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Dudley Hilton headed back to the mountains!
Dudley will put together a good staff, Bell will be better. How much better ??? I don't know it will make the Dist. very interesting. Corbin will be Real Good. Casey lost a lot but will be pretty good and McCreary Central could be very good. Time will tell, Good Luck to Bell and Dudley.
Friend in Campbellsville said they expected him to do more with the salary he was being paid. And I don´t mean wins. He is worried more with making money than developing kids at this point. When your fishing for 4 month out of the year its hard to say you are giving the kids all you got. Long story short they felt like they had been taken advantage of and let him know it. So, he jumped ship.
They told him committ or resign. They were tired of being jerked around. He resigned. Called U-Haul. Off to Bell
Cellking Wrote:Dudley will put together a good staff, Bell will be better. How much better ??? I don't know it will make the Dist. very interesting. Corbin will be Real Good. Casey lost a lot but will be pretty good and McCreary Central could be very good. Time will tell, Good Luck to Bell and Dudley.

With no jobs how can he put together a staff? Will the Coach they just hired last year stick around? I wouldn't imagine he is much help.
Goingdeep Wrote:Friend in Campbellsville said they expected him to do more with the salary he was being paid. And I don´t mean wins. He is worried more with making money than developing kids at this point. When your fishing for 4 month out of the year its hard to say you are giving the kids all you got. Long story short they felt like they had been taken advantage of and let him know it. So, he jumped ship.

To be fair......he was living in a town with a heck of a lake (Green River Lake for those that don't know; in Taylor and Adair Co.'s). There are certain places in this state where you CAN be a head football coach +fish/hunt(golf) all you want due to living RIGHT ON THEM.

Now IF talking about going on BREAKS for those things while football related things are going on; then valid point to be made.
The Bell County football program is currently in the same situation as Breathitt County. The talent level is down, the feeder system isn't what it used to be, there is very little excitement around the program, and the population is in decline. Now, I'm not saying that Dudley can't turn things around, because if he takes the job, I look for Bell County to improve, but I don't think he will ever get the program back to what it was, in the "glory days". Corbin is the new Bell County, and Coach Haddix is the new Coach Hilton of this region. So therefore, I don't see Bell knocking Corbin out of the drivers seat, in the near future.
Cat Daddy Wrote:The Bell County football program is currently in the same situation as Breathitt County. The talent level is down, the feeder system isn't what it used to be, there is very little excitement around the program, and the population is in decline. Now, I'm not saying that Dudley can't turn things around, because if he takes the job, I look for Bell County to improve, but I don't think he will ever get the program back to what it was, in the "glory days". Corbin is the new Bell County, and Coach Haddix is the new Coach Hilton of this region. So therefore, I don't see Bell knocking Corbin out of the drivers seat, in the near future.

I agree with everything you said. Ive stayed pretty quiet on this because i wanted to see how it played out. Things are not what they used to be thats true. However, i do believe that getting Dudley back here with us only helps. I say this because he will work hard at it. I say this because i think kids in the area will be attracted back to us. I also say this because if some of the rumors are true about assistants then i think he can draw some good help as well. No one knows how it will play out and i know this isn't say a whole lot but we are in better shape today than we were yesterday and thats a lot better than surrounding area schools.
Love the haters. People act like this is the first time Dudley has ever done this at Bell Co. Middle School just had a terrific year. Plenty of talent coming up. A great coach can take a mediocre team and win. Why he's one of the best in the State.
I hope things do good and I believe kids will be excited this year!! And if anyone followed the Middle School has some good players coming up .There were some in ,The All Star game and one of the Bell boys won MVP of all star game, plus had a boy on 8th competed on Team Ky that placed 5th in nation so there are some players !!! It may take a year to mature to be ready to compete. Everyone just needs to work hard!!!
Middlesboro Wrote:Love the haters. People act like this is the first time Dudley has ever done this at Bell Co. Middle School just had a terrific year. Plenty of talent coming up. A great coach can take a mediocre team and win. Why he's one of the best in the State.

