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Lawrence co ripped off
Worst non call in 40 yrs of watching. Clothes lined wellman and no call under 5 seconds which lc gets 2 shots down 1. Blair kid showed no class either with his f bombs.
This was set for JC and Pikeville come on now . U didn't know that . Lol
Doesn't really help that LC missed about 5 FTs in the last minute or they let Blair get a easy lay up with 20 seconds left to get the lead. More then anything LC didn't burn the clock at all in the 4th quarter. While that was a foul at the end of the game I wouldn't say they got screwed cause they hurt themselves as much as that no call did.
1-6 free throws under a minute!!!!! No one to blame but themselves....🙄
Why not call the foul they did ever game but this one . That's what bothers everybody.
Did u watch the replay on wymt last night of the last drive? There was no foul, he drove in spun around went around the world with the ball and everyone just backed off! He was expecting contact but got none, he could of just went straight up for a regular layup and they would have won the game. None of that extra nba stuff was needed.
Who were the refs
14thregionref Wrote:Did u watch the replay on wymt last night of the last drive? There was no foul, he drove in spun around went around the world with the ball and everyone just backed off! He was expecting contact but got none, he could of just went straight up for a regular layup and they would have won the game. None of that extra nba stuff was needed.

The foul was when he got to the basket. It was up front before the drive started. There's a pic of it too that I seen. It probably should've been called. But still they have no one to blame but themselves. Not even just the missed FTs. When they have a 2-3 possession lead in the 4th you burn clock, plain and simple. I don't understand what in the world they were thinking. They hurt themselves more than the refs do. People just don't know how to admit it anymore. At least guy has moved on from complaining about the Magoffin County game though. Another one where no one was screwed. It's ridiculous now a days with people blaming the refs for losing.
Refs. Change the game is sad but it happens . That's why sometimes people has a right to bitch about refs .
basketball101 Wrote:Refs. Change the game is sad but it happens . That's why sometimes people has a right to bitch about refs .

Yes they can make a impact on a game. But to say a team lost because of the refs is dumb. Especially when you lose by 1 and shoot 19/30 from the FT line and have 6 more turnovers than the other team that that team scored layups off. Plus they didn't burn clock. And if they burned the clock more than anything they would've won the game plain and simple and the refs probably wouldn't of had a call to make or not make. They haven't been a team this whole tournament get screwed on the boys side or girls. In a close game a win or a loss could be pinpointed to any play in the game.
How about the guy awarding a Technical to Jacob Rice in which he didn't earn? Or the foul committed by Grant Davis that was also awarded to Jacob Rice? They made mistakes on both sides of the ball.

If any game ever comes down to coaching here in the 15th region, Tommy McKenzie IS going to win. I'm sorry.

Lawrence Co should have ran some clock out and also could have made very crucial free throws in the home stretch. That one call is not why they lost.
That all sounds great but refs change the game . They have been two teams get screwed in this tournament. All I can say is good luck to the teams that are left .
basketball101 Wrote:That all sounds great but refs change the game . They have been two teams get screwed in this tournament. All I can say is good luck to the teams that are left .

Whatever dude. No one got screwed. Keep blaming people when they don't deserve it. Whatever makes you sleep at night. Your name is basketball 101 but it sounds like your basketball IQ is about 001.
Don't get upset you are taking up for 14 Region officials they are horrible ask anyone. You are happy because your team got a break and they always do .
basketball101 Wrote:Don't get upset you are taking up for 14 Region officials they are horrible ask anyone. You are happy because your team got a break and they always do .
Like I said earlier I was cheering for LC. And I honestly couldn't care less for the 14th region officials. In fact I haven't been to a 14th region game all year. But common sense says when you have a 7-9 point lead in the 4th you burn clock not chuck up a shot 10 seconds after you get the ball. Common sense says when you lose by 1 and go 19/30 from the FT line you screw yourself. Common sense says when you have 6 more turnovers than other team and lose by 1 you also screw yourself. Common sense says when a team shoots 30 FTs to the other teams 24 and lose by 1 you gotta take advantage of those extra chances when they didn't. All common sense things. The other game South Floyd just had more weapons plain and simple. Russell and Lovely had great games but SF held everyone else down. The 3rd leading scorer for them had 5. While everyone for SF came to play. That was the biggest difference in that game.
Here's the situation. Yes, LC screwed their chances by missing those FT's down the stretch. However, this wasn't a "reach in" foul that wasn't called. This was an open hand punch to the jaw ( was captured on photo and video and I have seen it). It was a FOUL. It is a foul in the first 1 minute of the game, and it's a foul in the final 12 seconds of a game. :Thumbs:

Now, the refs blatantly refused to call it because.....well.....we all know why. Refs love to use the "don't want to decide a game in the final minute" excuse but that doesn't stop them for doing that same thing in the first 31 minutes of a game. Or when they blew the 5th personal foul on Timmy Dalton on a very ticky tack foul. Or they didn't care to call a technical foul on Timmy Dalton because the JC player reached to grab the ball out of Timmy's hand during a dead ball and Timmy just held on to it. Instead of giving the technical to the guy who instigated it, they called a double Technical. Guess they didn't mind being "part of the game" during these incidents.

