be done. Its been going on for years now.
I only wished that every county had to play the kids from their own county.
But its not gonna happen.

We will try our best to try and win our first Regional Title next year in Basketball. But it sure seems like its much harder than it use to be.

We can say well we got 4 starters coming back and this team loses 4 starters. That use to mean you had a shot. But now come next year, the team that lost 4 starters may have brought in 4 more kids from somewhere else that our better than our 4. And that is what the 14th Region has come to.

Not saying that it is fair, But it is what it is.

Kinda hard for us to bring a transfer in. We can only offer their parents a job at Dairy Queen or the Dixie Freeze.
It is also important to remember that legality and morality are not the same thing. Just because a person can do something does not mean they should. This principle can be used in many circumstances, including transferrs or recruiting. Heck posting in forums that that matter. I used to be less PC than I am now. I have grown up and respect others views more than I used to.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

How many schools would of said no to these kids if they would of chose your school instead of Perry?
Serious question, your saying if 2 kids show up in your area and want to come play at your school you would say no because they werent born there?
Should everyone working in the school be from that county? Do you have teachers who are unemployed while someone who grew up from somewhere else has a job in that school?
Does a teacher fresh out of school from knott co get the job over a seasoned veteran teacher from Ohio? I want the best teaching my kids regardless of where they are from.

My only gripe is when people say perry actively recruited these kids or any kids for that matter. Like they have a recruiting staff that travels to foreign countries and states just to lure kids to perry co. If these kids showed up at (your school) theres just no way you would turn them down.
stripedofficial Wrote:How many schools would of said no to these kids if they would of chose your school instead of Perry?
Serious question, your saying if 2 kids show up in your area and want to come play at your school you would say no because they werent born there?
Should everyone working in the school be from that county? Do you have teachers who are unemployed while someone who grew up from somewhere else has a job in that school?
Does a teacher fresh out of school from knott co get the job over a seasoned veteran teacher from Ohio? I want the best teaching my kids regardless of where they are from.

My only gripe is when people say perry actively recruited these kids or any kids for that matter. Like they have a recruiting staff that travels to foreign countries and states just to lure kids to perry co. If these kids showed up at (your school) theres just no way you would turn them down.

Maybe you don't recruit, I can't speak for everyone on here. But I'm sure a lot of the resentment towards Perry County is that your already the biggest school in the region. Year in and year out you have the best talent in the region. Yet somehow kids like Jaysean Paige, Justin Johnson, Damon Tobler, Princewell,Iggy, etc. Just show up on your front door. Just makes it really hard to believe.

And your right most of us wouldn't turn them down. But none of these kids are showing up at Wolfe,Breathitt,Powell etc.

Again, maybe you don't recruit. But Jaysean Paige could have played anywhere in the state. Scott county,Trinity, etc
And somehow he just shows up in Perry County Ky. And nobody had anything to do with that? Lol
How do these kids from out of state and country end up in EKY? It is not the best place as far as quality of basketball or education. I am not really concerned with where they play in eky because the quality is even most seasons. What is drawing them here? I know the kids that played for PCC also played for JBS, why the transfer and why PCC? Was is academic? I think there should be rules such as colleges have that a transfer has to sit a year.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

These boys were kicked out by there guardians at jbs and were homeless basically when the guardians that have them now took them in. They wouldn't have left jds if their living arrangement would have been the same. And jaysean Paige ended up in perry county because coach hatchers son not because anybody recruited him. One thing that is funny to me is nobody on here mentions anything about any schools but perry and cordia. Knotts best players come from cordia and letcher county. A lot of teams do it and it doesn't matter if you recruit from the next county or another country it's still recruiting. And to answer the question above, everybody would let these kids play on their team

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