I'm not being a hater. I respect the Bell County program and I personally like Dudley, but one must ask, How much does Dudley have left in the tank, at this point in his career?
Rick Pitino just turned 70. Bill Snyder at K-State is in his late 70's. What's his name...the basketball coach at Miami(FL)? Same age group. Saban is in his 60's. Cal is approaching or already 60.

I've never understood the age thing in high school sports. These guys are perfectly fine to run major college programs, but in high school once they get to 55 or so then it's wondered why they aren't put out to pasture? I've never really understood that.

Now...the kicker in high school is the whole retirement deal, and guys that get up in age don't HAVE to coach anymore b/c, well, there is no real financial incentive to do so.....BUT, if they LOVE it and WANT to do it....then rock it out.

I know YOUNG is the fad these days (and, for commitment purposes; reasonably so), but these old guys (despite some of their styles of play not being the most fashionable) have FORGOTTEN more football than a lot of these young guys might ever know.

....and, this is coming from a "YOUNG" guy. I also have no problem fully placing myself into the group above (while also being very partial to the "old" guys).
Middlesboro Wrote:Love the haters. People act like this is the first time Dudley has ever done this at Bell Co. Middle School just had a terrific year. Plenty of talent coming up. A great coach can take a mediocre team and win. Why he's one of the best in the State.

That same MS team also got ran off the field by Belfry. Not sure how they fared against Corbin but in recent years Corbin has dominated them as well.

Once again... this isn't to say that all hope is lost and Bell will never catch them...just saying that Hilton is going to have to close the gap on two programs in the East who are at the top of the mountain from the High Schol level through their entire feeder system and it won't happen overnight.

Give him three years to re-work his feeder program and start developing talent and I think you see Bell back as a Top 10 program, but the fact of the matter is as of 3/2/2017 he is inheriting a Bell program that is much closer to Pike Central and Casey County than to Corbin and Belfry. Lots of work to do before those State Title dreams can return.
Here is my bold prediction, and something to stir the pot.

Dudley Hilton will never coach a Bell County team in a game on Thanksgiving weekend or later. Period.

While that would still be a great and wonderful season for 95% of schools in the state, that's not quite what Bell fans want to hear. But it's the truth.

Somebody remember this, so whenever he retires or leaves Bell, I can say that I was right.
Middle school beat Corbin this year in playoff and yes Belfry won , we lost two games against great teams Belfry and Harlan . I still say was a positive season with some good athletes coming up!!!
BobcatPride74 Wrote:Middle school beat Corbin this year in playoff and yes Belfry won , we lost two games against great teams Belfry and Harlan . I still say was a positive season with some good athletes coming up!!!

I went and watched the Bell and Belfry game Bell had great size and had a really good team it will be a great bunch for Dudley to start with
Thank you Belfry has some good athletes!!
Cat Daddy Wrote:I'm not being a hater. I respect the Bell County program and I personally like Dudley, but one must ask, How much does Dudley have left in the tank, at this point in his career?

Ask Belfry how Haywood has done with the age factor? It's not like college. It's high school.
It's all about the money and no there isn't any. But some clever ways of doing things is always possible in the board of politics which is what we are best at here in the county. Wait until the layoffs that are going to happen start to take place which they are. When teachers are layed off and the big salary has been put up for a couple who are already drawing full retirement because the wife is getting a job to if she wants it people aren't going to be happy. Dudley has a knack of leaving when he doesn't get his way or when he is being forced out because he won't accept not getting his way. Happened more than once. He is the big chief and no one else matters which sometimes gets him packing. That's how it's always been. Don't think it's about the kids. Many generations of Bobcat graduates can tell you that. Behind closed doors can always muster up another story. As far as coaches he will have a hard time finding quality ones. Little money for lots of time. As far as talent the mass of it seems to be in middle school. Does he have the patience to wait on it? As far as that last year's team looking good as some mentioned. You better check the record books and stats. The coach from last year and staff drove this program into the ground. Don't worry though as he still plans to hang around to offer all his wisdom. That should help a lot.😜 Either way the Bobcats have a few more years of heartache to get through before they can climb back on top where they should be.
Cat Daddy Wrote:The Bell County football program is currently in the same situation as Breathitt County. The talent level is down, the feeder system isn't what it used to be, there is very little excitement around the program, and the population is in decline. Now, I'm not saying that Dudley can't turn things around, because if he takes the job, I look for Bell County to improve, but I don't think he will ever get the program back to what it was, in the "glory days". Corbin is the new Bell County, and Coach Haddix is the new Coach Hilton of this region. So therefore, I don't see Bell knocking Corbin out of the drivers seat, in the near future.