People can call this whining or crying all they want. And even if they blow the whistle and call the FOUL a "foul", LC would have still had to hit the FT's and that was not a given. But what was a given was that LC was denied the opportunity to tie or go ahead because of a blatant refusal to call a foul.

I won't call it "cheating". I won't say that LC got "screwed". I will say that the refusal to blow the whistle was blatant, and was wrong.
LCHSbulldogsalum Wrote:Here's the situation. Yes, LC screwed their chances by missing those FT's down the stretch. However, this wasn't a "reach in" foul that wasn't called. This was an open hand punch to the jaw ( was captured on photo and video and I have seen it). It was a FOUL. It is a foul in the first 1 minute of the game, and it's a foul in the final 12 seconds of a game. :Thumbs:

Now, the refs blatantly refused to call it because.....well.....we all know why. Refs love to use the "don't want to decide a game in the final minute" excuse but that doesn't stop them for doing that same thing in the first 31 minutes of a game. Or when they blew the 5th personal foul on Timmy Dalton on a very ticky tack foul. Or they didn't care to call a technical foul on Timmy Dalton because the JC player reached to grab the ball out of Timmy's hand during a dead ball and Timmy just held on to it. Instead of giving the technical to the guy who instigated it, they called a double Technical. Guess they didn't mind being "part of the game" during these incidents.

People can call this whining or crying all they want. And even if they blow the whistle and call the FOUL a "foul", LC would have still had to hit the FT's and that was not a given. But what was a given was that LC was denied the opportunity to tie or go ahead because of a blatant refusal to call a foul.

I won't call it "cheating". I won't say that LC got "screwed". I will say that the refusal to blow the whistle was blatant, and was wrong.

Was it wrong yes. I said earlier it should of been called. But they didn't get screwed. But yes a foul should've been called.
I'll say that Timmy Dalton gets more calls than anyone in the region and if they would call it to the letter he would be fouled out the 1st qtr of every game for offensive fouls, he constantly pushes off, lowers his shoulder and hooks, bottom line is calls are missed no doubt but LC flat out choked, they panicked out down the stretch, and I wasn't a fan of either, but I'll call it like I see it
Who was the refs
I'll say that Timmy Dalton gets more calls than anyone in the region and if they would call it to the letter he would be fouled out the 1st qtr of every game for offensive fouls, he constantly pushes off, lowers his shoulder and hooks, bottom line is calls are missed no doubt but LC flat out choked, they panicked out down the stretch, and I wasn't a fan of either, but I'll call it like I see it
14thregionref Wrote:Did u watch the replay on wymt last night of the last drive? There was no foul, he drove in spun around went around the world with the ball and everyone just backed off! He was expecting contact but got none, he could of just went straight up for a regular layup and they would have won the game. None of that extra nba stuff was needed.

I thought the foul happened at the top of the key when he body checked and it kept him from going by the JC player

Daltons last foul was bogus and I was there just being a sports fan.
basketball101 Wrote:Who was the refs

One of them was Larry Thacker. Don't know the names of the other two.
I hate that LC feels cheated, but I have to say I was very impressed with this very young team. I had seen them play earlier in the year, and they've made a great improvement. If these boys continue to improve, they will be a permanent fixture in the 15 Region finals.
Lawrence Co. shot 19/30 from the FT line, they sure didn't help themselves, but everyone that was in attendance seen the Wellman kid get fouled on the final possession, if they would've called the foul, who knows if he would've even made the free throws at that point? But it's pretty sad that he never got the chance to get them. Dalton fouling out was a very very questionable call. Hate to see a great career like Timmy Dalton come to an end, but the future is bright for Coach Cook and Lawrence Co.
-STAT- Wrote:Lawrence Co. shot 19/30 from the FT line, they sure didn't help themselves, but everyone that was in attendance seen the Wellman kid get fouled on the final possession, if they would've called the foul, who knows if he would've even made the free throws at that point? But it's pretty sad that he never got the chance to get them. Dalton fouling out was a very very questionable call. Hate to see a great career like Timmy Dalton come to an end, but the future is bright for Coach Cook and Lawrence Co.

Dang. Coach York works his butt off and credit still goes to the guy that bailed on LC years ago. :hilarious:
The other two refs were Jeff Ritchie and Brian Napier.

The defense rests, Your Honor.
LCHSbulldogsalum Wrote:Dang. Coach York works his butt off and credit still goes to the guy that bailed on LC years ago. :hilarious:

Haha, oh wow I just noticed this. :yikes:

I meant to say Coach York, he is a great coach. He coached his heart out against Central. Let me try this again, the future looks bright for Coach York, and Lawrence County!

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