I've been saying the same thing. Bell used to be a huge school propped up by the coal industry when it was booming. That's what a huge percentage of the county residents did for a living. Since the coal bust the county population has reduced with a fury, and continues to do so. The same bell county that used to have 1,200 students is now down to just 700. Think about that for a second and what that means for the male population of the school.

No doubt, Dudley will make them better, but no chance he returns them to their glory days. Bell County.
Word from one of Dudley's old buddies, is he's coming back to show the young pup in Corbin what real coaching is all about.
Tri-State Fan Wrote:I've been saying the same thing. Bell used to be a huge school propped up by the coal industry when it was booming. That's what a huge percentage of the county residents did for a living. Since the coal bust the county population has reduced with a fury, and continues to do so. The same bell county that used to have 1,200 students is now down to just 700. Think about that for a second and what that means for the male population of the school.

No doubt, Dudley will make them better, but no chance he returns them to their glory days. Bell County.
Enrollment was below 900 in 08 when they won a state championship
All you nay sayers forget one thing, Hilton is one of the best at recruiting kids to come to Bell. May help.
Wow. How Bell has fallen when are placing their hopes on a group of 8th graders. Just wow. Of course nobody is figuring in the recruiting class Dudley will have. LOL
No one expects 8th graders to do it all , just saying the middle school coach is helping prepare them for high school..!!
NextGeneration Wrote:All you nay sayers forget one thing, Hilton is one of the best at recruiting kids to come to Bell. May help.

Recruiting is illegal. So tell me, where will he be recruiting kids from? Times are different now with the internet and social media, this isn't 1995.

And tell me what skilled Kids would want to go play in the power I offense of 1995. One kid gets 40 carries a game while every other skilled kid blocks. Sure it's great if your kid is the stud, but if he's not, he will be handing the ball off 70 times a game and the kid at Wr will be stalk blocking 70 times a game. Times have changed and Bell will realize that in the coming years.
BIG TONY Wrote:Word from one of Dudley's old buddies, is he's coming back to show the young pup in Corbin what real coaching is all about.

He has been shown that the last couple of years lol
NextGeneration Wrote:All you nay sayers forget one thing, Hilton is one of the best at recruiting kids to come to Bell. May help.

Hire him it's Dudley Hilton he don't have to recruit he's a legend if he coaches kids will come to play for him
Amazingly next generation and Middlesboro may be Bells biggest fans now that all the former coaches have moved on out of these forums.

The funny part is coach Hilton was run out of upike and Taylor for sanctions and some illegal shenanigans with little results and yet they fire Mills for similar incidents (just camp) and yet what's best for kids is to hire someone with a much worse rap sheet. Wait til dud starts selling his donated t shirts for $20 again to pay for his spring fishing trip. Or donated Powerades. Lol. And they pay he and his wife 150k plus while laying off many tenured qualified teachers. Could be interesting soon for sure. I have met the man once. You'll never find a bigger fan of Dudley. Than Dudley. Congrats on doing things the right way Bell! With both retirements he and his wife will be making about a quarter million dollars and just coaching football and running the booster account with personal proceeds.

Better win big and quick.
Don't forget that bell is already paying Amos McCreary's second retirement as well. Bell better win, they've assembled a half a million dollar staff.
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